package lua

import (

func mainLoop(L *LState, baseframe *callFrame) {
	var inst uint32
	var cf *callFrame

	if L.stack.IsEmpty() {

	L.currentFrame = L.stack.Last()
	if L.currentFrame.Fn.IsG {
		callGFunction(L, false)

	for {
		cf = L.currentFrame
		inst = cf.Fn.Proto.Code[cf.Pc]
		if jumpTable[int(inst>>26)](L, inst, baseframe) == 1 {

func mainLoopWithContext(L *LState, baseframe *callFrame) {
	var inst uint32
	var cf *callFrame

	if L.stack.IsEmpty() {

	L.currentFrame = L.stack.Last()
	if L.currentFrame.Fn.IsG {
		callGFunction(L, false)

	for {
		cf = L.currentFrame
		inst = cf.Fn.Proto.Code[cf.Pc]
		select {
		case <-L.ctx.Done():
			if jumpTable[int(inst>>26)](L, inst, baseframe) == 1 {

// regv is the first target register to copy the return values to.
// It can be, indicating that the copied values are going into new registers, or it can be below
// Indicating that the values should be within the existing registers.
// b is the available number of return values + 1.
// n is the desired number of return values.
// If n more than the available return values then the extra values are set to nil.
// When this function returns the top of the registry will be set to regv+n.
func copyReturnValues(L *LState, regv, start, n, b int) { // +inline-start
	if b == 1 {
		// +inline-call L.reg.FillNil  regv n
	} else {
		// +inline-call L.reg.CopyRange regv start -1 n
		if b > 1 && n > (b-1) {
			// +inline-call L.reg.FillNil  regv+b-1 n-(b-1)
} // +inline-end

func switchToParentThread(L *LState, nargs int, haserror bool, kill bool) {
	parent := L.Parent
	if parent == nil {
		L.RaiseError("can not yield from outside of a coroutine")
	L.G.CurrentThread = parent
	L.Parent = nil
	if !L.wrapped {
		if haserror {
		} else {
	L.XMoveTo(parent, nargs)
	offset := L.currentFrame.LocalBase - L.currentFrame.ReturnBase
	L.currentFrame = L.stack.Last()
	L.reg.SetTop(L.reg.Top() - offset) // remove 'yield' function(including tailcalled functions)
	if kill {

func callGFunction(L *LState, tailcall bool) bool {
	frame := L.currentFrame
	gfnret := frame.Fn.GFunction(L)
	if tailcall {
		L.currentFrame = L.RemoveCallerFrame()

	if gfnret < 0 {
		switchToParentThread(L, L.GetTop(), false, false)
		return true

	wantret := frame.NRet
	if wantret == MultRet {
		wantret = gfnret

	if tailcall && L.Parent != nil && L.stack.Sp() == 1 {
		switchToParentThread(L, wantret, false, true)
		return true

	// +inline-call L.reg.CopyRange frame.ReturnBase L.reg.Top()-gfnret -1 wantret
	L.currentFrame = L.stack.Last()
	return false

func threadRun(L *LState) {
	if L.stack.IsEmpty() {

	defer func() {
		if rcv := recover(); rcv != nil {
			var lv LValue
			if v, ok := rcv.(*ApiError); ok {
				lv = v.Object
			} else {
				lv = LString(fmt.Sprint(rcv))
			if parent := L.Parent; parent != nil {
				if L.wrapped {
				} else {
					switchToParentThread(L, 1, true, true)
			} else {
	L.mainLoop(L, nil)

