
2.2 KiB

###Ledis - a node.js LedisDB client This is a modification of simplegeo/nodejs-redis , aiming to be compatible with LedisDB.

###Setup Just copy (or move) the ledis directory into your project's node_modules directory.

cp -r /path/to/ledisdb/client/nodejs/ledis   /path/to/your/node_modules/

###Example Below is the total content of example.js, including the ledisDB's special commands.

var ledis = require("ledis"),
        client = ledis.createClient();

client.on("error", function (err) {
        console.log("Error " + err);

client.set("string key", "string val", ledis.print);
client.get("string key", ledis.print);
client.hset("hash key", "hashtest 1", "some value", ledis.print);
client.hset(["hash key", "hashtest 2", "some other value"], ledis.print);
client.hkeys("hash key", function (err, replies) {
    console.log(replies.length + " replies:");
    replies.forEach(function (reply, i) {
        console.log("    " + i + ": " + reply);

//ledis special commands
client.lpush("list key", "1", "2", "3", ledis.print);
client.lrange("list key", "0", "2", ledis.print);
client.lclear("list key", ledis.print);
client.lrange("list key", "0", "2", ledis.print);

client.zadd("zset key", 100, "m", ledis.print);
client.zexpire("zset key", 40, ledis.print);
client.zttl("zset key", ledis.print);

client.bsetbit("bit key 1", 1, 1, ledis.print);
client.bsetbit("bit key 2", 1, 1, ledis.print); 
client.bopt("and", "bit key 3", "bit key 1", "bit key 2", ledis.print);
client.bget("bit key 3", function(err, result){
    if (result=="\x02"){
        console.log("Reply: \\x02")


Run the example in your project directory, and will display

wyk:~/my/project/dir/$ node example.js 

Reply: OK
Reply: string val
Reply: 0
Reply: 0
2 replies:
    0: hashtest 1
    1: hashtest 2
Reply: 3
Reply: 3,2,1
Reply: 3
Reply: 1
Reply: 1
Reply: 40
Reply: 1
Reply: 1
Reply: 2
Reply: \x02