Avoid the term 'sparse' where possible

This intends to avoid confusing users by the subtle difference between
a native histogram and a sparse bucket.

Signed-off-by: beorn7 <beorn@grafana.com>
This commit is contained in:
beorn7 2022-10-27 22:31:38 +02:00
parent d31f13b599
commit e92a8c7f48
3 changed files with 243 additions and 233 deletions

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@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ func main() {
// one bucket to the text of (at most) 1.1. (The precise factor
// is 2^2^-3 = 1.0905077...)
rpcDurationsHistogram = prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "rpc_durations_histogram_seconds",
Help: "RPC latency distributions.",
Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(*normMean-5**normDomain, .5**normDomain, 20),
SparseBucketsFactor: 1.1,
Name: "rpc_durations_histogram_seconds",
Help: "RPC latency distributions.",
Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(*normMean-5**normDomain, .5**normDomain, 20),
NativeHistogramBucketFactor: 1.1,

View File

@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ import (
dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"
// sparseBounds for the frac of observed values. Only relevant for schema > 0.
// Position in the slice is the schema. (0 is never used, just here for
// convenience of using the schema directly as the index.)
// nativeHistogramBounds for the frac of observed values. Only relevant for
// schema > 0. The position in the slice is the schema. (0 is never used, just
// here for convenience of using the schema directly as the index.)
// TODO(beorn7): Currently, we do a binary search into these slices. There are
// ways to turn it into a small number of simple array lookups. It probably only
// matters for schema 5 and beyond, but should be investigated. See this comment
// as a starting point:
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/issues/1776#issuecomment-870164310
var sparseBounds = [][]float64{
var nativeHistogramBounds = [][]float64{
// Schema "0":
// Schema 1:
@ -190,35 +190,40 @@ var sparseBounds = [][]float64{
// The sparseBounds above can be generated with the code below.
// TODO(beorn7): Actually do it via go generate.
// The nativeHistogramBounds above can be generated with the code below.
// var sparseBounds [][]float64 = make([][]float64, 9)
// TODO(beorn7): It's tempting to actually use `go generate` to generate the
// code above. However, this could lead to slightly different numbers on
// different architectures. We still need to come to terms if we are fine with
// that, or if we might prefer to specify precise numbers in the standard.
// var nativeHistogramBounds [][]float64 = make([][]float64, 9)
// func init() {
// // Populate sparseBounds.
// // Populate nativeHistogramBounds.
// numBuckets := 1
// for i := range sparseBounds {
// for i := range nativeHistogramBounds {
// bounds := []float64{0.5}
// factor := math.Exp2(math.Exp2(float64(-i)))
// for j := 0; j < numBuckets-1; j++ {
// var bound float64
// if (j+1)%2 == 0 {
// // Use previously calculated value for increased precision.
// bound = sparseBounds[i-1][j/2+1]
// bound = nativeHistogramBounds[i-1][j/2+1]
// } else {
// bound = bounds[j] * factor
// }
// bounds = append(bounds, bound)
// }
// numBuckets *= 2
// sparseBounds[i] = bounds
// nativeHistogramBounds[i] = bounds
// }
// }
// A Histogram counts individual observations from an event or sample stream in
// configurable buckets. Similar to a Summary, it also provides a sum of
// observations and an observation count.
// configurable static buckets (or in dynamic sparse buckets as part of the
// experimental Native Histograms, see below for more details). Similar to a
// Summary, it also provides a sum of observations and an observation count.
// On the Prometheus server, quantiles can be calculated from a Histogram using
// the histogram_quantile PromQL function.
@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ var sparseBounds = [][]float64{
// (see the documentation for detailed procedures). However, Histograms require
// the user to pre-define suitable buckets, and they are in general less
// accurate. (Both problems are addressed by the experimental Native
// Histograms. To use them, configure so-called sparse buckets in the
// Histograms. To use them, configure a NativeHistogramBucketFactor in the
// HistogramOpts. They also require a Prometheus server v2.40+ with the
// corresponding feature flag enabled.)
@ -259,17 +264,17 @@ const bucketLabel = "le"
// customized to your use case.
var DefBuckets = []float64{.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10}
// DefSparseBucketsZeroThreshold is the default value for
// SparseBucketsZeroThreshold in the HistogramOpts.
// DefNativeHistogramZeroThreshold is the default value for
// NativeHistogramZeroThreshold in the HistogramOpts.
