2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
package redis
import (
2014-11-13 15:26:14 +03:00
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-04-09 14:52:01 +03:00
2016-10-09 13:49:28 +03:00
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
func readTimeout(timeout time.Duration) time.Duration {
if timeout == 0 {
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
return 0
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
return timeout + time.Second
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
func usePrecise(dur time.Duration) bool {
return dur < time.Second || dur%time.Second != 0
func formatMs(dur time.Duration) string {
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
if dur > 0 && dur < time.Millisecond {
2016-04-09 14:52:01 +03:00
2016-02-06 13:16:09 +03:00
"specified duration is %s, but minimal supported value is %s",
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
dur, time.Millisecond,
2016-07-02 15:52:10 +03:00
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(dur/time.Millisecond), 10)
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
func formatSec(dur time.Duration) string {
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
if dur > 0 && dur < time.Second {
2016-04-09 14:52:01 +03:00
2016-02-06 13:16:09 +03:00
"specified duration is %s, but minimal supported value is %s",
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
dur, time.Second,
2016-07-02 15:52:10 +03:00
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(dur/time.Second), 10)
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
2016-07-21 16:24:58 +03:00
type Cmdable interface {
2016-09-27 12:24:14 +03:00
Pipeline() *Pipeline
Pipelined(fn func(*Pipeline) error) ([]Cmder, error)
2016-07-21 08:50:28 +03:00
Echo(message interface{}) *StringCmd
Ping() *StatusCmd
Quit() *StatusCmd
Del(keys ...string) *IntCmd
Dump(key string) *StringCmd
Exists(key string) *BoolCmd
Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd
ExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd
Keys(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd
Migrate(host, port, key string, db int64, timeout time.Duration) *StatusCmd
Move(key string, db int64) *BoolCmd
ObjectRefCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd
ObjectEncoding(keys ...string) *StringCmd
ObjectIdleTime(keys ...string) *DurationCmd
Persist(key string) *BoolCmd
PExpire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd
PExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd
PTTL(key string) *DurationCmd
RandomKey() *StringCmd
Rename(key, newkey string) *StatusCmd
RenameNX(key, newkey string) *BoolCmd
Restore(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd
RestoreReplace(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd
Sort(key string, sort Sort) *StringSliceCmd
SortInterfaces(key string, sort Sort) *SliceCmd
TTL(key string) *DurationCmd
Type(key string) *StatusCmd
Scan(cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner
SScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner
HScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner
ZScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner
Append(key, value string) *IntCmd
BitCount(key string, bitCount *BitCount) *IntCmd
BitOpAnd(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd
BitOpOr(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd
BitOpXor(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd
BitOpNot(destKey string, key string) *IntCmd
BitPos(key string, bit int64, pos ...int64) *IntCmd
Decr(key string) *IntCmd
DecrBy(key string, decrement int64) *IntCmd
Get(key string) *StringCmd
GetBit(key string, offset int64) *IntCmd
GetRange(key string, start, end int64) *StringCmd
GetSet(key string, value interface{}) *StringCmd
Incr(key string) *IntCmd
IncrBy(key string, value int64) *IntCmd
IncrByFloat(key string, value float64) *FloatCmd
MGet(keys ...string) *SliceCmd
MSet(pairs ...interface{}) *StatusCmd
MSetNX(pairs ...interface{}) *BoolCmd
Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *StatusCmd
SetBit(key string, offset int64, value int) *IntCmd
SetNX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd
SetXX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd
SetRange(key string, offset int64, value string) *IntCmd
StrLen(key string) *IntCmd
HDel(key string, fields ...string) *IntCmd
HExists(key, field string) *BoolCmd
HGet(key, field string) *StringCmd
HGetAll(key string) *StringStringMapCmd
HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) *IntCmd
HIncrByFloat(key, field string, incr float64) *FloatCmd
HKeys(key string) *StringSliceCmd
HLen(key string) *IntCmd
HMGet(key string, fields ...string) *SliceCmd
HMSet(key string, fields map[string]string) *StatusCmd
HSet(key, field, value string) *BoolCmd
HSetNX(key, field, value string) *BoolCmd
HVals(key string) *StringSliceCmd
BLPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd
BRPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd
BRPopLPush(source, destination string, timeout time.Duration) *StringCmd
LIndex(key string, index int64) *StringCmd
LInsert(key, op string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd
LInsertBefore(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd
LInsertAfter(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd
LLen(key string) *IntCmd
LPop(key string) *StringCmd
LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd
LPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd
LRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd
LRem(key string, count int64, value interface{}) *IntCmd
