2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
package redis_test
import (
. "github.com/bsm/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/bsm/gomega"
func WaitForIndexing ( c * redis . Client , index string ) {
for {
res , err := c . FTInfo ( context . Background ( ) , index ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if c . Options ( ) . Protocol == 2 {
if res . Indexing == 0 {
time . Sleep ( 100 * time . Millisecond )
2024-09-12 11:26:10 +03:00
} else {
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
2024-09-12 11:26:10 +03:00
var _ = Describe ( "RediSearch commands Resp 2" , Label ( "search" ) , func ( ) {
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
ctx := context . TODO ( )
var client * redis . Client
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
client = redis . NewClient ( & redis . Options { Addr : ":6379" , Protocol : 2 } )
Expect ( client . FlushDB ( ctx ) . Err ( ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
Expect ( client . Close ( ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch WithScores" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo baz" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "foo bar" )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo ~bar" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
for _ , doc := range res . Docs {
Expect ( * doc . Score ) . To ( BeNumerically ( ">" , 0 ) )
Expect ( doc . ID ) . To ( Or ( Equal ( "doc1" ) , Equal ( "doc2" ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch stopwords" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { StopWords : [ ] interface { } { "foo" , "bar" , "baz" } } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo baz" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "hello world" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar hello world" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch filters" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "num" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "loc" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeGeo } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo bar" , "num" , 3.141 , "loc" , "-0.441,51.458" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "foo baz" , "num" , 2 , "loc" , "-0.1,51.2" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Filters : [ ] redis . FTSearchFilter { { FieldName : "num" , Min : 0 , Max : 2 } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Filters : [ ] redis . FTSearchFilter { { FieldName : "num" , Min : 0 , Max : "+inf" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res2 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
// Test Geo filter
geoFilter1 := redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { FieldName : "loc" , Longitude : - 0.44 , Latitude : 51.45 , Radius : 10 , Unit : "km" }
geoFilter2 := redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { FieldName : "loc" , Longitude : - 0.44 , Latitude : 51.45 , Radius : 100 , Unit : "km" }
res3 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { GeoFilter : [ ] redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { geoFilter1 } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res3 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res3 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res4 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { GeoFilter : [ ] redis . FTSearchGeoFilter { geoFilter2 } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res4 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
docs := [ ] interface { } { res4 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID , res4 . Docs [ 1 ] . ID }
Expect ( docs ) . To ( ContainElement ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( docs ) . To ( ContainElement ( "doc2" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch sortby" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "num" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "num" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , Sortable : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "num" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo bar" , "num" , 1 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "foo baz" , "num" , 2 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc3" , "txt" , "foo qux" , "num" , 3 )
sortBy1 := redis . FTSearchSortBy { FieldName : "num" , Asc : true }
sortBy2 := redis . FTSearchSortBy { FieldName : "num" , Desc : true }
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "num" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { sortBy1 } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 3 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 2 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc3" ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "num" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { sortBy2 } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 3 ) ) )
Expect ( res2 . Docs [ 2 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( res2 . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( res2 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc3" ) )
2024-12-05 11:10:04 +03:00
res3 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "num" , "foo" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { sortBy2 } , SortByWithCount : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res3 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch example" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Weight : 5 } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "body" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "title" , "RediSearch" , "body" , "Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "search engine" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true , Verbatim : true , LimitOffset : 0 , Limit : 5 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate NoIndex" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "field" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 : = & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "text" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
num := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "numeric" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
geo := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "geo" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeGeo , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
tag := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "tag" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , NoIndex : true , Sortable : true }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , num , geo , tag ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "field" , "aaa" , "text" , "1" , "numeric" , 1 , "geo" , "1,1" , "tag" , "1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "field" , "aab" , "text" , "2" , "numeric" , 2 , "geo" , "2,2" , "tag" , "2" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx" , "@text:aa*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx" , "@field:aa*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
