package redis import ( "errors" "fmt" "net" "strconv" "" ) const ( errorReply = '-' statusReply = '+' intReply = ':' stringReply = '$' arrayReply = '*' ) type multiBulkParser func(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) var ( errReaderTooSmall = errors.New("redis: reader is too small") ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copy of encoding.BinaryMarshaler. type binaryMarshaler interface { MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) } // Copy of encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler. type binaryUnmarshaler interface { UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error } func appendString(b []byte, s string) []byte { b = append(b, '$') b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(len(s)), 10) b = append(b, '\r', '\n') b = append(b, s...) b = append(b, '\r', '\n') return b } func appendBytes(b, bb []byte) []byte { b = append(b, '$') b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(len(bb)), 10) b = append(b, '\r', '\n') b = append(b, bb...) b = append(b, '\r', '\n') return b } func appendArg(b []byte, val interface{}) ([]byte, error) { switch v := val.(type) { case nil: b = appendString(b, "") case string: b = appendString(b, v) case []byte: b = appendBytes(b, v) case int: b = appendString(b, formatInt(int64(v))) case int8: b = appendString(b, formatInt(int64(v))) case int16: b = appendString(b, formatInt(int64(v))) case int32: b = appendString(b, formatInt(int64(v))) case int64: b = appendString(b, formatInt(v)) case uint: b = appendString(b, formatUint(uint64(v))) case uint8: b = appendString(b, formatUint(uint64(v))) case uint16: b = appendString(b, formatUint(uint64(v))) case uint32: b = appendString(b, formatUint(uint64(v))) case uint64: b = appendString(b, formatUint(v)) case float32: b = appendString(b, formatFloat(float64(v))) case float64: b = appendString(b, formatFloat(v)) case bool: if v { b = appendString(b, "1") } else { b = appendString(b, "0") } default: if bm, ok := val.(binaryMarshaler); ok { bb, err := bm.MarshalBinary() if err != nil { return nil, err } b = appendBytes(b, bb) } else { err := fmt.Errorf( "redis: can't marshal %T (consider implementing BinaryMarshaler)", val) return nil, err } } return b, nil } func appendArgs(b []byte, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error) { b = append(b, arrayReply) b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(len(args)), 10) b = append(b, '\r', '\n') for _, arg := range args { var err error b, err = appendArg(b, arg) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return b, nil } func scan(b []byte, val interface{}) error { switch v := val.(type) { case nil: return errorf("redis: Scan(nil)") case *string: *v = bytesToString(b) return nil case *[]byte: *v = b return nil case *int: var err error *v, err = strconv.Atoi(bytesToString(b)) return err case *int8: n, err := strconv.ParseInt(bytesToString(b), 10, 8) if err != nil { return err } *v = int8(n) return nil case *int16: n, err := strconv.ParseInt(bytesToString(b), 10, 16) if err != nil { return err } *v = int16(n) return nil case *int32: n, err := strconv.ParseInt(bytesToString(b), 10, 16) if err != nil { return err } *v = int32(n) return nil case *int64: n, err := strconv.ParseInt(bytesToString(b), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } *v = n return nil case *uint: n, err := strconv.ParseUint(bytesToString(b), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } *v = uint(n) return nil case *uint8: n, err := strconv.ParseUint(bytesToString(b), 10, 8) if err != nil { return err } *v = uint8(n) return nil case *uint16: n, err := strconv.ParseUint(bytesToString(b), 10, 16) if err != nil { return err } *v = uint16(n) return nil case *uint32: n, err := strconv.ParseUint(bytesToString(b), 10, 32) if err != nil { return err } *v = uint32(n) return nil case *uint64: n, err := strconv.ParseUint(bytesToString(b), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } *v = n return nil case *float32: n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(bytesToString(b), 32) if err != nil { return err } *v = float32(n) return err case *float64: var err error *v, err = strconv.ParseFloat(bytesToString(b), 64) return err case *bool: *v = len(b) == 1 && b[0] == '1' return nil default: if bu, ok := val.