LSet(key string, index int64, value interface{}) *StatusCmd
LTrim(key string, start, stop int64) *StatusCmd
RPop(key string) *StringCmd
RPopLPush(source, destination string) *StringCmd
RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd
RPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd
SAdd(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd
SCard(key string) *IntCmd
SDiff(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd
SDiffStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd
SInter(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd
SInterStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd
SIsMember(key string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd
SMembers(key string) *StringSliceCmd
SMove(source, destination string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd
SPop(key string) *StringCmd
SPopN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd
SRandMember(key string) *StringCmd
SRandMemberN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd
SRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd
SUnion(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd
SUnionStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd
ZAdd(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd
ZAddNX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd
ZAddXX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd
ZAddCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd
ZAddNXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd
ZAddXXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd
ZIncr(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd
ZIncrNX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd
ZIncrXX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd
ZCard(key string) *IntCmd
ZCount(key, min, max string) *IntCmd
ZIncrBy(key string, increment float64, member string) *FloatCmd
ZInterStore(destination string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd
ZRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd
ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd
ZRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd
ZRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd
ZRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd
ZRank(key, member string) *IntCmd
ZRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd
ZRemRangeByRank(key string, start, stop int64) *IntCmd
ZRemRangeByScore(key, min, max string) *IntCmd
ZRevRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd
ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd
ZRevRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd
ZRevRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd
ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd
ZRevRank(key, member string) *IntCmd
ZScore(key, member string) *FloatCmd
ZUnionStore(dest string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd
PFAdd(key string, els ...interface{}) *IntCmd
PFCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd
PFMerge(dest string, keys ...string) *StatusCmd
BgRewriteAOF() *StatusCmd
BgSave() *StatusCmd
ClientKill(ipPort string) *StatusCmd
ClientList() *StringCmd
ClientPause(dur time.Duration) *BoolCmd
ClientSetName(name string) *BoolCmd
ConfigGet(parameter string) *SliceCmd
ConfigResetStat() *StatusCmd
ConfigSet(parameter, value string) *StatusCmd
DbSize() *IntCmd
FlushAll() *StatusCmd
FlushDb() *StatusCmd
Info(section ...string) *StringCmd
LastSave() *IntCmd
Save() *StatusCmd
Shutdown() *StatusCmd
ShutdownSave() *StatusCmd
ShutdownNoSave() *StatusCmd
SlaveOf(host, port string) *StatusCmd
Time() *StringSliceCmd
Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd
EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd
ScriptExists(scripts ...string) *BoolSliceCmd
ScriptFlush() *StatusCmd
ScriptKill() *StatusCmd
ScriptLoad(script string) *StringCmd
DebugObject(key string) *StringCmd
PubSubChannels(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd
PubSubNumSub(channels ...string) *StringIntMapCmd
PubSubNumPat() *IntCmd
ClusterSlots() *ClusterSlotsCmd
ClusterNodes() *StringCmd
ClusterMeet(host, port string) *StatusCmd
ClusterForget(nodeID string) *StatusCmd
ClusterReplicate(nodeID string) *StatusCmd
ClusterResetSoft() *StatusCmd
ClusterResetHard() *StatusCmd
ClusterInfo() *StringCmd
ClusterKeySlot(key string) *IntCmd
ClusterCountFailureReports(nodeID string) *IntCmd
ClusterCountKeysInSlot(slot int) *IntCmd
ClusterDelSlots(slots ...int) *StatusCmd
ClusterDelSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd
ClusterSaveConfig() *StatusCmd
ClusterSlaves(nodeID string) *StringSliceCmd
ClusterFailover() *StatusCmd
ClusterAddSlots(slots ...int) *StatusCmd
ClusterAddSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd
GeoAdd(key string, geoLocation ...*GeoLocation) *IntCmd
2016-08-22 12:39:22 +03:00
GeoPos(key string, members ...string) *GeoPosCmd
2016-07-21 08:50:28 +03:00
GeoRadius(key string, longitude, latitude float64, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd
GeoRadiusByMember(key, member string, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd
GeoDist(key string, member1, member2, unit string) *FloatCmd
GeoHash(key string, members ...string) *StringSliceCmd
Command() *CommandsInfoCmd
2016-07-21 16:24:58 +03:00
type cmdable struct {
process func(cmd Cmder) error
2016-08-15 22:22:50 +03:00
// WrapProcess replaces the process func. It takes a function createWrapper
// which is supplied by the user. createWrapper takes the old process func as
// an input and returns the new wrapper process func. createWrapper should
// use call the old process func within the new process func.
