
1250 lines
42 KiB

package redis
import (
type SearchCmdable interface {
FT_List(ctx context.Context) *StringSliceCmd
FTAggregate(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTAggregateWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTAggregateOptions) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTAliasAdd(ctx context.Context, index string, alias string) *StatusCmd
FTAliasDel(ctx context.Context, alias string) *StatusCmd
FTAliasUpdate(ctx context.Context, index string, alias string) *StatusCmd
FTAlter(ctx context.Context, index string, skipInitalScan bool, definition []interface{}) *StatusCmd
FTConfigGet(ctx context.Context, option string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTConfigSet(ctx context.Context, option string, value interface{}) *StatusCmd
FTCreate(ctx context.Context, index string, options *FTCreateOptions, schema ...*FieldSchema) *StatusCmd
FTCursorDel(ctx context.Context, index string, cursorId int) *StatusCmd
FTCursorRead(ctx context.Context, index string, cursorId int, count int) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTDictAdd(ctx context.Context, dict string, term []interface{}) *IntCmd
FTDictDel(ctx context.Context, dict string, term []interface{}) *IntCmd
FTDictDump(ctx context.Context, dict string) *StringSliceCmd
FTDropIndex(ctx context.Context, index string) *StatusCmd
FTDropIndexWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, options *FTDropIndexOptions) *StatusCmd
FTExplain(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *StringCmd
FTExplainWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTExplainOptions) *StringCmd
FTInfo(ctx context.Context, index string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTProfile(ctx context.Context, index string, limited bool, query interface{}) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTSpellCheck(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTSpellCheckWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTSpellCheckOptions) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
FTSearch(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *Cmd
FTSearchWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTSearchOptions) *Cmd
FTSynDump(ctx context.Context, index string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
FTSynUpdate(ctx context.Context, index string, synGroupId interface{}, terms []interface{}) *StatusCmd
FTSynUpdateWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, synGroupId interface{}, options *FTSynUpdateOptions, terms []interface{}) *StatusCmd
FTTagVals(ctx context.Context, index string, field string) *StringSliceCmd
type FTCreateOptions struct {
OnHash bool
OnJSON bool
Prefix []interface{}
Filter string
DefaultLanguage string
LanguageField string
Score float64
ScoreField string
PayloadField string
MaxTextFields int
NoOffsets bool
Temporary int
NoHL bool
NoFields bool
NoFreqs bool
StopWords []interface{}
SkipInitalScan bool
type FieldSchema struct {
FieldName string
As string
FieldType string
Sortable bool
UNF bool
NoStem bool
NoIndex bool
PhoneticMatcher string
Weight float64
Seperator string
CaseSensitive bool
WithSuffixtrie bool
VectorArgs *FTVectorArgs
GeoShapeFieldType string
type FTVectorArgs struct {
FlatOptions *FTFlatOptions
HNSWOptions *FTHNSWOptions
type FTFlatOptions struct {
Type string
Dim int
DistanceMetric string
InitialCapacity int
BlockSize int
type FTHNSWOptions struct {
Type string
Dim int
DistanceMetric string
InitialCapacity int
MaxEdgesPerNode int
MaxAllowedEdgesPerNode int
EFRunTime int
Epsilon float64
type FTDropIndexOptions struct {
DeleteDocs bool
type SpellCheckTerms struct {
Include bool
Exclude bool
Dictionary string
type FTSpellCheckOptions struct {
Distance int
Terms SpellCheckTerms
Dialect int
type FTExplainOptions struct {
Dialect string
type FTSynUpdateOptions struct {
SkipInitialScan bool
type SearchAggregator int
const (
SearchInvalid = SearchAggregator(iota)
func (a SearchAggregator) String() string {
switch a {
case SearchInvalid:
return ""
case SearchAvg:
return "AVG"
case SearchSum:
return "SUM"
case SearchMin:
return "MIN"
case SearchMax:
return "MAX"
case SearchCount:
return "COUNT"
case SearchCountDistinct:
case SearchCountDistinctish:
case SearchStdDev:
return "STDDEV"
case SearchQuantile:
return "QUANTILE"
case SearchToList:
return "TOLIST"
case SearchFirstValue:
return "FIRST_VALUE"
case SearchRandomSample:
return ""
// Each AggregateReducer have different args.