type instFunc func(*LState, uint32, *callFrame) int

var jumpTable [opCodeMax + 1]instFunc

func init() {
	jumpTable = [opCodeMax + 1]instFunc{
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_MOVE
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			reg.Set(RA, reg.Get(lbase+B))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_MOVEN
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			reg.Set(lbase+A, reg.Get(lbase+B))
			code := cf.Fn.Proto.Code
			pc := cf.Pc
			for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
				inst = code[pc]
				A = int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
				B = int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
				reg.Set(lbase+A, reg.Get(lbase+B))
			cf.Pc = pc
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_LOADK
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			Bx := int(inst & 0x3ffff) //GETBX
			reg.Set(RA, cf.Fn.Proto.Constants[Bx])
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_LOADBOOL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			if B != 0 {
				reg.Set(RA, LTrue)
			} else {
				reg.Set(RA, LFalse)
			if C != 0 {
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_LOADNIL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			for i := RA; i <= lbase+B; i++ {
				reg.Set(i, LNil)
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_GETUPVAL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			reg.Set(RA, cf.Fn.Upvalues[B].Value())
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_GETGLOBAL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			Bx := int(inst & 0x3ffff) //GETBX
			//reg.Set(RA, L.getField(cf.Fn.Env, cf.Fn.Proto.Constants[Bx]))
			reg.Set(RA, L.getFieldString(cf.Fn.Env, cf.Fn.Proto.stringConstants[Bx]))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_GETTABLE
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			reg.Set(RA, L.getField(reg.Get(lbase+B), L.rkValue(C)))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_GETTABLEKS
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			reg.Set(RA, L.getFieldString(reg.Get(lbase+B), L.rkString(C)))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_SETGLOBAL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			Bx := int(inst & 0x3ffff) //GETBX
			//L.setField(cf.Fn.Env, cf.Fn.Proto.Constants[Bx], reg.Get(RA))
			L.setFieldString(cf.Fn.Env, cf.Fn.Proto.stringConstants[Bx], reg.Get(RA))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_SETUPVAL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_SETTABLE
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			L.setField(reg.Get(RA), L.rkValue(B), L.rkValue(C))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_SETTABLEKS
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			L.setFieldString(reg.Get(RA), L.rkString(B), L.rkValue(C))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_NEWTABLE
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			reg.Set(RA, newLTable(B, C))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_SELF
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			selfobj := reg.Get(lbase + B)
			reg.Set(RA, L.getFieldString(selfobj, L.rkString(C)))
			reg.Set(RA+1, selfobj)
			return 0
		opArith, // OP_ADD
		opArith, // OP_SUB
		opArith, // OP_MUL
		opArith, // OP_DIV
		opArith, // OP_MOD
		opArith, // OP_POW
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_UNM
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			unaryv := L.rkValue(B)
			if nm, ok := unaryv.(LNumber); ok {
				reg.SetNumber(RA, -nm)
			} else {
				op := L.metaOp1(unaryv, "__unm")
				if op.Type() == LTFunction {
					L.Call(1, 1)
					reg.Set(RA, reg.Pop())
				} else if str, ok1 := unaryv.(LString); ok1 {
					if num, err := parseNumber(string(str)); err == nil {
						reg.Set(RA, -num)
					} else {
						L.RaiseError("__unm undefined")
				} else {
					L.RaiseError("__unm undefined")
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_NOT
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			if LVIsFalse(reg.Get(lbase + B)) {
				reg.Set(RA, LTrue)
			} else {
				reg.Set(RA, LFalse)
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_LEN
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			switch lv := L.rkValue(B).(type) {
			case LString:
				reg.SetNumber(RA, LNumber(len(lv)))
				op := L.metaOp1(lv, "__len")
				if op.Type() == LTFunction {
					L.Call(1, 1)
					ret := reg.Pop()
					if ret.Type() == LTNumber {
						reg.SetNumber(RA, ret.(LNumber))
					} else {
						reg.SetNumber(RA, LNumber(0))
				} else if lv.Type() == LTTable {
					reg.SetNumber(RA, LNumber(lv.(*LTable).Len()))
				} else {
					L.RaiseError("__len undefined")
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_CONCAT
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			RC := lbase + C
			RB := lbase + B
			reg.Set(RA, stringConcat(L, RC-RB+1, RC))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_JMP
			cf := L.currentFrame
			Sbx := int(inst&0x3ffff) - opMaxArgSbx //GETSBX
			cf.Pc += Sbx
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_EQ
			cf := L.currentFrame
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			ret := equals(L, L.rkValue(B), L.rkValue(C), false)
			v := 1
			if ret {
				v = 0
			if v == A {
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_LT
			cf := L.currentFrame
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			ret := lessThan(L, L.rkValue(B), L.rkValue(C))
			v := 1
			if ret {
				v = 0
			if v == A {
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_LE
			cf := L.currentFrame
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			lhs := L.rkValue(B)
			rhs := L.rkValue(C)
			ret := false

			if v1, ok1 := lhs.assertFloat64(); ok1 {
				if v2, ok2 := rhs.assertFloat64(); ok2 {
					ret = v1 <= v2
				} else {
					L.RaiseError("attempt to compare %v with %v", lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String())
			} else {
				if lhs.Type() != rhs.Type() {
					L.RaiseError("attempt to compare %v with %v", lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String())
				switch lhs.Type() {
				case LTString:
					ret = strCmp(string(lhs.(LString)), string(rhs.(LString))) <= 0
					switch objectRational(L, lhs, rhs, "__le") {
					case 1:
						ret = true
					case 0:
						ret = false
						ret = !objectRationalWithError(L, rhs, lhs, "__lt")

