forked from mirror/jwt
Revert Encoding/Decoding changes for better compatibility (#117)
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ var (
jwtTestRSAPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
jwtTestRSAPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
jwtTestEC256PublicKey crypto.PublicKey
jwtTestEC256PublicKey crypto.PublicKey
jwtTestEC256PrivateKey crypto.PrivateKey
jwtTestEC256PrivateKey crypto.PrivateKey
paddedKey crypto.PublicKey
defaultKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return jwtTestDefaultKey, nil }
defaultKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return jwtTestDefaultKey, nil }
ecdsaKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return jwtTestEC256PublicKey, nil }
ecdsaKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return jwtTestEC256PublicKey, nil }
paddedKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return paddedKey, nil }
emptyKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return nil, nil }
emptyKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return nil, nil }
errorKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return nil, errKeyFuncError }
errorKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return nil, errKeyFuncError }
nilKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = nil
nilKeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc = nil
@ -32,9 +34,14 @@ func init() {
jwtTestDefaultKey = test.LoadRSAPublicKeyFromDisk("test/")
jwtTestDefaultKey = test.LoadRSAPublicKeyFromDisk("test/")
jwtTestEC256PublicKey = test.LoadECPublicKeyFromDisk("test/ec256-public.pem")
jwtTestEC256PublicKey = test.LoadECPublicKeyFromDisk("test/ec256-public.pem")
// Load padded public key - note there is only a public key for this key pair and should only be used for the
// two test cases below.
paddedKey = test.LoadECPublicKeyFromDisk("test/examplePaddedKey-public.pem")
// Load private keys
// Load private keys
jwtTestRSAPrivateKey = test.LoadRSAPrivateKeyFromDisk("test/sample_key")
jwtTestRSAPrivateKey = test.LoadRSAPrivateKeyFromDisk("test/sample_key")
jwtTestEC256PrivateKey = test.LoadECPrivateKeyFromDisk("test/ec256-private.pem")
jwtTestEC256PrivateKey = test.LoadECPrivateKeyFromDisk("test/ec256-private.pem")
var jwtTestData = []struct {
var jwtTestData = []struct {
@ -435,6 +442,107 @@ func TestParser_ParseUnverified(t *testing.T) {
var setPaddingTestData = []struct {
name string
tokenString string
claims jwt.Claims
paddedDecode bool
signingMethod jwt.SigningMethod
keyfunc jwt.Keyfunc
valid bool
name: "Validated non-padded token with padding disabled",
tokenString: "",
claims: jwt.MapClaims{"foo": "paddedbar"},
paddedDecode: false,
signingMethod: jwt.SigningMethodRS256,
keyfunc: defaultKeyFunc,
valid: true,
name: "Validated non-padded token with padding enabled",
tokenString: "",
claims: jwt.MapClaims{"foo": "paddedbar"},
paddedDecode: true,
signingMethod: jwt.SigningMethodRS256,
keyfunc: defaultKeyFunc,
valid: true,
name: "Error for padded token with padding disabled",
tokenString: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJwYWRkZWRiYXIifQ==.20kGGJaYekGTRFf8b0TwhuETcR8lv5z2363X5jf7G1yTWVTwOmte5Ii8L8_OQbYwPoiVHmZY6iJPbt_DhCN42AeFY74BcsUhR-BVrYUVhKK0RppuzEcSlILDNeQsJDLEL035CPm1VO6Jrgk7enQPIctVxUesRgswP71OpGvJxy3j1k_J8p0WzZvRZTe1D_2Misa0UDGwnEIHhmr97fIpMSZjFxlcygQw8QN34IHLHIXMaTY1eiCf4CCr6rOS9wUeu7P3CPkmFq9XhxBT_LLCmIMhHnxP5x27FUJE_JZlfek0MmARcrhpsZS2sFhHAiWrjxjOE27jkDtv1nEwn65wMw==",
claims: jwt.MapClaims{"foo": "paddedbar"},
paddedDecode: false,
signingMethod: jwt.SigningMethodRS256,
keyfunc: defaultKeyFunc,
valid: false,
name: "Validated padded token with padding enabled",
tokenString: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJwYWRkZWRiYXIifQ==.20kGGJaYekGTRFf8b0TwhuETcR8lv5z2363X5jf7G1yTWVTwOmte5Ii8L8_OQbYwPoiVHmZY6iJPbt_DhCN42AeFY74BcsUhR-BVrYUVhKK0RppuzEcSlILDNeQsJDLEL035CPm1VO6Jrgk7enQPIctVxUesRgswP71OpGvJxy3j1k_J8p0WzZvRZTe1D_2Misa0UDGwnEIHhmr97fIpMSZjFxlcygQw8QN34IHLHIXMaTY1eiCf4CCr6rOS9wUeu7P3CPkmFq9XhxBT_LLCmIMhHnxP5x27FUJE_JZlfek0MmARcrhpsZS2sFhHAiWrjxjOE27jkDtv1nEwn65wMw==",
claims: jwt.MapClaims{"foo": "paddedbar"},
paddedDecode: true,
signingMethod: jwt.SigningMethodRS256,
keyfunc: defaultKeyFunc,
valid: true,
name: "Error for example padded token with padding disabled",