// The value is 2^-128 (or 0.5*2^-127 in the actual IEEE 754 representation),
// which is a bucket boundary at all possible resolutions.
const DefSparseBucketsZeroThreshold = 2.938735877055719e-39
const DefNativeHistogramZeroThreshold = 2.938735877055719e-39
// SparseBucketsZeroThresholdZero can be used as SparseBucketsZeroThreshold in
// the HistogramOpts to create a zero bucket of width zero, i.e. a zero bucket
// that only receives observations of precisely zero.
const SparseBucketsZeroThresholdZero = -1
// NativeHistogramZeroThresholdZero can be used as NativeHistogramZeroThreshold
// in the HistogramOpts to create a zero bucket of width zero, i.e. a zero
// bucket that only receives observations of precisely zero.
const NativeHistogramZeroThresholdZero = -1
var errBucketLabelNotAllowed = fmt.Errorf(
"%q is not allowed as label name in histograms", bucketLabel,
@ -385,81 +390,83 @@ type HistogramOpts struct {
// to add a highest bucket with +Inf bound, it will be added
// implicitly. If Buckets is left as nil or set to a slice of length
// zero, it is replaced by default buckets. The default buckets are
// DefBuckets if no sparse buckets (see below) are used, otherwise the
// default is no buckets. (In other words, if you want to use both
// reguler buckets and sparse buckets, you have to define the regular
// buckets here explicitly.)
// DefBuckets if no buckets for a native histogram (see below) are used,
// otherwise the default is no buckets. (In other words, if you want to
// use both reguler buckets and buckets for a native histogram, you have
// to define the regular buckets here explicitly.)
Buckets []float64
// If SparseBucketsFactor is greater than one, sparse buckets are used
// (in addition to the regular buckets, if defined above). A Histogram
// with sparse buckets will be ingested as a Native Histogram by a
// Prometheus server with that feature enabled (requires Prometheus
// v2.40+). Sparse buckets are exponential buckets covering the whole
// float64 range (with the exception of the “zero” bucket, see
// If NativeHistogramBucketFactor is greater than one, so-called sparse
// buckets are used (in addition to the regular buckets, if defined
// above). A Histogram with sparse buckets will be ingested as a Native
// Histogram by a Prometheus server with that feature enabled (requires
// Prometheus v2.40+). Sparse buckets are exponential buckets covering
// the whole float64 range (with the exception of the “zero” bucket, see
// SparseBucketsZeroThreshold below). From any one bucket to the next,
// the width of the bucket grows by a constant
// factor. SparseBucketsFactor provides an upper bound for this factor
// (exception see below). The smaller SparseBucketsFactor, the more
// buckets will be used and thus the more costly the histogram will
// become. A generally good trade-off between cost and accuracy is a
// value of 1.1 (each bucket is at most 10% wider than the previous
// one), which will result in each power of two divided into 8 buckets
// (e.g. there will be 8 buckets between 1 and 2, same as between 2 and
// 4, and 4 and 8, etc.).
// factor. NativeHistogramBucketFactor provides an upper bound for this
// factor (exception see below). The smaller
// NativeHistogramBucketFactor, the more buckets will be used and thus
// the more costly the histogram will become. A generally good trade-off
// between cost and accuracy is a value of 1.1 (each bucket is at most
// 10% wider than the previous one), which will result in each power of
// two divided into 8 buckets (e.g. there will be 8 buckets between 1
// and 2, same as between 2 and 4, and 4 and 8, etc.).
// Details about the actually used factor: The factor is calculated as
// 2^(2^n), where n is an integer number between (and including) -8 and
// 4. n is chosen so that the resulting factor is the largest that is
// still smaller or equal to SparseBucketsFactor. Note that the smallest
// possible factor is therefore approx. 1.00271 (i.e. 2^(2^-8) ). If
// SparseBucketsFactor is greater than 1 but smaller than 2^(2^-8), then
// the actually used factor is still 2^(2^-8) even though it is larger
// than the provided SparseBucketsFactor.
// still smaller or equal to NativeHistogramBucketFactor. Note that the
// smallest possible factor is therefore approx. 1.00271 (i.e. 2^(2^-8)
// ). If NativeHistogramBucketFactor is greater than 1 but smaller than
// 2^(2^-8), then the actually used factor is still 2^(2^-8) even though
// it is larger than the provided NativeHistogramBucketFactor.
// NOTE: Native Histograms are still an experimental feature. Their
// behavior might still change without a major version
// bump. Subsequently, all SparseBucket... options here might still
// bump. Subsequently, all NativeHistogram... options here might still
// change their behavior or name (or might completely disappear) without
// a major version bump.
SparseBucketsFactor float64
NativeHistogramBucketFactor float64
// All observations with an absolute value of less or equal
// SparseBucketsZeroThreshold are accumulated into a “zero” bucket. For
// best results, this should be close to a bucket boundary. This is
// usually the case if picking a power of two. If
// SparseBucketsZeroThreshold is left at zero,
// NativeHistogramZeroThreshold are accumulated into a “zero”
// bucket. For best results, this should be close to a bucket
// boundary. This is usually the case if picking a power of two. If
// NativeHistogramZeroThreshold is left at zero,
// DefSparseBucketsZeroThreshold is used as the threshold. To configure
// a zero bucket with an actual threshold of zero (i.e. only
// observations of precisely zero will go into the zero bucket), set
// SparseBucketsZeroThreshold to the SparseBucketsZeroThresholdZero
// NativeHistogramZeroThreshold to the NativeHistogramZeroThresholdZero
// constant (or any negative float value).
