Initial commit and README.txt

This commit is contained in:
alexmullins 2015-10-27 04:12:51 -05:00
commit fa71aa0e14
23 changed files with 2630 additions and 0 deletions

README.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
This is a fork of the Go archive/zip package to add support
for reading password protected AES encrypted files. Only supports
Winzip's AES extension: This
package DOES NOT intend to implement the encryption methods
mentioned in the original PKWARE spec (sections 6.0 and 7.0):
WinZip AES specifies
1. Encryption-Decryption w/ AES-CTR (128, 192, or 256 bits)
2. Key generation with PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 (1000 iteration count) that
generates a master key broken into the following:
a. First m bytes is for the encryption key
b. Next n bytes is for the authentication key
c. Last 2 bytes is the password verification value.
3. Following salt lengths are used w/ password during keygen:
AES Key Size | Salt Size
128bit(16bytes) | 8 bytes
192bit(24bytes) | 12 bytes
256bit(32bytes) | 16 bytes
4. Master key len = AESKeyLen + AuthKeyLen + PWVLen:
a. AES 128 = 16 + 16 + 2 = 34 bytes of key material
b. AES 192 = 24 + 24 + 2 = 50 bytes of key material
c. AES 256 = 32 + 32 + 2 = 66 bytes of key material
5. Authentication Key is same size as AES key.
6. Authentication with HMAC-SHA1-80 (truncated to 80bits).
7. A new master key is generated for every file.
8. The file header and directory header compression method will
be 99 (decimal). The actual compression method will be in the
extra's payload at the end of the directory header.
9. A extra field will be added to the file header and directory
header identified by 0x9901 and contains the following info:
a. Header ID (2 bytes)
b. Data Size (2 bytes)
c. Vendor Version (2 bytes)
d. Vendor ID (2 bytes)
e. AES Strength (1 byte)
f. Compression Method (2 bytes)
10. The Data Size is always 7.
11. The Vendor Version can either be 0x0001 (AE-1) or
0x0002 (AE-2).
12. Vendor ID is ASCII "AE"
13. AES Strength:
a. 0x01 - AES-128
b. 0x02 - AES-192
c. 0x03 - AES-256
14. Compression Method is the actual compression method
used that was replaced by the encryption process.
15. AE-1 keeps the CRC and should be verified after decompression.
16. AE-2 removes the CRC and shouldn't be verified after decompression.
Refer to for the reasoning.

example_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zip_test
import (
func ExampleWriter() {
// Create a buffer to write our archive to.
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Create a new zip archive.
w := zip.NewWriter(buf)
// Add some files to the archive.
var files = []struct {
Name, Body string
{"readme.txt", "This archive contains some text files."},
{"gopher.txt", "Gopher names:\nGeorge\nGeoffrey\nGonzo"},
{"todo.txt", "Get animal handling licence.\nWrite more examples."},
for _, file := range files {
f, err := w.Create(file.Name)
if err != nil {
_, err = f.Write([]byte(file.Body))
if err != nil {
// Make sure to check the error on Close.
err := w.Close()
if err != nil {
func ExampleReader() {
// Open a zip archive for reading.
r, err := zip.OpenReader("testdata/")
if err != nil {
defer r.Close()
// Iterate through the files in the archive,
// printing some of their contents.
for _, f := range r.File {
fmt.Printf("Contents of %s:\n", f.Name)
rc, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
_, err = io.CopyN(os.Stdout, rc, 68)
if err != nil {
// Output:
// Contents of README:
// This is the source code repository for the Go programming language.

reader.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zip
import (
var (
ErrFormat = errors.New("zip: not a valid zip file")
ErrAlgorithm = errors.New("zip: unsupported compression algorithm")
ErrChecksum = errors.New("zip: checksum error")
type Reader struct {
r io.ReaderAt
File []*File
Comment string
type ReadCloser struct {
f *os.File
type File struct {
zipr io.ReaderAt
zipsize int64
headerOffset int64
func (f *File) hasDataDescriptor() bool {
return f.Flags&0x8 != 0
// OpenReader will open the Zip file specified by name and return a ReadCloser.
func OpenReader(name string) (*ReadCloser, error) {
f, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r := new(ReadCloser)
if err := r.init(f, fi.Size()); err != nil {
return nil, err
r.f = f
return r, nil
// NewReader returns a new Reader reading from r, which is assumed to
// have the given size in bytes.
func NewReader(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (*Reader, error) {
zr := new(Reader)
if err := zr.init(r, size); err != nil {
return nil, err
return zr, nil
func (z *Reader) init(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) error {
end, err := readDirectoryEnd(r, size)
if err != nil {
return err
if end.directoryRecords > uint64(size)/fileHeaderLen {
return fmt.Errorf("archive/zip: TOC declares impossible %d files in %d byte zip", end.directoryRecords, size)
z.r = r
z.File = make([]*File, 0, end.directoryRecords)
z.Comment = end.comment
rs := io.NewSectionReader(r, 0, size)
if _, err = rs.Seek(int64(end.directoryOffset), os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
return err
buf := bufio.NewReader(rs)
// The count of files inside a zip is truncated to fit in a uint16.
// Gloss over this by reading headers until we encounter
// a bad one, and then only report a ErrFormat or UnexpectedEOF if
// the file count modulo 65536 is incorrect.
for {
f := &File{zipr: r, zipsize: size}
err = readDirectoryHeader(f, buf)
if err == ErrFormat || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
if err != nil {
return err
z.File = append(z.File, f)
if uint16(len(z.File)) != uint16(end.directoryRecords) { // only compare 16 bits here
// Return the readDirectoryHeader error if we read
// the wrong number of directory entries.
return err
return nil
// Close closes the Zip file, rendering it unusable for I/O.
func (rc *ReadCloser) Close() error {
return rc.f.Close()
// DataOffset returns the offset of the file's possibly-compressed
// data, relative to the beginning of the zip file.
// Most callers should instead use Open, which transparently
// decompresses data and verifies checksums.
func (f *File) DataOffset() (offset int64, err error) {
bodyOffset, err := f.findBodyOffset()
if err != nil {
return f.headerOffset + bodyOffset, nil
// Open returns a ReadCloser that provides access to the File's contents.
// Multiple files may be read concurrently.
func (f *File) Open() (rc io.ReadCloser, err error) {
bodyOffset, err := f.findBodyOffset()
if err != nil {
size := int64(f.CompressedSize64)
r := io.NewSectionReader(f.zipr, f.headerOffset+bodyOffset, size)
dcomp := decompressor(f.Method)
if dcomp == nil {
err = ErrAlgorithm
rc = dcomp(r)
var desr io.Reader
if f.hasDataDescriptor() {
desr = io.NewSectionReader(f.zipr, f.headerOffset+bodyOffset+size, dataDescriptorLen)
rc = &checksumReader{
rc: rc,
hash: crc32.NewIEEE(),
f: f,
desr: desr,
type checksumReader struct {
rc io.ReadCloser
hash hash.Hash32
nread uint64 // number of bytes read so far
f *File
desr io.Reader // if non-nil, where to read the data descriptor
err error // sticky error
func (r *checksumReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if r.err != nil {
return 0, r.err
n, err = r.rc.Read(b)
r.nread += uint64(n)
if err == nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if r.nread != r.f.UncompressedSize64 {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if r.desr != nil {
if err1 := readDataDescriptor(r.desr, r.f); err1 != nil {
if err1 == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
} else {
err = err1
} else if r.hash.Sum32() != r.f.CRC32 {
err = ErrChecksum
} else {
// If there's not a data descriptor, we still compare
// the CRC32 of what we've read against the file header
// or TOC's CRC32, if it seems like it was set.
if r.f.CRC32 != 0 && r.hash.Sum32() != r.f.CRC32 {
err = ErrChecksum
r.err = err
func (r *checksumReader) Close() error { return r.rc.Close() }
// findBodyOffset does the minimum work to verify the file has a header
// and returns the file body offset.
func (f *File) findBodyOffset() (int64, error) {
var buf [fileHeaderLen]byte
if _, err := f.zipr.ReadAt(buf[:], f.headerOffset); err != nil {
return 0, err
b := readBuf(buf[:])
if sig := b.uint32(); sig != fileHeaderSignature {
return 0, ErrFormat
b = b[22:] // skip over most of the header
filenameLen := int(b.uint16())
extraLen := int(b.uint16())
return int64(fileHeaderLen + filenameLen + extraLen), nil
// readDirectoryHeader attempts to read a directory header from r.