// Please follow for more information.
type FTAggregateReducer struct {
Reducer SearchAggregator
Args []interface{}
As string
type FTAggregateGroupBy struct {
Fields []interface{}
Reduce []FTAggregateReducer
type FTAggregateSortBy struct {
FieldName string
Asc bool
Desc bool
type FTAggregateApply struct {
Field string
As string
type FTAggregateLoad struct {
Field string
As string
type FTAggregateWithCursor struct {
Count int
MaxIdle int
type FTAggregateOptions struct {
Verbatim bool
LoadAll bool
Load []FTAggregateLoad
Timeout int
GroupBy []FTAggregateGroupBy
SortBy []FTAggregateSortBy
SortByMax int
Apply []FTAggregateApply
LimitOffset int
Limit int
Filter string
WithCursor bool
WithCursorOptions *FTAggregateWithCursor
Params map[string]interface{}
DialectVersion int
type FTSearchFilter struct {
FieldName interface{}
Min interface{}
Max interface{}
type FTSearchGeoFilter struct {
FieldName string
Longitude float64
Latitude float64
Radius float64
Unit string
type FTSearchReturn struct {
FieldName string
As string
type FTSearchSortBy struct {
FieldName string
Asc bool
Desc bool
type FTSearchOptions struct {
NoContent bool
Verbatim bool
NoStopWrods bool
WithScores bool
WithPayloads bool
WithSortKeys bool
Filters []FTSearchFilter
GeoFilter []FTSearchGeoFilter
InKeys []interface{}
InFields []interface{}
Return []FTSearchReturn
Slop int
Timeout int
InOrder bool
Language string
Expander string
Scorer string
ExplainScore bool
Payload string
SortBy []FTSearchSortBy
SortByWithCount bool
LimitOffset int
Limit int
Params map[string]interface{}
DialectVersion int
// FT_List - Lists all the existing indexes in the database.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT._LIST]: (
func (c cmdable) FT_List(ctx context.Context) *StringSliceCmd {
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(ctx, "FT._LIST")
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTAggregate - Performs a search query on an index and applies a series of aggregate transformations to the result.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to search, and the 'query' parameter specifies the search query.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTAggregate(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.AGGREGATE", index, query}
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
type AggregateQuery []interface{}
func FTAggregateQuery(query string, options *FTAggregateOptions) AggregateQuery {
queryArgs := []interface{}{query}
if options != nil {
if options.Verbatim {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "VERBATIM")
if options.LoadAll && options.Load != nil {
panic("FT.AGGREGATE: LOADALL and LOAD are mutually exclusive")
if options.LoadAll {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "LOAD", "*")
if options.Load != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "LOAD", len(options.Load))
for _, load := range options.Load {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, load.Field)
if load.As != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "AS", load.As)
if options.Timeout > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "TIMEOUT", options.Timeout)
if options.GroupBy != nil {
for _, groupBy := range options.GroupBy {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "GROUPBY", len(groupBy.Fields))
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, groupBy.Fields...)
for _, reducer := range groupBy.Reduce {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "REDUCE")
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, reducer.Reducer.String())
if reducer.Args != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, len(reducer.Args))
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, reducer.Args...)
} else {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, 0)
if reducer.As != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "AS", reducer.As)
if options.SortBy != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "SORTBY")
sortByOptions := []interface{}{}
for _, sortBy := range options.SortBy {
sortByOptions = append(sortByOptions, sortBy.FieldName)
if sortBy.Asc && sortBy.Desc {
panic("FT.AGGREGATE: ASC and DESC are mutually exclusive")
if sortBy.Asc {
sortByOptions = append(sortByOptions, "ASC")
if sortBy.Desc {
sortByOptions = append(sortByOptions, "DESC")
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, len(sortByOptions))
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, sortByOptions...)
