This is a fork of the Go archive/zip package to add support for reading/writing password protected AES encrypted files. Only supports Winzip's AES extension: This package DOES NOT intend to implement the encryption methods mentioned in the original PKWARE spec (sections 6.0 and 7.0): The process ============================================================================== hello.txt -> compress -> encrypt -> .zip -> decrypt -> decompress -> hello.txt Roadmap ============================================================================== Reading - Done. TODO: 1.Change to streaming authentication and decryption 2.Check for AE-2 and skip CRC check to align with WinZip spec. Writing - Not started. Testing - Needs more. WinZip AES specifies ============================================================================== 1. Encryption-Decryption w/ AES-CTR (128, 192, or 256 bits) 2. Key generation with PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 (1000 iteration count) that generates a master key broken into the following: a. First m bytes is for the encryption key b. Next n bytes is for the authentication key c. Last 2 bytes is the password verification value. 3. Following salt lengths are used w/ password during keygen: ------------------------------ AES Key Size | Salt Size ------------------------------ 128bit(16bytes) | 8 bytes 192bit(24bytes) | 12 bytes 256bit(32bytes) | 16 bytes ------------------------------- 4. Master key len = AESKeyLen + AuthKeyLen + PWVLen: a. AES 128 = 16 + 16 + 2 = 34 bytes of key material b. AES 192 = 24 + 24 + 2 = 50 bytes of key material c. AES 256 = 32 + 32 + 2 = 66 bytes of key material 5. Authentication Key is same size as AES key. 6. Authentication with HMAC-SHA1-80 (truncated to 80bits). 7. A new master key is generated for every file. 8. The file header and directory header compression method will be 99 (decimal) indicating Winzip AES encryption. The actual compression method will be in the extra's payload at the end of the headers. 9. A extra field will be added to the file header and directory header identified by the ID 0x9901 and contains the following info: a. Header ID (2 bytes) b. Data Size (2 bytes) c. Vendor Version (2 bytes) d. Vendor ID (2 bytes) e. AES Strength (1 byte) f. Compression Method (2 bytes) 10. The Data Size is always 7. 11. The Vendor Version can be either 0x0001 (AE-1) or 0x0002 (AE-2). 12. Vendor ID is ASCII "AE" 13. AES Strength: a. 0x01 - AES-128 b. 0x02 - AES-192 c. 0x03 - AES-256 14. Compression Method is the actual compression method used that was replaced by the encryption process mentioned in #8. 15. AE-1 keeps the CRC and should be verified after decompression. AE-2 removes the CRC and shouldn't be verified after decompression. Refer to for the reasoning. 16. Storage Format (file data payload) totals CompressedSize64 bytes: a. Salt - 8, 12, or 16 bytes depending on keysize b. Password Verification Value - 2 bytes c. Encrypted Data - compressed size - salt - pwv - auth lengths d. Authentication code - 10 bytes