# Command examples for redis.io These examples appear on the [Redis documentation](https://redis.io) site as part of the tabbed examples interface. ## How to add examples - Create a Go test file with a meaningful name in the current folder. - Create a single method prefixed with `Example` and write your test in it. - Determine the id for the example you're creating and add it as the first line of the file: `// EXAMPLE: set_and_get`. - We're using the [Testable Examples](https://go.dev/blog/examples) feature of Go to test the desired output has been written to stdout. ### Special markup See https://github.com/redis-stack/redis-stack-website#readme for more details. ## How to test the examples - Start a Redis server locally on port 6379 - CD into the `doctests` directory - Run `go test` to test all examples in the directory. - Run `go test filename.go` to test a single file