if options.SortByMax > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "MAX", options.SortByMax)
for _, apply := range options.Apply {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "APPLY", apply.Field)
if apply.As != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "AS", apply.As)
if options.LimitOffset > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "LIMIT", options.LimitOffset)
if options.Limit > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, options.Limit)
if options.Filter != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "FILTER", options.Filter)
if options.WithCursor {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "WITHCURSOR")
if options.WithCursorOptions != nil {
if options.WithCursorOptions.Count > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "COUNT", options.WithCursorOptions.Count)
if options.WithCursorOptions.MaxIdle > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "MAXIDLE", options.WithCursorOptions.MaxIdle)
if options.Params != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "PARAMS", len(options.Params)*2)
for key, value := range options.Params {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, key, value)
if options.DialectVersion > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "DIALECT", options.DialectVersion)
return queryArgs
// FTAggregateWithArgs - Performs a search query on an index and applies a series of aggregate transformations to the result.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to search, and the 'query' parameter specifies the search query.
// This function also allows for specifying additional options such as: Verbatim, LoadAll, Load, Timeout, GroupBy, SortBy, SortByMax, Apply, LimitOffset, Limit, Filter, WithCursor, Params, and DialectVersion.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTAggregateWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTAggregateOptions) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.AGGREGATE", index, query}
if options != nil {
if options.Verbatim {
args = append(args, "VERBATIM")
if options.LoadAll && options.Load != nil {
panic("FT.AGGREGATE: LOADALL and LOAD are mutually exclusive")
if options.LoadAll {
args = append(args, "LOAD", "*")
if options.Load != nil {
args = append(args, "LOAD", len(options.Load))
for _, load := range options.Load {
args = append(args, load.Field)
if load.As != "" {
args = append(args, "AS", load.As)
if options.Timeout > 0 {
args = append(args, "TIMEOUT", options.Timeout)
if options.GroupBy != nil {
for _, groupBy := range options.GroupBy {
args = append(args, "GROUPBY", len(groupBy.Fields))
args = append(args, groupBy.Fields...)
for _, reducer := range groupBy.Reduce {
args = append(args, "REDUCE")
args = append(args, reducer.Reducer.String())
if reducer.Args != nil {
args = append(args, len(reducer.Args))
args = append(args, reducer.Args...)
} else {
args = append(args, 0)
if reducer.As != "" {
args = append(args, "AS", reducer.As)
if options.SortBy != nil {
args = append(args, "SORTBY")
sortByOptions := []interface{}{}
for _, sortBy := range options.SortBy {
sortByOptions = append(sortByOptions, sortBy.FieldName)
if sortBy.Asc && sortBy.Desc {
panic("FT.AGGREGATE: ASC and DESC are mutually exclusive")
if sortBy.Asc {
sortByOptions = append(sortByOptions, "ASC")
if sortBy.Desc {
sortByOptions = append(sortByOptions, "DESC")
args = append(args, len(sortByOptions))
args = append(args, sortByOptions...)
if options.SortByMax > 0 {
args = append(args, "MAX", options.SortByMax)
for _, apply := range options.Apply {
args = append(args, "APPLY", apply.Field)
if apply.As != "" {
args = append(args, "AS", apply.As)
if options.LimitOffset > 0 {
args = append(args, "LIMIT", options.LimitOffset)
if options.Limit > 0 {
args = append(args, options.Limit)
if options.Filter != "" {
args = append(args, "FILTER", options.Filter)
if options.WithCursor {
args = append(args, "WITHCURSOR")
if options.WithCursorOptions != nil {
if options.WithCursorOptions.Count > 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", options.WithCursorOptions.Count)
if options.WithCursorOptions.MaxIdle > 0 {
args = append(args, "MAXIDLE", options.WithCursorOptions.MaxIdle)
if options.Params != nil {
args = append(args, "PARAMS", len(options.Params)*2)
for key, value := range options.Params {
args = append(args, key, value)
if options.DialectVersion > 0 {
args = append(args, "DIALECT", options.DialectVersion)
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTAliasAdd - Adds an alias to an index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to which the alias is added, and the 'alias' parameter specifies the alias.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTAliasAdd(ctx context.Context, index string, alias string) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.ALIASADD", alias, index}
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTAliasDel - Removes an alias from an index.
