// Package json is a simple JSON encoder/decoder for gopher-lua.
// Documentation
// The following functions are exposed by the library:
//  decode(string): Decodes a JSON string. Returns nil and an error string if
//                  the string could not be decoded.
//  encode(value):  Encodes a value into a JSON string. Returns nil and an error
//                  string if the value could not be encoded.
// The following types are supported:
//  Lua      | JSON
//  ---------+-----
//  nil      | null
//  number   | number
//  string   | string
//  table    | object: when table is non-empty and has only string keys
//           | array:  when table is empty, or has only sequential numeric keys
//           |         starting from 1
// Attempting to encode any other Lua type will result in an error.
// Example
// Below is an example usage of the library:
//  import (
//      luajson "layeh.com/gopher-json"
//  )
//  L := lua.NewState()
//  luajson.Preload(L)
package json // import "layeh.com/gopher-json"