// It returns io.ErrUnexpectedEOF if it cannot read a complete header,
// and ErrFormat if it doesn't find a valid header signature.
func readDirectoryHeader(f *File, r io.Reader) error {
var buf [directoryHeaderLen]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[:]); err != nil {
return err
b := readBuf(buf[:])
if sig := b.uint32(); sig != directoryHeaderSignature {
return ErrFormat
f.CreatorVersion = b.uint16()
f.ReaderVersion = b.uint16()
f.Flags = b.uint16()
f.Method = b.uint16()
f.ModifiedTime = b.uint16()
f.ModifiedDate = b.uint16()
f.CRC32 = b.uint32()
f.CompressedSize = b.uint32()
f.UncompressedSize = b.uint32()
f.CompressedSize64 = uint64(f.CompressedSize)
f.UncompressedSize64 = uint64(f.UncompressedSize)
filenameLen := int(b.uint16())
extraLen := int(b.uint16())
commentLen := int(b.uint16())
b = b[4:] // skipped start disk number and internal attributes (2x uint16)
f.ExternalAttrs = b.uint32()
f.headerOffset = int64(b.uint32())
d := make([]byte, filenameLen+extraLen+commentLen)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, d); err != nil {
return err
f.Name = string(d[:filenameLen])
f.Extra = d[filenameLen : filenameLen+extraLen]
f.Comment = string(d[filenameLen+extraLen:])
if len(f.Extra) > 0 {
b := readBuf(f.Extra)
for len(b) >= 4 { // need at least tag and size
tag := b.uint16()
size := b.uint16()
if int(size) > len(b) {
return ErrFormat
if tag == zip64ExtraId {
// update directory values from the zip64 extra block
eb := readBuf(b[:size])
if len(eb) >= 8 {
f.UncompressedSize64 = eb.uint64()
if len(eb) >= 8 {
f.CompressedSize64 = eb.uint64()
if len(eb) >= 8 {
f.headerOffset = int64(eb.uint64())
b = b[size:]
// Should have consumed the whole header.
// But popular zip & JAR creation tools are broken and
// may pad extra zeros at the end, so accept those
// too. See
for _, v := range b {
if v != 0 {
return ErrFormat
return nil
func readDataDescriptor(r io.Reader, f *File) error {
var buf [dataDescriptorLen]byte
// The spec says: "Although not originally assigned a
// signature, the value 0x08074b50 has commonly been adopted
// as a signature value for the data descriptor record.
// Implementers should be aware that ZIP files may be
// encountered with or without this signature marking data
// descriptors and should account for either case when reading
// ZIP files to ensure compatibility."
// dataDescriptorLen includes the size of the signature but
// first read just those 4 bytes to see if it exists.
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[:4]); err != nil {
return err
off := 0
maybeSig := readBuf(buf[:4])
if maybeSig.uint32() != dataDescriptorSignature {
// No data descriptor signature. Keep these four
// bytes.
off += 4
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[off:12]); err != nil {
return err
b := readBuf(buf[:12])
if b.uint32() != f.CRC32 {
return ErrChecksum
// The two sizes that follow here can be either 32 bits or 64 bits
// but the spec is not very clear on this and different
// interpretations has been made causing incompatibilities. We
// already have the sizes from the central directory so we can
// just ignore these.
return nil
func readDirectoryEnd(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (dir *directoryEnd, err error) {
// look for directoryEndSignature in the last 1k, then in the last 65k
var buf []byte
var directoryEndOffset int64
for i, bLen := range []int64{1024, 65 * 1024} {
if bLen > size {
bLen = size
buf = make([]byte, int(bLen))
if _, err := r.ReadAt(buf, size-bLen); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, err
if p := findSignatureInBlock(buf); p >= 0 {
buf = buf[p:]
directoryEndOffset = size - bLen + int64(p)
if i == 1 || bLen == size {
return nil, ErrFormat
// read header into struct
b := readBuf(buf[4:]) // skip signature
d := &directoryEnd{
diskNbr: uint32(b.uint16()),
dirDiskNbr: uint32(b.uint16()),
dirRecordsThisDisk: uint64(b.uint16()),
directoryRecords: uint64(b.uint16()),
directorySize: uint64(b.uint32()),
directoryOffset: uint64(b.uint32()),
commentLen: b.uint16(),
l := int(d.commentLen)
if l > len(b) {
return nil, errors.New("zip: invalid comment length")
d.comment = string(b[:l])
p, err := findDirectory64End(r, directoryEndOffset)
if err == nil && p >= 0 {
err = readDirectory64End(r, p, d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make sure directoryOffset points to somewhere in our file.
if o := int64(d.directoryOffset); o < 0 || o >= size {
return nil, ErrFormat
return d, nil
// findDirectory64End tries to read the zip64 locator just before the
// directory end and returns the offset of the zip64 directory end if
// found.
func findDirectory64End(r io.ReaderAt, directoryEndOffset int64) (int64, error) {
locOffset := directoryEndOffset - directory64LocLen
if locOffset < 0 {
return -1, nil // no need to look for a header outside the file
buf := make([]byte, directory64LocLen)
if _, err := r.ReadAt(buf, locOffset); err != nil {
return -1, err
b := readBuf(buf)
if sig := b.uint32(); sig != directory64LocSignature {
return -1, nil
b = b[4:] // skip number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of central directory
p := b.uint64() // relative offset of the zip64 end of central directory record
return int64(p), nil
// readDirectory64End reads the zip64 directory end and updates the
// directory end with the zip64 directory end values.
func readDirectory64End(r io.ReaderAt, offset int64, d *directoryEnd) (err error) {
buf := make([]byte, directory64EndLen)
if _, err := r.ReadAt(buf, offset); err != nil {
return err
b := readBuf(buf)
if sig := b.uint32(); sig != directory64EndSignature {
return ErrFormat
b = b[12:] // skip dir size, version and version needed (uint64 + 2x uint16)
d.diskNbr = b.uint32() // number of this disk
d.dirDiskNbr = b.uint32() // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
d.dirRecordsThisDisk = b.uint64() // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
d.directoryRecords = b.uint64() // total number of entries in the central directory
d.directorySize = b.uint64() // size of the central directory
d.directoryOffset = b.uint64() // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
return nil
func findSignatureInBlock(b []byte) int {
for i := len(b) - directoryEndLen; i >= 0; i-- {
// defined from directoryEndSignature in struct.go
if b[i] == 'P' && b[i+1] == 'K' && b[i+2] == 0x05 && b[i+3] == 0x06 {
// n is length of comment
n := int(b[i+directoryEndLen-2]) | int(b[i+directoryEndLen-1])<<8
if n+directoryEndLen+i <= len(b) {
return i
return -1
type readBuf []byte
func (b *readBuf) uint16() uint16 {
v := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(*b)
*b = (*b)[2:]
return v
func (b *readBuf) uint32() uint32 {
v := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(*b)
*b = (*b)[4:]
return v
func (b *readBuf) uint64() uint64 {
v := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(*b)
*b = (*b)[8:]
return v

reader_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zip
import (
type ZipTest struct {
Name string
Source func() (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) // if non-nil, used instead of testdata/<Name> file
Comment string
File []ZipTestFile
Error error // the error that Opening this file should return
type ZipTestFile struct {
Name string
Content []byte // if blank, will attempt to compare against File
ContentErr error
File string // name of file to compare to (relative to testdata/)
Mtime string // modified time in format "mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss"
Mode os.FileMode
// Caution: The Mtime values found for the test files should correspond to
// the values listed with unzip -l <zipfile>. However, the values
// listed by unzip appear to be off by some hours. When creating
// fresh test files and testing them, this issue is not present.
