protocol/rtmp: added options parameter to rtmp.Dial and provided options for bandwidths and link timeout
Approved-by: Trek Hopton <>
Use http instead of https in gvctrl getLogin request. Gave RTP client a close method so that the conn can
be closed after we're done with the client. Put timeout on reading from the RTP client PacketConn so that
we don't hang on the ReadFrom call if the conn is closed. Closing the RTSP and RTP clients when
startRTSPCamera is returned.
It seems unnecessary to have the rtcp.Client.Done() func, considering that we could use
the rtcp.Client.err channel itself to determine if the RTCP client has been stopped.
We simple wait on a chan receive in revid in the error handling routine, and we check the
'ok' return - if it is false, then the err chan has been closed and we can get out of the
error handling loop. This should also reduce CPU usage significantly.
Removed the command line flags that were used to specifiy local and remote addresses for RTP and RTCP. These are now
derived from the initial RTSP connection and also from the RTSP SETUP method reply.
Now adopting an RTCP client so that the RTP stream from the RTSP server can be maintained past 1 minute.
This change involved some refactor.
The rtcp.NewClient signature has been simplified. There is now a default send interval and name for use
in the source description in the receiver reports. These can be customised if required with the new
SetSendInterval and SetName funcs. The rtcp.NewClient signature now takes an rtp.Client, so that it
can get information from the RTP stream, like most recent sequence number. As a result of this requirement
the rtp package parse file has been extended with some functions for parsing out the sequence number and
ssrc from RTP packets and the RTP client provides getters for these things.
Removed buffering in rtp client. This simplified things alot e.g. the recv routine has been removed, and therefore anything that was there to help with handling of the routine is also gone
like the Start() and Stop() methods as well as signalling channels and waitgroups. The client is now just effectively a wrapper for a udp conn.