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// Package geohash provides encoding and decoding of string and integer
// geohashes.
package geohash
import (
2020-09-23 02:43:58 +03:00
// Direction represents directions in the latitute/longitude space.
type Direction int
// Cardinal and intercardinal directions
const (
North Direction = iota
// Encode the point (lat, lng) as a string geohash with the standard 12
// characters of precision.
func Encode(lat, lng float64) string {
return EncodeWithPrecision(lat, lng, 12)
// EncodeWithPrecision encodes the point (lat, lng) as a string geohash with
// the specified number of characters of precision (max 12).
func EncodeWithPrecision(lat, lng float64, chars uint) string {
bits := 5 * chars
inthash := EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat, lng, bits)
enc := base32encoding.Encode(inthash)
return enc[12-chars:]
// EncodeInt encodes the point (lat, lng) to a 64-bit integer geohash.
func EncodeInt(lat, lng float64) uint64
// encodeInt provides a Go implementation of integer geohash. This is the
// default implementation of EncodeInt, but optimized versions are provided
// for certain architectures.
func encodeInt(lat, lng float64) uint64 {
latInt := encodeRange(lat, 90)
lngInt := encodeRange(lng, 180)
return interleave(latInt, lngInt)
// EncodeIntWithPrecision encodes the point (lat, lng) to an integer with the
// specified number of bits.
func EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat, lng float64, bits uint) uint64 {
hash := EncodeInt(lat, lng)
return hash >> (64 - bits)
// Box represents a rectangle in latitude/longitude space.
type Box struct {
MinLat float64
MaxLat float64
MinLng float64
MaxLng float64
// Center returns the center of the box.
func (b Box) Center() (lat, lng float64) {
lat = (b.MinLat + b.MaxLat) / 2.0
lng = (b.MinLng + b.MaxLng) / 2.0
// Contains decides whether (lat, lng) is contained in the box. The
// containment test is inclusive of the edges and corners.
func (b Box) Contains(lat, lng float64) bool {
return (b.MinLat <= lat && lat <= b.MaxLat &&
b.MinLng <= lng && lng <= b.MaxLng)
// minDecimalPlaces returns the minimum number of decimal places such that
// there must exist an number with that many places within any range of width
// r. This is intended for returning minimal precision coordinates inside a
// box.
func maxDecimalPower(r float64) float64 {
m := int(math.Floor(math.Log10(r)))
return math.Pow10(m)
// Round returns a point inside the box, making an effort to round to minimal
// precision.
func (b Box) Round() (lat, lng float64) {
x := maxDecimalPower(b.MaxLat - b.MinLat)
lat = math.Ceil(b.MinLat/x) * x
x = maxDecimalPower(b.MaxLng - b.MinLng)
lng = math.Ceil(b.MinLng/x) * x
// errorWithPrecision returns the error range in latitude and longitude for in
// integer geohash with bits of precision.
func errorWithPrecision(bits uint) (latErr, lngErr float64) {
b := int(bits)
latBits := b / 2
lngBits := b - latBits
latErr = math.Ldexp(180.0, -latBits)
lngErr = math.Ldexp(360.0, -lngBits)
// BoundingBox returns the region encoded by the given string geohash.
func BoundingBox(hash string) Box {
bits := uint(5 * len(hash))
inthash := base32encoding.Decode(hash)
return BoundingBoxIntWithPrecision(inthash, bits)
// BoundingBoxIntWithPrecision returns the region encoded by the integer
// geohash with the specified precision.
func BoundingBoxIntWithPrecision(hash uint64, bits uint) Box {
fullHash := hash << (64 - bits)
latInt, lngInt := deinterleave(fullHash)
lat := decodeRange(latInt, 90)
lng := decodeRange(lngInt, 180)
latErr, lngErr := errorWithPrecision(bits)
return Box{
MinLat: lat,
MaxLat: lat + latErr,
MinLng: lng,
MaxLng: lng + lngErr,
// BoundingBoxInt returns the region encoded by the given 64-bit integer
// geohash.
func BoundingBoxInt(hash uint64) Box {
return BoundingBoxIntWithPrecision(hash, 64)
2020-09-23 02:43:58 +03:00
// Validate the string geohash.
func Validate(hash string) error {
// Check length.
if 5*len(hash) > 64 {
return errors.New("too long")
// Check characters.
for i := 0; i < len(hash); i++ {
if !base32encoding.ValidByte(hash[i]) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character %q", hash[i])
return nil
// Decode the string geohash to a (lat, lng) point.
func Decode(hash string) (lat, lng float64) {
box := BoundingBox(hash)
return box.Round()
// DecodeCenter decodes the string geohash to the central point of the bounding box.
func DecodeCenter(hash string) (lat, lng float64) {
box := BoundingBox(hash)
return box.Center()
// DecodeIntWithPrecision decodes the provided integer geohash with bits of
// precision to a (lat, lng) point.
func DecodeIntWithPrecision(hash uint64, bits uint) (lat, lng float64) {
box := BoundingBoxIntWithPrecision(hash, bits)
return box.Round()
// DecodeInt decodes the provided 64-bit integer geohash to a (lat, lng) point.
