FVT Instructions ================ The FVT tests are currenly only supported by [IBM MessageSight](http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/us/en/messagesight/). Support for [mosquitto](http://mosquitto.org/) and [IBM Really Small Message Broker](https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/groups/service/html/communityview?communityUuid=d5bedadd-e46f-4c97-af89-22d65ffee070) might be added in the future. IBM MessageSight Configuration ------------------------------ The IBM MessageSight Virtual Appliance can be downloaded here: [Download](http://www-933.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/selectFixes?parent=ibm~Other+software&product=ibm/Other+software/MessageSight&function=fixId&fixids= "IBM MessageSight") There is a nice blog post about it here: [Blog](https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/c565c720-fe84-4f63-873f-607d87787327/entry/ibm_messagesight_for_developers_is_here?lang=en "Blog") The virtual appliance must be installed into a virtual machine like Oracle VirtualBox or VMWare Player. (Follow the instructions that come with the download). Next, copy your authorized keys (basically a file containing the public rsa key of your own computer) onto the appliance to enable passwordless ssh. For example, Console> user sshkey add "scp://user@host:~/.ssh/authorized_keys" More information can be found in the IBM MessageSight InfoCenter: [InfoCenter](https://infocenters.hursley.ibm.com/ism/v1/help/index.jsp "InfoCenter") Now, execute the script setup_IMA.sh to create the objects necessary to configure the server for the unit test cases provided. For example, ./setup_IMA.sh You should now be able to view the objects on your server: Console> imaserver show Endpoint Name=GoMqttEP1 Name = GoMqttEP1 Enabled = True Port = 17001 Protocol = MQTT Interface = all SecurityProfile = ConnectionPolicies = GoMqttCP1 MessagingPolicies = GoMqttMP1 MaxMessageSize = 1024KB MessageHub = GoMqttTestHub Description = RSMB Configuration ------------------ Wait for SSL support? Mosquitto Configuration ----------------------- Launch mosquitto from the fvt directory, specifiying mosquitto.cfg as config file ``ex: /usr/bin/mosquitto -c ./mosquitto.cfg`` Note: Mosquitto requires SSL 1.1 or better, while Go 1.1.2 supports only SSL v1.0. However, Go 1.2+ supports SSL v1.1 and SSL v1.2. Other Notes ----------- Go 1.1.2 does not support intermediate certificates, however Go 1.2+ does.