res3 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "text" , Desc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res3 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res3 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
res4 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "text" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res4 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res4 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res5 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "numeric" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res5 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res6 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "geo" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res6 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
res7 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "tag" , Asc : true } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res7 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTExplain" , Label ( "search" , "ftexplain" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text3 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f3" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , text3 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
res1 , err := client . FTExplain ( ctx , "txt" , "@f3:f3_val @f2:f2_val @f1:f1_val" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 ) . ToNot ( BeEmpty ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAlias" , Label ( "search" , "ftexplain" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val1 , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "testAlias" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "index1:" } } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val1 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "testAlias" )
val2 , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "testAlias2" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "index2:" } } , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "testAlias2" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "index1:lonestar" , "name" , "lonestar" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "index2:yogurt" , "name" , "yogurt" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "testAlias" , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "index1:lonestar" ) )
aliasAddRes , err := client . FTAliasAdd ( ctx , "testAlias" , "mj23" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( aliasAddRes ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res1 , err = client . FTSearch ( ctx , "mj23" , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "index1:lonestar" ) )
aliasUpdateRes , err := client . FTAliasUpdate ( ctx , "testAlias2" , "kb24" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( aliasUpdateRes ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res3 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "kb24" , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res3 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "index2:yogurt" ) )
aliasDelRes , err := client . FTAliasDel ( ctx , "mj23" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( aliasDelRes ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch textfield, sortable and nostem " , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true , NoStem : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resInfo , err := client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resInfo . Attributes [ 0 ] . Sortable ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) )
Expect ( resInfo . Attributes [ 0 ] . NoStem ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAlter" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "ftalter" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resAlter , err := client . FTAlter ( ctx , "idx1" , false , [ ] interface { } { "body" , redis . SearchFieldTypeText . String ( ) } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resAlter ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "title" , "MyTitle" , "body" , "Some content only in the body" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "only in the body" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSpellCheck" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "ftspellcheck" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "f1" , "some valid content" , "f2" , "this is sample text" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "f1" , "very important" , "f2" , "lorem ipsum" )
resSpellCheck , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "impornant" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck [ 0 ] . Suggestions [ 0 ] . Suggestion ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "important" ) )
resSpellCheck2 , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "contnt" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck2 [ 0 ] . Suggestions [ 0 ] . Suggestion ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "content" ) )
// test spellcheck with Levenshtein distance
resSpellCheck3 , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "vlis" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck3 [ 0 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "vlis" ) )
resSpellCheck4 , err := client . FTSpellCheckWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "vlis" , & redis . FTSpellCheckOptions { Distance : 2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck4 [ 0 ] . Suggestions [ 0 ] . Suggestion ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "valid" ) )
// test spellcheck include
resDictAdd , err := client . FTDictAdd ( ctx , "dict" , "lore" , "lorem" , "lorm" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictAdd ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 3 ) )
terms := & redis . FTSpellCheckTerms { Inclusion : "INCLUDE" , Dictionary : "dict" }
resSpellCheck5 , err := client . FTSpellCheckWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "lorm" , & redis . FTSpellCheckOptions { Terms : terms } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
lorm := resSpellCheck5 [ 0 ] . Suggestions
Expect ( len ( lorm ) ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 3 ) )
Expect ( lorm [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0.5 ) )
Expect ( lorm [ 1 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0 ) )
Expect ( lorm [ 2 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0 ) )
terms2 := & redis . FTSpellCheckTerms { Inclusion : "EXCLUDE" , Dictionary : "dict" }
resSpellCheck6 , err := client . FTSpellCheckWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "lorm" , & redis . FTSpellCheckOptions { Terms : terms2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSpellCheck6 ) . To ( BeEmpty ( ) )
} )
It ( "should FTDict opreations" , Label ( "search" , "ftdictdump" , "ftdictdel" , "ftdictadd" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resDictAdd , err := client . FTDictAdd ( ctx , "custom_dict" , "item1" , "item2" , "item3" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictAdd ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 3 ) )