// The test files were created in Sydney, so there might be a time
// zone issue. The time zone information does have to be encoded
// somewhere, because otherwise unzip -l could not provide a different
// time from what the archive/zip package provides, but there appears
// to be no documentation about this.
var tests = []ZipTest{
Name: "",
Comment: "This is a zipfile comment.",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "test.txt",
Content: []byte("This is a test text file.\n"),
Mtime: "09-05-10 12:12:02",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "gophercolor16x16.png",
File: "gophercolor16x16.png",
Mtime: "09-05-10 15:52:58",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "",
Comment: "This is a zipfile comment.",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "test.txt",
Content: []byte("This is a test text file.\n"),
Mtime: "09-05-10 12:12:02",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "gophercolor16x16.png",
File: "gophercolor16x16.png",
Mtime: "09-05-10 15:52:58",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "",
Source: returnRecursiveZip,
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "r/",
Content: rZipBytes(),
Mtime: "03-04-10 00:24:16",
Mode: 0666,
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "symlink",
Content: []byte("../target"),
Mode: 0777 | os.ModeSymlink,
Name: "",
Name: "readme.notzip",
Error: ErrFormat,
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "filename",
Content: []byte("This is a test textfile.\n"),
Mtime: "02-02-11 13:06:20",
Mode: 0666,
// created in windows XP file manager.
Name: "",
File: crossPlatform,
// created by Zip 3.0 under Linux
Name: "",
File: crossPlatform,
// created by Go, before we wrote the "optional" data
// descriptor signatures (which are required by OS X)
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:10",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:12",
Mode: 0644,
// created by Go, after we wrote the "optional" data
// descriptor signatures (which are required by OS X)
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mode: 0666,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mode: 0666,
Name: "Bad-CRC32-in-data-descriptor",
Source: returnCorruptCRC32Zip,
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mode: 0666,
ContentErr: ErrChecksum,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mode: 0666,
// Tests that we verify (and accept valid) crc32s on files
// with crc32s in their file header (not in data descriptors)
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:10",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:12",
Mode: 0644,
// Tests that we verify (and reject invalid) crc32s on files
// with crc32s in their file header (not in data descriptors)
Name: "",
Source: returnCorruptNotStreamedZip,
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:10",
Mode: 0644,
ContentErr: ErrChecksum,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:12",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "README",
Content: []byte("This small file is in ZIP64 format.\n"),
Mtime: "08-10-12 14:33:32",
Mode: 0644,
// Another zip64 file with different Extras fields. (
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "README",
Content: []byte("This small file is in ZIP64 format.\n"),
Mtime: "08-10-12 14:33:32",
Mode: 0644,
var crossPlatform = []ZipTestFile{
Name: "hello",
Content: []byte("world \r\n"),
Mode: 0666,
Name: "dir/bar",
Content: []byte("foo \r\n"),
Mode: 0666,
Name: "dir/empty/",
Content: []byte{},
Mode: os.ModeDir | 0777,
Name: "readonly",
Content: []byte("important \r\n"),
Mode: 0444,
func TestReader(t *testing.T) {
for _, zt := range tests {
readTestZip(t, zt)
func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) {
var z *Reader
var err error
if zt.Source != nil {
rat, size := zt.Source()
z, err = NewReader(rat, size)
} else {
var rc *ReadCloser
rc, err = OpenReader(filepath.Join("testdata", zt.Name))
if err == nil {
defer rc.Close()
z = &rc.Reader
if err != zt.Error {
t.Errorf("%s: error=%v, want %v", zt.Name, err, zt.Error)
// bail if file is not zip
if err == ErrFormat {
// bail here if no Files expected to be tested
// (there may actually be files in the zip, but we don't care)
if zt.File == nil {
if z.Comment != zt.Comment {
t.Errorf("%s: comment=%q, want %q", zt.Name, z.Comment, zt.Comment)
if len(z.File) != len(zt.File) {
t.Fatalf("%s: file count=%d, want %d", zt.Name, len(z.File), len(zt.File))
// test read of each file
for i, ft := range zt.File {
readTestFile(t, zt, ft, z.File[i])
// test simultaneous reads
n := 0
done := make(chan bool)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
for j, ft := range zt.File {
go func(j int, ft ZipTestFile) {
readTestFile(t, zt, ft, z.File[j])
done <- true
}(j, ft)
for ; n > 0; n-- {
func readTestFile(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) {
if f.Name != ft.Name {
t.Errorf("%s: name=%q, want %q", zt.Name, f.Name, ft.Name)
if ft.Mtime != "" {
mtime, err := time.Parse("01-02-06 15:04:05", ft.Mtime)
if err != nil {
if ft := f.ModTime(); !ft.Equal(mtime) {
t.Errorf("%s: %s: mtime=%s, want %s", zt.Name, f.Name, ft, mtime)
testFileMode(t, zt.Name, f, ft.Mode)
var b bytes.Buffer
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: %v", zt.Name, err)
_, err = io.Copy(&b, r)
if err != ft.ContentErr {
t.Errorf("%s: copying contents: %v (want %v)", zt.Name, err, ft.ContentErr)
if err != nil {
size := uint64(f.UncompressedSize)
if size == uint32max {
size = f.UncompressedSize64
if g := uint64(b.Len()); g != size {
t.Errorf("%v: read %v bytes but f.UncompressedSize == %v", f.Name, g, size)
var c []byte
if ft.Content != nil {
c = ft.Content
} else if c, err = ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/" + ft.File); err != nil {
if b.Len() != len(c) {
t.Errorf("%s: len=%d, want %d", f.Name, b.Len(), len(c))
for i, b := range b.Bytes() {
if b != c[i] {
t.Errorf("%s: content[%d]=%q want %q", f.Name, i, b, c[i])
func testFileMode(t *testing.T, zipName string, f *File, want os.FileMode) {
mode := f.Mode()
if want == 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: %s mode: got %v, want none", zipName, f.Name, mode)
} else if mode != want {
t.Errorf("%s: %s mode: want %v, got %v", zipName, f.Name, want, mode)
func TestInvalidFiles(t *testing.T) {
const size = 1024 * 70 // 70kb
b := make([]byte, size)
// zeroes
_, err := NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), size)
if err != ErrFormat {
t.Errorf("zeroes: error=%v, want %v", err, ErrFormat)
// repeated directoryEndSignatures
sig := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(sig, directoryEndSignature)
for i := 0; i < size-4; i += 4 {
copy(b[i:i+4], sig)
_, err = NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), size)
if err != ErrFormat {
t.Errorf("sigs: error=%v, want %v", err, ErrFormat)
func messWith(fileName string, corrupter func(b []byte)) (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("testdata", fileName))
if err != nil {
panic("Error reading " + fileName + ": " + err.Error())
return bytes.NewReader(data), int64(len(data))
func returnCorruptCRC32Zip() (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) {
return messWith("", func(b []byte) {
// Corrupt one of the CRC32s in the data descriptor:
func returnCorruptNotStreamedZip() (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) {
return messWith("", func(b []byte) {
// Corrupt foo.txt's final crc32 byte, in both
// the file header and TOC. (0x7e -> 0x7f)
// TODO(bradfitz): add a new test that only corrupts
// one of these values, and verify that that's also an
// error. Currently, the reader code doesn't verify the
// fileheader and TOC's crc32 match if they're both
// non-zero and only the second line above, the TOC,
// is what matters.