(binaryUnmarshaler); ok { return bu.UnmarshalBinary(b) } err := fmt.Errorf( "redis: can't unmarshal %T (consider implementing BinaryUnmarshaler)", val) return err } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func readLine(cn *pool.Conn) ([]byte, error) { line, isPrefix, err := cn.Rd.ReadLine() if err != nil { return line, err } if isPrefix { return line, errReaderTooSmall } if isNilReply(line) { return nil, Nil } return line, nil } func isNilReply(b []byte) bool { return len(b) == 3 && (b[0] == stringReply || b[0] == arrayReply) && b[1] == '-' && b[2] == '1' } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func parseErrorReply(cn *pool.Conn, line []byte) error { return errorf(string(line[1:])) } func parseStatusReply(cn *pool.Conn, line []byte) ([]byte, error) { return line[1:], nil } func parseIntReply(cn *pool.Conn, line []byte) (int64, error) { n, err := strconv.ParseInt(bytesToString(line[1:]), 10, 64) if err != nil { return 0, err } return n, nil } func readIntReply(cn *pool.Conn) (int64, error) { line, err := readLine(cn) if err != nil { return 0, err } switch line[0] { case errorReply: return 0, parseErrorReply(cn, line) case intReply: return parseIntReply(cn, line) default: return 0, fmt.Errorf("redis: can't parse int reply: %.100q", line) } } func parseBytesReply(cn *pool.Conn, line []byte) ([]byte, error) { if isNilReply(line) { return nil, Nil } replyLen, err := strconv.Atoi(bytesToString(line[1:])) if err != nil { return nil, err } b, err := cn.ReadN(replyLen + 2) if err != nil { return nil, err } return b[:replyLen], nil } func readBytesReply(cn *pool.Conn) ([]byte, error) { line, err := readLine(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch line[0] { case errorReply: return nil, parseErrorReply(cn, line) case stringReply: return parseBytesReply(cn, line) case statusReply: return parseStatusReply(cn, line) default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis: can't parse string reply: %.100q", line) } } func readStringReply(cn *pool.Conn) (string, error) { b, err := readBytesReply(cn) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(b), nil } func readFloatReply(cn *pool.Conn) (float64, error) { b, err := readBytesReply(cn) if err != nil { return 0, err } return strconv.ParseFloat(bytesToString(b), 64) } func parseArrayHeader(cn *pool.Conn, line []byte) (int64, error) { if isNilReply(line) { return 0, Nil } n, err := strconv.ParseInt(bytesToString(line[1:]), 10, 64) if err != nil { return 0, err } return n, nil } func parseArrayReply(cn *pool.Conn, p multiBulkParser, line []byte) (interface{}, error) { n, err := parseArrayHeader(cn, line) if err != nil { return nil, err } return p(cn, n) } func readArrayHeader(cn *pool.Conn) (int64, error) { line, err := readLine(cn) if err != nil { return 0, err } switch line[0] { case errorReply: return 0, parseErrorReply(cn, line) case arrayReply: return parseArrayHeader(cn, line) default: return 0, fmt.Errorf("redis: can't parse array reply: %.100q", line) } } func readArrayReply(cn *pool.Conn, p multiBulkParser) (interface{}, error) { line, err := readLine(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch line[0] { case errorReply: return nil, parseErrorReply(cn, line) case arrayReply: return parseArrayReply(cn, p, line) default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis: can't parse array reply: %.100q", line) } } func readReply(cn *pool.Conn, p multiBulkParser) (interface{}, error) { line, err := readLine(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch line[0] { case errorReply: return nil, parseErrorReply(cn, line) case statusReply: return parseStatusReply(cn, line) case intReply: return parseIntReply(cn, line) case stringReply: return parseBytesReply(cn, line) case arrayReply: return parseArrayReply(cn, p, line) } return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis: can't parse %.100q", line) } func readScanReply(cn *pool.Conn) ([]string, uint64, error) { n, err := readArrayHeader(cn) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } if n != 2 { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("redis: got %d elements in scan reply, expected 2", n) } b, err := readBytesReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } cursor, err := strconv.ParseUint(bytesToString(b), 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } n, err = readArrayHeader(cn) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } keys := make([]string, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { key, err := readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } keys[i] = key } return keys, cursor, err } func sliceParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { vals := make([]interface{}, 0, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { v, err := readReply(cn, sliceParser) if err == Nil { vals = append(vals, nil) } else if err != nil { return nil, err } else { switch vv := v.