func (c *cmdable) WrapProcess(createWrapper func(oldProcess func(cmd Cmder) error) func(cmd Cmder) error) {
c.process = createWrapper(c.process)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
type statefulCmdable struct {
2016-06-17 15:09:38 +03:00
process func(cmd Cmder) error
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *statefulCmdable) Auth(password string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("auth", password)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-14 13:22:16 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Echo(message interface{}) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("echo", message)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Ping() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("ping")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Quit() *StatusCmd {
2012-08-25 16:40:49 +04:00
panic("not implemented")
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *statefulCmdable) Select(index int) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("select", index)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Del(keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys))
2016-07-08 12:24:02 +03:00
args[0] = "del"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Dump(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("dump", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Exists(key string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("exists", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("expire", key, formatSec(expiration))
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("expireat", key, tm.Unix())
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Keys(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("keys", pattern)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Migrate(host, port, key string, db int64, timeout time.Duration) *StatusCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Move(key string, db int64) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("move", key, db)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ObjectRefCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "object"
args[1] = "refcount"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ObjectEncoding(keys ...string) *StringCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "object"
args[1] = "encoding"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ObjectIdleTime(keys ...string) *DurationCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "object"
args[1] = "idletime"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewDurationCmd(time.Second, args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Persist(key string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("persist", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PExpire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("pexpire", key, formatMs(expiration))
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PTTL(key string) *DurationCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewDurationCmd(time.Millisecond, "pttl", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RandomKey() *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("randomkey")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Rename(key, newkey string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("rename", key, newkey)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RenameNX(key, newkey string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("renamenx", key, newkey)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Restore(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
2015-07-11 12:10:41 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RestoreReplace(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd {
2015-07-11 12:23:04 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2015-07-11 12:23:04 +03:00
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2015-07-11 12:23:04 +03:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-07-11 12:23:04 +03:00
return cmd
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
type Sort struct {
By string
Offset, Count float64
Get []string
Order string
IsAlpha bool
Store string
2016-01-22 13:29:23 +03:00
func (sort *Sort) args(key string) []interface{} {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"sort", key}
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if sort.By != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "by", sort.By)
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if sort.Offset != 0 || sort.Count != 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "limit", sort.Offset, sort.Count)
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
for _, get := range sort.Get {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "get", get)
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if sort.Order != "" {
args = append(args, sort.Order)
if sort.IsAlpha {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "alpha")
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if sort.Store != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "store", sort.Store)
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
2016-01-22 13:29:23 +03:00
return args
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Sort(key string, sort Sort) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-01-22 13:29:23 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(sort.args(key)...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2016-01-22 13:29:23 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SortInterfaces(key string, sort Sort) *SliceCmd {
2016-01-22 13:29:23 +03:00
cmd := NewSliceCmd(sort.args(key)...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) TTL(key string) *DurationCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewDurationCmd(time.Second, "ttl", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Type(key string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("type", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Scan(cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"scan", cursor}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if match != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "match", match)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if count > 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "count", count)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewScanCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2016-04-13 11:52:47 +03:00
return Scanner{
client: c,
ScanCmd: cmd,
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"sscan", key, cursor}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if match != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "match", match)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if count > 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "count", count)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewScanCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2016-04-13 11:52:47 +03:00
return Scanner{
client: c,
ScanCmd: cmd,
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"hscan", key, cursor}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if match != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "match", match)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if count > 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "count", count)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewScanCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2016-04-13 11:52:47 +03:00
return Scanner{
client: c,
ScanCmd: cmd,
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) Scanner {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"zscan", key, cursor}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if match != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "match", match)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if count > 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "count", count)
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewScanCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2016-04-13 11:52:47 +03:00
return Scanner{
client: c,
ScanCmd: cmd,
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Append(key, value string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("append", key, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
type BitCount struct {
Start, End int64
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BitCount(key string, bitCount *BitCount) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"bitcount", key}
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
if bitCount != nil {
args = append(
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) bitOp(op, destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "bitop"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = op
args[2] = destKey
for i, key := range keys {
args[3+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BitOpAnd(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.bitOp("and", destKey, keys...)
