- added benchmarks, and assertions for timeliness
- replaced regex usage in package-name handling with a straight
comparison to a cached value
- log the fullly-qualified method name, to remove ambiguity
eg: github.com/fflintstone/yabba.dabba.doo
- clean up possibly-unsafe assumptions about using the standard logger,
remove global lookup function to enforce safe usage
- empty string as marker for failure to discover calling function
- tighten up logger usage - don't rely on std logger internally
Also fix ordering of expected/got in logrus_test.go to ensure correct
output form test failures.
If log.SetReportMethod(true) then method=PACKAGE.FUNCTION will be added
as a field to log lines.
eg: time="2016-11-25T19:04:43-08:00" level=info method=main msg="log
TODO: documentation, examples
/examples/hook/hook.go with it's child dependency on airbrake/gobrake is
not backwards compatible pre-go1.6 due to use of the following:
- os.LookupEnv (introduced in go1.5)
- http.StatusTooManyRequests (introduced in go1.6)
ignoring the fetch and explicit test of /examples/ fixes failing go1.3,
go1.4, go1.5 builds.
There are two different code paths for rendering a key/value pair. The
non-color version uses a type switch that handles specific types such as
"error", and the color version uses the %+v printf format specifier.
This causes an inconsistency between the two formats. In particular,
errors created using the github.com/pkg/errors package will include a
stack trace of where the error was created when printed to the terminal,
but not to a file. Printing the stack trace as part of the log field is
probably not the right behavior.
The output is also inconsistent between the two forms because strings
are not quoted/escaped when colors are used. This can make log output
Fix this by making both code paths use the type switch and escaping
rules. Fix the escaping code to pass the error value to Fprintf, not the
error itself, which seems to be necessary to avoid blank output with
errors created by github.com/pkg/errors.