There was still an issue with preloading and pointers.

This was actually broken with the refactoring. I added a test to catch
the other place the error was occuring. See the new
TestManyToManyPreloadForNestedPointer test in preload_test.go.
This commit is contained in:
Richard Knop 2015-12-16 16:58:45 +08:00
parent c6a22c5096
commit 39e6f58111
2 changed files with 112 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -295,11 +295,12 @@ func (scope *Scope) handleManyToManyPreload(field *Field, conditions []interface
} else {
object := scope.IndirectValue()
source := getRealValue(object, associationForeignStructFieldNames)
field := object.FieldByName(field.Name)
for _, link := range linkHash[toString(source)] {
field.Set(reflect.Append(field, link))
if object := scope.IndirectValue(); object.IsValid() {
source := getRealValue(object, associationForeignStructFieldNames)
field := object.FieldByName(field.Name)
for _, link := range linkHash[toString(source)] {
field.Set(reflect.Append(field, link))

View File

@ -771,6 +771,9 @@ func TestManyToManyPreloadForPointer(t *testing.T) {
var got5 Level2
DB.Preload("Level1s").First(&got5, "value = ?", "bogus")
var ruLevel1 Level1
var zhLevel1 Level1
DB.First(&ruLevel1, "value = ?", "ru")
@ -783,6 +786,109 @@ func TestManyToManyPreloadForPointer(t *testing.T) {
func TestManyToManyPreloadForNestedPointer(t *testing.T) {
type (
Level1 struct {
ID uint
Value string
Level2 struct {
ID uint
Value string
Level1s []*Level1 `gorm:"many2many:levels;"`
Level3 struct {
ID uint
Value string
Level2ID sql.NullInt64
Level2 *Level2
if err := DB.AutoMigrate(&Level3{}, &Level2{}, &Level1{}).Error; err != nil {
want := Level3{
Value: "Bob",
Level2: &Level2{
Value: "Foo",
Level1s: []*Level1{
{Value: "ru"},
{Value: "en"},
if err := DB.Save(&want).Error; err != nil {
want2 := Level3{
Value: "Tom",
Level2: &Level2{
Value: "Bar",
Level1s: []*Level1{
{Value: "zh"},
{Value: "de"},
if err := DB.Save(&want2).Error; err != nil {
var got Level3
if err := DB.Preload("Level2.Level1s").Find(&got, "value = ?", "Bob").Error; err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", toJSONString(got), toJSONString(want))
var got2 Level3
if err := DB.Preload("Level2.Level1s").Find(&got2, "value = ?", "Tom").Error; err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got2, want2) {
t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", toJSONString(got2), toJSONString(want2))
var got3 []Level3
if err := DB.Preload("Level2.Level1s").Find(&got3, "value IN (?)", []string{"Bob", "Tom"}).Error; err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got3, []Level3{got, got2}) {
t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", toJSONString(got3), toJSONString([]Level3{got, got2}))
var got4 []Level3
if err := DB.Preload("Level2.Level1s", "value IN (?)", []string{"zh", "ru"}).Find(&got4, "value IN (?)", []string{"Bob", "Tom"}).Error; err != nil {
var got5 Level3
DB.Preload("Level2.Level1s").Find(&got5, "value = ?", "bogus")
var ruLevel1 Level1
var zhLevel1 Level1
DB.First(&ruLevel1, "value = ?", "ru")
DB.First(&zhLevel1, "value = ?", "zh")
got.Level2.Level1s = []*Level1{&ruLevel1}
got2.Level2.Level1s = []*Level1{&zhLevel1}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got4, []Level3{got, got2}) {
t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", toJSONString(got4), toJSONString([]Level3{got, got2}))
func TestNestedManyToManyPreload(t *testing.T) {
type (
Level1 struct {