// rZipBytes returns the bytes of a recursive zip file, without
// putting it on disk and triggering certain virus scanners.
func rZipBytes() []byte {
s := `
0000000 50 4b 03 04 14 00 00 00 08 00 08 03 64 3c f9 f4
0000010 89 64 48 01 00 00 b8 01 00 00 07 00 00 00 72 2f
0000020 72 2e 7a 69 70 00 25 00 da ff 50 4b 03 04 14 00
0000030 00 00 08 00 08 03 64 3c f9 f4 89 64 48 01 00 00
0000040 b8 01 00 00 07 00 00 00 72 2f 72 2e 7a 69 70 00
0000050 2f 00 d0 ff 00 25 00 da ff 50 4b 03 04 14 00 00
0000060 00 08 00 08 03 64 3c f9 f4 89 64 48 01 00 00 b8
0000070 01 00 00 07 00 00 00 72 2f 72 2e 7a 69 70 00 2f
0000080 00 d0 ff c2 54 8e 57 39 00 05 00 fa ff c2 54 8e
0000090 57 39 00 05 00 fa ff 00 05 00 fa ff 00 14 00 eb
00000a0 ff c2 54 8e 57 39 00 05 00 fa ff 00 05 00 fa ff
00000b0 00 14 00 eb ff 42 88 21 c4 00 00 14 00 eb ff 42
00000c0 88 21 c4 00 00 14 00 eb ff 42 88 21 c4 00 00 14
00000d0 00 eb ff 42 88 21 c4 00 00 14 00 eb ff 42 88 21
00000e0 c4 00 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff ff 00 34 00 cb
00000f0 ff 42 88 21 c4 00 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff ff
0000100 00 34 00 cb ff 42 e8 21 5e 0f 00 00 00 ff ff 0a
0000110 f0 66 64 12 61 c0 15 dc e8 a0 48 bf 48 af 2a b3
0000120 20 c0 9b 95 0d c4 67 04 42 53 06 06 06 40 00 06
0000130 00 f9 ff 6d 01 00 00 00 00 42 e8 21 5e 0f 00 00
0000140 00 ff ff 0a f0 66 64 12 61 c0 15 dc e8 a0 48 bf
0000150 48 af 2a b3 20 c0 9b 95 0d c4 67 04 42 53 06 06
0000160 06 40 00 06 00 f9 ff 6d 01 00 00 00 00 50 4b 01
0000170 02 14 00 14 00 00 00 08 00 08 03 64 3c f9 f4 89
0000180 64 48 01 00 00 b8 01 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
0000190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 72 2f 72 2e 7a
00001a0 69 70 50 4b 05 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 35 00
00001b0 00 00 6d 01 00 00 00 00`
s = regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9a-f]{7}`).ReplaceAllString(s, "")
s = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(s, "")
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
return b
func returnRecursiveZip() (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) {
b := rZipBytes()
return bytes.NewReader(b), int64(len(b))
func TestIssue8186(t *testing.T) {
// Directory headers & data found in the TOC of a JAR file.
dirEnts := []string{
"PK\x01\x02\x14\x00\x14\x00\b\b\b\x004\x9d3?Ļ\x14\xe3\xd8\x01\x00\x00\xd8\x03\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00:E\x02\x00res/layout/wallpaper_cropper.xml",
for i, s := range dirEnts {
var f File
err := readDirectoryHeader(&f, strings.NewReader(s))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error reading #%d: %v", i, err)
// Verify we return ErrUnexpectedEOF when length is short.
func TestIssue10957(t *testing.T) {
data := []byte("PK\x03\x040000000PK\x01\x0200000" +
"0000000000000000000\x00" +
"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00000000000000PK\x01" +
"\x020000000000000000000" +
"00000\v\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00000000000" +
"00000000000000PK\x01\x0200" +
"00000000000000000000" +
"00\v\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00000000000000" +
"00000000000PK\x01\x020000<" +
"0\x00\x0000000000000000\v\x00\v" +
"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0000000000\x00\x00\x00\x00000" +
"00000000PK\x01\x0200000000" +
"0000000000000000\v\x00\x00\x00" +
"\x00\x0000PK\x05\x06000000\x05\x000000" +
z, err := NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data), int64(len(data)))
if err != nil {
for i, f := range z.File {
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
if f.UncompressedSize64 < 1e6 {
n, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r)
if i == 3 && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
t.Errorf("File[3] error = %v; want io.ErrUnexpectedEOF", err)
if err == nil && uint64(n) != f.UncompressedSize64 {
t.Errorf("file %d: bad size: copied=%d; want=%d", i, n, f.UncompressedSize64)
// Verify the number of files is sane.
func TestIssue10956(t *testing.T) {
data := []byte("PK\x06\x06PK\x06\a0000\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" +
"0000PK\x05\x06000000000000" +
_, err := NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data), int64(len(data)))
const want = "TOC declares impossible 3472328296227680304 files in 57 byte"
if err == nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), want) {
t.Errorf("error = %v; want %q", err, want)
// Verify we return ErrUnexpectedEOF when reading truncated data descriptor.
func TestIssue11146(t *testing.T) {
data := []byte("PK\x03\x040000000000000000" +
"000000\x01\x00\x00\x000\x01\x00\x00\xff\xff0000" +
"0000000000000000PK\x01\x02" +
"0000\b0\b\x00000000000000" +
"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x000000PK\x05\x06\x00\x00" +
z, err := NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data), int64(len(data)))
if err != nil {
r, err := z.File[0].Open()
if err != nil {
_, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
t.Errorf("File[0] error = %v; want io.ErrUnexpectedEOF", err)

register.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zip
import (
// A Compressor returns a compressing writer, writing to the
// provided writer. On Close, any pending data should be flushed.
type Compressor func(io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error)
// Decompressor is a function that wraps a Reader with a decompressing Reader.
// The decompressed ReadCloser is returned to callers who open files from
// within the archive. These callers are responsible for closing this reader
// when they're finished reading.
type Decompressor func(io.Reader) io.ReadCloser
var flateWriterPool sync.Pool
func newFlateWriter(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
fw, ok := flateWriterPool.Get().(*flate.Writer)
if ok {
} else {
fw, _ = flate.NewWriter(w, 5)
return &pooledFlateWriter{fw: fw}
type pooledFlateWriter struct {
mu sync.Mutex // guards Close and Write
fw *flate.Writer
func (w *pooledFlateWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if w.fw == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Write after Close")
return w.fw.Write(p)
func (w *pooledFlateWriter) Close() error {
var err error
if w.fw != nil {
err = w.fw.Close()
w.fw = nil
return err
var (
mu sync.RWMutex // guards compressor and decompressor maps
compressors = map[uint16]Compressor{
Store: func(w io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) { return &nopCloser{w}, nil },
Deflate: func(w io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) { return newFlateWriter(w), nil },
decompressors = map[uint16]Decompressor{
Store: ioutil.NopCloser,
Deflate: flate.NewReader,
// RegisterDecompressor allows custom decompressors for a specified method ID.
func RegisterDecompressor(method uint16, d Decompressor) {
defer mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := decompressors[method]; ok {
panic("decompressor already registered")
decompressors[method] = d
// RegisterCompressor registers custom compressors for a specified method ID.