resDictDel , err := client . FTDictDel ( ctx , "custom_dict" , "item2" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictDel ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
resDictDump , err := client . FTDictDump ( ctx , "custom_dict" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictDump ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "item1" , "item3" } ) )
resDictDel2 , err := client . FTDictDel ( ctx , "custom_dict" , "item1" , "item3" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDictDel2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSearch phonetic matcher" , Label ( "search" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "name" , "Jon" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "name" , "John" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "Jon" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "name" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "Jon" ) )
client . FlushDB ( ctx )
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , PhoneticMatcher : "dm:en" }
val2 , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "name" , "Jon" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "name" , "John" )
res2 , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "Jon" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
names := [ ] interface { } { res2 . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "name" ] , res2 . Docs [ 1 ] . Fields [ "name" ] }
Expect ( names ) . To ( ContainElement ( "Jon" ) )
Expect ( names ) . To ( ContainElement ( "John" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSearch WithScores" , Label ( "search" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "description" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "description" , "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "description" , "Quick alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her quick sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do." )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( float64 ( 1 ) ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "TFIDF" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( float64 ( 1 ) ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "TFIDF.DOCNORM" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0.14285714285714285 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "BM25" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeNumerically ( "<=" , 0.22471909420069797 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "DISMAX" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( float64 ( 2 ) ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "DOCSCORE" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( float64 ( 1 ) ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "quick" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { WithScores : true , Scorer : "HAMMING" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( * res . Docs [ 0 ] . Score ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( float64 ( 0 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTConfigSet and FTConfigGet " , Label ( "search" , "ftconfigget" , "ftconfigset" , "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTConfigSet ( ctx , "TIMEOUT" , "100" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
res , err := client . FTConfigGet ( ctx , "*" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res [ "TIMEOUT" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "100" ) )
res , err = client . FTConfigGet ( ctx , "TIMEOUT" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ string ] interface { } { "TIMEOUT" : "100" } ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate GroupBy " , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "body" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text3 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "parent" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
num := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "random_num" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , text3 , num ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "search" , "title" , "RediSearch" ,
"body" , "Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis" ,
"parent" , "redis" ,
"random_num" , 10 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "ai" , "title" , "RedisAI" ,
"body" , "RedisAI executes Deep Learning/Machine Learning models and managing their data." ,
"parent" , "redis" ,
"random_num" , 3 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "json" , "title" , "RedisJson" ,
"body" , "RedisJSON implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Standard as a native data type." ,
"parent" , "redis" ,
"random_num" , 8 )
reducer := redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchCount }
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliascount" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchCountDistinct , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliascount_distincttitle" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchSum , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliassumrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "21" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchMin , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliasminrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchMax , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliasmaxrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "10" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchAvg , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliasavgrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "7" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchStdDev , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliasstddevrandom_num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3.60555127546" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchQuantile , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@random_num" , 0.5 } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliasquantilerandom_num,0.5" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "8" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchToList , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" } }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__generated_aliastolisttitle" ] ) . To ( ContainElements ( "RediSearch" , "RedisAI" , "RedisJson" ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchFirstValue , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" } , As : "first" }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "first" ] ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( "RediSearch" ) , BeEquivalentTo ( "RedisAI" ) , BeEquivalentTo ( "RedisJson" ) ) )
reducer = redis . FTAggregateReducer { Reducer : redis . SearchRandomSample , Args : [ ] interface { } { "@title" , 2 } , As : "random" }