SparseBucketsZeroThreshold float64
NativeHistogramZeroThreshold float64
// The remaining fields define a strategy to limit the number of
// populated sparse buckets. If SparseBucketsMaxNumber is left at zero,
// the number of buckets is not limited. (Note that this might lead to
// unbounded memory consumption if the values observed by the Histogram
// are sufficiently wide-spread. In particular, this could be used as a
// DoS attack vector. Where the observed values depend on external
// inputs, it is highly recommended to set a SparseBucketsMaxNumber.)
// Once the set SparseBucketsMaxNumber is exceeded, the following
// strategy is enacted: First, if the last reset (or the creation) of
// the histogram is at least SparseBucketsMinResetDuration ago, then the
// whole histogram is reset to its initial state (including regular
// populated sparse buckets. If NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber is left
// at zero, the number of buckets is not limited. (Note that this might
// lead to unbounded memory consumption if the values observed by the
// Histogram are sufficiently wide-spread. In particular, this could be
// used as a DoS attack vector. Where the observed values depend on
// external inputs, it is highly recommended to set a
// NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber.) Once the set
// NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber is exceeded, the following strategy is
// enacted: First, if the last reset (or the creation) of the histogram
// is at least NativeHistogramMinResetDuration ago, then the whole
// histogram is reset to its initial state (including regular
// buckets). If less time has passed, or if
// SparseBucketsMinResetDuration is zero, no reset is
// NativeHistogramMinResetDuration is zero, no reset is
// performed. Instead, the zero threshold is increased sufficiently to
// reduce the number of buckets to or below SparseBucketsMaxNumber, but
// not to more than SparseBucketsMaxZeroThreshold. Thus, if
// SparseBucketsMaxZeroThreshold is already at or below the current zero
// threshold, nothing happens at this step. After that, if the number of
// buckets still exceeds SparseBucketsMaxNumber, the resolution of the
// histogram is reduced by doubling the width of the sparse buckets (up
// to a growth factor between one bucket to the next of 2^(2^4) = 65536,
// see above).
SparseBucketsMaxNumber uint32
SparseBucketsMinResetDuration time.Duration
SparseBucketsMaxZeroThreshold float64
// reduce the number of buckets to or below
// NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber, but not to more than
// NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold. Thus, if
// NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold is already at or below the current
// zero threshold, nothing happens at this step. After that, if the
// number of buckets still exceeds NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber, the
// resolution of the histogram is reduced by doubling the width of the
// sparse buckets (up to a growth factor between one bucket to the next
// of 2^(2^4) = 65536, see above).
NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber uint32
NativeHistogramMinResetDuration time.Duration
NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold float64
// NewHistogram creates a new Histogram based on the provided HistogramOpts. It
@ -497,28 +504,28 @@ func newHistogram(desc *Desc, opts HistogramOpts, labelValues ...string) Histogr
h := &histogram{
desc: desc,
upperBounds: opts.Buckets,
labelPairs: MakeLabelPairs(desc, labelValues),
sparseMaxBuckets: opts.SparseBucketsMaxNumber,
sparseMaxZeroThreshold: opts.SparseBucketsMaxZeroThreshold,
sparseMinResetDuration: opts.SparseBucketsMinResetDuration,
lastResetTime: time.Now(),
now: time.Now,
desc: desc,
upperBounds: opts.Buckets,
labelPairs: MakeLabelPairs(desc, labelValues),
nativeHistogramMaxBuckets: opts.NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber,
nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold: opts.NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold,
nativeHistogramMinResetDuration: opts.NativeHistogramMinResetDuration,
lastResetTime: time.Now(),
now: time.Now,
if len(h.upperBounds) == 0 && opts.SparseBucketsFactor <= 1 {
if len(h.upperBounds) == 0 && opts.NativeHistogramBucketFactor <= 1 {
h.upperBounds = DefBuckets
if opts.SparseBucketsFactor <= 1 {
h.sparseSchema = math.MinInt32 // To mark that there are no sparse buckets.
if opts.NativeHistogramBucketFactor <= 1 {
h.nativeHistogramSchema = math.MinInt32 // To mark that there are no sparse buckets.