// The 'alias' parameter specifies the alias to be removed.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTAliasDel(ctx context.Context, alias string) *StatusCmd {
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, "FT.ALIASDEL", alias)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTAliasUpdate - Updates an alias to an index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to which the alias is updated, and the 'alias' parameter specifies the alias.
// If the alias already exists for a different index, it updates the alias to point to the specified index instead.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTAliasUpdate(ctx context.Context, index string, alias string) *StatusCmd {
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, "FT.ALIASUPDATE", alias, index)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTAlter - Alters the definition of an existing index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to alter, and the 'skipInitalScan' parameter specifies whether to skip the initial scan.
// The 'definition' parameter specifies the new definition for the index.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.ALTER]: (
func (c cmdable) FTAlter(ctx context.Context, index string, skipInitalScan bool, definition []interface{}) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.ALTER", index}
if skipInitalScan {
args = append(args, "SKIPINITIALSCAN")
args = append(args, "SCHEMA", "ADD")
args = append(args, definition...)
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTConfigGet - Retrieves the value of a RediSearch configuration parameter.
// The 'option' parameter specifies the configuration parameter to retrieve.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTConfigGet(ctx context.Context, option string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, "FT.CONFIG", "GET", option)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTConfigSet - Sets the value of a RediSearch configuration parameter.
// The 'option' parameter specifies the configuration parameter to set, and the 'value' parameter specifies the new value.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTConfigSet(ctx context.Context, option string, value interface{}) *StatusCmd {
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, "FT.CONFIG", "SET", option, value)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTCreate - Creates a new index with the given options and schema.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the name of the index to create.
// The 'options' parameter specifies various options for the index, such as:
// whether to index hashes or JSONs, prefixes, filters, default language, score, score field, payload field, etc.
// The 'schema' parameter specifies the schema for the index, which includes the field name, field type, etc.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.CREATE]: (
func (c cmdable) FTCreate(ctx context.Context, index string, options *FTCreateOptions, schema ...*FieldSchema) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.CREATE", index}
if options != nil {
if options.OnHash && !options.OnJSON {
args = append(args, "ON", "HASH")
if options.OnJSON && !options.OnHash {
args = append(args, "ON", "JSON")
if options.OnHash && options.OnJSON {
panic("FT.CREATE: ON HASH and ON JSON are mutually exclusive")
if options.Prefix != nil {
args = append(args, "PREFIX", len(options.Prefix))
args = append(args, options.Prefix...)
if options.Filter != "" {
args = append(args, "FILTER", options.Filter)
if options.DefaultLanguage != "" {
args = append(args, "LANGUAGE", options.DefaultLanguage)
if options.LanguageField != "" {
args = append(args, "LANGUAGE_FIELD", options.LanguageField)
if options.Score > 0 {
args = append(args, "SCORE", options.Score)
if options.ScoreField != "" {
args = append(args, "SCORE_FIELD", options.ScoreField)
if options.PayloadField != "" {
args = append(args, "PAYLOAD_FIELD", options.PayloadField)
if options.MaxTextFields > 0 {
args = append(args, "MAXTEXTFIELDS", options.MaxTextFields)
if options.NoOffsets {
args = append(args, "NOOFFSETS")
if options.Temporary > 0 {
args = append(args, "TEMPORARY", options.Temporary)
if options.NoHL {
args = append(args, "NOHL")
if options.NoFields {
args = append(args, "NOFIELDS")
if options.NoFreqs {
args = append(args, "NOFREQS")
if options.StopWords != nil {
args = append(args, "STOPWORDS", len(options.StopWords))
args = append(args, options.StopWords...)