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { GroupBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateGroupBy { { Fields : [ ] interface { } { "@parent" } , Reduce : [ ] redis . FTAggregateReducer { reducer } } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "redis" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "parent" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "redis" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "random" ] ) . To ( Or (
ContainElement ( "RediSearch" ) ,
ContainElement ( "RedisAI" ) ,
ContainElement ( "RedisJson" ) ,
) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate sort and limit" , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "t1" , "a" , "t2" , "b" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "t1" , "b" , "t2" , "a" )
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t2" , Asc : true } , { FieldName : "@t1" , Desc : true } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "b" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 1 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "a" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t2" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "a" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 1 ] . Fields [ "t2" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "b" ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t1" } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "a" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 1 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "b" ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t1" } } , SortByMax : 1 }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "a" ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@t1" } } , Limit : 1 , LimitOffset : 1 }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "b" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate load " , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "t1" , "hello" , "t2" , "world" )
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Load : [ ] redis . FTAggregateLoad { { Field : "t1" } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "hello" ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Load : [ ] redis . FTAggregateLoad { { Field : "t2" } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t2" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "world" ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { LoadAll : true }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t1" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "hello" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "t2" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "world" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate apply" , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "PrimaryKey" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true }
num1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "CreatedDateTimeUTC" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , Sortable : true }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , num1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "PrimaryKey" , "9::362330" , "CreatedDateTimeUTC" , "637387878524969984" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "PrimaryKey" , "9::362329" , "CreatedDateTimeUTC" , "637387875859270016" )
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Apply : [ ] redis . FTAggregateApply { { Field : "@CreatedDateTimeUTC * 10" , As : "CreatedDateTimeUTC" } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "CreatedDateTimeUTC" ] ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878785249699840" ) , BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878758592700416" ) ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 1 ] . Fields [ "CreatedDateTimeUTC" ] ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878785249699840" ) , BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878758592700416" ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTAggregate filter" , Label ( "search" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true }
num1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "age" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , Sortable : true }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , num1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "name" , "bar" , "age" , "25" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "name" , "foo" , "age" , "19" )
for _ , dlc := range [ ] int { 1 , 2 } {
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Filter : "@name=='foo' && @age < 20" , DialectVersion : dlc }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) , BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "name" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "foo" ) )
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Filter : "@age > 15" , DialectVersion : dlc , SortBy : [ ] redis . FTAggregateSortBy { { FieldName : "@age" } } }
res , err = client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 0 ] . Fields [ "age" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "19" ) )
Expect ( res . Rows [ 1 ] . Fields [ "age" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "25" ) )
} )
2024-10-14 16:52:50 +03:00
It ( "should FTSearch SkipInitialScan" , Label ( "search" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "foo" , "bar" )
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "foo" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
2024-10-14 16:52:50 +03:00
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { SkipInitialScan : true } , text1 ) . Result ( )
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
res , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@foo:bar" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate json" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnJSON : true , Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "king:" } } , text1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "king:1" , "$" , ` { "name": "henry"} ` )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "king:2" , "$" , ` { "name": "james"} ` )
res , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "henry" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "king:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "$" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( ` { "name":"henry"} ` ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate json fields as names" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , As : "name" }
num1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.age" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , As : "just_a_number" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnJSON : true } , text1 , num1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "doc:1" , "$" , ` { "name": "Jon", "age": 25} ` )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "Jon" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "name" } , { FieldName : "just_a_number" } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "name" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "Jon" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "just_a_number" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "25" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate CaseSensitive" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