} else {
switch {
case opts.SparseBucketsZeroThreshold > 0:
h.sparseZeroThreshold = opts.SparseBucketsZeroThreshold
case opts.SparseBucketsZeroThreshold == 0:
h.sparseZeroThreshold = DefSparseBucketsZeroThreshold
} // Leave h.sparseThreshold at 0 otherwise.
h.sparseSchema = pickSparseSchema(opts.SparseBucketsFactor)
case opts.NativeHistogramZeroThreshold > 0:
h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold = opts.NativeHistogramZeroThreshold
case opts.NativeHistogramZeroThreshold == 0:
h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold = DefNativeHistogramZeroThreshold
} // Leave h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold at 0 otherwise.
h.nativeHistogramSchema = pickSchema(opts.NativeHistogramBucketFactor)
for i, upperBound := range h.upperBounds {
if i < len(h.upperBounds)-1 {
@ -538,14 +545,14 @@ func newHistogram(desc *Desc, opts HistogramOpts, labelValues ...string) Histogr
// Finally we know the final length of h.upperBounds and can make buckets
// for both counts as well as exemplars:
h.counts[0] = &histogramCounts{
buckets: make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)),
sparseZeroThresholdBits: math.Float64bits(h.sparseZeroThreshold),
sparseSchema: h.sparseSchema,
buckets: make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)),
nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits: math.Float64bits(h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold),
nativeHistogramSchema: h.nativeHistogramSchema,
h.counts[1] = &histogramCounts{
buckets: make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)),
sparseZeroThresholdBits: math.Float64bits(h.sparseZeroThreshold),
sparseSchema: h.sparseSchema,
buckets: make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)),
nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits: math.Float64bits(h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold),
nativeHistogramSchema: h.nativeHistogramSchema,
h.exemplars = make([]atomic.Value, len(h.upperBounds)+1)
@ -562,36 +569,38 @@ type histogramCounts struct {
sumBits uint64
count uint64
// sparseZeroBucket counts all (positive and negative) observations in
// the zero bucket (with an absolute value less or equal the current
// threshold, see next field.
sparseZeroBucket uint64
// sparseZeroThresholdBits is the bit pattern of the current threshold
// for the zero bucket. It's initially equal to sparseZeroThreshold but
// may change according to the bucket count limitation strategy.
sparseZeroThresholdBits uint64
// sparseSchema may change over time according to the bucket count
// limitation strategy and therefore has to be saved here.
sparseSchema int32
// nativeHistogramZeroBucket counts all (positive and negative)
// observations in the zero bucket (with an absolute value less or equal
// the current threshold, see next field.
nativeHistogramZeroBucket uint64
// nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits is the bit pattern of the current
// threshold for the zero bucket. It's initially equal to
// nativeHistogramZeroThreshold but may change according to the bucket
// count limitation strategy.
nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits uint64
// nativeHistogramSchema may change over time according to the bucket
// count limitation strategy and therefore has to be saved here.
nativeHistogramSchema int32
// Number of (positive and negative) sparse buckets.
sparseBucketsNumber uint32
nativeHistogramBucketsNumber uint32
// Regular buckets.
buckets []uint64
// Sparse buckets are implemented with a sync.Map for now. A dedicated
// data structure will likely be more efficient. There are separate maps
// for negative and positive observations. The map's value is an *int64,
// counting observations in that bucket. (Note that we don't use uint64
// as an int64 won't overflow in practice, and working with signed
// numbers from the beginning simplifies the handling of deltas.) The
// map's key is the index of the bucket according to the used
// sparseSchema. Index 0 is for an upper bound of 1.
sparseBucketsPositive, sparseBucketsNegative sync.Map
// The sparse buckets for native histograms are implemented with a
// sync.Map for now. A dedicated data structure will likely be more
// efficient. There are separate maps for negative and positive
// observations. The map's value is an *int64, counting observations in
// that bucket. (Note that we don't use uint64 as an int64 won't
// overflow in practice, and working with signed numbers from the
// beginning simplifies the handling of deltas.) The map's key is the
// index of the bucket according to the used
// nativeHistogramSchema. Index 0 is for an upper bound of 1.
nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, nativeHistogramBucketsNegative sync.Map
// observe manages the parts of observe that only affects
// histogramCounts. doSparse is true if spare buckets should be done,
// histogramCounts. doSparse is true if sparse buckets should be done,
// too.
func (hc *histogramCounts) observe(v float64, bucket int, doSparse bool) {
if bucket < len(hc.buckets) {
@ -600,13 +609,13 @@ func (hc *histogramCounts) observe(v float64, bucket int, doSparse bool) {
atomicAddFloat(&hc.sumBits, v)
if doSparse && !math.IsNaN(v) {
var (
sparseKey int
sparseSchema = atomic.LoadInt32(&hc.sparseSchema)
sparseZeroThreshold = math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&hc.sparseZeroThresholdBits))
key int
schema = atomic.LoadInt32(&hc.nativeHistogramSchema)
zeroThreshold = math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&hc.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits))
bucketCreated, isInf bool
if math.IsInf(v, 0) {
// Pretend v is MaxFloat64 but later increment sparseKey by one.
