Added file header to main.go, and modified rtsp.go to work with cmd/stream/main.go. This change modifies writeRequest, which now takes a *url.URL. This means the Setup() method can parse a new
URL that contains a given track, and then give this to writeRequest.
Simplified clien_test.go file by testing two different RTP packet operations using loop. We now first test no operation,
and then test a rtp.Payload operation, which gets the payload of the packets and stores them in the client ringbuffer for the
user of the client to read.
Wrote test TestReceiveNoOP to check that client works correctly when we give no operation to perform on RTP packets before
storing in the client ringBuffer, which calling io.Reader implementation Read will get packets form.
Added client.go which contains a struct to describe an RTP client. It provides a method, Start, which will
invoke a recv routine to start receiving packets and process them using an op function passed on the Client's
creation. Client implements io.Reader, so that the client may be read from.
audio.go will be used for recording sound from the sound card and mic
it is like audio-netsender but it is a package instead of a command
and without the netsender.
tcp dial is now in new session, firstly so that we don't have to do the s.conn == nil check and also so that we dont't have to pass around the url everywhere.
Added them back because i realised I can't use http Requests and Responses and the accompanying methods because then this wouldn't be the RTSP protocol, it would be the HTTP protocol, which is not what we're doing.
Finished writing the client_test.go file and through the process fixed some bugs in the client. Also increased usability by providing a Stop() method
so that the send and recv routines, and also the connection can be terminated. Also created a sender report struct in rtcp.go - this helped with