forked from mirror/gorm
Finish CreateConstraint
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type Expr struct {
func (expr Expr) Build(builder Builder) {
sql := expr.SQL
for _, v := range expr.Vars {
sql = strings.Replace(sql, " ? ", " "+builder.AddVar(v)+" ", 1)
sql = strings.Replace(sql, " ?", " "+builder.AddVar(v), 1)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
// Migrator migrator struct
@ -33,17 +34,25 @@ func (migrator Migrator) RunWithValue(value interface{}, fc func(*gorm.Statement
// AutoMigrate
func (migrator Migrator) AutoMigrate(values ...interface{}) error {
// if has table
// not -> create table
// check columns -> add column, change column type
// check foreign keys -> create indexes
// check indexes -> create indexes
return gorm.ErrNotImplemented
func (migrator Migrator) CreateTable(values ...interface{}) error {
// migrate
// create join table
return gorm.ErrNotImplemented
func (migrator Migrator) DropTable(values ...interface{}) error {
for _, value := range values {
if err := migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
return migrator.DB.Exec("DROP TABLE " + stmt.Quote(stmt.Table)).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec("DROP TABLE ?", clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}).Error
}); err != nil {
return err
@ -74,7 +83,10 @@ func (migrator Migrator) RenameTable(oldName, newName string) error {
func (migrator Migrator) AddColumn(value interface{}, field string) error {
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil {
return migrator.DB.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE ? ADD ? %s", field.DBDataType), stmt.Table, field.DBName).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, clause.Expr{SQL: field.DBDataType},
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field)
@ -83,7 +95,9 @@ func (migrator Migrator) AddColumn(value interface{}, field string) error {
func (migrator Migrator) DropColumn(value interface{}, field string) error {
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil {
return migrator.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? DROP COLUMN ?", stmt.Table, field.DBName).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec(
"ALTER TABLE ? DROP COLUMN ?", clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName},
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field)
@ -92,7 +106,10 @@ func (migrator Migrator) DropColumn(value interface{}, field string) error {
func (migrator Migrator) AlterColumn(value interface{}, field string) error {
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil {
return migrator.DB.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? TYPE %s", field.DBDataType), stmt.Table, field.DBName).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, clause.Expr{SQL: field.DBDataType},
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field)
@ -102,7 +119,10 @@ func (migrator Migrator) RenameColumn(value interface{}, oldName, field string)
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil {
oldName = migrator.DB.NamingStrategy.ColumnName(stmt.Table, oldName)
return migrator.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? RENAME COLUMN ? TO ?", stmt.Table, oldName, field.DBName).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName},
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field)
@ -121,22 +141,126 @@ func (migrator Migrator) DropView(name string) error {
func (migrator Migrator) CreateConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error {
return gorm.ErrNotImplemented
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
checkConstraints := stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints()
if chk, ok := checkConstraints[name]; ok {
return migrator.DB.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: chk.Name}, clause.Expr{SQL: chk.Constraint},
for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && constraint.Name == name {
if constraint.OnDelete != "" {
sql += " ON DELETE " + constraint.OnDelete
if constraint.OnUpdate != "" {
sql += " ON UPDATE " + constraint.OnUpdate
var foreignKeys, references []interface{}
for _, field := range constraint.ForeignKeys {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName})
for _, field := range constraint.References {
references = append(references, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName})
return migrator.DB.Exec(
sql, clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: constraint.Name}, foreignKeys, clause.Table{Name: constraint.ReferenceSchema.Table}, references,
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to create constraint with name %v", name)
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name); field != nil {
for _, cc := range checkConstraints {
if err = migrator.CreateIndex(value, cc.Name); err != nil {
return err
for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && constraint.Field == field {
if err = migrator.CreateIndex(value, constraint.Name); err != nil {
return err
return err
func (migrator Migrator) DropConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error {
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
return migrator.DB.Raw("ALTER TABLE ? DROP CONSTRAINT ?", stmt.Table, name).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: name},
func (migrator Migrator) CreateIndex(value interface{}, name string) error {
return gorm.ErrNotImplemented
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to create index with name %v", name)
indexes := stmt.Schema.ParseIndexes()
if idx, ok := indexes[name]; ok {
fields := []interface{}{}
for _, field := range idx.Fields {
str := stmt.Quote(field.DBName)
if field.Expression != "" {
str = field.Expression
} else if field.Length > 0 {
str += fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", field.Length)
if field.Sort != "" {
str += " " + field.Sort
fields = append(fields, clause.Expr{SQL: str})
values := []interface{}{clause.Column{Name: idx.Name}, clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, fields}
createIndexSQL := "CREATE "
if idx.Class != "" {
createIndexSQL += idx.Class + " "
createIndexSQL += "INDEX ? ON ??"
if idx.Comment != "" {
values = append(values, idx.Comment)
createIndexSQL += " COMMENT ?"