			v := 1
			if ret {
				v = 0
			if v == A {
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_TEST
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			if LVAsBool(reg.Get(RA)) == (C == 0) {
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_TESTSET
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			if value := reg.Get(lbase + B); LVAsBool(value) != (C == 0) {
				reg.Set(RA, value)
			} else {
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_CALL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			nargs := B - 1
			if B == 0 {
				nargs = reg.Top() - (RA + 1)
			lv := reg.Get(RA)
			nret := C - 1
			var callable *LFunction
			var meta bool
			if fn, ok := lv.assertFunction(); ok {
				callable = fn
				meta = false
			} else {
				callable, meta = L.metaCall(lv)
			// +inline-call L.pushCallFrame callFrame{Fn:callable,Pc:0,Base:RA,LocalBase:RA+1,ReturnBase:RA,NArgs:nargs,NRet:nret,Parent:cf,TailCall:0} lv meta
			if callable.IsG && callGFunction(L, false) {
				return 1
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_TAILCALL
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			nargs := B - 1
			if B == 0 {
				nargs = reg.Top() - (RA + 1)
			lv := reg.Get(RA)
			var callable *LFunction
			var meta bool
			if fn, ok := lv.assertFunction(); ok {
				callable = fn
				meta = false
			} else {
				callable, meta = L.metaCall(lv)
			if callable == nil {
				L.RaiseError("attempt to call a non-function object")
			// +inline-call L.closeUpvalues lbase
			if callable.IsG {
				luaframe := cf
					Fn:         callable,
					Pc:         0,
					Base:       RA,
					LocalBase:  RA + 1,
					ReturnBase: cf.ReturnBase,
					NArgs:      nargs,
					NRet:       cf.NRet,
					Parent:     cf,
					TailCall:   0,
				}, lv, meta)
				if callGFunction(L, true) {
					return 1
				if L.currentFrame == nil || L.currentFrame.Fn.IsG || luaframe == baseframe {
					return 1
			} else {
				base := cf.Base
				cf.Fn = callable
				cf.Pc = 0
				cf.Base = RA
				cf.LocalBase = RA + 1
				cf.ReturnBase = cf.ReturnBase
				cf.NArgs = nargs
				cf.NRet = cf.NRet
				lbase := cf.LocalBase
				if meta {
					L.reg.Insert(lv, cf.LocalBase)
				// +inline-call L.initCallFrame cf
				// +inline-call L.reg.CopyRange base RA -1 reg.Top()-RA-1
				cf.Base = base
				cf.LocalBase = base + (cf.LocalBase - lbase + 1)
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_RETURN
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			// +inline-call L.closeUpvalues lbase
			nret := B - 1
			if B == 0 {
				nret = reg.Top() - RA
			n := cf.NRet
			if cf.NRet == MultRet {
				n = nret

