// Copyright 2014 Prometheus Team // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package prometheus_test import ( "sync" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" ) // ClusterManager is an example for a system that might have been built without // Prometheus in mind. It models a central manager of jobs running in a // cluster. To turn it into something that collects Prometheus metrics, we // simply add the two methods required for the Collector interface. // // An additional challenge is that multiple instances of the ClusterManager are // run within the same binary, each in charge of a different zone. We need to // make use of ConstLabels to be able to register each ClusterManager instance // with Prometheus. type ClusterManager struct { Zone string OOMCount *prometheus.CounterVec RAMUsage *prometheus.GaugeVec mtx sync.Mutex // Protects OOMCount and RAMUsage. // ... many more fields } // ReallyExpensiveAssessmentOfTheSystemState is a mock for the data gathering a // real cluster manager would have to do. Since it may actually be really // expensive, it must only be called once per collection. This implementation, // obviously, only returns some made-up data. func (c *ClusterManager) ReallyExpensiveAssessmentOfTheSystemState() ( oomCountByHost map[string]int, ramUsageByHost map[string]float64, ) { // Just example fake data. oomCountByHost = map[string]int{ "foo.example.org": 42, "bar.example.org": 2001, } ramUsageByHost = map[string]float64{ "foo.example.org": 6.023e23, "bar.example.org": 3.14, } return } // Describe faces the interesting challenge that the two metric vectors that are // used in this example are already Collectors themselves. However, thanks to // the use of channels, it is really easy to "chain" Collectors. Here we simply // call the Describe methods of the two metric vectors. func (c *ClusterManager) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { c.OOMCount.Describe(ch) c.RAMUsage.Describe(ch) } // Collect first triggers the ReallyExpensiveAssessmentOfTheSystemState. Then it // sets the retrieved values in the two metric vectors and then sends all their // metrics to the channel (again using a chaining technique as in the Describe // method). Since Collect could be called multiple times concurrently, that part // is protected by a mutex. func (c *ClusterManager) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { oomCountByHost, ramUsageByHost := c.ReallyExpensiveAssessmentOfTheSystemState() c.mtx.Lock() defer c.mtx.Unlock() for host, oomCount := range oomCountByHost { c.OOMCount.WithLabelValues(host).Set(float64(oomCount)) } for host, ramUsage := range ramUsageByHost { c.RAMUsage.WithLabelValues(host).Set(ramUsage) } c.OOMCount.Collect(ch) c.RAMUsage.Collect(ch) // All metrics in OOMCount and RAMUsage are sent to the channel now. We // can safely reset the two metric vectors now, so that we can start // fresh in the next Collect cycle. (Imagine a host disappears from the // cluster. If we did not reset here, its Metric would stay in the // metric vectors forever.) c.OOMCount.Reset() c.RAMUsage.Reset() } // NewClusterManager creates the two metric vectors OOMCount and RAMUsage. Note // that the zone is set as a ConstLabel. (It's different in each instance of the // ClusterManager, but constant over the lifetime of an instance.) The reported // values are partitioned by host, which is therefore a variable label. func NewClusterManager(zone string) *ClusterManager { return &ClusterManager{ Zone: zone, OOMCount: prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: "clustermanager", Name: "oom_count", Help: "number of OOM crashes", ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"zone": zone}, }, []string{"host"}, ), RAMUsage: prometheus.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: "clustermanager", Name: "ram_usage_bytes", Help: "RAM usage as reported to the cluster manager", ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"zone": zone}, }, []string{"host"}, ), } } func ExampleCollector_clustermanager() { workerDB := NewClusterManager("db") workerCA := NewClusterManager("ca") prometheus.MustRegister(workerDB) prometheus.MustRegister(workerCA) // Since we are dealing with custom Collector implementations, it might // be a good idea to enable the collect checks in the registry. prometheus.EnableCollectChecks(true) }