Update README.md to explain the release situation

I will also update the issue template.
This commit is contained in:
beorn7 2018-02-09 13:41:14 +01:00
parent a85074fc85
commit c5b094d7a6
1 changed files with 43 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,49 @@ Prometheus HTTP API.
__This library requires Go1.7 or later.__
## Important note about releases, versioning, tagging, stability, and your favorite Go dependency management tool
While our goal is to follow [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/), this
repository is still pre-1.0.0. To quote the
[Semantic Versioning spec](https://semver.org/#spec-item-4): “Anything may
change at any time. The public API should not be considered stable.” We know
that this is at odds with the widespread use of this library. However, just
declaring something 1.0.0 doesn't make it 1.0.0. Instead, we are working
towards a 1.0.0 release that actually deserves its major version number.
Having said that, we aim for always keeping the tip of master in a workable
state and for only introducing ”mildly” breaking changes up to and including
[v0.9.0](https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/milestone/1). After that,
a number of ”hard” breaking changes are planned, see the
[v0.10.0 milestone](https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/milestone/2),
which should get the library much closer to 1.0.0 state.
Dependency management in Go projects is still in flux, and there are many tools
floating around. While [dep](https://golang.github.io/dep/) might develop into
the de-facto standard tool, it is still officially experimental. The roadmap
for this library has been laid out with a lot of sometimes painful experience
in mind. We really cannot adjust it every other month to the needs of the
currently most popular or most promising Go dependency management tool. The
recommended course of action with dependency management tools is the following:
- Do not expect strict post-1.0.0 semver semantics prior to the 1.0.0
release. If your dependency management tool expects strict post-1.0.0 semver
semantics, you have to wait. Sorry.
- If you want absolute certainty, please lock to a specific commit. You can
also lock to tags, but please don't ask for more tagging. This would suggest
some release or stability testing procedure that simply is not in place. As
said above, we are aiming for stability of the tip of master, but if we
tagged every single commit, locking to tags would be the same as locking to
- If you want to get the newer features and improvements and are willing to
take the minor risk of newly introduced bugs and “mild” breakage, just always
update to the tip of master (which is essentially the original idea of Go
dependency management). We recommend to not use features marked as
_deprecated_ in this case.
- Once [v0.9.0](https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/milestone/1), you
could lock to v0.9.x to get bugfixes (and perhaps minor new features) while
avoiding the “hard” breakage that will come with post-0.9 features.
## Instrumenting applications
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