			if L.Parent != nil && L.stack.Sp() == 1 {
				// +inline-call copyReturnValues L reg.Top() RA n B
				switchToParentThread(L, n, false, true)
				return 1
			islast := baseframe == L.stack.Pop() || L.stack.IsEmpty()
			// +inline-call copyReturnValues L cf.ReturnBase RA n B
			L.currentFrame = L.stack.Last()
			if islast || L.currentFrame == nil || L.currentFrame.Fn.IsG {
				return 1
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_FORLOOP
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			if init, ok1 := reg.Get(RA).assertFloat64(); ok1 {
				if limit, ok2 := reg.Get(RA + 1).assertFloat64(); ok2 {
					if step, ok3 := reg.Get(RA + 2).assertFloat64(); ok3 {
						init += step
						reg.SetNumber(RA, LNumber(init))
						if (step > 0 && init <= limit) || (step <= 0 && init >= limit) {
							Sbx := int(inst&0x3ffff) - opMaxArgSbx //GETSBX
							cf.Pc += Sbx
							reg.SetNumber(RA+3, LNumber(init))
						} else {
							reg.SetTop(RA + 1)
					} else {
						L.RaiseError("for statement step must be a number")
				} else {
					L.RaiseError("for statement limit must be a number")
			} else {
				L.RaiseError("for statement init must be a number")
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_FORPREP
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			Sbx := int(inst&0x3ffff) - opMaxArgSbx //GETSBX
			if init, ok1 := reg.Get(RA).assertFloat64(); ok1 {
				if step, ok2 := reg.Get(RA + 2).assertFloat64(); ok2 {
					reg.SetNumber(RA, LNumber(init-step))
				} else {
					L.RaiseError("for statement step must be a number")
			} else {
				L.RaiseError("for statement init must be a number")
			cf.Pc += Sbx
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_TFORLOOP
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			nret := C
			reg.SetTop(RA + 3 + 2)
			reg.Set(RA+3+2, reg.Get(RA+2))
			reg.Set(RA+3+1, reg.Get(RA+1))
			reg.Set(RA+3, reg.Get(RA))
			L.callR(2, nret, RA+3)
			if value := reg.Get(RA + 3); value != LNil {
				reg.Set(RA+2, value)
				pc := cf.Fn.Proto.Code[cf.Pc]
				cf.Pc += int(pc&0x3ffff) - opMaxArgSbx
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_SETLIST
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
			C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
			if C == 0 {
				C = int(cf.Fn.Proto.Code[cf.Pc])
			offset := (C - 1) * FieldsPerFlush
			table := reg.Get(RA).(*LTable)
			nelem := B
			if B == 0 {
				nelem = reg.Top() - RA - 1
			for i := 1; i <= nelem; i++ {
				table.RawSetInt(offset+i, reg.Get(RA+i))
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_CLOSE
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			// +inline-call L.closeUpvalues RA
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_CLOSURE
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			Bx := int(inst & 0x3ffff) //GETBX
			proto := cf.Fn.Proto.FunctionPrototypes[Bx]
			closure := newLFunctionL(proto, cf.Fn.Env, int(proto.NumUpvalues))
			reg.Set(RA, closure)
			for i := 0; i < int(proto.NumUpvalues); i++ {
				inst = cf.Fn.Proto.Code[cf.Pc]
				B := opGetArgB(inst)
				switch opGetOpCode(inst) {
				case OP_MOVE:
					closure.Upvalues[i] = L.findUpvalue(lbase + B)
				case OP_GETUPVAL:
					closure.Upvalues[i] = cf.Fn.Upvalues[B]
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_VARARG
			reg := L.reg
			cf := L.currentFrame
			lbase := cf.LocalBase
			A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
			RA := lbase + A
			B := int(inst & 0x1ff) //GETB
			nparams := int(cf.Fn.Proto.NumParameters)
			nvarargs := cf.NArgs - nparams
			if nvarargs < 0 {
				nvarargs = 0
			nwant := B - 1
			if B == 0 {
				nwant = nvarargs
			// +inline-call reg.CopyRange RA cf.Base+nparams+1 cf.LocalBase nwant
			return 0
		func(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_NOP
			return 0

func opArith(L *LState, inst uint32, baseframe *callFrame) int { //OP_ADD, OP_SUB, OP_MUL, OP_DIV, OP_MOD, OP_POW
	reg := L.reg
	cf := L.currentFrame
	lbase := cf.LocalBase
	A := int(inst>>18) & 0xff //GETA
	RA := lbase + A
	opcode := int(inst >> 26) //GETOPCODE
	B := int(inst & 0x1ff)    //GETB
	C := int(inst>>9) & 0x1ff //GETC
	lhs := L.rkValue(B)
	rhs := L.rkValue(C)
	v1, ok1 := lhs.assertFloat64()
	v2, ok2 := rhs.assertFloat64()
	if ok1 && ok2 {
		reg.SetNumber(RA, numberArith(L, opcode, LNumber(v1), LNumber(v2)))
	} else {
		reg.Set(RA, objectArith(L, opcode, lhs, rhs))
	return 0

func luaModulo(lhs, rhs LNumber) LNumber {
	flhs := float64(lhs)
	frhs := float64(rhs)
	v := math.Mod(flhs, frhs)
	if flhs < 0 || frhs < 0 && !(flhs < 0 && frhs < 0) {
		v += frhs
	return LNumber(v)

func numberArith(L *LState, opcode int, lhs, rhs LNumber) LNumber {
	switch opcode {
	case OP_ADD:
		return lhs + rhs
	case OP_SUB:
		return lhs - rhs
	case OP_MUL:
		return lhs * rhs
	case OP_DIV:
		return lhs / rhs
	case OP_MOD:
		return luaModulo(lhs, rhs)
	case OP_POW:
		flhs := float64(lhs)
		frhs := float64(rhs)
		return LNumber(math.Pow(flhs, frhs))
	panic("should not reach here")
	return LNumber(0)