// Pretend v is MaxFloat64 but later increment key by one.
if math.IsInf(v, +1) {
v = math.MaxFloat64
} else {
@ -615,30 +624,30 @@ func (hc *histogramCounts) observe(v float64, bucket int, doSparse bool) {
isInf = true
frac, exp := math.Frexp(math.Abs(v))
if sparseSchema > 0 {
bounds := sparseBounds[sparseSchema]
sparseKey = sort.SearchFloat64s(bounds, frac) + (exp-1)*len(bounds)
if schema > 0 {
bounds := nativeHistogramBounds[schema]
key = sort.SearchFloat64s(bounds, frac) + (exp-1)*len(bounds)
} else {
sparseKey = exp
key = exp
if frac == 0.5 {
div := 1 << -sparseSchema
sparseKey = (sparseKey + div - 1) / div
div := 1 << -schema
key = (key + div - 1) / div
if isInf {
switch {
case v > sparseZeroThreshold:
bucketCreated = addToSparseBucket(&hc.sparseBucketsPositive, sparseKey, 1)
case v < -sparseZeroThreshold:
bucketCreated = addToSparseBucket(&hc.sparseBucketsNegative, sparseKey, 1)
case v > zeroThreshold:
bucketCreated = addToBucket(&hc.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, key, 1)
case v < -zeroThreshold:
bucketCreated = addToBucket(&hc.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative, key, 1)
atomic.AddUint64(&hc.sparseZeroBucket, 1)
atomic.AddUint64(&hc.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, 1)
if bucketCreated {
atomic.AddUint32(&hc.sparseBucketsNumber, 1)
atomic.AddUint32(&hc.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 1)
// Increment count last as we take it as a signal that the observation
@ -677,15 +686,15 @@ type histogram struct {
// http://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic/#pkg-note-BUG.
counts [2]*histogramCounts
upperBounds []float64
labelPairs []*dto.LabelPair
exemplars []atomic.Value // One more than buckets (to include +Inf), each a *dto.Exemplar.
sparseSchema int32 // The initial schema. Set to math.MinInt32 if no sparse buckets are used.
sparseZeroThreshold float64 // The initial zero threshold.
sparseMaxZeroThreshold float64
sparseMaxBuckets uint32
sparseMinResetDuration time.Duration
lastResetTime time.Time // Protected by mtx.
upperBounds []float64
labelPairs []*dto.LabelPair
exemplars []atomic.Value // One more than buckets (to include +Inf), each a *dto.Exemplar.
nativeHistogramSchema int32 // The initial schema. Set to math.MinInt32 if no sparse buckets are used.
nativeHistogramZeroThreshold float64 // The initial zero threshold.
nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold float64
nativeHistogramMaxBuckets uint32
nativeHistogramMinResetDuration time.Duration
lastResetTime time.Time // Protected by mtx.
now func() time.Time // To mock out time.Now() for testing.
@ -753,19 +762,19 @@ func (h *histogram) Write(out *dto.Metric) error {
his.Bucket = append(his.Bucket, b)
if h.sparseSchema > math.MinInt32 {
his.ZeroThreshold = proto.Float64(math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.sparseZeroThresholdBits)))
his.Schema = proto.Int32(atomic.LoadInt32(&coldCounts.sparseSchema))
zeroBucket := atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.sparseZeroBucket)
if h.nativeHistogramSchema > math.MinInt32 {
his.ZeroThreshold = proto.Float64(math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits)))
his.Schema = proto.Int32(atomic.LoadInt32(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramSchema))
zeroBucket := atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramZeroBucket)
defer func() {
coldCounts.sparseBucketsPositive.Range(addAndReset(&hotCounts.sparseBucketsPositive, &hotCounts.sparseBucketsNumber))
coldCounts.sparseBucketsNegative.Range(addAndReset(&hotCounts.sparseBucketsNegative, &hotCounts.sparseBucketsNumber))
coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.Range(addAndReset(&hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, &hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber))
coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.Range(addAndReset(&hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative, &hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber))
his.ZeroCount = proto.Uint64(zeroBucket)
his.NegativeSpan, his.NegativeDelta = makeSparseBuckets(&coldCounts.sparseBucketsNegative)
his.PositiveSpan, his.PositiveDelta = makeSparseBuckets(&coldCounts.sparseBucketsPositive)
his.NegativeSpan, his.NegativeDelta = makeBuckets(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative)
his.PositiveSpan, his.PositiveDelta = makeBuckets(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive)
addAndResetCounts(hotCounts, coldCounts)
return nil
@ -789,7 +798,7 @@ func (h *histogram) findBucket(v float64) int {
// observe is the implementation for Observe without the findBucket part.
func (h *histogram) observe(v float64, bucket int) {
// Do not add to sparse buckets for NaN observations.
doSparse := h.sparseSchema > math.MinInt32 && !math.IsNaN(v)
doSparse := h.nativeHistogramSchema > math.MinInt32 && !math.IsNaN(v)
// We increment h.countAndHotIdx so that the counter in the lower
// 63 bits gets incremented. At the same time, we get the new value
// back, which we can use to find the currently-hot counts.