if options.SkipInitalScan {
args = append(args, "SKIPINITIALSCAN")
if schema == nil {
panic("FT.CREATE: SCHEMA is required")
args = append(args, "SCHEMA")
for _, schema := range schema {
if schema.FieldName == "" || schema.FieldType == "" {
panic("FT.CREATE: SCHEMA FieldName and FieldType are required")
args = append(args, schema.FieldName)
if schema.As != "" {
args = append(args, "AS", schema.As)
args = append(args, schema.FieldType)
if schema.VectorArgs != nil {
if strings.ToUpper(schema.FieldType) != "VECTOR" {
panic("FT.CREATE: SCHEMA FieldType VECTOR is required for VectorArgs")
if schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions != nil && schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions != nil {
panic("FT.CREATE: SCHEMA VectorArgs FlatOptions and HNSWOptions are mutually exclusive")
if schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions != nil {
args = append(args, "FLAT")
if schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.Type == "" || schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.Dim == 0 || schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.DistanceMetric == "" {
panic("FT.CREATE: Type, Dim and DistanceMetric are required for VECTOR FLAT")
flatArgs := []interface{}{
"TYPE", schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.Type,
"DIM", schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.Dim,
"DISTANCE_METRIC", schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.DistanceMetric,
if schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.InitialCapacity > 0 {
flatArgs = append(flatArgs, "INITIAL_CAP", schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.InitialCapacity)
if schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.BlockSize > 0 {
flatArgs = append(flatArgs, "BLOCK_SIZE", schema.VectorArgs.FlatOptions.BlockSize)
args = append(args, len(flatArgs))
args = append(args, flatArgs...)
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions != nil {
args = append(args, "HNSW")
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.Type == "" || schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.Dim == 0 || schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.DistanceMetric == "" {
panic("FT.CREATE: Type, Dim and DistanceMetric are required for VECTOR HNSW")
hnswArgs := []interface{}{
"TYPE", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.Type,
"DIM", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.Dim,
"DISTANCE_METRIC", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.DistanceMetric,
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.InitialCapacity > 0 {
hnswArgs = append(hnswArgs, "INITIAL_CAP", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.InitialCapacity)
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.MaxEdgesPerNode > 0 {
hnswArgs = append(hnswArgs, "M", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.MaxEdgesPerNode)
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.MaxAllowedEdgesPerNode > 0 {
hnswArgs = append(hnswArgs, "EF_CONSTRUCTION", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.MaxAllowedEdgesPerNode)
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.EFRunTime > 0 {
hnswArgs = append(hnswArgs, "EF_RUNTIME", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.EFRunTime)
if schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.Epsilon > 0 {
hnswArgs = append(hnswArgs, "EPSILON", schema.VectorArgs.HNSWOptions.Epsilon)
args = append(args, len(hnswArgs))
args = append(args, hnswArgs...)
if schema.GeoShapeFieldType != "" {
if strings.ToUpper(schema.FieldType) != "GEOSHAPE" {
panic("FT.CREATE: SCHEMA FieldType GEOSHAPE is required for GeoShapeFieldType")
args = append(args, schema.GeoShapeFieldType)
if schema.NoStem {
args = append(args, "NOSTEM")
if schema.Sortable {
args = append(args, "SORTABLE")
if schema.UNF {
args = append(args, "UNF")
if schema.NoIndex {
args = append(args, "NOINDEX")
if schema.PhoneticMatcher != "" {
args = append(args, "PHONETIC", schema.PhoneticMatcher)
if schema.Weight > 0 {
args = append(args, "WEIGHT", schema.Weight)
if schema.Seperator != "" {
args = append(args, "SEPERATOR", schema.Seperator)
if schema.CaseSensitive {
args = append(args, "CASESENSITIVE")
if schema.WithSuffixtrie {
args = append(args, "WITHSUFFIXTRIE")
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTCursorDel - Deletes a cursor from an existing index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index from which to delete the cursor, and the 'cursorId' parameter specifies the ID of the cursor to delete.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTCursorDel(ctx context.Context, index string, cursorId int) *StatusCmd {
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, "FT.CURSOR", "DEL", index, cursorId)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTCursorRead - Reads the next results from an existing cursor.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index from which to read the cursor, the 'cursorId' parameter specifies the ID of the cursor to read, and the 'count' parameter specifies the number of results to read.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTCursorRead(ctx context.Context, index string, cursorId int, count int) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.CURSOR", "READ", index, cursorId}
if count > 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", count)
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTDictAdd - Adds terms to a dictionary.