// The common methods Store and Deflate are built in.
func RegisterCompressor(method uint16, comp Compressor) {
defer mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := compressors[method]; ok {
panic("compressor already registered")
compressors[method] = comp
func compressor(method uint16) Compressor {
defer mu.RUnlock()
return compressors[method]
func decompressor(method uint16) Decompressor {
defer mu.RUnlock()
return decompressors[method]

struct.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package zip provides support for reading and writing ZIP archives.
This package does not support disk spanning.
A note about ZIP64:
To be backwards compatible the FileHeader has both 32 and 64 bit Size
fields. The 64 bit fields will always contain the correct value and
for normal archives both fields will be the same. For files requiring
the ZIP64 format the 32 bit fields will be 0xffffffff and the 64 bit
fields must be used instead.
package zip
import (
// Compression methods.
const (
Store uint16 = 0
Deflate uint16 = 8
const (
fileHeaderSignature = 0x04034b50
directoryHeaderSignature = 0x02014b50
directoryEndSignature = 0x06054b50
directory64LocSignature = 0x07064b50
directory64EndSignature = 0x06064b50
dataDescriptorSignature = 0x08074b50 // de-facto standard; required by OS X Finder
fileHeaderLen = 30 // + filename + extra
directoryHeaderLen = 46 // + filename + extra + comment
directoryEndLen = 22 // + comment
dataDescriptorLen = 16 // four uint32: descriptor signature, crc32, compressed size, size
dataDescriptor64Len = 24 // descriptor with 8 byte sizes
directory64LocLen = 20 //
directory64EndLen = 56 // + extra
// Constants for the first byte in CreatorVersion
creatorFAT = 0
creatorUnix = 3
creatorNTFS = 11
creatorVFAT = 14
creatorMacOSX = 19
// version numbers
zipVersion20 = 20 // 2.0
zipVersion45 = 45 // 4.5 (reads and writes zip64 archives)
// limits for non zip64 files
uint16max = (1 << 16) - 1
uint32max = (1 << 32) - 1
// extra header id's
zip64ExtraId = 0x0001 // zip64 Extended Information Extra Field
// FileHeader describes a file within a zip file.
// See the zip spec for details.
type FileHeader struct {
// Name is the name of the file.
// It must be a relative path: it must not start with a drive
// letter (e.g. C:) or leading slash, and only forward slashes
// are allowed.
Name string
CreatorVersion uint16
ReaderVersion uint16
Flags uint16
Method uint16
ModifiedTime uint16 // MS-DOS time
ModifiedDate uint16 // MS-DOS date
CRC32 uint32
CompressedSize uint32 // Deprecated: Use CompressedSize64 instead.
UncompressedSize uint32 // Deprecated: Use UncompressedSize64 instead.
CompressedSize64 uint64
UncompressedSize64 uint64
Extra []byte
ExternalAttrs uint32 // Meaning depends on CreatorVersion
Comment string
// FileInfo returns an os.FileInfo for the FileHeader.
func (h *FileHeader) FileInfo() os.FileInfo {
return headerFileInfo{h}
// headerFileInfo implements os.FileInfo.
type headerFileInfo struct {
fh *FileHeader
func (fi headerFileInfo) Name() string { return path.Base(fi.fh.Name) }
func (fi headerFileInfo) Size() int64 {
if fi.fh.UncompressedSize64 > 0 {
return int64(fi.fh.UncompressedSize64)
return int64(fi.fh.UncompressedSize)
func (fi headerFileInfo) IsDir() bool { return fi.Mode().IsDir() }
func (fi headerFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return fi.fh.ModTime() }
func (fi headerFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { return fi.fh.Mode() }
func (fi headerFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return fi.fh }
// FileInfoHeader creates a partially-populated FileHeader from an
// os.FileInfo.
// Because os.FileInfo's Name method returns only the base name of
// the file it describes, it may be necessary to modify the Name field
// of the returned header to provide the full path name of the file.
func FileInfoHeader(fi os.FileInfo) (*FileHeader, error) {
size := fi.Size()
fh := &FileHeader{
Name: fi.Name(),
UncompressedSize64: uint64(size),
if fh.UncompressedSize64 > uint32max {
fh.UncompressedSize = uint32max
} else {
fh.UncompressedSize = uint32(fh.UncompressedSize64)
return fh, nil
type directoryEnd struct {
diskNbr uint32 // unused
dirDiskNbr uint32 // unused
dirRecordsThisDisk uint64 // unused
directoryRecords uint64
directorySize uint64
directoryOffset uint64 // relative to file
commentLen uint16
comment string
// msDosTimeToTime converts an MS-DOS date and time into a time.Time.
// The resolution is 2s.
// See:
func msDosTimeToTime(dosDate, dosTime uint16) time.Time {
return time.Date(
// date bits 0-4: day of month; 5-8: month; 9-15: years since 1980
// time bits 0-4: second/2; 5-10: minute; 11-15: hour
0, // nanoseconds
// timeToMsDosTime converts a time.Time to an MS-DOS date and time.
// The resolution is 2s.
// See:
func timeToMsDosTime(t time.Time) (fDate uint16, fTime uint16) {
t = t.In(time.UTC)
fDate = uint16(t.Day() + int(t.Month())<<5 + (t.Year()-1980)<<9)
fTime = uint16(t.Second()/2 + t.Minute()<<5 + t.Hour()<<11)
// ModTime returns the modification time in UTC.
// The resolution is 2s.
func (h *FileHeader) ModTime() time.Time {
return msDosTimeToTime(h.ModifiedDate, h.ModifiedTime)
// SetModTime sets the ModifiedTime and ModifiedDate fields to the given time in UTC.
// The resolution is 2s.
func (h *FileHeader) SetModTime(t time.Time) {
h.ModifiedDate, h.ModifiedTime = timeToMsDosTime(t)
const (
// Unix constants. The specification doesn't mention them,
// but these seem to be the values agreed on by tools.
s_IFMT = 0xf000
s_IFSOCK = 0xc000
s_IFLNK = 0xa000
s_IFREG = 0x8000
s_IFBLK = 0x6000
s_IFDIR = 0x4000
s_IFCHR = 0x2000
s_IFIFO = 0x1000
s_ISUID = 0x800
s_ISGID = 0x400
s_ISVTX = 0x200
msdosDir = 0x10
msdosReadOnly = 0x01
// Mode returns the permission and mode bits for the FileHeader.
func (h *FileHeader) Mode() (mode os.FileMode) {
switch h.CreatorVersion >> 8 {
case creatorUnix, creatorMacOSX:
mode = unixModeToFileMode(h.ExternalAttrs >> 16)
case creatorNTFS, creatorVFAT, creatorFAT:
mode = msdosModeToFileMode(h.ExternalAttrs)
if len(h.Name) > 0 && h.Name[len(h.Name)-1] == '/' {
mode |= os.ModeDir
return mode
// SetMode changes the permission and mode bits for the FileHeader.
func (h *FileHeader) SetMode(mode os.FileMode) {
h.CreatorVersion = h.CreatorVersion&0xff | creatorUnix<<8
h.ExternalAttrs = fileModeToUnixMode(mode) << 16
// set MSDOS attributes too, as the original zip does.