tag1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , CaseSensitive : false }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , tag1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "1" , "t" , "HELLO" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "2" , "t" , "hello" )
res , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@t:{HELLO}" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 2 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "2" ) )
resDrop , err := client . FTDropIndex ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDrop ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
tag2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , CaseSensitive : true }
val , err = client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , tag2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
res , err = client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@t:{HELLO}" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "1" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSearch ReturnFields" , Label ( "search" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
resJson , err := client . JSONSet ( ctx , "doc:1" , "$" , ` { "t": "riceratops","t2": "telmatosaurus", "n": 9072, "flt": 97.2} ` ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resJson ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.t" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
num1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.flt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnJSON : true } , text1 , num1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "$.t" , As : "txt" } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "txt" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "riceratops" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "$.t2" , As : "txt" } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "txt" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "telmatosaurus" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSynUpdate" , Label ( "search" , "ftsynupdate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "body" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnHash : true } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resSynUpdate , err := client . FTSynUpdateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , & redis . FTSynUpdateOptions { SkipInitialScan : true } , [ ] interface { } { "boy" , "child" , "offspring" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "title" , "he is a baby" , "body" , "this is a test" )
resSynUpdate , err = client . FTSynUpdateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , & redis . FTSynUpdateOptions { SkipInitialScan : true } , [ ] interface { } { "baby" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "title" , "he is another baby" , "body" , "another test" )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "child" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Expander : "SYNONYM" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "title" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "he is another baby" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "body" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "another test" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTSynDump" , Label ( "search" , "ftsyndump" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "body" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnHash : true } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resSynUpdate , err := client . FTSynUpdate ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , [ ] interface { } { "boy" , "child" , "offspring" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resSynUpdate , err = client . FTSynUpdate ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , [ ] interface { } { "baby" , "child" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resSynUpdate , err = client . FTSynUpdate ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , [ ] interface { } { "tree" , "wood" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resSynDump , err := client . FTSynDump ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 0 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "baby" ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 0 ] . Synonyms ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" } ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 1 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "wood" ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 1 ] . Synonyms ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" } ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 2 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "boy" ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 2 ] . Synonyms ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" } ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 3 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "tree" ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 3 ] . Synonyms ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" } ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 4 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "child" ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 4 ] . Synonyms ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" } ) , BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" , "id1" } ) ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 5 ] . Term ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "offspring" ) )
Expect ( resSynDump [ 5 ] . Synonyms ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] string { "id1" } ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate json with alias" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , As : "name" }
num1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$.num" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , As : "num" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnJSON : true , Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "king:" } } , text1 , num1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "king:1" , "$" , ` { "name": "henry", "num": 42} ` )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "king:2" , "$" , ` { "name": "james", "num": 3.14} ` )
res , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@name:henry" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "king:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "$" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( ` { "name":"henry","num":42} ` ) )
res , err = client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@num:[0 10]" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "king:2" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "$" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( ` { "name":"james","num":3.14} ` ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate json with multipath" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