// The 'dict' parameter specifies the dictionary to which to add the terms, and the 'term' parameter specifies the terms to add.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.DICTADD]: (
func (c cmdable) FTDictAdd(ctx context.Context, dict string, term []interface{}) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.DICTADD", dict}
args = append(args, term...)
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTDictDel - Deletes terms from a dictionary.
// The 'dict' parameter specifies the dictionary from which to delete the terms, and the 'term' parameter specifies the terms to delete.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.DICTDEL]: (
func (c cmdable) FTDictDel(ctx context.Context, dict string, term []interface{}) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.DICTDEL", dict}
args = append(args, term...)
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTDictDump - Returns all terms in the specified dictionary.
// The 'dict' parameter specifies the dictionary from which to return the terms.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTDictDump(ctx context.Context, dict string) *StringSliceCmd {
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(ctx, "FT.DICTDUMP", dict)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTDropIndex - Deletes an index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to delete.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTDropIndex(ctx context.Context, index string) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.DROPINDEX", index}
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTDropIndexWithArgs - Deletes an index with options.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to delete, and the 'options' parameter specifies the DeleteDocs option for docs deletion.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTDropIndexWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, options *FTDropIndexOptions) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.DROPINDEX", index}
if options != nil {
if options.DeleteDocs {
args = append(args, "DD")
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTExplain - Returns the execution plan for a complex query.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to query, and the 'query' parameter specifies the query string.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.EXPLAIN]: (
func (c cmdable) FTExplain(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *StringCmd {
cmd := NewStringCmd(ctx, "FT.EXPLAIN", index, query)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTExplainWithArgs - Returns the execution plan for a complex query with options.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to query, the 'query' parameter specifies the query string, and the 'options' parameter specifies the Dialect for the query.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.EXPLAIN]: (
func (c cmdable) FTExplainWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTExplainOptions) *StringCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.EXPLAIN", index, query}
if options.Dialect != "" {
args = append(args, "DIALECT", options.Dialect)
cmd := NewStringCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTExplainCli - Returns the execution plan for a complex query. [Not Implemented]
// For more information, see
func (c cmdable) FTExplainCli(ctx context.Context, key, path string) error {
panic("not implemented")
// FTInfo - Retrieves information about an index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to retrieve information about.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.INFO]: (
func (c cmdable) FTInfo(ctx context.Context, index string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, "FT.INFO", index)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTProfileSearch - Executes a search query and returns a profile of how the query was processed.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to search, the 'limited' parameter specifies whether to limit the results,
// and the 'query' parameter specifies the search / aggreagte query. Please notice that you must either pass a SearchQuery or an AggregateQuery.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTProfile(ctx context.Context, index string, limited bool, query interface{}) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
queryType := ""
var argsQuery []interface{}
switch v := query.(type) {
case AggregateQuery:
queryType = "AGGREGATE"
argsQuery = v
case SearchQuery:
queryType = "SEARCH"
argsQuery = v
panic("FT.PROFILE: query must be either AggregateQuery or SearchQuery")
args := []interface{}{"FT.PROFILE", index, queryType}
if limited {
args = append(args, "LIMITED")
args = append(args, "QUERY")
args = append(args, argsQuery...)
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTSpellCheck - Checks a query string for spelling errors.
// For more details about spellcheck query please follow:
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTSpellCheck(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, "FT.SPELLCHECK", index, query)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTSpellCheckWithArgs - Checks a query string for spelling errors with additional options.