@ -797,7 +806,7 @@ func (h *histogram) observe(v float64, bucket int) {
hotCounts := h.counts[n>>63]
hotCounts.observe(v, bucket, doSparse)
if doSparse {
h.limitSparseBuckets(hotCounts, v, bucket)
h.limitBuckets(hotCounts, v, bucket)
@ -806,11 +815,11 @@ func (h *histogram) observe(v float64, bucket int) {
// number can go higher (if even the lowest resolution isn't enough to reduce
// the number sufficiently, or if the provided counts aren't fully updated yet
// by a concurrently happening Write call).
func (h *histogram) limitSparseBuckets(counts *histogramCounts, value float64, bucket int) {
if h.sparseMaxBuckets == 0 {
func (h *histogram) limitBuckets(counts *histogramCounts, value float64, bucket int) {
if h.nativeHistogramMaxBuckets == 0 {
return // No limit configured.
if h.sparseMaxBuckets >= atomic.LoadUint32(&counts.sparseBucketsNumber) {
if h.nativeHistogramMaxBuckets >= atomic.LoadUint32(&counts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) {
return // Bucket limit not exceeded yet.
@ -825,7 +834,7 @@ func (h *histogram) limitSparseBuckets(counts *histogramCounts, value float64, b
hotCounts := h.counts[hotIdx]
coldCounts := h.counts[coldIdx]
// ...and then check again if we really have to reduce the bucket count.
if h.sparseMaxBuckets >= atomic.LoadUint32(&hotCounts.sparseBucketsNumber) {
if h.nativeHistogramMaxBuckets >= atomic.LoadUint32(&hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) {
return // Bucket limit not exceeded after all.
// Try the various strategies in order.
@ -838,13 +847,13 @@ func (h *histogram) limitSparseBuckets(counts *histogramCounts, value float64, b
h.doubleBucketWidth(hotCounts, coldCounts)
// maybeReset resests the whole histogram if at least h.sparseMinResetDuration
// maybeReset resests the whole histogram if at least h.nativeHistogramMinResetDuration
// has been passed. It returns true if the histogram has been reset. The caller
// must have locked h.mtx.
func (h *histogram) maybeReset(hot, cold *histogramCounts, coldIdx uint64, value float64, bucket int) bool {
// We are using the possibly mocked h.now() rather than
// time.Since(h.lastResetTime) to enable testing.
if h.sparseMinResetDuration == 0 || h.now().Sub(h.lastResetTime) < h.sparseMinResetDuration {
if h.nativeHistogramMinResetDuration == 0 || h.now().Sub(h.lastResetTime) < h.nativeHistogramMinResetDuration {
return false
// Completely reset coldCounts.
@ -864,34 +873,35 @@ func (h *histogram) maybeReset(hot, cold *histogramCounts, coldIdx uint64, value
// maybeWidenZeroBucket widens the zero bucket until it includes the existing
// buckets closest to the zero bucket (which could be two, if an equidistant
// negative and a positive bucket exists, but usually it's only one bucket to be
// merged into the new wider zero bucket). h.sparseMaxZeroThreshold limits how
// far the zero bucket can be extended, and if that's not enough to include an
// existing bucket, the method returns false. The caller must have locked h.mtx.
// merged into the new wider zero bucket). h.nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold
// limits how far the zero bucket can be extended, and if that's not enough to
// include an existing bucket, the method returns false. The caller must have
// locked h.mtx.
func (h *histogram) maybeWidenZeroBucket(hot, cold *histogramCounts) bool {
currentZeroThreshold := math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&hot.sparseZeroThresholdBits))
if currentZeroThreshold >= h.sparseMaxZeroThreshold {
currentZeroThreshold := math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&hot.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits))
if currentZeroThreshold >= h.nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold {
return false
// Find the key of the bucket closest to zero.
smallestKey := findSmallestKey(&hot.sparseBucketsPositive)
smallestNegativeKey := findSmallestKey(&hot.sparseBucketsNegative)
smallestKey := findSmallestKey(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive)
smallestNegativeKey := findSmallestKey(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative)
if smallestNegativeKey < smallestKey {
smallestKey = smallestNegativeKey
if smallestKey == math.MaxInt32 {
return false
newZeroThreshold := getLe(smallestKey, atomic.LoadInt32(&hot.sparseSchema))
if newZeroThreshold > h.sparseMaxZeroThreshold {
newZeroThreshold := getLe(smallestKey, atomic.LoadInt32(&hot.nativeHistogramSchema))
if newZeroThreshold > h.nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold {
return false // New threshold would exceed the max threshold.
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.sparseZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(newZeroThreshold))
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(newZeroThreshold))
// Remove applicable buckets.
if _, loaded := cold.sparseBucketsNegative.LoadAndDelete(smallestKey); loaded {
if _, loaded := cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.LoadAndDelete(smallestKey); loaded {
if _, loaded := cold.sparseBucketsPositive.LoadAndDelete(smallestKey); loaded {
if _, loaded := cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.LoadAndDelete(smallestKey); loaded {
// Make cold counts the new hot counts.
n := atomic.AddUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx, 1<<63)
@ -903,7 +913,7 @@ func (h *histogram) maybeWidenZeroBucket(hot, cold *histogramCounts) bool {
// Add all the now cold counts to the new hot counts...
addAndResetCounts(hot, cold)
// ...adjust the new zero threshold in the cold counts, too...
