package controller import ( "math" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" ) var tmfmt = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00" // FenceMatch executes a fence match returns back json messages for fence detection. func FenceMatch(hookName string, sw *scanWriter, fence *liveFenceSwitches, details *commandDetailsT) []string { jshookName := jsonString(hookName) jstime := jsonString(details.timestamp.Format(tmfmt)) pattern := fence.glob if details.command == "drop" { return []string{`{"cmd":"drop","hook":` + jshookName + `,"time":` + jstime + `}`} } match := true if pattern != "" && pattern != "*" { match, _ = glob.Match(pattern, } if !match { return nil } nofields := sw.nofields if details.obj == nil || !details.obj.IsGeometry() || (details.command == "fset" && nofields) { return nil } match = false var roamkeys, roamids []string var roammeters []float64 detect := "outside" if fence != nil { if fence.roam.on { if details.command == "set" { // println("roam", fence.roam.key,, strconv.FormatFloat(fence.roam.meters, 'f', -1, 64)) roamkeys, roamids, roammeters = fenceMatchRoam(sw.c, fence, details.key,, details.obj) } if len(roamids) == 0 || len(roamids) != len(roamkeys) { return nil } match = true detect = "roam" } else { // not using roaming match1 := fenceMatchObject(fence, details.oldObj) match2 := fenceMatchObject(fence, details.obj) if match1 && match2 { match = true detect = "inside" } else if match1 && !match2 { match = true detect = "exit" } else if !match1 && match2 { match = true detect = "enter" if details.command == "fset" { detect = "inside" } } else { if details.command != "fset" { // Maybe the old object and new object create a line that crosses the fence. // Must detect for that possibility. if details.oldObj != nil { ls := geojson.LineString{ Coordinates: []geojson.Position{ details.oldObj.CalculatedPoint(), details.obj.CalculatedPoint(), }, } temp := false if fence.cmd == "within" { // because we are testing if the line croses the area we need to use // "intersects" instead of "within". fence.cmd = "intersects" temp = true } if fenceMatchObject(fence, ls) { //match = true detect = "cross" } if temp { fence.cmd = "within" } } } } } } if details.command == "del" { return []string{`{"command":"del","hook":` + jshookName + `,"id":` + jsonString( + `,"time":` + jstime + `}`} } if details.fmap == nil { return nil } sw.fmap = details.fmap sw.fullFields = true sw.msg.OutputType = server.JSON sw.writeObject(, details.obj, details.fields, true) if sw.wr.Len() == 0 { return nil } res := sw.wr.String() resb := make([]byte, len(res)) copy(resb, res) sw.wr.Reset() res = string(resb) if strings.HasPrefix(res, ",") { res = res[1:] } if sw.output == outputIDs { res = `{"id":` + res + `}` } jskey := jsonString(details.key) ores := res msgs := make([]string, 0, 2) if fence.detect == nil || fence.detect[detect] { if strings.HasPrefix(ores, "{") { res = `{"command":"` + details.command + `","detect":"` + detect + `","hook":` + jshookName + `,"key":` + jskey + `,"time":` + jstime + `,` + ores[1:] } msgs = append(msgs, res) } switch detect { case "enter": if fence.detect == nil || fence.detect["inside"] { msgs = append(msgs, `{"command":"`+details.command+`","detect":"inside","hook":`+jshookName+`,"key":`+jskey+`,"time":`+jstime+`,`+ores[1:]) } case "exit", "cross": if fence.detect == nil || fence.detect["outside"] { msgs = append(msgs, `{"command":"`+details.command+`","detect":"outside","hook":`+jshookName+`,"key":`+jskey+`,"time":`+jstime+`,`+ores[1:]) } case "roam": if len(msgs) > 0 { var nmsgs []string msg := msgs[0][:len(msgs[0])-1] for i, id := range roamids { nmsgs = append(nmsgs, msg+`,"nearby":{"key":`+jsonString(roamkeys[i])+`,"id":`+jsonString(id)+`,"meters":`+strconv.FormatFloat(roammeters[i], 'f', -1, 64)+`}}`) } msgs = nmsgs } } return msgs } func fenceMatchObject(fence *liveFenceSwitches, obj geojson.Object) bool { if obj == nil { return false } if fence.roam.on { // we need to check this object against return false } if fence.cmd == "nearby" { return obj.Nearby(geojson.Position{X: fence.lon, Y:, Z: 0}, fence.meters) } else if fence.cmd == "within" { if fence.o != nil { return obj.Within(fence.o) } return obj.WithinBBox(geojson.BBox{ Min: geojson.Position{X: fence.minLon, Y: fence.minLat, Z: 0}, Max: geojson.Position{X: fence.maxLon, Y: fence.maxLat, Z: 0}, }) } else if fence.cmd == "intersects" { if fence.o != nil { return obj.Intersects(fence.o) } return obj.IntersectsBBox(geojson.BBox{ Min: geojson.Position{X: fence.minLon, Y: fence.minLat, Z: 0}, Max: geojson.Position{X: fence.maxLon, Y: fence.maxLat, Z: 0}, }) } return false } func fenceMatchRoam(c *Controller, fence *liveFenceSwitches, tkey, tid string, obj geojson.Object) (keys, ids []string, meterss []float64) { col := c.getCol(fence.roam.key) if col == nil { return } p := obj.CalculatedPoint() col.Nearby(0, 0, p.Y, p.X, fence.roam.meters, math.Inf(-1), math.Inf(+1), func(id string, obj geojson.Object, fields []float64) bool { var match bool if id == tid { return true // skip self } if fence.roam.pattern { match, _ = glob.Match(, id) } else { match = == id } if match { keys = append(keys, fence.roam.key) ids = append(ids, id) meterss = append(meterss, obj.CalculatedPoint().DistanceTo(p)) } return true }, ) return }