mirror of https://github.com/tidwall/tile38.git
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267 lines
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package geojson
import (
// Circle ...
type Circle struct {
object Object
center geometry.Point
meters float64
haversine float64
steps int
km bool
extra *extra
// NewCircle returns an circle object
func NewCircle(center geometry.Point, meters float64, steps int) *Circle {
if steps < 3 {
steps = 3
g := new(Circle)
g.center = center
g.meters = meters
g.steps = steps
if meters > 0 {
meters = geo.NormalizeDistance(meters)
g.haversine = geo.DistanceToHaversine(meters)
return g
// AppendJSON ...
func (g *Circle) AppendJSON(dst []byte) []byte {
dst = append(dst, `{"type":"Feature","geometry":`...)
dst = append(dst, `{"type":"Point","coordinates":[`...)
dst = strconv.AppendFloat(dst, g.center.X, 'f', -1, 64)
dst = append(dst, ',')
dst = strconv.AppendFloat(dst, g.center.Y, 'f', -1, 64)
dst = append(dst, `]},"properties":{"type":"Circle","radius":`...)
dst = strconv.AppendFloat(dst, g.meters, 'f', -1, 64)
dst = append(dst, `,"radius_units":"m"}}`...)
return dst
// JSON ...
func (g *Circle) JSON() string {
return string(g.AppendJSON(nil))
// MarshalJSON ...
func (g *Circle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return g.AppendJSON(nil), nil
// String ...
func (g *Circle) String() string {
return string(g.AppendJSON(nil))
// Meters returns the circle's radius
func (g *Circle) Meters() float64 {
return g.meters
// Center returns the circle's center point
func (g *Circle) Center() geometry.Point {
return g.center
// Haversine returns the haversine corresponding to circle's radius
func (g *Circle) Haversine() float64 {
return g.haversine
// HaversineTo returns the haversine from a given point to circle's center
func (g *Circle) HaversineTo(p geometry.Point) float64 {
return geo.Haversine(p.Y, p.X, g.center.Y, g.center.X)
// Within returns true if circle is contained inside object
func (g *Circle) Within(obj Object) bool {
return obj.Contains(g)
// containsPoint returns true if circle contains a given point
func (g *Circle) containsPoint(p geometry.Point) bool {
h := geo.Haversine(p.Y, p.X, g.center.Y, g.center.X)
return h <= g.haversine
// Contains returns true if the circle contains other object
func (g *Circle) Contains(obj Object) bool {
switch other := obj.(type) {
case *Point:
return g.containsPoint(other.Center())
case *SimplePoint:
return g.containsPoint(other.Center())
case *Circle:
return other.Distance(g) < (other.meters + g.meters)
case *LineString:
for i := 0; i < other.base.NumPoints(); i++ {
if !g.containsPoint(other.base.PointAt(i)) {
return false
return true
case Collection:
for _, p := range other.Children() {
if !g.Contains(p) {
return false
return true
// No simple cases, so using polygon approximation.
return g.getObject().Contains(other)
// intersectsSegment returns true if the circle intersects a given segment
func (g *Circle) intersectsSegment(seg geometry.Segment) bool {
start, end := seg.A, seg.B
// These are faster checks.
// If they succeed there's no need do complicate things.
if g.containsPoint(start) || g.containsPoint(end) {
return true
// Distance between start and end
l := geo.DistanceTo(start.Y, start.X, end.Y, end.X)
// Unit direction vector
dx := (end.X - start.X) / l
dy := (end.Y - start.Y) / l
// Point of the line closest to the center
t := dx*(g.center.X-start.X) + dy*(g.center.Y-start.Y)
px := t*dx + start.X
py := t*dy + start.Y
if px < start.X || px > end.X || py < start.Y || py > end.Y {
// closest point is outside the segment
return false
// Distance from the closest point to the center
return g.containsPoint(geometry.Point{X: px, Y: py})
// Intersects returns true the circle intersects other object
func (g *Circle) Intersects(obj Object) bool {
switch other := obj.(type) {
case *Point:
return g.containsPoint(other.Center())
case *Circle:
return other.Distance(g) <= (other.meters + g.meters)
case *LineString:
for i := 0; i < other.base.NumSegments(); i++ {
if g.intersectsSegment(other.base.SegmentAt(i)) {
return true
return false
case Collection:
for _, p := range other.Children() {
if g.Intersects(p) {
return true
return false
// No simple cases, so using polygon approximation.
return g.getObject().Intersects(obj)
// Empty ...
func (g *Circle) Empty() bool {
return false
// Valid ...
func (g *Circle) Valid() bool {
return g.getObject().Valid()
// ForEach ...
func (g *Circle) ForEach(iter func(geom Object) bool) bool {
return iter(g)
// NumPoints ...
func (g *Circle) NumPoints() int {
// should this be g.steps?
return 1
// Distance ...
func (g *Circle) Distance(other Object) float64 {
return g.getObject().Distance(other)
// Rect ...
func (g *Circle) Rect() geometry.Rect {
return g.getObject().Rect()
// Spatial ...
func (g *Circle) Spatial() Spatial {
return g.getObject().Spatial()
// Primative returns a primative GeoJSON object. Either a Polygon or Point.
func (g *Circle) Primative() Object {
return g.getObject()
func (g *Circle) getObject() Object {
if g.object != nil {
return g.object
return makeCircleObject(g.center, g.meters, g.steps)
func makeCircleObject(center geometry.Point, meters float64, steps int) Object {
if meters <= 0 {
return NewPoint(center)
meters = geo.NormalizeDistance(meters)
points := make([]geometry.Point, 0, steps+1)
// calc the four corners
maxY, _ := geo.DestinationPoint(center.Y, center.X, meters, 0)
_, maxX := geo.DestinationPoint(center.Y, center.X, meters, 90)
minY, _ := geo.DestinationPoint(center.Y, center.X, meters, 180)
_, minX := geo.DestinationPoint(center.Y, center.X, meters, 270)
// TODO: detect of pole and antimeridian crossing and generate a
// valid multigeometry
// use the half width of the lat and lon
lons := (maxX - minX) / 2
lats := (maxY - minY) / 2
// generate the
for th := 0.0; th <= 360.0; th += 360.0 / float64(steps) {
radians := (math.Pi / 180) * th
x := center.X + lons*math.Cos(radians)
y := center.Y + lats*math.Sin(radians)
points = append(points, geometry.Point{X: x, Y: y})
// add last connecting point, make a total of steps+1
points = append(points, points[0])
return NewPolygon(
geometry.NewPoly(points, nil, &geometry.IndexOptions{
Kind: geometry.None,