2023-09-11 14:55:29 +03:00
package redis_test
import (
. "github.com/bsm/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/bsm/gomega"
2023-11-15 00:40:23 +03:00
var _ = Describe ( "RediSearch commands" , Label ( "search" ) , func ( ) {
2023-09-11 14:55:29 +03:00
ctx := context . TODO ( )
var client * redis . Client
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
client = redis . NewClient ( & redis . Options { Addr : ":6379" } )
Expect ( client . FlushDB ( ctx ) . Err ( ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
Expect ( client . Close ( ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
2023-11-15 00:40:23 +03:00
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch WithScores " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "txt" , AttributeType : "TEXT" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo baz" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "foo bar" )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo ~bar" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult := res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( searchResult [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( float64 ( 3.0 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch stopwords " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { StopWords : [ ] interface { } { "foo" , "bar" , "baz" } } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "txt" , AttributeType : "TEXT" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo baz" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "hello world" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult1 := res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar hello world" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult2 := res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch filters " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "txt" , AttributeType : "TEXT" } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "num" , AttributeType : "NUMERIC" } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "loc" , AttributeType : "GEO" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo bar" , "num" , 3.141 , "loc" , "-0.441,51.458" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "foo baz" , "num" , 2 , "loc" , "-0.1,51.2" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Filters : [ ] redis . FTSearchFilter { { FieldName : "num" , Min : 0 , Max : 2 } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult1 := res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Filters : [ ] redis . FTSearchFilter { { FieldName : "num" , Min : 0 , Max : "+inf" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult2 := res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
// Test Geo filter
geoFilter1 := redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { FieldName : "loc" , Longitude : - 0.44 , Latitude : 51.45 , Radius : 10 , Unit : "km" }
geoFilter2 := redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { FieldName : "loc" , Longitude : - 0.44 , Latitude : 51.45 , Radius : 100 , Unit : "km" }
res3 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { GeoFilter : [ ] redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { geoFilter1 } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult3 := res3 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult3 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult3 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res4 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { GeoFilter : [ ] redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { geoFilter2 } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult4 := res4 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult4 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
docs := [ ] interface { } { searchResult4 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] , searchResult4 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] }
Expect ( docs ) . To ( ContainElement ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( docs ) . To ( ContainElement ( "doc2" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch sortby " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "num" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "txt" , AttributeType : "TEXT" } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "num" , AttributeType : "NUMERIC" , Sortable : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo bar" , "num" , 1 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "foo baz" , "num" , 2 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc3" , "txt" , "foo qux" , "num" , 3 )
sortBy1 := redis . FTSearchSortBy { FieldName : "num" , Asc : true }
sortBy2 := redis . FTSearchSortBy { FieldName : "num" , Desc : true }
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "num" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { sortBy1 } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult1 := res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 3 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( searchResult1 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 2 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc3" ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "num" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { sortBy2 } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult2 := res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 3 ) ) )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 2 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( searchResult2 [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc3" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch example " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "title" , AttributeType : "TEXT" , Weight : 5 } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "body" , AttributeType : "TEXT" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "title" , "RediSearch" , "body" , "Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "search engine" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , Verbatim : true , LimitOffset : 0 , Limit : 5 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
searchResult1 := res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( searchResult1 ) . ToNot ( BeEmpty ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate NoIndex " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "field" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "text" , AttributeType : "TEXT" , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
num := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "numeric" , AttributeType : "NUMERIC" , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
geo := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "geo" , AttributeType : "GEO" , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
tag := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "tag" , AttributeType : "TAG" , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , num , geo , tag ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "field" , "aaa" , "text" , "1" , "numeric" , 1 , "geo" , "1,1" , "tag" , "1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "field" , "aab" , "text" , "2" , "numeric" , 2 , "geo" , "2,2" , "tag" , "2" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx" , "@text:aa*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx" , "@field:aa*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
res3 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "text" , Desc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res3 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res3 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
res4 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "text" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res4 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res4 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res5 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "numeric" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res5 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res6 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "geo" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res6 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res7 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "tag" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res7 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTExplain " , Label ( "search" , "ftexplain" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f1" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f2" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text3 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f3" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , text3 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res1 , err := client . FTExplain ( ctx , "txt" , "@f3:f3_val @f2:f2_val @f1:f1_val" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 ) . ToNot ( BeEmpty ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAlias " , Label ( "search" , "ftexplain" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "name" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "name" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val1 , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "testAlias" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "index1:" } } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val1 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
val2 , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "testAlias2" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "index2:" } } , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "index1:lonestar" , "name" , "lonestar" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "index2:yogurt" , "name" , "yogurt" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "testAlias" , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "index1:lonestar" ) )
aliasAddRes , err := client . FTAliasAdd ( ctx , "testAlias" , "mj23" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( aliasAddRes ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res1 , err = client . FTSearch ( ctx , "mj23" , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "index1:lonestar" ) )
aliasUpdateRes , err := client . FTAliasUpdate ( ctx , "testAlias2" , "kb24" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( aliasUpdateRes ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res3 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "kb24" , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res3 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "id" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "index2:yogurt" ) )
aliasDelRes , err := client . FTAliasDel ( ctx , "mj23" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( aliasDelRes ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch textfield, sortable and nostem " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "txt" , AttributeType : "TEXT" , Sortable : true , NoStem : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resInfo , err := client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resInfo [ "attributes" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "flags" ] ) . To ( ContainElements ( "SORTABLE" , "NOSTEM" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAlter " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "ftalter" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "txt" , AttributeType : "TEXT" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resAlter , err := client . FTAlter ( ctx , "idx1" , false , [ ] interface { } { "body" , "TEXT" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resAlter ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "title" , "MyTitle" , "body" , "Some content only in the body" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "only in the body" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSpellCheck" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "ftspellcheck" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f1" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f2" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "f1" , "some valid content" , "f2" , "this is sample text" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "f1" , "very important" , "f2" , "lorem ipsum" )
resSpellCheck , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "impornant" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
res := resSpellCheck [ "results" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "impornant" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( "important" ) . To ( BeKeyOf ( res ) )
resSpellCheck2 , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "contnt" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
res2 := resSpellCheck2 [ "results" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "contnt" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( "content" ) . To ( BeKeyOf ( res2 ) )
// test spellcheck with Levenshtein distance
resSpellCheck3 , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "vlis" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck3 [ "results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "vlis" : [ ] interface { } { } } ) )
resSpellCheck4 , err := client . FTSpellCheckWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "vlis" , & redis . FTSpellCheckOptions { Distance : 2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( "valid" ) . To ( BeKeyOf ( resSpellCheck4 [ "results" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "vlis" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) ) )
// test spellcheck include
dict := [ ] interface { } { "lore" , "lorem" , "lorm" }
resDictAdd , err := client . FTDictAdd ( ctx , "dict" , dict ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictAdd ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 3 ) )
terms := redis . SpellCheckTerms { Include : true , Dictionary : "dict" }
resSpellCheck5 , err := client . FTSpellCheckWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "lorm" , & redis . FTSpellCheckOptions { Terms : terms } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
lorm := resSpellCheck5 [ "results" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "lorm" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
Expect ( len ( lorm ) ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 3 ) )
Expect ( lorm [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "lorem" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0.5 ) )
Expect ( lorm [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "lore" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0 ) )
Expect ( lorm [ 2 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "lorm" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0 ) )
terms2 := redis . SpellCheckTerms { Exclude : true , Dictionary : "dict" }
resSpellCheck6 , err := client . FTSpellCheckWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "lorm" , & redis . FTSpellCheckOptions { Terms : terms2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck6 [ "results" ] ) . To ( BeEmpty ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTDict opreations " , Label ( "search" , "ftdictdump" , "ftdictdel" , "ftdictadd" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f1" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "f2" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
dict := [ ] interface { } { "item1" , "item2" , "item3" }
resDictAdd , err := client . FTDictAdd ( ctx , "custom_dict" , dict ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictAdd ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 3 ) )
resDictDel , err := client . FTDictDel ( ctx , "custom_dict" , [ ] interface { } { "item2" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictDel ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
resDictDump , err := client . FTDictDump ( ctx , "custom_dict" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictDump ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "item1" , "item3" } ) )
resDictDel2 , err := client . FTDictDel ( ctx , "custom_dict" , [ ] interface { } { "item1" , "item3" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictDel2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSearch phonetic matcher " , Label ( "search" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "name" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "name" , "Jon" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "name" , "John" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "Jon" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
name := res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "name" ]
Expect ( name ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "Jon" ) )
client . FlushDB ( ctx )
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "name" , AttributeType : "TEXT" , PhoneticMatcher : "dm:en" }
val2 , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "name" , "Jon" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "name" , "John" )
res2 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "Jon" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
results2 := res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
n1 := results2 [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "name" ]
n2 := results2 [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "name" ]
names := [ ] interface { } { n1 , n2 }
Expect ( names ) . To ( ContainElement ( "Jon" ) )
Expect ( names ) . To ( ContainElement ( "John" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSearch WithScores" , Label ( "search" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "description" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "description" , "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "description" , "Quick alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her quick sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do." )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result := res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "TFIDF" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result = res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "TFIDF.DOCNORM" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result = res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0.1111111111111111 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "BM25" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result = res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0.17699114465425977 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "DISMAX" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result = res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "DOCSCORE" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result = res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "HAMMING" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
result = res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "score" ]
Expect ( result ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0 ) )
} )
It ( "should FTConfigSet and FTConfigGet " , Label ( "search" , "ftconfigget" , "ftconfigset" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTConfigSet ( ctx , "TIMEOUT" , "100" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res , err := client . FTConfigGet ( ctx , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res [ "TIMEOUT" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "100" ) )
res , err = client . FTConfigGet ( ctx , "TIMEOUT" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ string ] interface { } { "TIMEOUT" : "100" } ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate GroupBy " , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "title" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "body" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text3 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "parent" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
num := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "random_num" , AttributeType : "NUMERIC" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , text3 , num ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "search" , "title" , "RediSearch" ,
"body" , "Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis" ,
"parent" , "redis" ,
"random_num" , 10 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "ai" , "title" , "RedisAI" ,
"body" , "RedisAI executes Deep Learning/Machine Learning models and managing their data." ,
"parent" , "redis" ,
"random_num" , 3 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "json" , "title" , "RedisJson" ,
"body" , "RedisJSON implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Standard as a native data type." ,
"parent" , "redis" ,
"random_num" , 8 )
reducer := redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchCount }
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr := res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliascount" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchCountDistinct , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliascount_distincttitle" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchSum , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliassumrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "21" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchMin , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliasminrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchMax , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliasmaxrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "10" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchAvg , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliasavgrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "7" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchStdDev , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliasstddevrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3.60555127546" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchQuantile , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" , 0.5 } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliasquantilerandom_num,0.5" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "8" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchToList , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "__generated_aliastolisttitle" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) ) . To ( ContainElements ( "RediSearch" , "RedisAI" , "RedisJson" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchFirstValue , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" } , As : "first" }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "first" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "RediSearch" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchRandomSample , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" , 2 } , As : "random" }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( len ( extraAttr [ "random" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) ) ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) )
Expect ( extraAttr [ "random" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] ) . To ( BeElementOf ( [ ] string { "RediSearch" , "RedisAI" , "RedisJson" } ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate sort and limit " , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "t1" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
text2 := & redis . SearchSchema { Identifier : "t2" , AttributeType : "TEXT" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "t1" , "a" , "t2" , "b" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "t1" , "b" , "t2" , "a" )
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t2" , Asc : true } , { FieldName : "@t1" , Desc : true } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr0 := res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
extraAttr1 := res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr0 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "t1" : "b" , "t2" : "a" } ) )
Expect ( extraAttr1 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "t1" : "a" , "t2" : "b" } ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t1" } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
extraAttr0 = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
extraAttr1 = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( extraAttr0 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "t1" : "a" } ) )
Expect ( extraAttr1 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "t1" : "b" } ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t1" } } , SortByMax : 1 }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
results := res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
Expect ( len ( results ) ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
2023-09-11 14:55:29 +03:00
2023-11-15 00:40:23 +03:00
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t1" } } , Limit : 1 , LimitOffset : 1 }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
results = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
extraAttr0 = res [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( len ( results ) ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( extraAttr0 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "t1" : "b" } ) )
2023-09-11 14:55:29 +03:00
} )
} )