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BitOpOr(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.bitOp("or", destKey, keys...)
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BitOpXor(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.bitOp("xor", destKey, keys...)
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BitOpNot(destKey string, key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.bitOp("not", destKey, key)
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BitPos(key string, bit int64, pos ...int64) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(pos))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "bitpos"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
args[2] = bit
2014-10-07 14:54:43 +04:00
switch len(pos) {
case 0:
case 1:
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
args[3] = pos[0]
2014-10-07 14:54:43 +04:00
case 2:
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
args[3] = pos[0]
args[4] = pos[1]
2014-10-07 14:54:43 +04:00
panic("too many arguments")
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-10-07 14:54:43 +04:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Decr(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("decr", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) DecrBy(key string, decrement int64) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("decrby", key, decrement)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Get(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("get", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GetBit(key string, offset int64) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("getbit", key, offset)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GetRange(key string, start, end int64) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("getrange", key, start, end)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GetSet(key string, value interface{}) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("getset", key, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Incr(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("incr", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) IncrBy(key string, value int64) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("incrby", key, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) IncrByFloat(key string, value float64) *FloatCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewFloatCmd("incrbyfloat", key, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-19 16:57:58 +04:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) MGet(keys ...string) *SliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "mget"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) MSet(pairs ...interface{}) *StatusCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(pairs))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "mset"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, pair := range pairs {
args[1+i] = pair
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) MSetNX(pairs ...interface{}) *BoolCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(pairs))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "msetnx"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, pair := range pairs {
args[1+i] = pair
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-08-07 17:02:17 +03:00
// Redis `SET key value [expiration]` command.
// Zero expiration means the key has no expiration time.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 3, 4)
args[0] = "set"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
args[2] = value
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
if expiration > 0 {
if usePrecise(expiration) {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "px", formatMs(expiration))
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
} else {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "ex", formatSec(expiration))
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SetBit(key string, offset int64, value int) *IntCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(
2016-07-08 12:24:02 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-08-07 17:02:17 +03:00
// Redis `SET key value [expiration] NX` command.
// Zero expiration means the key has no expiration time.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SetNX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd {
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
var cmd *BoolCmd
if expiration == 0 {
// Use old `SETNX` to support old Redis versions.
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd = NewBoolCmd("setnx", key, value)
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
} else {
if usePrecise(expiration) {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "px", formatMs(expiration), "nx")
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
} else {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "ex", formatSec(expiration), "nx")
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
return cmd
2015-08-07 17:02:17 +03:00
// Redis `SET key value [expiration] XX` command.
