chore: update golangci-lint

Signed-off-by: Mark Sagi-Kazar <>
This commit is contained in:
Mark Sagi-Kazar 2021-06-16 03:01:53 +02:00 committed by Márk Sági-Kazár
parent acd965b54e
commit 04ef5fa07d
2 changed files with 20 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -16,47 +16,64 @@ linters:
- deadcode - deadcode
- dogsled - dogsled
- dupl - dupl
- durationcheck
- exhaustive - exhaustive
- exportloopref - exportloopref
- gci - gci
- goconst - goconst
- gofmt - gofmt
- gofumpt
- goimports - goimports
- golint - gomoddirectives
- goprintffuncname - goprintffuncname
- govet - govet
- importas
- ineffassign - ineffassign
- makezero
- misspell - misspell
- nakedret - nakedret
- nilerr
- noctx - noctx
- nolintlint - nolintlint
- prealloc - prealloc
- predeclared
- revive
- rowserrcheck - rowserrcheck
- sqlclosecheck - sqlclosecheck
- staticcheck - staticcheck
- structcheck - structcheck
- stylecheck - stylecheck
- tparallel
- typecheck - typecheck
- unconvert - unconvert
- unparam - unparam
- unused - unused
- varcheck - varcheck
- wastedassign
- whitespace - whitespace
# fixme # fixme
# - cyclop
# - errcheck # - errcheck
# - errorlint
# - exhaustivestruct
# - forbidigo
# - forcetypeassert
# - gochecknoglobals # - gochecknoglobals
# - gochecknoinits # - gochecknoinits
# - gocognit # - gocognit
# - gocritic # - gocritic
# - gocyclo # - gocyclo
# - godot # - godot
# - gofumpt
# - gosec # - gosec
# - gosimple # - gosimple
# - ifshort
# - lll # - lll
# - nlreturn # - nlreturn
# - paralleltest
# - scopelint # - scopelint
# - thelper
# - wrapcheck
# unused # unused
# - depguard # - depguard

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ endif
# Dependency versions # Dependency versions
# Add the ability to override some variables # Add the ability to override some variables
# Use with care # Use with care