##HTTP Interface LedisDB provoids http interfaces for most commands. ####Request The proper url format is http://host:port[/db]/cmd/arg1/arg2/.../argN[?type=type] 'db' and 'type' are optional. 'db' stands for ledis db index, ranges from 0 to 15, its default value is 0. 'type' is a cumstom content type, can be json, bson or msgpack, json is default. ####Response The response format is { cmd: return_value } or { cmd: [success, message] } 'return_value' stands for the output of 'cmd', it can be a number, a string, a list, or a hash. If the return value is just a descriptive message, the second format will be taken, and 'success', a boolean value, indicates whether it is successful. ####Example #####Curl curl → {"SET":[true,"OK"]} curl → {"GET":"world"} #####Python Requires [msgpack-python](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/msgpack-python) and [requests](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/) >>> import requests >>> import msgpack >>> requests.get("") >>> r = requests.get("") >>> msgpack.unpackb(r.content) >>> {"GET":"world"}