// Zero expiration means the key has no expiration time.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SetXX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd {
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
var cmd *BoolCmd
2016-10-21 15:40:53 +03:00
if expiration == 0 {
cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "xx")
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
} else {
2016-10-21 15:40:53 +03:00
if usePrecise(expiration) {
cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "px", formatMs(expiration), "xx")
} else {
cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "ex", formatSec(expiration), "xx")
2015-01-31 12:08:56 +03:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SetRange(key string, offset int64, value string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("setrange", key, offset, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) StrLen(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("strlen", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HDel(key string, fields ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(fields))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "hdel"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
for i, field := range fields {
args[2+i] = field
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HExists(key, field string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("hexists", key, field)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HGet(key, field string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("hget", key, field)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HGetAll(key string) *StringStringMapCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringStringMapCmd("hgetall", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("hincrby", key, field, incr)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HIncrByFloat(key, field string, incr float64) *FloatCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewFloatCmd("hincrbyfloat", key, field, incr)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HKeys(key string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("hkeys", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HLen(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("hlen", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HMGet(key string, fields ...string) *SliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(fields))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "hmget"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
for i, field := range fields {
args[2+i] = field
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HMSet(key string, fields map[string]string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-02 14:50:59 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(fields)*2)
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "hmset"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
2016-05-02 14:50:59 +03:00
i := 2
for k, v := range fields {
args[i] = k
args[i+1] = v
i += 2
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HSet(key, field, value string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("hset", key, field, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HSetNX(key, field, value string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("hsetnx", key, field, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) HVals(key string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("hvals", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BLPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)+1)
args[0] = "blpop"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
args[len(args)-1] = formatSec(timeout)
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BRPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)+1)
args[0] = "brpop"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[len(keys)+1] = formatSec(timeout)
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BRPopLPush(source, destination string, timeout time.Duration) *StringCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-04-07 12:42:16 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LIndex(key string, index int64) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("lindex", key, index)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LInsert(key, op string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("linsert", key, op, pivot, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LInsertBefore(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-06-14 13:22:16 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("linsert", key, "before", pivot, value)
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LInsertAfter(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-06-14 13:22:16 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("linsert", key, "after", pivot, value)
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LLen(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("llen", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LPop(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("lpop", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd {
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(values))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "lpush"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
for i, value := range values {
args[2+i] = value
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("lpushx", key, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LRem(key string, count int64, value interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("lrem", key, count, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LSet(key string, index int64, value interface{}) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("lset", key, index, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LTrim(key string, start, stop int64) *StatusCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RPop(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("rpop", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RPopLPush(source, destination string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("rpoplpush", source, destination)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd {
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(values))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "rpush"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
for i, value := range values {
args[2+i] = value
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) RPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("rpushx", key, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SAdd(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd {
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sadd"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
for i, member := range members {
args[2+i] = member
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-25 17:00:50 +04:00
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SCard(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("scard", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SDiff(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sdiff"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SDiffStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sdiffstore"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = destination
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SInter(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sinter"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SInterStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sinterstore"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = destination
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SIsMember(key string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("sismember", key, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SMembers(key string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("smembers", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SMove(source, destination string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("smove", source, destination, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-09 18:39:51 +03:00
// Redis `SPOP key` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SPop(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("spop", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-06-09 18:39:51 +03:00
// Redis `SPOP key count` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SPopN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-06-09 18:39:51 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("spop", key, count)
return cmd
2015-08-25 14:02:16 +03:00
// Redis `SRANDMEMBER key` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SRandMember(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("srandmember", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-08-25 14:02:16 +03:00
// Redis `SRANDMEMBER key count` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SRandMemberN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("srandmember", key, count)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-08-25 14:02:16 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd {
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "srem"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
2015-12-12 18:41:49 +03:00
for i, member := range members {
args[2+i] = member
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SUnion(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sunion"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SUnionStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "sunionstore"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = destination
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-26 19:16:17 +04:00
2015-12-01 17:28:41 +03:00
// Z represents sorted set member.
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
type Z struct {
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
Score float64
2015-07-16 17:30:16 +03:00
Member interface{}
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2015-12-01 17:28:41 +03:00
// ZStore is used as an arg to ZInterStore and ZUnionStore.
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
type ZStore struct {
2015-12-01 17:28:41 +03:00
Weights []float64
2015-07-16 17:30:16 +03:00
// Can be SUM, MIN or MAX.
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
Aggregate string
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) zAdd(a []interface{}, n int, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
for i, m := range members {
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
a[n+2*i] = m.Score
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
a[n+2*i+1] = m.Member
cmd := NewIntCmd(a...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return cmd
// Redis `ZADD key score member [score member ...]` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZAdd(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 2
a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1] = "zadd", key
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zAdd(a, n, members...)
// Redis `ZADD key NX score member [score member ...]` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZAddNX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 3
a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "nx"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zAdd(a, n, members...)
// Redis `ZADD key XX score member [score member ...]` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZAddXX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 3
a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "xx"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zAdd(a, n, members...)
// Redis `ZADD key CH score member [score member ...]` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZAddCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 3
a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "ch"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zAdd(a, n, members...)
// Redis `ZADD key NX CH score member [score member ...]` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZAddNXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 4
a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "nx", "ch"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zAdd(a, n, members...)
// Redis `ZADD key XX CH score member [score member ...]` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZAddXXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 4
a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "xx", "ch"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zAdd(a, n, members...)
