diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 15744747..d7fb4983 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -164,10 +164,9 @@ You can choose a value between 1 and 8. The value 1 will result in no more than
Sparse 4 |
Sparse 5 |
*Please note that the higher the sparse value, the slower the performance. Also, LIMIT and CURSOR are not available when using SPARSE.*
**WHERE** - This option allows for filtering out results based on [field](#fields) values. For example
```nearby fleet where speed 70 +inf point 33.462 -112.268 6000``` will return only the objects in the 'fleet' collection that are within the 6 km radius **and** have a field named `speed` that is greater than `70`.
Multiple WHEREs are concatenated as **and** clauses. ```WHERE speed 70 +inf WHERE age -inf 24``` would be interpreted as *speed is over 70 and age is less than 24.*
The default value for a field is always `0`. Thus if you do a WHERE on the field `speed` and an object does not have that field set, the server will pretend that the object does and that the value is Zero.
**MATCH** - MATCH is similar to WHERE except that it works on the object id instead of fields.
```nearby fleet match truck* point 33.462 -112.268 6000``` will return only the objects in the 'fleet' collection that are within the 6 km radius **and** have an object id that starts with `truck`. There can be multiple MATCH options in a single search. The MATCH value is a simple [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)).