# Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. VERSION=$(shell cat `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/VERSION) OS = $(shell uname) ARCH = $(shell uname -m) MAC_OS_X_VERSION ?= 10.8 BUILD_PATH = $(PWD)/.build export GO_VERSION = 1.4 export GOOS = $(subst Darwin,darwin,$(subst Linux,linux,$(subst FreeBSD,freebsd,$(OS)))) ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin) RELEASE_SUFFIX ?= -osx$(MAC_OS_X_VERSION) else RELEASE_SUFFIX ?= endif # Never honor GOBIN, should it be set at all. unexport GOBIN export GOARCH = $(subst x86_64,amd64,$(patsubst i%86,386,$(ARCH))) export GOPKG = go$(GO_VERSION).$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)$(RELEASE_SUFFIX).tar.gz export GOURL = http://golang.org/dl export GOROOT = $(BUILD_PATH)/root/go export GOPATH = $(BUILD_PATH)/root/gopath export GOCC = $(GOROOT)/bin/go export TMPDIR = /tmp export GOENV = TMPDIR=$(TMPDIR) GOROOT=$(GOROOT) GOPATH=$(GOPATH) export GO = $(GOENV) $(GOCC) export GOFMT = $(GOROOT)/bin/gofmt export GODOC = $(GOENV) $(GOROOT)/bin/godoc BENCHMARK_FILTER ?= . FULL_GOPATH = $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/prometheus/client_golang FULL_GOPATH_BASE = $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/prometheus MAKE_ARTIFACTS = search_index $(BUILD_PATH) example_random example_simple all: test $(BUILD_PATH): mkdir -vp $(BUILD_PATH) $(BUILD_PATH)/cache: $(BUILD_PATH) mkdir -vp $(BUILD_PATH)/cache $(BUILD_PATH)/root: $(BUILD_PATH) mkdir -vp $(BUILD_PATH)/root $(BUILD_PATH)/cache/$(GOPKG): $(BUILD_PATH)/cache curl -o $@ -L $(GOURL)/$(GOPKG) $(GOCC): $(BUILD_PATH)/root $(BUILD_PATH)/cache/$(GOPKG) tar -C $(BUILD_PATH)/root -xzf $(BUILD_PATH)/cache/$(GOPKG) touch $@ build: source_path dependencies $(GO) build ./... dependencies: source_path $(GOCC) $(GO) get -d -t ./... example_random: source_path dependencies examples/random/main.go $(GO) build -o example_random examples/random/main.go example_simple: source_path dependencies examples/simple/main.go $(GO) build -o example_simple examples/simple/main.go test: build $(GO) test ./... benchmark: build $(GO) test -benchmem -test.bench="$(BENCHMARK_FILTER)" ./... advice: test $(GO) vet ./... format: find . -iname '*.go' | grep -vE '^./(.build|_vendor)/' | xargs -n1 -P1 $(GOFMT) -w -s=true tag: git tag $(VERSION) git push --tags search_index: $(GODOC) -index -write_index -index_files='search_index' # source_path is responsible for ensuring that the builder has not done anything # stupid like working on Prometheus outside of ${GOPATH}. source_path: -[ -d "$(FULL_GOPATH)" ] || { mkdir -vp $(FULL_GOPATH_BASE) ; ln -s "$(PWD)" "$(FULL_GOPATH)" ; } [ -d "$(FULL_GOPATH)" ] documentation: search_index $(GODOC) -http=:6060 -index -index_files='search_index' clean: rm -rf $(MAKE_ARTIFACTS) find . -iname '*~' -exec rm -f '{}' ';' find . -iname '*#' -exec rm -f '{}' ';' .PHONY: advice build clean documentation format source_path test