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) zIncr(a []interface{}, n int, members ...Z) *FloatCmd {
2015-05-11 16:41:42 +03:00
for i, m := range members {
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
a[n+2*i] = m.Score
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
a[n+2*i+1] = m.Member
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
cmd := NewFloatCmd(a...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
// Redis `ZADD key INCR score member` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZIncr(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 3
a := make([]interface{}, n+2)
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "incr"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zIncr(a, n, member)
// Redis `ZADD key NX INCR score member` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZIncrNX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 4
a := make([]interface{}, n+2)
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "incr", "nx"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zIncr(a, n, member)
// Redis `ZADD key XX INCR score member` command.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZIncrXX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd {
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
const n = 4
a := make([]interface{}, n+2)
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "incr", "xx"
2015-08-29 13:08:27 +03:00
return c.zIncr(a, n, member)
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZCard(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("zcard", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZCount(key, min, max string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("zcount", key, min, max)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZIncrBy(key string, increment float64, member string) *FloatCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewFloatCmd("zincrby", key, increment, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZInterStore(destination string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "zinterstore"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = destination
args[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
args[3+i] = key
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if len(store.Weights) > 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "weights")
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
for _, weight := range store.Weights {
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
args = append(args, weight)
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if store.Aggregate != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "aggregate", store.Aggregate)
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) zRange(key string, start, stop int64, withScores bool) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := []interface{}{
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
if withScores {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "withscores")
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd {
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
return c.zRange(key, start, stop, false)
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewZSliceCmd("zrange", key, start, stop, "withscores")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2016-04-09 13:15:33 +03:00
type ZRangeBy struct {
2015-03-30 16:14:21 +03:00
Min, Max string
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
Offset, Count int64
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) zRangeBy(zcmd, key string, opt ZRangeBy, withScores bool) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-08-25 22:15:01 +03:00
args := []interface{}{zcmd, key, opt.Min, opt.Max}
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
if withScores {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "withscores")
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 {
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
args = append(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.zRangeBy("zrangebyscore", key, opt, false)
2015-08-23 06:38:37 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.zRangeBy("zrangebylex", key, opt, false)
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"zrangebyscore", key, opt.Min, opt.Max, "withscores"}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 {
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
args = append(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2014-07-05 14:46:27 +04:00
cmd := NewZSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRank(key, member string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("zrank", key, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "zrem"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = key
for i, member := range members {
args[2+i] = member
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRemRangeByRank(key string, start, stop int64) *IntCmd {
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRemRangeByScore(key, min, max string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("zremrangebyscore", key, min, max)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRevRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("zrevrange", key, start, stop)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewZSliceCmd("zrevrange", key, start, stop, "withscores")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) zRevRangeBy(zcmd, key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-08-25 22:15:01 +03:00
args := []interface{}{zcmd, key, opt.Max, opt.Min}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 {
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
args = append(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.zRevRangeBy("zrevrangebyscore", key, opt)
2015-08-25 22:15:01 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.zRevRangeBy("zrevrangebylex", key, opt)
2015-08-25 22:15:01 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"zrevrangebyscore", key, opt.Max, opt.Min, "withscores"}
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 {
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
args = append(
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2014-07-05 14:46:27 +04:00
cmd := NewZSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2013-02-02 16:17:01 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZRevRank(key, member string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("zrevrank", key, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZScore(key, member string) *FloatCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewFloatCmd("zscore", key, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ZUnionStore(dest string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "zunionstore"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[1] = dest
args[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
args[3+i] = key
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if len(store.Weights) > 0 {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "weights")
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
for _, weight := range store.Weights {
2015-10-07 18:21:18 +03:00
args = append(args, weight)
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2012-08-17 22:36:48 +04:00
if store.Aggregate != "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = append(args, "aggregate", store.Aggregate)
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-07-27 18:21:50 +04:00
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PFAdd(key string, els ...interface{}) *IntCmd {
2016-06-14 13:22:16 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(els))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "pfadd"
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
args[1] = key
2016-06-14 13:22:16 +03:00
for i, el := range els {
args[2+i] = el
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PFCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd {
2015-12-24 01:24:42 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "pfcount"
2015-12-24 01:24:42 +03:00
for i, key := range keys {
args[1+i] = key
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PFMerge(dest string, keys ...string) *StatusCmd {
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "pfmerge"
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
args[1] = dest
for i, key := range keys {
args[2+i] = key
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-11-04 10:34:58 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BgRewriteAOF() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("bgrewriteaof")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) BgSave() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("bgsave")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClientKill(ipPort string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("client", "kill", ipPort)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClientList() *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("client", "list")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2015-05-15 15:11:22 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClientPause(dur time.Duration) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("client", "pause", formatMs(dur))
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-05-15 15:11:22 +03:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2015-10-22 14:15:47 +03:00
// ClientSetName assigns a name to the one of many connections in the pool.
