/* Copyright (c) 2012, Matt T. Proud All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ package metrics import ( . "launchpad.net/gocheck" ) func (s *S) TestGaugeCreate(c *C) { m := GaugeMetric{value: 1.0} c.Assert(m, Not(IsNil)) c.Check(m.Get(), Equals, 1.0) } func (s *S) TestGaugeString(c *C) { m := GaugeMetric{value: 2.0} c.Check(m.String(), Equals, "[GaugeMetric; value=2.000000]") } func (s *S) TestGaugeSet(c *C) { m := GaugeMetric{value: -1.0} m.Set(-99.0) c.Check(m.Get(), Equals, -99.0) } func (s *S) TestGaugeMetricMarshallable(c *C) { m := GaugeMetric{value: 1.0} returned := m.Marshallable() c.Assert(returned, Not(IsNil)) c.Check(returned, HasLen, 2) c.Check(returned["value"], Equals, 1.0) c.Check(returned["type"], Equals, "gauge") } func (s *S) TestGaugeAsMetric(c *C) { var metric Metric = &GaugeMetric{value: 1.0} c.Assert(metric, Not(IsNil)) }