(type) { case []byte: vals = append(vals, string(vv)) default: vals = append(vals, v) } } } return vals, nil } func intSliceParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { ints := make([]int64, 0, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { n, err := readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } ints = append(ints, n) } return ints, nil } func boolSliceParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { bools := make([]bool, 0, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { n, err := readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } bools = append(bools, n == 1) } return bools, nil } func stringSliceParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { ss := make([]string, 0, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { s, err := readStringReply(cn) if err == Nil { ss = append(ss, "") } else if err != nil { return nil, err } else { ss = append(ss, s) } } return ss, nil } func floatSliceParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { nn := make([]float64, 0, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { n, err := readFloatReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } nn = append(nn, n) } return nn, nil } func stringStringMapParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { m := make(map[string]string, n/2) for i := int64(0); i < n; i += 2 { key, err := readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } value, err := readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } m[key] = value } return m, nil } func stringIntMapParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { m := make(map[string]int64, n/2) for i := int64(0); i < n; i += 2 { key, err := readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } n, err := readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } m[key] = n } return m, nil } func zSliceParser(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { zz := make([]Z, n/2) for i := int64(0); i < n; i += 2 { var err error z := &zz[i/2] z.Member, err = readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } z.Score, err = readFloatReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return zz, nil } func clusterSlotsParser(cn *pool.Conn, slotNum int64) (interface{}, error) { slots := make([]ClusterSlot, slotNum) for slotInd := 0; slotInd < len(slots); slotInd++ { n, err := readArrayHeader(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } if n < 2 { err := fmt.Errorf("redis: got %d elements in cluster info, expected at least 2", n) return nil, err } start, err := readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } end, err := readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes := make([]ClusterNode, n-2) for nodeInd := 0; nodeInd < len(nodes); nodeInd++ { n, err := readArrayHeader(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } if n != 2 && n != 3 { err := fmt.Errorf("got %d elements in cluster info address, expected 2 or 3", n) return nil, err } ip, err := readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } port, err := readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes[nodeInd].Addr = net.JoinHostPort(ip, strconv.FormatInt(port, 10)) if n == 3 { id, err := readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes[nodeInd].Id = id } } slots[slotInd] = ClusterSlot{ Start: int(start), End: int(end), Nodes: nodes, } } return slots, nil } func newGeoLocationParser(q *GeoRadiusQuery) multiBulkParser { return func(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { var loc GeoLocation var err error loc.Name, err = readStringReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } if q.WithDist { loc.Dist, err = readFloatReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } } if q.WithGeoHash { loc.GeoHash, err = readIntReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } } if q.WithCoord { n, err := readArrayHeader(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } if n != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d coordinates, expected 2", n) } loc.Longitude, err = readFloatReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } loc.Latitude, err = readFloatReply(cn) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return &loc, nil } } func newGeoLocationSliceParser(q *GeoRadiusQuery) multiBulkParser { return func(cn *pool.Conn, n int64) (interface{}, error) { locs := make([]GeoLocation, 0, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { v, err := readReply(cn, newGeoLocationParser(q)) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch vv := v.(type) { case []byte: locs = append(locs, GeoLocation{ Name: string(vv), }) case *GeoLocation: locs = append(locs, *vv) default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %T, expected string or *GeoLocation", v) } } return locs, nil } }