if mode&os.ModeDir != 0 {
h.ExternalAttrs |= msdosDir
if mode&0200 == 0 {
h.ExternalAttrs |= msdosReadOnly
// isZip64 reports whether the file size exceeds the 32 bit limit
func (fh *FileHeader) isZip64() bool {
return fh.CompressedSize64 > uint32max || fh.UncompressedSize64 > uint32max
func msdosModeToFileMode(m uint32) (mode os.FileMode) {
if m&msdosDir != 0 {
mode = os.ModeDir | 0777
} else {
mode = 0666
if m&msdosReadOnly != 0 {
mode &^= 0222
return mode
func fileModeToUnixMode(mode os.FileMode) uint32 {
var m uint32
switch mode & os.ModeType {
m = s_IFREG
case os.ModeDir:
m = s_IFDIR
case os.ModeSymlink:
m = s_IFLNK
case os.ModeNamedPipe:
m = s_IFIFO
case os.ModeSocket:
m = s_IFSOCK
case os.ModeDevice:
if mode&os.ModeCharDevice != 0 {
m = s_IFCHR
} else {
m = s_IFBLK
if mode&os.ModeSetuid != 0 {
m |= s_ISUID
if mode&os.ModeSetgid != 0 {
m |= s_ISGID
if mode&os.ModeSticky != 0 {
m |= s_ISVTX
return m | uint32(mode&0777)
func unixModeToFileMode(m uint32) os.FileMode {
mode := os.FileMode(m & 0777)
switch m & s_IFMT {
case s_IFBLK:
mode |= os.ModeDevice
case s_IFCHR:
mode |= os.ModeDevice | os.ModeCharDevice
case s_IFDIR:
mode |= os.ModeDir
case s_IFIFO:
mode |= os.ModeNamedPipe
case s_IFLNK:
mode |= os.ModeSymlink
case s_IFREG:
// nothing to do
case s_IFSOCK:
mode |= os.ModeSocket
if m&s_ISGID != 0 {
mode |= os.ModeSetgid
if m&s_ISUID != 0 {
mode |= os.ModeSetuid
if m&s_ISVTX != 0 {
mode |= os.ModeSticky
return mode

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/gophercolor16x16.png vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 785 B

testdata/readme.notzip vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/ vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

writer.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zip
import (
// TODO(adg): support zip file comments
// TODO(adg): support specifying deflate level
// Writer implements a zip file writer.
type Writer struct {
cw *countWriter
dir []*header
last *fileWriter
closed bool
type header struct {
offset uint64
// NewWriter returns a new Writer writing a zip file to w.
func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
return &Writer{cw: &countWriter{w: bufio.NewWriter(w)}}
// SetOffset sets the offset of the beginning of the zip data within the
// underlying writer. It should be used when the zip data is appended to an
// existing file, such as a binary executable.
// It must be called before any data is written.
func (w *Writer) SetOffset(n int64) {
if != 0 {
panic("zip: SetOffset called after data was written")
} = n
// Flush flushes any buffered data to the underlying writer.
// Calling Flush is not normally necessary; calling Close is sufficient.
func (w *Writer) Flush() error {
// Close finishes writing the zip file by writing the central directory.
// It does not (and can not) close the underlying writer.
func (w *Writer) Close() error {
if w.last != nil && !w.last.closed {
if err := w.last.close(); err != nil {
return err
w.last = nil
if w.closed {
return errors.New("zip: writer closed twice")
w.closed = true
// write central directory
start :=
for _, h := range w.dir {
var buf [directoryHeaderLen]byte
b := writeBuf(buf[:])
if h.isZip64() || h.offset > uint32max {
// the file needs a zip64 header. store maxint in both
// 32 bit size fields (and offset later) to signal that the
// zip64 extra header should be used.
b.uint32(uint32max) // compressed size
b.uint32(uint32max) // uncompressed size
// append a zip64 extra block to Extra
var buf [28]byte // 2x uint16 + 3x uint64
eb := writeBuf(buf[:])
eb.uint16(24) // size = 3x uint64
h.Extra = append(h.Extra, buf[:]...)
} else {
b = b[4:] // skip disk number start and internal file attr (2x uint16)
if h.offset > uint32max {
} else {
if _, err :=[:]); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := io.WriteString(, h.Name); err != nil {
return err
if _, err :=; err != nil {
return err
if _, err := io.WriteString(, h.Comment); err != nil {
return err
end :=
records := uint64(len(w.dir))
size := uint64(end - start)
offset := uint64(start)
if records > uint16max || size > uint32max || offset > uint32max {
var buf [directory64EndLen + directory64LocLen]byte
b := writeBuf(buf[:])
// zip64 end of central directory record
b.uint64(directory64EndLen - 12) // length minus signature (uint32) and length fields (uint64)
b.uint16(zipVersion45) // version made by
b.uint16(zipVersion45) // version needed to extract
b.uint32(0) // number of this disk
b.uint32(0) // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
b.uint64(records) // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
b.uint64(records) // total number of entries in the central directory
b.uint64(size) // size of the central directory
b.uint64(offset) // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
// zip64 end of central directory locator
b.uint32(0) // number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of central directory
b.uint64(uint64(end)) // relative offset of the zip64 end of central directory record
b.uint32(1) // total number of disks
if _, err :=[:]); err != nil {
return err
// store max values in the regular end record to signal that
// that the zip64 values should be used instead
records = uint16max
size = uint32max
offset = uint32max
// write end record
var buf [directoryEndLen]byte
b := writeBuf(buf[:])
b = b[4:] // skip over disk number and first disk number (2x uint16)
b.uint16(uint16(records)) // number of entries this disk
b.uint16(uint16(records)) // number of entries total
b.uint32(uint32(size)) // size of directory
b.uint32(uint32(offset)) // start of directory
// skipped size of comment (always zero)
if _, err :=[:]); err != nil {
return err
// Create adds a file to the zip file using the provided name.
// It returns a Writer to which the file contents should be written.
// The name must be a relative path: it must not start with a drive
// letter (e.g. C:) or leading slash, and only forward slashes are
// allowed.
// The file's contents must be written to the io.Writer before the next
// call to Create, CreateHeader, or Close.
func (w *Writer) Create(name string) (io.Writer, error) {
header := &FileHeader{
Name: name,
Method: Deflate,
return w.CreateHeader(header)
// CreateHeader adds a file to the zip file using the provided FileHeader
// for the file metadata.
// It returns a Writer to which the file contents should be written.
// The file's contents must be written to the io.Writer before the next
// call to Create, CreateHeader, or Close. The provided FileHeader fh
// must not be modified after a call to CreateHeader.
func (w *Writer) CreateHeader(fh *FileHeader) (io.Writer, error) {
if w.last != nil && !w.last.closed {
if err := w.last.close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(w.dir) > 0 && w.dir[len(w.dir)-1].FileHeader == fh {
// See confusion.
return nil, errors.New("archive/zip: invalid duplicate FileHeader")
fh.Flags |= 0x8 // we will write a data descriptor
fh.CreatorVersion = fh.CreatorVersion&0xff00 | zipVersion20 // preserve compatibility byte
fh.ReaderVersion = zipVersion20
fw := &fileWriter{
compCount: &countWriter{w:},
crc32: crc32.NewIEEE(),
comp := compressor(fh.Method)
if comp == nil {
return nil, ErrAlgorithm
var err error
fw.comp, err = comp(fw.compCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fw.rawCount = &countWriter{w: fw.comp}
h := &header{
FileHeader: fh,
offset: uint64(,
w.dir = append(w.dir, h)
fw.header = h
if err := writeHeader(, fh); err != nil {
return nil, err
w.last = fw
return fw, nil
func writeHeader(w io.Writer, h *FileHeader) error {
var buf [fileHeaderLen]byte
b := writeBuf(buf[:])
b.uint32(0) // since we are writing a data descriptor crc32,
b.uint32(0) // compressed size,
b.uint32(0) // and uncompressed size should be zero
if _, err := w.Write(buf[:]); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := io.WriteString(w, h.Name); err != nil {
return err
_, err := w.Write(h.Extra)
return err
type fileWriter struct {
zipw io.Writer
rawCount *countWriter
comp io.WriteCloser
compCount *countWriter
crc32 hash.Hash32
closed bool
func (w *fileWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
if w.closed {
return 0, errors.New("zip: write to closed file")
return w.rawCount.Write(p)
func (w *fileWriter) close() error {
if w.closed {
return errors.New("zip: file closed twice")
w.closed = true
if err := w.comp.Close(); err != nil {
return err
// update FileHeader
fh := w.header.FileHeader
fh.CRC32 = w.crc32.Sum32()
fh.CompressedSize64 = uint64(w.compCount.count)
fh.UncompressedSize64 = uint64(w.rawCount.count)
if fh.isZip64() {
fh.CompressedSize = uint32max
fh.UncompressedSize = uint32max
fh.ReaderVersion = zipVersion45 // requires 4.5 - File uses ZIP64 format extensions
} else {
fh.CompressedSize = uint32(fh.CompressedSize64)
fh.UncompressedSize = uint32(fh.UncompressedSize64)
// Write data descriptor. This is more complicated than one would
// think, see e.g. comments in zipfile.c:putextended() and
// The approach here is to write 8 byte sizes if needed without
// adding a zip64 extra in the local header (too late anyway).
