diff --git a/association.go b/association.go
index 017e739c..19fef6a0 100644
--- a/association.go
+++ b/association.go
@@ -81,60 +81,6 @@ func (association *Association) Append(values ...interface{}) *Association {
 	return association
-func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) *Association {
-	scope := association.Scope
-	query := scope.NewDB()
-	relationship := association.Field.Relationship
-	// many to many
-	if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
-		// current value's foreign keys
-		for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
-			if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.ForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
-				query = query.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
-			}
-		}
-		// deleting value's foreign keys
-		primaryKeys := association.getPrimaryKeys(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, values...)
-		sql := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys))
-		query = query.Where(sql, toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...)
-		if err := relationship.JoinTableHandler.Delete(relationship.JoinTableHandler, query, relationship); err == nil {
-			leftValues := reflect.Zero(association.Field.Field.Type())
-			for i := 0; i < association.Field.Field.Len(); i++ {
-				reflectValue := association.Field.Field.Index(i)
-				primaryKey := association.getPrimaryKeys(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, reflectValue.Interface())[0]
-				var included = false
-				for _, pk := range primaryKeys {
-					if equalAsString(primaryKey, pk) {
-						included = true
-					}
-				}
-				if !included {
-					leftValues = reflect.Append(leftValues, reflectValue)
-				}
-			}
-			association.Field.Set(leftValues)
-		}
-	} else {
-		association.Field.Set(reflect.Zero(association.Field.Field.Type()))
-		if relationship.Kind == "belongs_to" {
-			var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
-			for _, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
-				foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
-			}
-			primaryKeys := association.getPrimaryKeys(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, values...)
-			sql := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.ForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys))
-			query.Model(scope.Value).Where(sql, toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...).Update(foreignKeyMap)
-		} else if relationship.Kind == "has_one" || relationship.Kind == "has_many" {
-			// query.Model(association.Field).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap)
-		}
-	}
-	return association
 func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) *Association {
 	relationship := association.Field.Relationship
 	scope := association.Scope
@@ -185,11 +131,66 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) *Association {
 	return association
+func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) *Association {
+	scope := association.Scope
+	query := scope.NewDB()
+	relationship := association.Field.Relationship
+	// many to many
+	if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
+		// current value's foreign keys
+		for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
+			if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.ForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
+				query = query.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
+			}
+		}
+		// deleting value's foreign keys
+		primaryKeys := association.getPrimaryKeys(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, values...)
+		sql := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys))
+		query = query.Where(sql, toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...)
+		if err := relationship.JoinTableHandler.Delete(relationship.JoinTableHandler, query, relationship); err == nil {
+			leftValues := reflect.Zero(association.Field.Field.Type())
+			for i := 0; i < association.Field.Field.Len(); i++ {
+				reflectValue := association.Field.Field.Index(i)
+				primaryKey := association.getPrimaryKeys(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, reflectValue.Interface())[0]
+				var included = false
+				for _, pk := range primaryKeys {
+					if equalAsString(primaryKey, pk) {
+						included = true
+					}
+				}
+				if !included {
+					leftValues = reflect.Append(leftValues, reflectValue)
+				}
+			}
+			association.Field.Set(leftValues)
+		}
+	} else {
+		association.Field.Set(reflect.Zero(association.Field.Field.Type()))
+		if relationship.Kind == "belongs_to" {
+			var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
+			for _, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
+				foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
+			}
+			primaryKeys := association.getPrimaryKeys(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, values...)
+			sql := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.ForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys))
+			association.setErr(query.Model(scope.Value).Where(sql, toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap).Error)
+		} else if relationship.Kind == "has_one" || relationship.Kind == "has_many" {
+			// query.Model(association.Field).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap)
+		}
+	}
+	return association
 func (association *Association) Clear() *Association {
 	relationship := association.Field.Relationship
 	scope := association.Scope
+	query := scope.NewDB()
 	if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
-		query := scope.NewDB()
 		for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
 			if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.ForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
 				query = query.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
@@ -202,7 +203,16 @@ func (association *Association) Clear() *Association {
 	} else {
-		association.setErr(errors.New("clear only support many to many"))
+		association.Field.Set(reflect.Zero(association.Field.Field.Type()))
+		if relationship.Kind == "belongs_to" {
+			var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
+			for _, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
+				foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
+			}
+			query.Model(scope.Value).Update(foreignKeyMap)
+		} else if relationship.Kind == "has_one" || relationship.Kind == "has_many" {
+			// query.Model(association.Field).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap)
+		}
 	return association
diff --git a/association_test.go b/association_test.go
index 66844c34..e538bbe4 100644
--- a/association_test.go
+++ b/association_test.go
@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ func TestBelongsTo(t *testing.T) {
 	// Delete
+	DB.Model(&post).Association("Category").Delete(&category2)
+	DB.First(&post, post.Id)
+	if DB.Model(&post).Related(&Category{}).RecordNotFound() {
+		t.Errorf("Should not delete any category when Delete a unrelated Category")
+	}
 	var category41 Category
@@ -75,6 +81,19 @@ func TestBelongsTo(t *testing.T) {
 	// Clear
+	DB.Model(&post).Association("Category").Append(&Category{
+		Name: "Category 2",
+	})
+	if DB.Model(&post).Related(&Category{}).RecordNotFound() {
+		t.Errorf("Should find category after append")
+	}
+	DB.Model(&post).Association("Category").Clear()
+	if !DB.Model(&post).Related(&Category{}).RecordNotFound() {
+		t.Errorf("Should not find any category after Clear")
+	}
 func TestHasOneAndHasManyAssociation(t *testing.T) {