tag1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "$..name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , As : "name" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnJSON : true , Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "king:" } } , tag1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "king:1" , "$" , ` { "name": "henry", "country": { "name": "england"}} ` )
res , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@name:{england}" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "king:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "$" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( ` { "name":"henry","country": { "name":"england"}} ` ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate json with jsonpath" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : ` $["prod:name"] ` , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , As : "name" }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : ` $.prod:name ` , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , As : "name_unsupported" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnJSON : true } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . JSONSet ( ctx , "doc:1" , "$" , ` { "prod:name": "RediSearch"} ` )
res , err := client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@name:RediSearch" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "$" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( ` { "prod:name":"RediSearch"} ` ) )
res , err = client . FTSearch ( ctx , "idx1" , "@name_unsupported:RediSearch" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@name:RediSearch" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "name" } } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 1 ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "name" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "RediSearch" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate VECTOR" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" ) , func ( ) {
hnswOptions := & redis . FTHNSWOptions { Type : "FLOAT32" , Dim : 2 , DistanceMetric : "L2" }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" ,
& redis . FTCreateOptions { } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "v" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeVector , VectorArgs : & redis . FTVectorArgs { HNSWOptions : hnswOptions } } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "a" , "v" , "aaaaaaaa" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "b" , "v" , "aaaabaaa" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "c" , "v" , "aaaaabaa" )
searchOptions := & redis . FTSearchOptions {
Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "__v_score" } } ,
SortBy : [ ] redis . FTSearchSortBy { { FieldName : "__v_score" , Asc : true } } ,
DialectVersion : 2 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "vec" : "aaaaaaaa" } ,
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*=>[KNN 2 @v $vec]" , searchOptions ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "a" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "__v_score" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "0" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch text params" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "name" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "name" , "Alice" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "name" , "Bob" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc3" , "name" , "Carol" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@name:($name1 | $name2 )" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "name1" : "Alice" , "name2" : "Bob" } , DialectVersion : 2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch numeric params" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "numval" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "numval" , 101 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "numval" , 102 )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc3" , "numval" , 103 )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@numval:[$min $max]" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "min" : 101 , "max" : 102 } , DialectVersion : 2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate and FTSearch geo params" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "g" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeGeo } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "g" , "29.69465, 34.95126" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "g" , "29.69350, 34.94737" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc3" , "g" , "29.68746, 34.94882" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@g:[$lon $lat $radius $units]" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "lat" : "34.95126" , "lon" : "29.69465" , "radius" : 1000 , "units" : "km" } , DialectVersion : 2 } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 3 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc1" ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc2" ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 2 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "doc3" ) )
} )
It ( "should FTConfigSet and FTConfigGet dialect" , Label ( "search" , "ftconfigget" , "ftconfigset" , "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
res , err := client . FTConfigSet ( ctx , "DEFAULT_DIALECT" , "1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
defDialect , err := client . FTConfigGet ( ctx , "DEFAULT_DIALECT" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( defDialect ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ string ] interface { } { "DEFAULT_DIALECT" : "1" } ) )
res , err = client . FTConfigSet ( ctx , "DEFAULT_DIALECT" , "2" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
defDialect , err = client . FTConfigGet ( ctx , "DEFAULT_DIALECT" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( defDialect ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( map [ string ] interface { } { "DEFAULT_DIALECT" : "2" } ) )
} )
It ( "should FTCreate WithSuffixtrie" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftinfo" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
res , err := client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Attributes [ 0 ] . Attribute ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "txt" ) )
resDrop , err := client . FTDropIndex ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDrop ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
// create withsuffixtrie index - text field
val , err = client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , WithSuffixtrie : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
res , err = client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Attributes [ 0 ] . WithSuffixtrie ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) )
resDrop , err = client . FTDropIndex ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resDrop ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
