/* Copyright (c) 2012, Matt T. Proud All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ /* The metrics package provides general descriptors for the concept of exportable metrics. accumulating_bucket.go provides a histogram bucket type that accumulates elements until a given capacity and enacts a given eviction policy upon such a condition. accumulating_bucket_test.go provides a test complement for the accumulating_bucket_go module. eviction.go provides several histogram bucket eviction strategies. eviction_test.go provides a test complement for the eviction.go module. gauge.go provides a scalar metric that one can monitor. It is useful for certain cases, such as instantaneous temperature. gauge_test.go provides a test complement for the gauge.go module. histogram.go provides a basic histogram metric, which can accumulate scalar event values or samples. The underlying histogram implementation is designed to be performant in that it accepts tolerable inaccuracies. histogram_test.go provides a test complement for the histogram.go module. metric.go provides fundamental interface expectations for the various metrics. metrics_test.go provides a test suite for all tests in the metrics package hierarchy. It employs the gocheck framework for test scaffolding. tallying_bucket.go provides a histogram bucket type that aggregates tallies of events that fall into its ranges versus a summary of the values themselves. tallying_bucket_test.go provides a test complement for the tallying_bucket.go module. timer.go provides a scalar metric that times how long a given event takes. timer_test.go provides a test complement for the timer.go module. */ package metrics