var buf []byte
if fh.isZip64() {
buf = make([]byte, dataDescriptor64Len)
} else {
buf = make([]byte, dataDescriptorLen)
b := writeBuf(buf)
b.uint32(dataDescriptorSignature) // de-facto standard, required by OS X
if fh.isZip64() {
} else {
_, err := w.zipw.Write(buf)
return err
type countWriter struct {
w io.Writer
count int64
func (w *countWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.w.Write(p)
w.count += int64(n)
return n, err
type nopCloser struct {
func (w nopCloser) Close() error {
return nil
type writeBuf []byte
func (b *writeBuf) uint16(v uint16) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(*b, v)
*b = (*b)[2:]
func (b *writeBuf) uint32(v uint32) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(*b, v)
*b = (*b)[4:]
func (b *writeBuf) uint64(v uint64) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(*b, v)
*b = (*b)[8:]

writer_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zip
import (
// TODO(adg): a more sophisticated test suite
type WriteTest struct {
Name string
Data []byte
Method uint16
Mode os.FileMode
var writeTests = []WriteTest{
Name: "foo",
Data: []byte("Rabbits, guinea pigs, gophers, marsupial rats, and quolls."),
Method: Store,
Mode: 0666,
Name: "bar",
Data: nil, // large data set in the test
Method: Deflate,
Mode: 0644,
Name: "setuid",
Data: []byte("setuid file"),
Method: Deflate,
Mode: 0755 | os.ModeSetuid,
Name: "setgid",
Data: []byte("setgid file"),
Method: Deflate,
Mode: 0755 | os.ModeSetgid,
Name: "symlink",
Data: []byte("../link/target"),
Method: Deflate,
Mode: 0755 | os.ModeSymlink,
func TestWriter(t *testing.T) {
largeData := make([]byte, 1<<17)
for i := range largeData {
largeData[i] = byte(rand.Int())
writeTests[1].Data = largeData
defer func() {
writeTests[1].Data = nil
// write a zip file
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
w := NewWriter(buf)
for _, wt := range writeTests {
testCreate(t, w, &wt)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// read it back
r, err := NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()), int64(buf.Len()))
if err != nil {
for i, wt := range writeTests {
testReadFile(t, r.File[i], &wt)
func TestWriterOffset(t *testing.T) {
largeData := make([]byte, 1<<17)
for i := range largeData {
largeData[i] = byte(rand.Int())
writeTests[1].Data = largeData
defer func() {
writeTests[1].Data = nil
// write a zip file
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
existingData := []byte{1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3}
n, _ := buf.Write(existingData)
w := NewWriter(buf)
for _, wt := range writeTests {
testCreate(t, w, &wt)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// read it back
r, err := NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()), int64(buf.Len()))
if err != nil {
for i, wt := range writeTests {
testReadFile(t, r.File[i], &wt)
func TestWriterFlush(t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w := NewWriter(struct{ io.Writer }{&buf})
_, err := w.Create("foo")
if err != nil {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected %d bytes already in buffer", buf.Len())
if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
if buf.Len() == 0 {
t.Fatal("No bytes written after Flush")
func testCreate(t *testing.T, w *Writer, wt *WriteTest) {
header := &FileHeader{
Name: wt.Name,
Method: wt.Method,
if wt.Mode != 0 {
f, err := w.CreateHeader(header)
if err != nil {
_, err = f.Write(wt.Data)
if err != nil {
func testReadFile(t *testing.T, f *File, wt *WriteTest) {
if f.Name != wt.Name {
t.Fatalf("File name: got %q, want %q", f.Name, wt.Name)
testFileMode(t, wt.Name, f, wt.Mode)
rc, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("opening:", err)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("reading:", err)
err = rc.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("closing:", err)
if !bytes.Equal(b, wt.Data) {
t.Errorf("File contents %q, want %q", b, wt.Data)
func BenchmarkCompressedZipGarbage(b *testing.B) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
bigBuf := bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"), 1<<20)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
zw := NewWriter(&buf)
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
w, _ := zw.CreateHeader(&FileHeader{
Name: "foo",
Method: Deflate,

zip_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests that involve both reading and writing.
package zip
import (
func TestOver65kFiles(t *testing.T) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
w := NewWriter(buf)
const nFiles = (1 << 16) + 42
for i := 0; i < nFiles; i++ {
_, err := w.CreateHeader(&FileHeader{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%d.dat", i),
Method: Store, // avoid Issue 6136 and Issue 6138
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("creating file %d: %v", i, err)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Writer.Close: %v", err)
s := buf.String()
zr, err := NewReader(strings.NewReader(s), int64(len(s)))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewReader: %v", err)
if got := len(zr.File); got != nFiles {
t.Fatalf("File contains %d files, want %d", got, nFiles)
for i := 0; i < nFiles; i++ {
want := fmt.Sprintf("%d.dat", i)
if zr.File[i].Name != want {
t.Fatalf("File(%d) = %q, want %q", i, zr.File[i].Name, want)
func TestModTime(t *testing.T) {
var testTime = time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 45, 58, 0, time.UTC)
fh := new(FileHeader)
outTime := fh.ModTime()
if !outTime.Equal(testTime) {
t.Errorf("times don't match: got %s, want %s", outTime, testTime)
func testHeaderRoundTrip(fh *FileHeader, wantUncompressedSize uint32, wantUncompressedSize64 uint64, t *testing.T) {
fi := fh.FileInfo()
fh2, err := FileInfoHeader(fi)
if err != nil {
if got, want := fh2.Name, fh.Name; got != want {
t.Errorf("Name: got %s, want %s\n", got, want)
if got, want := fh2.UncompressedSize, wantUncompressedSize; got != want {
t.Errorf("UncompressedSize: got %d, want %d\n", got, want)
if got, want := fh2.UncompressedSize64, wantUncompressedSize64; got != want {
t.Errorf("UncompressedSize64: got %d, want %d\n", got, want)
if got, want := fh2.ModifiedTime, fh.ModifiedTime; got != want {
t.Errorf("ModifiedTime: got %d, want %d\n", got, want)
if got, want := fh2.ModifiedDate, fh.ModifiedDate; got != want {
t.Errorf("ModifiedDate: got %d, want %d\n", got, want)
if sysfh, ok := fi.Sys().(*FileHeader); !ok && sysfh != fh {
t.Errorf("Sys didn't return original *FileHeader")
func TestFileHeaderRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
fh := &FileHeader{
Name: "foo.txt",
UncompressedSize: 987654321,
ModifiedTime: 1234,
ModifiedDate: 5678,
testHeaderRoundTrip(fh, fh.UncompressedSize, uint64(fh.UncompressedSize), t)
func TestFileHeaderRoundTrip64(t *testing.T) {
fh := &FileHeader{
Name: "foo.txt",
UncompressedSize64: 9876543210,
ModifiedTime: 1234,
ModifiedDate: 5678,
testHeaderRoundTrip(fh, uint32max, fh.UncompressedSize64, t)
type repeatedByte struct {
off int64
b byte
n int64
// rleBuffer is a run-length-encoded byte buffer.