// create withsuffixtrie index - tag field
val , err = client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "t" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , WithSuffixtrie : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
res , err = client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Attributes [ 0 ] . WithSuffixtrie ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) )
} )
2024-07-17 11:55:58 +03:00
It ( "should test dialect 4" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions {
Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "resource:" } ,
} , & redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "uuid" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag ,
} , & redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "tags" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag ,
} , & redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "description" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText ,
} , & redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "rating" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "resource:1" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"uuid" : "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" ,
"tags" : "finance|crypto|$btc|blockchain" ,
"description" : "Analysis of blockchain technologies & Bitcoin's potential." ,
"rating" : 5 ,
} )
client . HSet ( ctx , "resource:2" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"uuid" : "987e6543-e21c-12d3-a456-426614174999" ,
"tags" : "health|well-being|fitness|new-year's-resolutions" ,
"description" : "Health trends for the new year, including fitness regimes." ,
"rating" : 4 ,
} )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@uuid:{$uuid}" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 2 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "uuid" : "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "resource:1" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@uuid:{$uuid}" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 4 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "uuid" : "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "resource:1" ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "test:1" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"uuid" : "3d3586fe-0416-4572-8ce" ,
"email" : "adriano@acme.com.ie" ,
"num" : 5 ,
} )
// Create the index
ftCreateOptions := & redis . FTCreateOptions {
Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "test:" } ,
schema := [ ] * redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "uuid" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag ,
} ,
FieldName : "email" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag ,
} ,
FieldName : "num" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric ,
} ,
val , err = client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx_hash" , ftCreateOptions , schema ... ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( Equal ( "OK" ) )
ftSearchOptions := & redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 4 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } {
"uuid" : "3d3586fe-0416-4572-8ce" ,
"email" : "adriano@acme.com.ie" ,
} ,
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx_hash" , "@uuid:{$uuid}" , ftSearchOptions ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "test:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "uuid" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "3d3586fe-0416-4572-8ce" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx_hash" , "@email:{$email}" , ftSearchOptions ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "test:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "email" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "adriano@acme.com.ie" ) )
ftSearchOptions . Params = map [ string ] interface { } { "num" : 5 }
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx_hash" , "@num:[5]" , ftSearchOptions ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "test:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . Fields [ "num" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "5" ) )
} )
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
It ( "should FTCreate GeoShape" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "geom" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeGeoShape , GeoShapeFieldType : "FLAT" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "small" , "geom" , "POLYGON((1 1, 1 100, 100 100, 100 1, 1 1))" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "large" , "geom" , "POLYGON((1 1, 1 200, 200 200, 200 1, 1 1))" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@geom:[WITHIN $poly]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "poly" : "POLYGON((0 0, 0 150, 150 150, 150 0, 0 0))" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
Expect ( res1 . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "small" ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@geom:[CONTAINS $poly]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "poly" : "POLYGON((2 2, 2 50, 50 50, 50 2, 2 2))" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 2 ) ) )
} )
2024-07-17 09:48:41 +03:00
2024-07-17 21:56:58 +03:00
It ( "should create search index with FLOAT16 and BFLOAT16 vectors" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "index" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "float16" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeVector , VectorArgs : & redis . FTVectorArgs { FlatOptions : & redis . FTFlatOptions { Type : "FLOAT16" , Dim : 768 , DistanceMetric : "COSINE" } } } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "bfloat16" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeVector , VectorArgs : & redis . FTVectorArgs { FlatOptions : & redis . FTFlatOptions { Type : "BFLOAT16" , Dim : 768 , DistanceMetric : "COSINE" } } } ,
) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "index" )
} )
2024-07-17 11:41:48 +03:00
It ( "should test geoshapes query intersects and disjoint" , Label ( "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
_ , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "g" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeGeoShape ,
GeoShapeFieldType : "FLAT" ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_point1" , "g" , "POINT (10 10)" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_point2" , "g" , "POINT (50 50)" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_polygon1" , "g" , "POLYGON ((20 20, 25 35, 35 25, 20 20))" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_polygon2" , "g" , "POLYGON ((60 60, 65 75, 70 70, 65 55, 60 60))" )
intersection , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@g:[intersects $shape]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "shape" : "POLYGON((15 15, 75 15, 50 70, 20 40, 15 15))" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
_assert_geosearch_result ( & intersection , [ ] string { "doc_point2" , "doc_polygon1" } )