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.sparseZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(newZeroThreshold))
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(newZeroThreshold))
// ...and then merge the newly deleted buckets into the wider zero
// bucket.
mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset := func(hotBuckets, coldBuckets *sync.Map) func(k, v interface{}) bool {
@ -912,14 +922,14 @@ func (h *histogram) maybeWidenZeroBucket(hot, cold *histogramCounts) bool {
bucket := v.(*int64)
if key == smallestKey {
// Merge into hot zero bucket...
atomic.AddUint64(&hot.sparseZeroBucket, uint64(atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)))
atomic.AddUint64(&hot.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, uint64(atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)))
// ...and delete from cold counts.
} else {
// Add to corresponding hot bucket...
if addToSparseBucket(hotBuckets, key, atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) {
atomic.AddUint32(&hot.sparseBucketsNumber, 1)
if addToBucket(hotBuckets, key, atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) {
atomic.AddUint32(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 1)
// ...and reset cold bucket.
atomic.StoreInt64(bucket, 0)
@ -928,8 +938,8 @@ func (h *histogram) maybeWidenZeroBucket(hot, cold *histogramCounts) bool {
cold.sparseBucketsPositive.Range(mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset(&hot.sparseBucketsPositive, &cold.sparseBucketsPositive))
cold.sparseBucketsNegative.Range(mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset(&hot.sparseBucketsNegative, &cold.sparseBucketsNegative))
cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.Range(mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, &cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive))
cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.Range(mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative, &cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative))
return true
@ -938,16 +948,16 @@ func (h *histogram) maybeWidenZeroBucket(hot, cold *histogramCounts) bool {
// bucket count (or even no reduction at all). The method does nothing if the
// schema is already -4.
func (h *histogram) doubleBucketWidth(hot, cold *histogramCounts) {
coldSchema := atomic.LoadInt32(&cold.sparseSchema)
coldSchema := atomic.LoadInt32(&cold.nativeHistogramSchema)
if coldSchema == -4 {
return // Already at lowest resolution.
atomic.StoreInt32(&cold.sparseSchema, coldSchema)
atomic.StoreInt32(&cold.nativeHistogramSchema, coldSchema)
// Play it simple and just delete all cold buckets.
atomic.StoreUint32(&cold.sparseBucketsNumber, 0)
atomic.StoreUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 0)
// Make coldCounts the new hot counts.
n := atomic.AddUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx, 1<<63)
count := n & ((1 << 63) - 1)
@ -958,7 +968,7 @@ func (h *histogram) doubleBucketWidth(hot, cold *histogramCounts) {
// Add all the now cold counts to the new hot counts...
addAndResetCounts(hot, cold)
// ...adjust the schema in the cold counts, too...
atomic.StoreInt32(&cold.sparseSchema, coldSchema)
atomic.StoreInt32(&cold.nativeHistogramSchema, coldSchema)
// ...and then merge the cold buckets into the wider hot buckets.
merge := func(hotBuckets *sync.Map) func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return func(k, v interface{}) bool {
@ -970,33 +980,33 @@ func (h *histogram) doubleBucketWidth(hot, cold *histogramCounts) {
key /= 2
// Add to corresponding hot bucket.
if addToSparseBucket(hotBuckets, key, atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) {
atomic.AddUint32(&hot.sparseBucketsNumber, 1)
if addToBucket(hotBuckets, key, atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) {
atomic.AddUint32(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 1)
return true
// Play it simple again and just delete all cold buckets.
atomic.StoreUint32(&cold.sparseBucketsNumber, 0)
atomic.StoreUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 0)
func (h *histogram) resetCounts(counts *histogramCounts) {
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.sumBits, 0)
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.count, 0)
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.sparseZeroBucket, 0)
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.sparseZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(h.sparseZeroThreshold))
atomic.StoreInt32(&counts.sparseSchema, h.sparseSchema)
atomic.StoreUint32(&counts.sparseBucketsNumber, 0)
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, 0)
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold))
atomic.StoreInt32(&counts.nativeHistogramSchema, h.nativeHistogramSchema)
atomic.StoreUint32(&counts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 0)
for i := range h.upperBounds {
atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.buckets[i], 0)
// updateExemplar replaces the exemplar for the provided bucket. With empty
@ -1247,13 +1257,13 @@ func (s buckSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].GetUpperBound() < s[j].GetUpperBound()
// pickSparseschema returns the largest number n between -4 and 8 such that
// pickSchema returns the largest number n between -4 and 8 such that
// 2^(2^-n) is less or equal the provided bucketFactor.
// Special cases:
// - bucketFactor <= 1: panics.