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClientSetName(name string) *BoolCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewBoolCmd("client", "setname", name)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-10-20 22:21:58 +03:00
return cmd
2015-10-22 14:15:47 +03:00
// ClientGetName returns the name of the one of many connections in the pool.
func (c *Client) ClientGetName() *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("client", "getname")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-10-20 22:21:58 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ConfigGet(parameter string) *SliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewSliceCmd("config", "get", parameter)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ConfigResetStat() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("config", "resetstat")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ConfigSet(parameter, value string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("config", "set", parameter, value)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) DbSize() *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("dbsize")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) FlushAll() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("flushall")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) FlushDb() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("flushdb")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Info(section ...string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"info"}
2016-01-08 16:03:34 +03:00
if len(section) > 0 {
args = append(args, section[0])
cmd := NewStringCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) LastSave() *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("lastsave")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Save() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("save")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) shutdown(modifier string) *StatusCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
var args []interface{}
2012-08-25 16:35:39 +04:00
if modifier == "" {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = []interface{}{"shutdown"}
2012-08-25 16:35:39 +04:00
} else {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args = []interface{}{"shutdown", modifier}
2012-08-25 16:35:39 +04:00
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-11-13 15:26:14 +03:00
if err := cmd.Err(); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
// Server quit as expected.
cmd.err = nil
} else {
// Server did not quit. String reply contains the reason.
2016-10-09 14:38:31 +03:00
cmd.err = internal.RedisError(cmd.val)
2014-11-13 15:26:14 +03:00
cmd.val = ""
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-25 16:35:39 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Shutdown() *StatusCmd {
2012-08-25 16:35:39 +04:00
return c.shutdown("")
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ShutdownSave() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.shutdown("save")
2012-08-25 16:35:39 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ShutdownNoSave() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return c.shutdown("nosave")
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SlaveOf(host, port string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("slaveof", host, port)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) SlowLog() {
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
panic("not implemented")
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Sync() {
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
panic("not implemented")
2016-07-21 16:24:58 +03:00
// TODO: add TimeCmd and use it here
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Time() *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("time")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-12 22:41:44 +04:00
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
cmdArgs := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)+len(args))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmdArgs[0] = "eval"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
cmdArgs[1] = script
cmdArgs[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
cmdArgs[3+i] = key
pos := 3 + len(keys)
for i, arg := range args {
cmdArgs[pos+i] = arg
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewCmd(cmdArgs...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
cmdArgs := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)+len(args))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmdArgs[0] = "evalsha"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
cmdArgs[1] = sha1
cmdArgs[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
cmdArgs[3+i] = key
pos := 3 + len(keys)
for i, arg := range args {
cmdArgs[pos+i] = arg
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewCmd(cmdArgs...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ScriptExists(scripts ...string) *BoolSliceCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(scripts))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "script"
args[1] = "exists"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, script := range scripts {
args[2+i] = script
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
cmd := NewBoolSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ScriptFlush() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("script", "flush")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ScriptKill() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("script", "kill")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ScriptLoad(script string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("script", "load", script)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2014-05-11 11:42:40 +04:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) DebugObject(key string) *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("debug", "object", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-06-25 11:40:56 +04:00
return cmd
2012-08-20 14:42:33 +04:00
2014-10-07 14:06:41 +04:00
2016-07-21 16:04:40 +03:00
// Publish posts the message to the channel.
