Fix preload error when result is empty

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Jinzhu 2015-03-02 10:52:18 +08:00
parent b391029188
commit b3d6025365
1 changed files with 52 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -34,62 +34,68 @@ func Preload(scope *Scope) {
switch relation.Kind {
case "has_one":
condition := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (?)", scope.Quote(relation.ForeignDBName))
scope.NewDB().Where(condition, scope.getColumnAsArray(primaryName)).Find(results, conditions...)
if primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(primaryName); len(primaryKeys) > 0 {
condition := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (?)", scope.Quote(relation.ForeignDBName))
scope.NewDB().Where(condition, primaryKeys).Find(results, conditions...)
resultValues := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(results))
for i := 0; i < resultValues.Len(); i++ {
result := resultValues.Index(i)
if isSlice {
value := getRealValue(result, relation.ForeignFieldName)
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
if equalAsString(getRealValue(objects.Index(j), primaryName), value) {
resultValues := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(results))
for i := 0; i < resultValues.Len(); i++ {
result := resultValues.Index(i)
if isSlice {
value := getRealValue(result, relation.ForeignFieldName)
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
if equalAsString(getRealValue(objects.Index(j), primaryName), value) {
} else {
scope.SetColumn(field, result)
} else {
scope.SetColumn(field, result)
case "has_many":
condition := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (?)", scope.Quote(relation.ForeignDBName))
scope.NewDB().Where(condition, scope.getColumnAsArray(primaryName)).Find(results, conditions...)
resultValues := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(results))
if isSlice {
for i := 0; i < resultValues.Len(); i++ {
result := resultValues.Index(i)
value := getRealValue(result, relation.ForeignFieldName)
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
object := reflect.Indirect(objects.Index(j))
if equalAsString(getRealValue(object, primaryName), value) {
f := object.FieldByName(field.Name)
f.Set(reflect.Append(f, result))
} else {
scope.SetColumn(field, resultValues)
case "belongs_to":
scope.NewDB().Where(scope.getColumnAsArray(relation.ForeignFieldName)).Find(results, conditions...)
resultValues := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(results))
for i := 0; i < resultValues.Len(); i++ {
result := resultValues.Index(i)
if primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(primaryName); len(primaryKeys) > 0 {
condition := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (?)", scope.Quote(relation.ForeignDBName))
scope.NewDB().Where(condition, primaryKeys).Find(results, conditions...)
resultValues := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(results))
if isSlice {
value := getRealValue(result, associationPrimaryKey)
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
object := reflect.Indirect(objects.Index(j))
if equalAsString(getRealValue(object, relation.ForeignFieldName), value) {
for i := 0; i < resultValues.Len(); i++ {
result := resultValues.Index(i)
value := getRealValue(result, relation.ForeignFieldName)
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
object := reflect.Indirect(objects.Index(j))
if equalAsString(getRealValue(object, primaryName), value) {
f := object.FieldByName(field.Name)
f.Set(reflect.Append(f, result))
} else {
scope.SetColumn(field, result)
scope.SetColumn(field, resultValues)
case "belongs_to":
if primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(relation.ForeignFieldName); len(primaryKeys) > 0 {
scope.NewDB().Where(primaryKeys).Find(results, conditions...)
resultValues := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(results))
for i := 0; i < resultValues.Len(); i++ {
result := resultValues.Index(i)
if isSlice {
value := getRealValue(result, associationPrimaryKey)
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
object := reflect.Indirect(objects.Index(j))
if equalAsString(getRealValue(object, relation.ForeignFieldName), value) {
} else {
scope.SetColumn(field, result)
case "many_to_many":