// It's an io.Writer (like a bytes.Buffer) and also an io.ReaderAt,
// allowing random-access reads.
type rleBuffer struct {
buf []repeatedByte
func (r *rleBuffer) Size() int64 {
if len(r.buf) == 0 {
return 0
last := &r.buf[len(r.buf)-1]
return + last.n
func (r *rleBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
var rp *repeatedByte
if len(r.buf) > 0 {
rp = &r.buf[len(r.buf)-1]
// Fast path, if p is entirely the same byte repeated.
if lastByte := rp.b; len(p) > 0 && p[0] == lastByte {
all := true
for _, b := range p {
if b != lastByte {
all = false
if all {
rp.n += int64(len(p))
return len(p), nil
for _, b := range p {
if rp == nil || rp.b != b {
r.buf = append(r.buf, repeatedByte{r.Size(), b, 1})
rp = &r.buf[len(r.buf)-1]
} else {
return len(p), nil
func (r *rleBuffer) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
if len(p) == 0 {
skipParts := sort.Search(len(r.buf), func(i int) bool {
part := &r.buf[i]
return > off
parts := r.buf[skipParts:]
if len(parts) > 0 {
skipBytes := off - parts[0].off
for len(parts) > 0 {
part := parts[0]
for i := skipBytes; i < part.n; i++ {
if n == len(p) {
p[n] = part.b
parts = parts[1:]
skipBytes = 0
if n != len(p) {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
// Just testing the rleBuffer used in the Zip64 test above. Not used by the zip code.
func TestRLEBuffer(t *testing.T) {
b := new(rleBuffer)
var all []byte
writes := []string{"abcdeee", "eeeeeee", "eeeefghaaiii"}
for _, w := range writes {
all = append(all, w...)
if len(b.buf) != 10 {
t.Fatalf("len(b.buf) = %d; want 10", len(b.buf))
for i := 0; i < len(all); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(all)-i; j++ {
buf := make([]byte, j)
n, err := b.ReadAt(buf, int64(i))
if err != nil || n != len(buf) {
t.Errorf("ReadAt(%d, %d) = %d, %v; want %d, nil", i, j, n, err, len(buf))
if !bytes.Equal(buf, all[i:i+j]) {
t.Errorf("ReadAt(%d, %d) = %q; want %q", i, j, buf, all[i:i+j])
// fakeHash32 is a dummy Hash32 that always returns 0.
type fakeHash32 struct {
func (fakeHash32) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return len(p), nil }
func (fakeHash32) Sum32() uint32 { return 0 }
func TestZip64(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("slow test; skipping")
const size = 1 << 32 // before the "END\n" part
buf := testZip64(t, size)
testZip64DirectoryRecordLength(buf, t)
func testZip64(t testing.TB, size int64) *rleBuffer {
const chunkSize = 1024
chunks := int(size / chunkSize)
// write 2^32 bytes plus "END\n" to a zip file
buf := new(rleBuffer)
w := NewWriter(buf)
f, err := w.CreateHeader(&FileHeader{
Name: "huge.txt",
Method: Store,
if err != nil {
f.(*fileWriter).crc32 = fakeHash32{}
chunk := make([]byte, chunkSize)
for i := range chunk {
chunk[i] = '.'
for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ {
_, err := f.Write(chunk)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("write chunk:", err)
end := []byte("END\n")
_, err = f.Write(end)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("write end:", err)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// read back zip file and check that we get to the end of it
r, err := NewReader(buf, int64(buf.Size()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("reader:", err)
f0 := r.File[0]
rc, err := f0.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("opening:", err)
rc.(*checksumReader).hash = fakeHash32{}
for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ {
_, err := io.ReadFull(rc, chunk)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("read:", err)
gotEnd, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("read end:", err)
if !bytes.Equal(gotEnd, end) {
t.Errorf("End of zip64 archive %q, want %q", gotEnd, end)
err = rc.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("closing:", err)
if size == 1<<32 {
if got, want := f0.UncompressedSize, uint32(uint32max); got != want {
t.Errorf("UncompressedSize %d, want %d", got, want)
if got, want := f0.UncompressedSize64, uint64(size)+uint64(len(end)); got != want {
t.Errorf("UncompressedSize64 %d, want %d", got, want)
return buf
// Issue 9857
func testZip64DirectoryRecordLength(buf *rleBuffer, t *testing.T) {
d := make([]byte, 1024)
if _, err := buf.ReadAt(d, buf.Size()-int64(len(d))); err != nil {
t.Fatal("read:", err)
sigOff := findSignatureInBlock(d)
dirOff, err := findDirectory64End(buf, buf.Size()-int64(len(d))+int64(sigOff))
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("findDirectory64End:", err)
d = make([]byte, directory64EndLen)
if _, err := buf.ReadAt(d, dirOff); err != nil {
t.Fatal("read:", err)
b := readBuf(d)
if sig := b.uint32(); sig != directory64EndSignature {
t.Fatalf("Expected directory64EndSignature (%d), got %d", directory64EndSignature, sig)
size := b.uint64()
if size != directory64EndLen-12 {
t.Fatalf("Expected length of %d, got %d", directory64EndLen-12, size)
func testInvalidHeader(h *FileHeader, t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
z := NewWriter(&buf)
f, err := z.CreateHeader(h)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating header: %v", err)
if _, err := f.Write([]byte("hi")); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error writing content: %v", err)
if err := z.Close(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error closing zip writer: %v", err)
b := buf.Bytes()
if _, err = NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), int64(len(b))); err != ErrFormat {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected ErrFormat", err)
func testValidHeader(h *FileHeader, t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
z := NewWriter(&buf)
f, err := z.CreateHeader(h)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating header: %v", err)
if _, err := f.Write([]byte("hi")); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error writing content: %v", err)
if err := z.Close(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error closing zip writer: %v", err)
b := buf.Bytes()
if _, err = NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), int64(len(b))); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected nil", err)
// Issue 4302.
func TestHeaderInvalidTagAndSize(t *testing.T) {
const timeFormat = "20060102T150405.000.txt"
ts := time.Now()
filename := ts.Format(timeFormat)
h := FileHeader{
Name: filename,
Method: Deflate,
Extra: []byte(ts.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)), // missing tag and len
testInvalidHeader(&h, t)
func TestHeaderTooShort(t *testing.T) {
h := FileHeader{
Name: "foo.txt",
Method: Deflate,
Extra: []byte{zip64ExtraId}, // missing size
testInvalidHeader(&h, t)
// Issue 4393. It is valid to have an extra data header
// which contains no body.
func TestZeroLengthHeader(t *testing.T) {
h := FileHeader{
Name: "extadata.txt",
Method: Deflate,
Extra: []byte{
85, 84, 5, 0, 3, 154, 144, 195, 77, // tag 21589 size 5
85, 120, 0, 0, // tag 30805 size 0
testValidHeader(&h, t)
// Just benchmarking how fast the Zip64 test above is. Not related to
// our zip performance, since the test above disabled CRC32 and flate.
func BenchmarkZip64Test(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
testZip64(b, 1<<26)