// - bucketFactor < 2^(2^-8) (but > 1): still returns 8.
func pickSparseSchema(bucketFactor float64) int32 {
func pickSchema(bucketFactor float64) int32 {
if bucketFactor <= 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("bucketFactor %f is <=1", bucketFactor))
@ -1268,7 +1278,7 @@ func pickSparseSchema(bucketFactor float64) int32 {
func makeSparseBuckets(buckets *sync.Map) ([]*dto.BucketSpan, []int64) {
func makeBuckets(buckets *sync.Map) ([]*dto.BucketSpan, []int64) {
var ii []int
buckets.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
ii = append(ii, k.(int))
@ -1323,9 +1333,9 @@ func makeSparseBuckets(buckets *sync.Map) ([]*dto.BucketSpan, []int64) {
return spans, deltas
// addToSparseBucket increments the sparse bucket at key by the provided
// amount. It returns true if a new sparse bucket had to be created for that.
func addToSparseBucket(buckets *sync.Map, key int, increment int64) bool {
// addToBucket increments the sparse bucket at key by the provided amount. It
// returns true if a new sparse bucket had to be created for that.
func addToBucket(buckets *sync.Map, key int, increment int64) bool {
if existingBucket, ok := buckets.Load(key); ok {
// Fast path without allocation.
atomic.AddInt64(existingBucket.(*int64), increment)
@ -1350,7 +1360,7 @@ func addToSparseBucket(buckets *sync.Map, key int, increment int64) bool {
func addAndReset(hotBuckets *sync.Map, bucketNumber *uint32) func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return func(k, v interface{}) bool {
bucket := v.(*int64)
if addToSparseBucket(hotBuckets, k.(int), atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) {
if addToBucket(hotBuckets, k.(int), atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) {
atomic.AddUint32(bucketNumber, 1)
atomic.StoreInt64(bucket, 0)
@ -1420,7 +1430,7 @@ func getLe(key int, schema int32) float64 {
fracIdx := key & ((1 << schema) - 1)
frac := sparseBounds[schema][fracIdx]
frac := nativeHistogramBounds[schema][fracIdx]
exp := (key >> schema) + 1
if frac == 0.5 && exp == 1025 {
// This is the last bucket before the overflow bucket (for ±Inf
@ -1456,9 +1466,9 @@ func atomicDecUint32(p *uint32) {
atomic.AddUint32(p, ^uint32(0))
// addAndResetCounts adds certain fields (count, sum, conventional buckets,
// sparse zero bucket) from the cold counts to the corresponding fields in the
// hot counts. Those fields are then reset to 0 in the cold counts.
// addAndResetCounts adds certain fields (count, sum, conventional buckets, zero
// bucket) from the cold counts to the corresponding fields in the hot
// counts. Those fields are then reset to 0 in the cold counts.
func addAndResetCounts(hot, cold *histogramCounts) {
atomic.AddUint64(&hot.count, atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.count))
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.count, 0)
@ -1469,6 +1479,6 @@ func addAndResetCounts(hot, cold *histogramCounts) {
atomic.AddUint64(&hot.buckets[i], atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.buckets[i]))
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.buckets[i], 0)
atomic.AddUint64(&hot.sparseZeroBucket, atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.sparseZeroBucket))
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.sparseZeroBucket, 0)
atomic.AddUint64(&hot.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroBucket))
atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, 0)

View File

@ -656,13 +656,13 @@ func TestSparseHistogram(t *testing.T) {
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.name, func(t *testing.T) {
his := NewHistogram(HistogramOpts{
Name: "name",
Help: "help",
SparseBucketsFactor: s.factor,
SparseBucketsZeroThreshold: s.zeroThreshold,
SparseBucketsMaxNumber: s.maxBuckets,
SparseBucketsMinResetDuration: s.minResetDuration,
SparseBucketsMaxZeroThreshold: s.maxZeroThreshold,
Name: "name",
Help: "help",
NativeHistogramBucketFactor: s.factor,
NativeHistogramZeroThreshold: s.zeroThreshold,
NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber: s.maxBuckets,
NativeHistogramMinResetDuration: s.minResetDuration,
NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold: s.maxZeroThreshold,
ts := time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second)
now := func() time.Time {
@ -702,13 +702,13 @@ func TestSparseHistogramConcurrency(t *testing.T) {
his := NewHistogram(HistogramOpts{
Name: "test_sparse_histogram",
Help: "This help is sparse.",
SparseBucketsFactor: 1.05,
SparseBucketsZeroThreshold: 0.0000001,
SparseBucketsMaxNumber: 50,
SparseBucketsMinResetDuration: time.Hour, // Comment out to test for totals below.
SparseBucketsMaxZeroThreshold: 0.001,
Name: "test_sparse_histogram",
Help: "This help is sparse.",
NativeHistogramBucketFactor: 1.05,
NativeHistogramZeroThreshold: 0.0000001,
NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber: 50,
NativeHistogramMinResetDuration: time.Hour, // Comment out to test for totals below.
NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold: 0.001,
ts := time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second).Unix()