tokenString: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiIxMjM0NTY3OC1hYmNkLTEyMzQtYWJjZC0xMjM0NTY3OGFiY2QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY29nbml0by1pZHAuZXUtd2VzdC0yLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vIiwiY2xpZW50IjoiN0xUY29QWnJWNDR6ZVg2WUs5VktBcHZPM3EiLCJzaWduZXIiOiJhcm46YXdzOmVsYXN0aWNsb2FkYmFsYW5jaW5nIiwiZXhwIjoxNjI5NDcwMTAxfQ==.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3OC1hYmNkLTEyMzQtYWJjZC0xMjM0NTY3OGFiY2QiLCJlbWFpbF92ZXJpZmllZCI6InRydWUiLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjEyMzQ1Njc4LWFiY2QtMTIzNC1hYmNkLTEyMzQ1Njc4YWJjZCIsImV4cCI6MTYyOTQ3MDEwMSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2duaXRvLWlkcC5ldS13ZXN0LTIuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS8ifQ==.sx0muJ754glJvwWgkHaPrOI3L1gaPjRLLUvOQRk0WitnqC5Dtt1knorcbOzlEcH9zwPM2jYYIAYQz_qEyM3grw==",
claims: nil,
paddedDecode: false,
signingMethod: jwt.SigningMethodES256,
keyfunc: paddedKeyFunc,
valid: false,
name: "Validated example padded token with padding enabled",
tokenString: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiIxMjM0NTY3OC1hYmNkLTEyMzQtYWJjZC0xMjM0NTY3OGFiY2QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY29nbml0by1pZHAuZXUtd2VzdC0yLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vIiwiY2xpZW50IjoiN0xUY29QWnJWNDR6ZVg2WUs5VktBcHZPM3EiLCJzaWduZXIiOiJhcm46YXdzOmVsYXN0aWNsb2FkYmFsYW5jaW5nIiwiZXhwIjoxNjI5NDcwMTAxfQ==.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3OC1hYmNkLTEyMzQtYWJjZC0xMjM0NTY3OGFiY2QiLCJlbWFpbF92ZXJpZmllZCI6InRydWUiLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjEyMzQ1Njc4LWFiY2QtMTIzNC1hYmNkLTEyMzQ1Njc4YWJjZCIsImV4cCI6MTYyOTQ3MDEwMSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2duaXRvLWlkcC5ldS13ZXN0LTIuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS8ifQ==.sx0muJ754glJvwWgkHaPrOI3L1gaPjRLLUvOQRk0WitnqC5Dtt1knorcbOzlEcH9zwPM2jYYIAYQz_qEyM3grw==",
claims: nil,
paddedDecode: true,
signingMethod: jwt.SigningMethodES256,
keyfunc: paddedKeyFunc,
valid: true,
// Extension of Parsing, this is to test out functionality specific to switching codecs with padding.
func TestSetPadding(t *testing.T) {
for _, data := range setPaddingTestData {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// If the token string is blank, use helper function to generate string
jwt.DecodePaddingAllowed = data.paddedDecode
if data.tokenString == "" {
data.tokenString = signToken(, data.signingMethod)
// Parse the token
var token *jwt.Token
var err error
parser := new(jwt.Parser)
parser.SkipClaimsValidation = true
// Figure out correct claims type
token, err = parser.ParseWithClaims(data.tokenString, jwt.MapClaims{}, data.keyfunc)
if (err == nil) != data.valid || token.Valid != data.valid {
t.Errorf("[%v] Error Parsing Token with decoding padding set to %v: %v",
jwt.DecodePaddingAllowed = false
func BenchmarkParseUnverified(b *testing.B) {
func BenchmarkParseUnverified(b *testing.B) {
// Iterate over test data set and run tests
// Iterate over test data set and run tests
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ import (
// DecodePaddingAllowed will switch the codec used for decoding JWTs respectively. Note that the JWS RFC7515
// states that the tokens will utilize a Base64url encoding with no padding. Unfortunately, some implementations
// of JWT are producing non-standard tokens, and thus require support for decoding. Note that this is a global
// variable, and updating it will change the behavior on a package level, and is also NOT go-routine safe.
// To use the non-recommended decoding, set this boolean to `true` prior to using this package.
var DecodePaddingAllowed bool
// TimeFunc provides the current time when parsing token to validate "exp" claim (expiration time).
// TimeFunc provides the current time when parsing token to validate "exp" claim (expiration time).
// You can override it to use another time value. This is useful for testing or if your
// You can override it to use another time value. This is useful for testing or if your
// server uses a different time zone than your tokens.
// server uses a different time zone than your tokens.
@ -112,5 +120,12 @@ func EncodeSegment(seg []byte) string {
// Deprecated: In a future release, we will demote this function to a non-exported function, since it
// Deprecated: In a future release, we will demote this function to a non-exported function, since it
// should only be used internally
// should only be used internally
func DecodeSegment(seg string) ([]byte, error) {
func DecodeSegment(seg string) ([]byte, error) {
if DecodePaddingAllowed {
if l := len(seg) % 4; l > 0 {
seg += strings.Repeat("=", 4-l)
return base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(seg)
return base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(seg)
return base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(seg)
Reference in New Issue