if idx.Type != "" {
createIndexSQL += " USING " + idx.Type
return migrator.DB.Raw(createIndexSQL, values...).Error
} else if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name); field != nil {
for _, idx := range indexes {
for _, idxOpt := range idx.Fields {
if idxOpt.Field == field {
if err = migrator.CreateIndex(value, idx.Name); err != nil {
return err
return err
func (migrator Migrator) DropIndex(value interface{}, name string) error {
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
return migrator.DB.Raw("DROP INDEX ? ON ?", name, stmt.Table).Error
return migrator.DB.Raw("DROP INDEX ? ON ?", clause.Column{Name: name}, clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}).Error
@ -144,7 +268,10 @@ func (migrator Migrator) HasIndex(value interface{}, name string) bool {
var count int64
migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
currentDatabase := migrator.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase()
return migrator.DB.Raw("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?", currentDatabase, stmt.Table, name).Scan(&count).Error
return migrator.DB.Raw(
"SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?",
currentDatabase, stmt.Table, name,
if count != 0 {
@ -155,7 +282,10 @@ func (migrator Migrator) HasIndex(value interface{}, name string) bool {
func (migrator Migrator) RenameIndex(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error {
return migrator.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
return migrator.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? RENAME INDEX ? TO ?", stmt.Table, oldName, newName).Error
return migrator.DB.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName},
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package schema
import (
type Check struct {
Name string
Constraint string // length(phone) >= 10
// ParseCheckConstraints parse schema check constraints
func (schema *Schema) ParseCheckConstraints() map[string]Check {
var checks = map[string]Check{}
for _, field := range schema.FieldsByDBName {
if chk := field.TagSettings["CHECK"]; chk != "" {
names := strings.Split(chk, ",")
if len(names) > 1 && regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z]+$").MatchString(names[0]) {
checks[names[0]] = Check{Name: names[0], Constraint: strings.Join(names[1:], ","), Field: field}
} else {
name := schema.namer.CheckerName(schema.Table, field.DBName)
checks[name] = Check{Name: name, Constraint: chk, Field: field}
return checks
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type UserIndex struct {
Name4 string `gorm:"unique_index"`
Name5 int64 `gorm:"index:,class:FULLTEXT,comment:hello \\, world,where:age > 10"`
Name6 int64 `gorm:"index:profile,comment:hello \\, world,where:age > 10"`
Age int64 `gorm:"index:profile,expression:(age+10)"`
Age int64 `gorm:"index:profile,expression:ABS(age)"`
func TestParseIndex(t *testing.T) {
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func TestParseIndex(t *testing.T) {
Comment: "hello , world",
Where: "age > 10",
Fields: []schema.IndexOption{{}, {
Expression: "(age+10)",
Expression: "ABS(age)",
@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import (
type Namer interface {
TableName(table string) string
ColumnName(table, column string) string
IndexName(table, column string) string
JoinTableName(table string) string
RelationshipFKName(Relationship) string
CheckerName(table, column string) string
IndexName(table, column string) string
// NamingStrategy tables, columns naming strategy
@ -37,6 +39,22 @@ func (ns NamingStrategy) ColumnName(table, column string) string {
return toDBName(column)
// JoinTableName convert string to join table name
func (ns NamingStrategy) JoinTableName(str string) string {
return ns.TablePrefix + inflection.Plural(toDBName(str))
// RelationshipFKName generate fk name for relation
func (ns NamingStrategy) RelationshipFKName(rel Relationship) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("fk_%s_%s", rel.Schema.Table, rel.FieldSchema.Table)
// CheckerName generate checker name
func (ns NamingStrategy) CheckerName(table, column string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("chk_%s_%s", table, column)
// IndexName generate index name
func (ns NamingStrategy) IndexName(table, column string) string {
idxName := fmt.Sprintf("idx_%v_%v", table, toDBName(column))
@ -50,11 +68,6 @@ func (ns NamingStrategy) IndexName(table, column string) string {
return idxName
// JoinTableName convert string to join table name
func (ns NamingStrategy) JoinTableName(str string) string {
return ns.TablePrefix + inflection.Plural(toDBName(str))
var (
smap sync.Map
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package schema
import (
@ -292,3 +293,51 @@ func (schema *Schema) guessRelation(relation *Relationship, field *Field, guessH
relation.Type = BelongsTo
type Constraint struct {
Name string
Field *Field
Schema *Schema
ForeignKeys []*Field
ReferenceSchema *Schema
References []*Field
OnDelete string
OnUpdate string
func (rel *Relationship) ParseConstraint() *Constraint {
str := rel.Field.TagSettings["CONSTRAINT"]
if str == "-" {
return nil
var (
name string
idx = strings.Index(str, ",")
settings = ParseTagSetting(str, ",")
if idx != -1 && regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z]+$").MatchString(str[0:idx]) {
name = str[0:idx]
} else {
name = rel.Schema.namer.RelationshipFKName(*rel)
constraint := Constraint{
Name: name,
Field: rel.Field,
OnUpdate: settings["ONUPDATE"],
OnDelete: settings["ONDELETE"],
Schema: rel.Schema,
for _, ref := range rel.References {
if ref.PrimaryKey != nil && !ref.OwnPrimaryKey {
constraint.ForeignKeys = append(constraint.ForeignKeys, ref.ForeignKey)
constraint.References = append(constraint.References, ref.PrimaryKey)
constraint.ReferenceSchema = ref.PrimaryKey.Schema
return &constraint
Reference in New Issue