// For more details about spellcheck query please follow:
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTSpellCheckWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTSpellCheckOptions) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.SPELLCHECK", index, query}
if options != nil {
if options.Distance > 4 {
panic("FT.SPELLCHECK: DISTANCE must be between 0 and 4")
if options.Distance > 0 {
args = append(args, "DISTANCE", options.Distance)
if options.Terms.Include && options.Terms.Exclude {
panic("FT.SPELLCHECK: INCLUDE and EXCLUDE are mutually exclusive")
if options.Terms.Include {
args = append(args, "TERMS", "INCLUDE")
if options.Terms.Exclude {
args = append(args, "TERMS", "EXCLUDE")
if options.Terms.Dictionary != "" {
args = append(args, options.Terms.Dictionary)
if options.Dialect > 0 {
args = append(args, "DIALECT", options.Dialect)
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTSearch - Executes a search query on an index.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to search, and the 'query' parameter specifies the search query.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.SEARCH]: (
func (c cmdable) FTSearch(ctx context.Context, index string, query string) *Cmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.SEARCH", index, query}
cmd := NewCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
type SearchQuery []interface{}
func FTSearchQuery(query string, options *FTSearchOptions) SearchQuery {
queryArgs := []interface{}{query}
if options != nil {
if options.NoContent {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "NOCONTENT")
if options.Verbatim {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "VERBATIM")
if options.NoStopWrods {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "NOSTOPWORDS")
if options.WithScores {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "WITHSCORES")
if options.WithPayloads {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "WITHPAYLOADS")
if options.WithSortKeys {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "WITHSORTKEYS")
if options.Filters != nil {
for _, filter := range options.Filters {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "FILTER", filter.FieldName, filter.Min, filter.Max)
if options.GeoFilter != nil {
for _, geoFilter := range options.GeoFilter {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "GEOFILTER", geoFilter.FieldName, geoFilter.Longitude, geoFilter.Latitude, geoFilter.Radius, geoFilter.Unit)
if options.InKeys != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "INKEYS", len(options.InKeys))
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, options.InKeys...)
if options.InFields != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "INFIELDS", len(options.InFields))
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, options.InFields...)
if options.Return != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "RETURN")
queryArgsReturn := []interface{}{}
for _, ret := range options.Return {
queryArgsReturn = append(queryArgsReturn, ret.FieldName)
if ret.As != "" {
queryArgsReturn = append(queryArgsReturn, "AS", ret.As)
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, len(queryArgsReturn))
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, queryArgsReturn...)
if options.Slop > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "SLOP", options.Slop)
if options.Timeout > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "TIMEOUT", options.Timeout)
if options.InOrder {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "INORDER")
if options.Language != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "LANGUAGE", options.Language)
if options.Expander != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "EXPANDER", options.Expander)
if options.Scorer != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "SCORER", options.Scorer)
if options.ExplainScore {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "EXPLAINSCORE")
if options.Payload != "" {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "PAYLOAD", options.Payload)
if options.SortBy != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "SORTBY")
for _, sortBy := range options.SortBy {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, sortBy.FieldName)
if sortBy.Asc && sortBy.Desc {
panic("FT.SEARCH: ASC and DESC are mutually exclusive")
if sortBy.Asc {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "ASC")
if sortBy.Desc {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "DESC")
if options.SortByWithCount {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "WITHCOUT")
if options.LimitOffset >= 0 && options.Limit > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "LIMIT", options.LimitOffset, options.Limit)
if options.Params != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "PARAMS", len(options.Params)*2)
for key, value := range options.Params {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, key, value)
if options.DialectVersion > 0 {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "DIALECT", options.DialectVersion)
return queryArgs
// FTSearchWithArgs - Executes a search query on an index with additional options.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to search, the 'query' parameter specifies the search query,
// and the 'options' parameter specifies additional options for the search.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.SEARCH]: (
func (c cmdable) FTSearchWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, query string, options *FTSearchOptions) *Cmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.SEARCH", index, query}
if options != nil {
if options.NoContent {
args = append(args, "NOCONTENT")
if options.Verbatim {
args = append(args, "VERBATIM")
if options.NoStopWrods {
args = append(args, "NOSTOPWORDS")
if options.WithScores {
args = append(args, "WITHSCORES")
if options.WithPayloads {
args = append(args, "WITHPAYLOADS")
if options.WithSortKeys {
args = append(args, "WITHSORTKEYS")
if options.Filters != nil {
for _, filter := range options.Filters {
args = append(args, "FILTER", filter.FieldName, filter.Min, filter.Max)
if options.GeoFilter != nil {
for _, geoFilter := range options.GeoFilter {
args = append(args, "GEOFILTER", geoFilter.FieldName, geoFilter.Longitude, geoFilter.Latitude, geoFilter.Radius, geoFilter.Unit)
if options.InKeys != nil {
args = append(args, "INKEYS", len(options.InKeys))
args = append(args, options.InKeys...)