func DecodeInt(hash uint64) (lat, lng float64) {
return DecodeIntWithPrecision(hash, 64)
2020-09-23 02:43:58 +03:00
// ConvertStringToInt converts a string geohash to the equivalent integer
// geohash. Returns the integer hash and its precision.
func ConvertStringToInt(hash string) (uint64, uint) {
return base32encoding.Decode(hash), uint(5 * len(hash))
// ConvertIntToString converts an integer geohash to the equivalent string
// geohash with chars characters. The provided integer geohash is interpreted
// to have 5*chars bits of precision.
func ConvertIntToString(hash uint64, chars uint) string {
enc := base32encoding.Encode(hash)
return enc[12-chars:]
// Neighbors returns a slice of geohash strings that correspond to the provided
// geohash's neighbors.
func Neighbors(hash string) []string {
box := BoundingBox(hash)
lat, lng := box.Center()
latDelta := box.MaxLat - box.MinLat
lngDelta := box.MaxLng - box.MinLng
precision := uint(len(hash))
return []string{
// N
EncodeWithPrecision(lat+latDelta, lng, precision),
// NE,
EncodeWithPrecision(lat+latDelta, lng+lngDelta, precision),
// E,
EncodeWithPrecision(lat, lng+lngDelta, precision),
// SE,
EncodeWithPrecision(lat-latDelta, lng+lngDelta, precision),
// S,
EncodeWithPrecision(lat-latDelta, lng, precision),
// SW,
EncodeWithPrecision(lat-latDelta, lng-lngDelta, precision),
// W,
EncodeWithPrecision(lat, lng-lngDelta, precision),
// NW
EncodeWithPrecision(lat+latDelta, lng-lngDelta, precision),
// NeighborsInt returns a slice of uint64s that correspond to the provided hash's
// neighbors at 64-bit precision.
func NeighborsInt(hash uint64) []uint64 {
return NeighborsIntWithPrecision(hash, 64)
// NeighborsIntWithPrecision returns a slice of uint64s that correspond to the
// provided hash's neighbors at the given precision.
func NeighborsIntWithPrecision(hash uint64, bits uint) []uint64 {
box := BoundingBoxIntWithPrecision(hash, bits)
lat, lng := box.Center()
latDelta := box.MaxLat - box.MinLat
lngDelta := box.MaxLng - box.MinLng
return []uint64{
// N
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat+latDelta, lng, bits),
// NE,
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat+latDelta, lng+lngDelta, bits),
// E,
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat, lng+lngDelta, bits),
// SE,
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat-latDelta, lng+lngDelta, bits),
// S,
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat-latDelta, lng, bits),
// SW,
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat-latDelta, lng-lngDelta, bits),
// W,
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat, lng-lngDelta, bits),
// NW
EncodeIntWithPrecision(lat+latDelta, lng-lngDelta, bits),
// Neighbor returns a geohash string that corresponds to the provided
// geohash's neighbor in the provided direction
func Neighbor(hash string, direction Direction) string {
return Neighbors(hash)[direction]
// NeighborInt returns a uint64 that corresponds to the provided hash's
// neighbor in the provided direction at 64-bit precision.
func NeighborInt(hash uint64, direction Direction) uint64 {
return NeighborsIntWithPrecision(hash, 64)[direction]
// NeighborIntWithPrecision returns a uint64s that corresponds to the
// provided hash's neighbor in the provided direction at the given precision.
func NeighborIntWithPrecision(hash uint64, bits uint, direction Direction) uint64 {
return NeighborsIntWithPrecision(hash, bits)[direction]
// precalculated for performance
var exp232 = math.Exp2(32)
// Encode the position of x within the range -r to +r as a 32-bit integer.
func encodeRange(x, r float64) uint32 {
p := (x + r) / (2 * r)
return uint32(p * exp232)
// Decode the 32-bit range encoding X back to a value in the range -r to +r.
func decodeRange(X uint32, r float64) float64 {
p := float64(X) / exp232
x := 2*r*p - r
return x
// Spread out the 32 bits of x into 64 bits, where the bits of x occupy even
// bit positions.
func spread(x uint32) uint64 {
X := uint64(x)
X = (X | (X << 16)) & 0x0000ffff0000ffff
X = (X | (X << 8)) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff
X = (X | (X << 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
X = (X | (X << 2)) & 0x3333333333333333
X = (X | (X << 1)) & 0x5555555555555555
return X
// Interleave the bits of x and y. In the result, x and y occupy even and odd
// bitlevels, respectively.
func interleave(x, y uint32) uint64 {
return spread(x) | (spread(y) << 1)
// Squash the even bitlevels of X into a 32-bit word. Odd bitlevels of X are
// ignored, and may take any value.
func squash(X uint64) uint32 {
X &= 0x5555555555555555
X = (X | (X >> 1)) & 0x3333333333333333
X = (X | (X >> 2)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
X = (X | (X >> 4)) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff
X = (X | (X >> 8)) & 0x0000ffff0000ffff
X = (X | (X >> 16)) & 0x00000000ffffffff
return uint32(X)
// Deinterleave the bits of X into 32-bit words containing the even and odd
// bitlevels of X, respectively.
func deinterleave(X uint64) (uint32, uint32) {
return squash(X), squash(X >> 1)