func (c *cmdable) Publish(channel, message string) *IntCmd {
cmd := NewIntCmd("PUBLISH", channel, message)
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PubSubChannels(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args := []interface{}{"pubsub", "channels"}
2014-10-07 16:40:00 +04:00
if pattern != "*" {
args = append(args, pattern)
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-10-07 14:06:41 +04:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PubSubNumSub(channels ...string) *StringIntMapCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(channels))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "pubsub"
args[1] = "numsub"
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
for i, channel := range channels {
args[2+i] = channel
2015-01-25 15:05:19 +03:00
cmd := NewStringIntMapCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-10-07 14:06:41 +04:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) PubSubNumPat() *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("pubsub", "numpat")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterSlots() *ClusterSlotsCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewClusterSlotsCmd("cluster", "slots")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterNodes() *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("cluster", "nodes")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterMeet(host, port string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "meet", host, port)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2014-10-07 14:06:41 +04:00
return cmd
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterForget(nodeID string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "forget", nodeID)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-09 12:33:37 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterReplicate(nodeID string) *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "replicate", nodeID)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterResetSoft() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "reset", "soft")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-21 19:53:02 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterResetHard() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "reset", "hard")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-21 19:53:02 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterInfo() *StringCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringCmd("cluster", "info")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterKeySlot(key string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "keyslot", key)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-28 19:58:04 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterCountFailureReports(nodeID string) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "count-failure-reports", nodeID)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterCountKeysInSlot(slot int) *IntCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "countkeysinslot", slot)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterDelSlots(slots ...int) *StatusCmd {
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(slots))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "cluster"
args[1] = "delslots"
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
for i, slot := range slots {
args[2+i] = slot
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterDelSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd {
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
size := max - min + 1
slots := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
slots[i] = min + i
return c.ClusterDelSlots(slots...)
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterSaveConfig() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "saveconfig")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterSlaves(nodeID string) *StringSliceCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("cluster", "slaves", nodeID)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *statefulCmdable) ReadOnly() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("readonly")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *statefulCmdable) ReadWrite() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("readwrite")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-12-29 19:16:14 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterFailover() *StatusCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "failover")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterAddSlots(slots ...int) *StatusCmd {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(slots))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "cluster"
args[1] = "addslots"
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
for i, num := range slots {
2015-05-28 15:51:19 +03:00
args[2+i] = strconv.Itoa(num)
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) ClusterAddSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd {
2015-01-24 15:12:48 +03:00
size := max - min + 1
slots := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
slots[i] = min + i
return c.ClusterAddSlots(slots...)
2015-09-20 16:13:13 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GeoAdd(key string, geoLocation ...*GeoLocation) *IntCmd {
2015-09-20 16:13:13 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+3*len(geoLocation))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "geoadd"
2015-09-20 16:13:13 +03:00
args[1] = key
for i, eachLoc := range geoLocation {
args[2+3*i] = eachLoc.Longitude
args[2+3*i+1] = eachLoc.Latitude
args[2+3*i+2] = eachLoc.Name
cmd := NewIntCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-09-20 16:13:13 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GeoRadius(key string, longitude, latitude float64, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewGeoLocationCmd(query, "georadius", key, longitude, latitude)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-09-20 16:13:13 +03:00
return cmd
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GeoRadiusByMember(key, member string, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewGeoLocationCmd(query, "georadiusbymember", key, member)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-11-14 17:36:21 +03:00
return cmd
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GeoDist(key string, member1, member2, unit string) *FloatCmd {
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
if unit == "" {
unit = "km"
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewFloatCmd("geodist", key, member1, member2, unit)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
return cmd
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GeoHash(key string, members ...string) *StringSliceCmd {
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members))
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
args[0] = "geohash"
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
args[1] = key
for i, member := range members {
args[2+i] = member
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...)
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2015-10-15 00:39:39 +03:00
return cmd
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2016-08-22 12:39:22 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) GeoPos(key string, members ...string) *GeoPosCmd {
args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members))
2016-08-22 00:32:06 +03:00
args[0] = "geopos"
args[1] = key
2016-08-22 12:39:22 +03:00
for i, member := range members {
args[2+i] = member
2016-08-22 00:32:06 +03:00
cmd := NewGeoPosCmd(args...)
return cmd
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
2016-07-01 15:25:28 +03:00
func (c *cmdable) Command() *CommandsInfoCmd {
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
cmd := NewCommandsInfoCmd("command")
2016-06-05 12:45:39 +03:00
2016-05-06 21:12:31 +03:00
return cmd