We are now using an io.multiWriter rather than the multiSender. Code has been updated inside revid.go to account for this change, and tests have also been updated accordingly. Tests for
the multiSender have been removed. A dummyMultiWriter has been written to inject our own multiWriter during testing.
Now that we're removing the concept of a loadSender, there is no need to have a minimalHttpSender (did not implement loadSender) and a httpSender (implemented loadSender). So we can now have
a single httpSender that implements io.Writer just like every other sender.
mtsSender has been simplified such that load and send are no longer called in Write. Load and Send have removed and logic is now in Write. The logic has been simplified such that it does not
try to send again. On next PR when ringbuffers are added to senders, we will add logic to deal with this.
Added a Write method to senders such that they implement io.Writer. The multiSender now takes a slice of io.writers.
Also modified revid code and tests to account for this chance.
Send retry has been removed from the multiSender. This also means there is not need for the active func, because we simply wait until the send is complete or failed to exit the output clips
routine. Tests pertinent to retrying or the active function have been removed.
We wish to have a way to check that the 'owner' of the multi sender is still active while it may be doing continual send retries - therefore a function with bool return called active has been added
as a field to multiSender so that we can call this and check whether the owner of the multiSender is 'active' or not.
Added a retry field for the multiSender which will be used to decide whether to retry sending or not. This is being set true if we have a http sender and no other senders.
We are now only employing flv encoding for use with rtmp, and rtmp does not like the inclusion of the 'flv header' at the start of a
stream, so this functionality has been removed along with error handling of the invalidFlvTag error from rtmp in the rtmp sender.
Errors captured from encoding are now sent to the error handler.
We also made multiSender smart so that during a write if sendRetry is on, we first check
that revid is actually running before attempting to send again. If revid is not running we return.
We also now log any send errors inside multiSender.
Removed packetization flag for revid-cli as no longer required.
Packetization will be decided based on outputs.
Removed buffer type definition and Write receiver func in
mtsSender_test.go as this is now defined in revid.go.
Made ringbuffer size and element size consisten no matter the
output methods, as we're now going to only be putting h264 in there.
Modified H264 lex function to take an io.Writer rather than an
Removed destination []loadSender slice from revids fields and
added an encoder []stream.Encoder slice to hold encoders used
during a particular configuration. Each encoder will write to
the desired outputs.
Modified logic regarding encoder and sender setup. We now check
what outputs we have and add encoders to revid's encoder slice
depending on what each output requires.
Modified outputClips routine such that it ranges through revid's
encoders and encodes to them. They then write to the senders and
they handle logic regarding the amount of data they send out
and when. They also handle actions to perform on send failures.
Wrote multiSender struct which will be written to from encoders.
It will then use it's senders to distribute the data accordingly
to senders that work with the encoding from said encoders.
Modified senders so that their load methods no longer take ring
chunks, but rather slices.
Modified senders such that their release methods no longer
perform chunk closing.
Removed rtpSender as we now put in loadSender slice. Removed packer write method as no longer required to do clip duration logic. For initialisation of encoders, they are now no longer writing
to packer, but now straight to the ring buffer. Wrote ausOceanSender which will deal with clip logic and cc fixing for mts. Added some functionality to mts/mpegts.go that allows adding
of adaptation fields to mts packets.