package stringy import ( "testing" ) var sm StringManipulation = New("This is example.") func TestInput_Between(t *testing.T) { val := sm.Between("This", "example").ToUpper() if val != "IS" { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", "IS", val) } } func TestInput_Boolean(t *testing.T) { str := New("on") val := str.Boolean() if !val { t.Errorf("Expected: to be true but got: %v", val) } } func TestInput_CamelCase(t *testing.T) { str := New("Camel case this_complicated__string%%") val := str.CamelCase("%", "") if val != "CamelCaseThisComplicatedString" { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", "CamelCaseThisComplicatedString", val) } } func TestInput_ContainsAll(t *testing.T) { contains := New("hello mam how are you??") if val := contains.ContainsAll("mam", "?"); !val { t.Errorf("Expected value to be true but got false") } if val := contains.ContainsAll("non existent"); val { t.Errorf("Expected value to be false but got true") } } func TestInput_Delimited(t *testing.T) { str := New("Delimited case this_complicated__string@@") against := "" if val := str.Delimited(".", "@", "").ToLower(); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } } func TestInput_KebabCase(t *testing.T) { str := New("Kebab case this-complicated___string@@") against := "Kebab-case-this-complicated-string" if val := str.KebabCase("@", "").Get(); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } } func TestInput_LcFirst(t *testing.T) { str := New("this is an all lower") against := "This is an all lower" if val := str.LcFirst(); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } } func TestInput_Lines(t *testing.T) { lines := New("fòô\r\nbàř\nyolo") strSlic := lines.Lines() if len(strSlic) != 3 { t.Errorf("Length expected to be 3 but got: %d", len(strSlic)) } if strSlic[0] != "fòô" { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", "fòô", strSlic[0]) } } func TestInput_Pad(t *testing.T) { pad := New("Roshan") if result := pad.Pad(10, "0", "both"); result != "00Roshan00" { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", "00Roshan00", result) } if result := pad.Pad(10, "0", "left"); result != "0000Roshan" { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", "0000Roshan", result) } if result := pad.Pad(10, "0", "right"); result != "Roshan0000" { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", "Roshan0000", result) } } func TestInput_RemoveSpecialCharacter(t *testing.T) { cleanString := New("special@#remove%%%%") against := "specialremove" if result := cleanString.RemoveSpecialCharacter(); result != against { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", against, result) } } func TestInput_ReplaceFirst(t *testing.T) { replaceFirst := New("Hello My name is Roshan and his name is Alis.") against := "Hello My nombre is Roshan and his name is Alis." if result := replaceFirst.ReplaceFirst("name", "nombre"); result != against { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", against, result) } } func TestInput_ReplaceLast(t *testing.T) { replaceLast := New("Hello My name is Roshan and his name is Alis.") against := "Hello My name is Roshan and his nombre is Alis." if result := replaceLast.ReplaceLast("name", "nombre"); result != against { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", against, result) } } func TestInput_Reverse(t *testing.T) { reverseString := New("roshan") against := "nahsor" if result := reverseString.Reverse(); result != against { t.Errorf("Expected: %s but got: %s", against, result) } } func TestInput_Shuffle(t *testing.T) { check := "roshan" shuffleString := New(check) if result := shuffleString.Shuffle(); len(result) != len(check) && check == result { t.Errorf("Shuffle string gave wrong output") } } func TestInput_SnakeCase(t *testing.T) { str := New("SnakeCase this-complicated___string@@") against := "snake_case_this_complicated_string" if val := str.SnakeCase("@", "").ToLower(); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } } func TestInput_Surround(t *testing.T) { str := New("this") against := "__this__" if val := str.Surround("__"); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } } func TestInput_Tease(t *testing.T) { str := New("This is just simple paragraph on lorem ipsum.") against := "This is just..." if val := str.Tease(12, "..."); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } } func TestInput_UcFirst(t *testing.T) { str := New("this is test") against := "This is test" if val := str.UcFirst(); val != against { t.Errorf("Expected: to be %s but got: %s", against, val) } }