if options.InFields != nil {
args = append(args, "INFIELDS", len(options.InFields))
args = append(args, options.InFields...)
if options.Return != nil {
args = append(args, "RETURN")
argsReturn := []interface{}{}
for _, ret := range options.Return {
argsReturn = append(argsReturn, ret.FieldName)
if ret.As != "" {
argsReturn = append(argsReturn, "AS", ret.As)
args = append(args, len(argsReturn))
args = append(args, argsReturn...)
if options.Slop > 0 {
args = append(args, "SLOP", options.Slop)
if options.Timeout > 0 {
args = append(args, "TIMEOUT", options.Timeout)
if options.InOrder {
args = append(args, "INORDER")
if options.Language != "" {
args = append(args, "LANGUAGE", options.Language)
if options.Expander != "" {
args = append(args, "EXPANDER", options.Expander)
if options.Scorer != "" {
args = append(args, "SCORER", options.Scorer)
if options.ExplainScore {
args = append(args, "EXPLAINSCORE")
if options.Payload != "" {
args = append(args, "PAYLOAD", options.Payload)
if options.SortBy != nil {
args = append(args, "SORTBY")
for _, sortBy := range options.SortBy {
args = append(args, sortBy.FieldName)
if sortBy.Asc && sortBy.Desc {
panic("FT.SEARCH: ASC and DESC are mutually exclusive")
if sortBy.Asc {
args = append(args, "ASC")
if sortBy.Desc {
args = append(args, "DESC")
if options.SortByWithCount {
args = append(args, "WITHCOUT")
if options.LimitOffset >= 0 && options.Limit > 0 {
args = append(args, "LIMIT", options.LimitOffset, options.Limit)
if options.Params != nil {
args = append(args, "PARAMS", len(options.Params)*2)
for key, value := range options.Params {
args = append(args, key, value)
if options.DialectVersion > 0 {
args = append(args, "DIALECT", options.DialectVersion)
cmd := NewCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTSynDump - Dumps the synonyms data structure.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to dump.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.SYNDUMP]: (
func (c cmdable) FTSynDump(ctx context.Context, index string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, "FT.SYNDUMP", index)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTSynUpdate - Creates or updates a synonym group with additional terms.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to update, the 'synGroupId' parameter specifies the synonym group id, and the 'terms' parameter specifies the additional terms.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTSynUpdate(ctx context.Context, index string, synGroupId interface{}, terms []interface{}) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.SYNUPDATE", index, synGroupId}
args = append(args, terms...)
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTSynUpdateWithArgs - Creates or updates a synonym group with additional terms and options.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to update, the 'synGroupId' parameter specifies the synonym group id, the 'options' parameter specifies additional options for the update, and the 'terms' parameter specifies the additional terms.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
func (c cmdable) FTSynUpdateWithArgs(ctx context.Context, index string, synGroupId interface{}, options *FTSynUpdateOptions, terms []interface{}) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"FT.SYNUPDATE", index, synGroupId}
if options.SkipInitialScan {
args = append(args, "SKIPINITIALSCAN")
args = append(args, terms...)
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// FTTagVals - Returns all distinct values indexed in a tag field.
// The 'index' parameter specifies the index to check, and the 'field' parameter specifies the tag field to retrieve values from.
// For more information, please refer to the Redis documentation:
// [FT.TAGVALS]: (
func (c cmdable) FTTagVals(ctx context.Context, index string, field string) *StringSliceCmd {
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(ctx, "FT.TAGVALS", index, field)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd