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package redis
import (
type TimeseriesCmdable interface {
TSAdd(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp interface{}, value float64) *IntCmd
TSAddWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp interface{}, value float64, options *TSOptions) *IntCmd
TSCreate(ctx context.Context, key string) *StatusCmd
TSCreateWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSOptions) *StatusCmd
TSAlter(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSAlterOptions) *StatusCmd
TSCreateRule(ctx context.Context, sourceKey string, destKey string, aggregator Aggregator, bucketDuration int) *StatusCmd
TSCreateRuleWithArgs(ctx context.Context, sourceKey string, destKey string, aggregator Aggregator, bucketDuration int, options *TSCreateRuleOptions) *StatusCmd
TSIncrBy(ctx context.Context, Key string, timestamp float64) *IntCmd
TSIncrByWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp float64, options *TSIncrDecrOptions) *IntCmd
TSDecrBy(ctx context.Context, Key string, timestamp float64) *IntCmd
TSDecrByWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp float64, options *TSIncrDecrOptions) *IntCmd
TSDel(ctx context.Context, Key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int) *IntCmd
TSDeleteRule(ctx context.Context, sourceKey string, destKey string) *StatusCmd
TSGet(ctx context.Context, key string) *TSTimestampValueCmd
TSGetWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSGetOptions) *TSTimestampValueCmd
TSInfo(ctx context.Context, key string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
TSInfoWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSInfoOptions) *MapStringInterfaceCmd
TSMAdd(ctx context.Context, ktvSlices [][]interface{}) *IntSliceCmd
TSQueryIndex(ctx context.Context, filterExpr []string) *StringSliceCmd
TSRevRange(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd
TSRevRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, options *TSRevRangeOptions) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd
TSRange(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd
TSRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, options *TSRangeOptions) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd
TSMRange(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
TSMRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string, options *TSMRangeOptions) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
TSMRevRange(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
TSMRevRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string, options *TSMRevRangeOptions) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
TSMGet(ctx context.Context, filters []string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
TSMGetWithArgs(ctx context.Context, filters []string, options *TSMGetOptions) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd
type TSOptions struct {
Retention int
ChunkSize int
Encoding string
DuplicatePolicy string
Labels map[string]string
type TSIncrDecrOptions struct {
Timestamp int64
Retention int
ChunkSize int
Uncompressed bool
Labels map[string]string
type TSAlterOptions struct {
Retention int
ChunkSize int
DuplicatePolicy string
Labels map[string]string
type TSCreateRuleOptions struct {
alignTimestamp int64
type TSGetOptions struct {
Latest bool
type TSInfoOptions struct {
Debug bool
type Aggregator int
const (
Invalid = Aggregator(iota)
func (a Aggregator) String() string {
switch a {
case Invalid:
return ""
case Avg:
return "AVG"
case Sum:
return "SUM"
case Min:
return "MIN"
case Max:
return "MAX"
case Range:
return "RANGE"
case Count:
return "COUNT"
case First:
return "FIRST"
case Last:
return "LAST"
case StdP:
return "STD.P"
case StdS:
return "STD.S"
case VarP:
return "VAR.P"
case VarS:
return "VAR.S"
case Twa:
return "TWA"
return ""
type TSRangeOptions struct {
Latest bool
FilterByTS []int
FilterByValue []int
Count int
Align interface{}
Aggregator Aggregator
BucketDuration int
BucketTimestamp interface{}
Empty bool
type TSRevRangeOptions struct {
Latest bool
FilterByTS []int
FilterByValue []int
Count int
Align interface{}
Aggregator Aggregator
BucketDuration int
BucketTimestamp interface{}
Empty bool
type TSMRangeOptions struct {
Latest bool
FilterByTS []int
FilterByValue []int
WithLabels bool
SelectedLabels []interface{}
Count int
Align interface{}
Aggregator Aggregator
BucketDuration int
BucketTimestamp interface{}
Empty bool
GroupByLabel interface{}
Reducer interface{}
type TSMRevRangeOptions struct {
Latest bool
FilterByTS []int
FilterByValue []int
WithLabels bool
SelectedLabels []interface{}
Count int
Align interface{}
Aggregator Aggregator
BucketDuration int
BucketTimestamp interface{}
Empty bool
GroupByLabel interface{}
Reducer interface{}
type TSMGetOptions struct {
Latest bool
WithLabels bool
SelectedLabels []interface{}
// TSAdd - Adds one or more observations to a t-digest sketch.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSAdd(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp interface{}, value float64) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.ADD", key, timestamp, value}
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSAddWithArgs - Adds one or more observations to a t-digest sketch.
// This function also allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Retention, ChunkSize, Encoding, DuplicatePolicy and Labels.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSAddWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp interface{}, value float64, options *TSOptions) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.ADD", key, timestamp, value}
if options != nil {
if options.Retention != 0 {
args = append(args, "RETENTION", options.Retention)
if options.ChunkSize != 0 {
args = append(args, "CHUNK_SIZE", options.ChunkSize)
if options.Encoding != "" {
args = append(args, "ENCODING", options.Encoding)
if options.DuplicatePolicy != "" {
args = append(args, "DUPLICATE_POLICY", options.DuplicatePolicy)
if options.Labels != nil {
args = append(args, "LABELS")
for label, value := range options.Labels {
args = append(args, label, value)
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSCreate - Creates a new time-series key.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSCreate(ctx context.Context, key string) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.CREATE", key}
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSCreateWithArgs - Creates a new time-series key with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Retention, ChunkSize, Encoding, DuplicatePolicy and Labels.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSCreateWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSOptions) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.CREATE", key}
if options != nil {
if options.Retention != 0 {
args = append(args, "RETENTION", options.Retention)
if options.ChunkSize != 0 {
args = append(args, "CHUNK_SIZE", options.ChunkSize)
if options.Encoding != "" {
args = append(args, "ENCODING", options.Encoding)
if options.DuplicatePolicy != "" {
args = append(args, "DUPLICATE_POLICY", options.DuplicatePolicy)
if options.Labels != nil {
args = append(args, "LABELS")
for label, value := range options.Labels {
args = append(args, label, value)
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSAlter - Alters an existing time-series key with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Retention, ChunkSize and DuplicatePolicy.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSAlter(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSAlterOptions) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.ALTER", key}
if options != nil {
if options.Retention != 0 {
args = append(args, "RETENTION", options.Retention)
if options.ChunkSize != 0 {
args = append(args, "CHUNK_SIZE", options.ChunkSize)
if options.DuplicatePolicy != "" {
args = append(args, "DUPLICATE_POLICY", options.DuplicatePolicy)
if options.Labels != nil {
args = append(args, "LABELS")
for label, value := range options.Labels {
args = append(args, label, value)
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSCreateRule - Creates a compaction rule from sourceKey to destKey.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSCreateRule(ctx context.Context, sourceKey string, destKey string, aggregator Aggregator, bucketDuration int) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.CREATERULE", sourceKey, destKey, "AGGREGATION", aggregator.String(), bucketDuration}
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSCreateRuleWithArgs - Creates a compaction rule from sourceKey to destKey with additional option.
// This function allows for specifying additional option such as:
// alignTimestamp.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSCreateRuleWithArgs(ctx context.Context, sourceKey string, destKey string, aggregator Aggregator, bucketDuration int, options *TSCreateRuleOptions) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.CREATERULE", sourceKey, destKey, "AGGREGATION", aggregator.String(), bucketDuration}
if options != nil {
if options.alignTimestamp != 0 {
args = append(args, options.alignTimestamp)
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSIncrBy - Increments the value of a time-series key by the specified timestamp.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSIncrBy(ctx context.Context, Key string, timestamp float64) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.INCRBY", Key, timestamp}
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSIncrByWithArgs - Increments the value of a time-series key by the specified timestamp with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Timestamp, Retention, ChunkSize, Uncompressed and Labels.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSIncrByWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp float64, options *TSIncrDecrOptions) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.INCRBY", key, timestamp}
if options != nil {
if options.Timestamp != 0 {
args = append(args, "TIMESTAMP", options.Timestamp)
if options.Retention != 0 {
args = append(args, "RETENTION", options.Retention)
if options.ChunkSize != 0 {
args = append(args, "CHUNK_SIZE", options.ChunkSize)
if options.Uncompressed {
args = append(args, "UNCOMPRESSED")
if options.Labels != nil {
args = append(args, "LABELS")
for label, value := range options.Labels {
args = append(args, label, value)
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSDecrBy - Decrements the value of a time-series key by the specified timestamp.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSDecrBy(ctx context.Context, Key string, timestamp float64) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.DECRBY", Key, timestamp}
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSDecrByWithArgs - Decrements the value of a time-series key by the specified timestamp with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Timestamp, Retention, ChunkSize, Uncompressed and Labels.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSDecrByWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, timestamp float64, options *TSIncrDecrOptions) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.DECRBY", key, timestamp}
if options != nil {
if options.Timestamp != 0 {
args = append(args, "TIMESTAMP", options.Timestamp)
if options.Retention != 0 {
args = append(args, "RETENTION", options.Retention)
if options.ChunkSize != 0 {
args = append(args, "CHUNK_SIZE", options.ChunkSize)
if options.Uncompressed {
args = append(args, "UNCOMPRESSED")
if options.Labels != nil {
args = append(args, "LABELS")
for label, value := range options.Labels {
args = append(args, label, value)
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSDel - Deletes a range of samples from a time-series key.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSDel(ctx context.Context, Key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int) *IntCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.DEL", Key, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
cmd := NewIntCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSDeleteRule - Deletes a compaction rule from sourceKey to destKey.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSDeleteRule(ctx context.Context, sourceKey string, destKey string) *StatusCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.DELETERULE", sourceKey, destKey}
cmd := NewStatusCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSGetWithArgs - Gets the last sample of a time-series key with additional option.
// This function allows for specifying additional option such as:
// Latest.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSGetWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSGetOptions) *TSTimestampValueCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.GET", key}
if options != nil {
if options.Latest {
args = append(args, "LATEST")
cmd := newTSTimestampValueCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSGet - Gets the last sample of a time-series key.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSGet(ctx context.Context, key string) *TSTimestampValueCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.GET", key}
cmd := newTSTimestampValueCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
type TSTimestampValue struct {
Timestamp int64
Value float64
type TSTimestampValueCmd struct {
val TSTimestampValue
func newTSTimestampValueCmd(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *TSTimestampValueCmd {
return &TSTimestampValueCmd{
baseCmd: baseCmd{
ctx: ctx,
args: args,
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueCmd) String() string {
return cmdString(cmd, cmd.val)
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueCmd) SetVal(val TSTimestampValue) {
cmd.val = val
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueCmd) Result() (TSTimestampValue, error) {
return cmd.val, cmd.err
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueCmd) Val() TSTimestampValue {
return cmd.val
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueCmd) readReply(rd *proto.Reader) (err error) {
n, err := rd.ReadMapLen()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.val = TSTimestampValue{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
timestamp, err := rd.ReadInt()
if err != nil {
return err
value, err := rd.ReadString()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.val.Timestamp = timestamp
cmd.val.Value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TSInfo - Returns information about a time-series key.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSInfo(ctx context.Context, key string) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.INFO", key}
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSInfoWithArgs - Returns information about a time-series key with additional option.
// This function allows for specifying additional option such as:
// Debug.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSInfoWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, options *TSInfoOptions) *MapStringInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.INFO", key}
if options != nil {
if options.Debug {
args = append(args, "DEBUG")
cmd := NewMapStringInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSMAdd - Adds multiple samples to multiple time-series keys.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMAdd(ctx context.Context, ktvSlices [][]interface{}) *IntSliceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MADD"}
for _, ktv := range ktvSlices {
args = append(args, ktv...)
cmd := NewIntSliceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSQueryIndex - Returns all the keys matching the filter expression.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSQueryIndex(ctx context.Context, filterExpr []string) *StringSliceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.QUERYINDEX"}
for _, f := range filterExpr {
args = append(args, f)
cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSRevRange - Returns a range of samples from a time-series key in reverse order.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSRevRange(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.REVRANGE", key, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
cmd := newTSTimestampValueSliceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSRevRangeWithArgs - Returns a range of samples from a time-series key in reverse order with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Latest, FilterByTS, FilterByValue, Count, Align, Aggregator,
// BucketDuration, BucketTimestamp and Empty.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSRevRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, options *TSRevRangeOptions) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.REVRANGE", key, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
if options != nil {
if options.Latest {
args = append(args, "LATEST")
if options.FilterByTS != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_TS")
for _, f := range options.FilterByTS {
args = append(args, f)
if options.FilterByValue != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_VALUE")
for _, f := range options.FilterByValue {
args = append(args, f)
if options.Count != 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", options.Count)
if options.Align != nil {
args = append(args, "ALIGN", options.Align)
if options.Aggregator != 0 {
args = append(args, "AGGREGATION", options.Aggregator.String())
if options.BucketDuration != 0 {
args = append(args, options.BucketDuration)
if options.BucketTimestamp != nil {
args = append(args, "BUCKETTIMESTAMP", options.BucketTimestamp)
if options.Empty {
args = append(args, "EMPTY")
cmd := newTSTimestampValueSliceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSRange - Returns a range of samples from a time-series key.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSRange(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.RANGE", key, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
cmd := newTSTimestampValueSliceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSRangeWithArgs - Returns a range of samples from a time-series key with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Latest, FilterByTS, FilterByValue, Count, Align, Aggregator,
// BucketDuration, BucketTimestamp and Empty.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, key string, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, options *TSRangeOptions) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.RANGE", key, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
if options != nil {
if options.Latest {
args = append(args, "LATEST")
if options.FilterByTS != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_TS")
for _, f := range options.FilterByTS {
args = append(args, f)
if options.FilterByValue != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_VALUE")
for _, f := range options.FilterByValue {
args = append(args, f)
if options.Count != 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", options.Count)
if options.Align != nil {
args = append(args, "ALIGN", options.Align)
if options.Aggregator != 0 {
args = append(args, "AGGREGATION", options.Aggregator.String())
if options.BucketDuration != 0 {
args = append(args, options.BucketDuration)
if options.BucketTimestamp != nil {
args = append(args, "BUCKETTIMESTAMP", options.BucketTimestamp)
if options.Empty {
args = append(args, "EMPTY")
cmd := newTSTimestampValueSliceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
type TSTimestampValueSliceCmd struct {
val []TSTimestampValue
func newTSTimestampValueSliceCmd(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd {
return &TSTimestampValueSliceCmd{
baseCmd: baseCmd{
ctx: ctx,
args: args,
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd) String() string {
return cmdString(cmd, cmd.val)
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd) SetVal(val []TSTimestampValue) {
cmd.val = val
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd) Result() ([]TSTimestampValue, error) {
return cmd.val, cmd.err
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd) Val() []TSTimestampValue {
return cmd.val
func (cmd *TSTimestampValueSliceCmd) readReply(rd *proto.Reader) (err error) {
n, err := rd.ReadArrayLen()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.val = make([]TSTimestampValue, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
_, _ = rd.ReadArrayLen()
timestamp, err := rd.ReadInt()
if err != nil {
return err
value, err := rd.ReadString()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.val[i].Timestamp = timestamp
cmd.val[i].Value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TSMRange - Returns a range of samples from multiple time-series keys.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMRange(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MRANGE", fromTimestamp, toTimestamp, "FILTER"}
for _, f := range filterExpr {
args = append(args, f)
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSMRangeWithArgs - Returns a range of samples from multiple time-series keys with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Latest, FilterByTS, FilterByValue, WithLabels, SelectedLabels,
// Count, Align, Aggregator, BucketDuration, BucketTimestamp,
// Empty, GroupByLabel and Reducer.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string, options *TSMRangeOptions) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MRANGE", fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
if options != nil {
if options.Latest {
args = append(args, "LATEST")
if options.FilterByTS != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_TS")
for _, f := range options.FilterByTS {
args = append(args, f)
if options.FilterByValue != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_VALUE")
for _, f := range options.FilterByValue {
args = append(args, f)
if options.WithLabels {
args = append(args, "WITHLABELS")
if options.SelectedLabels != nil {
args = append(args, "SELECTED_LABELS")
args = append(args, options.SelectedLabels...)
if options.Count != 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", options.Count)
if options.Align != nil {
args = append(args, "ALIGN", options.Align)
if options.Aggregator != 0 {
args = append(args, "AGGREGATION", options.Aggregator.String())
if options.BucketDuration != 0 {
args = append(args, options.BucketDuration)
if options.BucketTimestamp != nil {
args = append(args, "BUCKETTIMESTAMP", options.BucketTimestamp)
if options.Empty {
args = append(args, "EMPTY")
args = append(args, "FILTER")
for _, f := range filterExpr {
args = append(args, f)
if options != nil {
if options.GroupByLabel != nil {
args = append(args, "GROUPBY", options.GroupByLabel)
if options.Reducer != nil {
args = append(args, "REDUCE", options.Reducer)
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSMRevRange - Returns a range of samples from multiple time-series keys in reverse order.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMRevRange(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MREVRANGE", fromTimestamp, toTimestamp, "FILTER"}
for _, f := range filterExpr {
args = append(args, f)
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSMRevRangeWithArgs - Returns a range of samples from multiple time-series keys in reverse order with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Latest, FilterByTS, FilterByValue, WithLabels, SelectedLabels,
// Count, Align, Aggregator, BucketDuration, BucketTimestamp,
// Empty, GroupByLabel and Reducer.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMRevRangeWithArgs(ctx context.Context, fromTimestamp int, toTimestamp int, filterExpr []string, options *TSMRevRangeOptions) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MREVRANGE", fromTimestamp, toTimestamp}
if options != nil {
if options.Latest {
args = append(args, "LATEST")
if options.FilterByTS != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_TS")
for _, f := range options.FilterByTS {
args = append(args, f)
if options.FilterByValue != nil {
args = append(args, "FILTER_BY_VALUE")
for _, f := range options.FilterByValue {
args = append(args, f)
if options.WithLabels {
args = append(args, "WITHLABELS")
if options.SelectedLabels != nil {
args = append(args, "SELECTED_LABELS")
args = append(args, options.SelectedLabels...)
if options.Count != 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", options.Count)
if options.Align != nil {
args = append(args, "ALIGN", options.Align)
if options.Aggregator != 0 {
args = append(args, "AGGREGATION", options.Aggregator.String())
if options.BucketDuration != 0 {
args = append(args, options.BucketDuration)
if options.BucketTimestamp != nil {
args = append(args, "BUCKETTIMESTAMP", options.BucketTimestamp)
if options.Empty {
args = append(args, "EMPTY")
args = append(args, "FILTER")
for _, f := range filterExpr {
args = append(args, f)
if options != nil {
if options.GroupByLabel != nil {
args = append(args, "GROUPBY", options.GroupByLabel)
if options.Reducer != nil {
args = append(args, "REDUCE", options.Reducer)
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSMGet - Returns the last sample of multiple time-series keys.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMGet(ctx context.Context, filters []string) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MGET", "FILTER"}
for _, f := range filters {
args = append(args, f)
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
// TSMGetWithArgs - Returns the last sample of multiple time-series keys with additional options.
// This function allows for specifying additional options such as:
// Latest, WithLabels and SelectedLabels.
// For more information -
func (c cmdable) TSMGetWithArgs(ctx context.Context, filters []string, options *TSMGetOptions) *MapStringSliceInterfaceCmd {
args := []interface{}{"TS.MGET"}
if options != nil {
if options.Latest {
args = append(args, "LATEST")
if options.WithLabels {
args = append(args, "WITHLABELS")
if options.SelectedLabels != nil {
args = append(args, "SELECTED_LABELS")
args = append(args, options.SelectedLabels...)
args = append(args, "FILTER")
for _, f := range filters {
args = append(args, f)
cmd := NewMapStringSliceInterfaceCmd(ctx, args...)
_ = c(ctx, cmd)
return cmd