func objectArith(L *LState, opcode int, lhs, rhs LValue) LValue {
	event := ""
	switch opcode {
	case OP_ADD:
		event = "__add"
	case OP_SUB:
		event = "__sub"
	case OP_MUL:
		event = "__mul"
	case OP_DIV:
		event = "__div"
	case OP_MOD:
		event = "__mod"
	case OP_POW:
		event = "__pow"
	op := L.metaOp2(lhs, rhs, event)
	if op.Type() == LTFunction {
		L.Call(2, 1)
		return L.reg.Pop()
	if str, ok := lhs.(LString); ok {
		if lnum, err := parseNumber(string(str)); err == nil {
			lhs = lnum
	if str, ok := rhs.(LString); ok {
		if rnum, err := parseNumber(string(str)); err == nil {
			rhs = rnum
	if v1, ok1 := lhs.assertFloat64(); ok1 {
		if v2, ok2 := rhs.assertFloat64(); ok2 {
			return numberArith(L, opcode, LNumber(v1), LNumber(v2))
	L.RaiseError(fmt.Sprintf("cannot perform %v operation between %v and %v",
		strings.TrimLeft(event, "_"), lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String()))

	return LNil

func stringConcat(L *LState, total, last int) LValue {
	rhs := L.reg.Get(last)
	for i := last - 1; total > 0; {
		lhs := L.reg.Get(i)
		if !(LVCanConvToString(lhs) && LVCanConvToString(rhs)) {
			op := L.metaOp2(lhs, rhs, "__concat")
			if op.Type() == LTFunction {
				L.Call(2, 1)
				rhs = L.reg.Pop()
			} else {
				L.RaiseError("cannot perform concat operation between %v and %v", lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String())
				return LNil
		} else {
			buf := make([]string, total+1)
			buf[total] = LVAsString(rhs)
			for total > 0 {
				lhs = L.reg.Get(i)
				if !LVCanConvToString(lhs) {
				buf[total-1] = LVAsString(lhs)
			rhs = LString(strings.Join(buf, ""))
	return rhs

func lessThan(L *LState, lhs, rhs LValue) bool {
	// optimization for numbers
	if v1, ok1 := lhs.assertFloat64(); ok1 {
		if v2, ok2 := rhs.assertFloat64(); ok2 {
			return v1 < v2
		L.RaiseError("attempt to compare %v with %v", lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String())
	if lhs.Type() != rhs.Type() {
		L.RaiseError("attempt to compare %v with %v", lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String())
		return false
	ret := false
	switch lhs.Type() {
	case LTString:
		ret = strCmp(string(lhs.(LString)), string(rhs.(LString))) < 0
		ret = objectRationalWithError(L, lhs, rhs, "__lt")
	return ret

func equals(L *LState, lhs, rhs LValue, raw bool) bool {
	if lhs.Type() != rhs.Type() {
		return false

	ret := false
	switch lhs.Type() {
	case LTNil:
		ret = true
	case LTNumber:
		v1, _ := lhs.assertFloat64()
		v2, _ := rhs.assertFloat64()
		ret = v1 == v2
	case LTBool:
		ret = bool(lhs.(LBool)) == bool(rhs.(LBool))
	case LTString:
		ret = string(lhs.(LString)) == string(rhs.(LString))
	case LTUserData, LTTable:
		if lhs == rhs {
			ret = true
		} else if !raw {
			switch objectRational(L, lhs, rhs, "__eq") {
			case 1:
				ret = true
				ret = false
		ret = lhs == rhs
	return ret

func objectRationalWithError(L *LState, lhs, rhs LValue, event string) bool {
	switch objectRational(L, lhs, rhs, event) {
	case 1:
		return true
	case 0:
		return false
	L.RaiseError("attempt to compare %v with %v", lhs.Type().String(), rhs.Type().String())
	return false

func objectRational(L *LState, lhs, rhs LValue, event string) int {
	m1 := L.metaOp1(lhs, event)
	m2 := L.metaOp1(rhs, event)
	if m1.Type() == LTFunction && m1 == m2 {
		L.Call(2, 1)
		if LVAsBool(L.reg.Pop()) {
			return 1
		return 0
	return -1