disjunction , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@g:[disjoint $shape]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "shape" : "POLYGON((15 15, 75 15, 50 70, 20 40, 15 15))" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
_assert_geosearch_result ( & disjunction , [ ] string { "doc_point1" , "doc_polygon2" } )
} )
It ( "should test geoshapes query contains and within" , func ( ) {
_ , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx2" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema {
FieldName : "g" ,
FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeGeoShape ,
GeoShapeFieldType : "FLAT" ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_point1" , "g" , "POINT (10 10)" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_point2" , "g" , "POINT (50 50)" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_polygon1" , "g" , "POLYGON ((20 20, 25 35, 35 25, 20 20))" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc_polygon2" , "g" , "POLYGON ((60 60, 65 75, 70 70, 65 55, 60 60))" )
containsA , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx2" , "@g:[contains $shape]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "shape" : "POINT(25 25)" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
_assert_geosearch_result ( & containsA , [ ] string { "doc_polygon1" } )
containsB , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx2" , "@g:[contains $shape]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "shape" : "POLYGON((24 24, 24 26, 25 25, 24 24))" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
_assert_geosearch_result ( & containsB , [ ] string { "doc_polygon1" } )
within , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx2" , "@g:[within $shape]" ,
& redis . FTSearchOptions {
DialectVersion : 3 ,
Params : map [ string ] interface { } { "shape" : "POLYGON((15 15, 75 15, 50 70, 20 40, 15 15))" } ,
} ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
_assert_geosearch_result ( & within , [ ] string { "doc_point2" , "doc_polygon1" } )
} )
2024-07-17 09:48:41 +03:00
It ( "should search missing fields" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "property:" } } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "features" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , IndexMissing : true } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "description" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , IndexMissing : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "property:1" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"title" : "Luxury Villa in Malibu" ,
"features" : "pool,sea view,modern" ,
"description" : "A stunning modern villa overlooking the Pacific Ocean." ,
} )
client . HSet ( ctx , "property:2" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"title" : "Downtown Flat" ,
"description" : "Modern flat in central Paris with easy access to metro." ,
} )
client . HSet ( ctx , "property:3" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"title" : "Beachfront Bungalow" ,
"features" : "beachfront,sun deck" ,
} )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "ismissing(@features)" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:2" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "-ismissing(@features)" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:3" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "ismissing(@description)" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:3" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "-ismissing(@description)" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:2" ) )
} )
It ( "should search empty fields" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" , "NonRedisEnterprise" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { Prefix : [ ] interface { } { "property:" } } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "features" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeTag , IndexEmpty : true } ,
& redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "description" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , IndexEmpty : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "property:1" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"title" : "Luxury Villa in Malibu" ,
"features" : "pool,sea view,modern" ,
"description" : "A stunning modern villa overlooking the Pacific Ocean." ,
} )
client . HSet ( ctx , "property:2" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"title" : "Downtown Flat" ,
"features" : "" ,
"description" : "Modern flat in central Paris with easy access to metro." ,
} )
client . HSet ( ctx , "property:3" , map [ string ] interface { } {
"title" : "Beachfront Bungalow" ,
"features" : "beachfront,sun deck" ,
"description" : "" ,
} )
res , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@features:{\"\"}" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:2" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "-@features:{\"\"}" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:3" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "@description:''" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:3" ) )
res , err = client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "-@description:''" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { DialectVersion : 4 , Return : [ ] redis . FTSearchReturn { { FieldName : "id" } } , NoContent : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 0 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:1" ) )
Expect ( res . Docs [ 1 ] . ID ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "property:2" ) )
} )
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
} )
2024-07-17 11:41:48 +03:00
func _assert_geosearch_result ( result * redis . FTSearchResult , expectedDocIDs [ ] string ) {
ids := make ( [ ] string , len ( result . Docs ) )
for i , doc := range result . Docs {
ids [ i ] = doc . ID
Expect ( ids ) . To ( ConsistOf ( expectedDocIDs ) )
Expect ( result . Total ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( len ( expectedDocIDs ) ) )
2024-06-26 13:13:06 +03:00
// It("should FTProfile Search and Aggregate", Label("search", "ftprofile"), func() {
// val, err := client.FTCreate(ctx, "idx1", &redis.FTCreateOptions{}, &redis.FieldSchema{FieldName: "t", FieldType: redis.SearchFieldTypeText}).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(val).To(BeEquivalentTo("OK"))
// WaitForIndexing(client, "idx1")
// client.HSet(ctx, "1", "t", "hello")
// client.HSet(ctx, "2", "t", "world")
// // FTProfile Search
// query := redis.FTSearchQuery("hello|world", &redis.FTSearchOptions{NoContent: true})
// res1, err := client.FTProfile(ctx, "idx1", false, query).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// panic(res1)
// Expect(len(res1["results"].([]interface{}))).To(BeEquivalentTo(3))
// resProfile := res1["profile"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Expect(resProfile["Parsing time"].(float64) < 0.5).To(BeTrue())
// iterProfile0 := resProfile["Iterators profile"].([]interface{})[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Expect(iterProfile0["Counter"]).To(BeEquivalentTo(2.0))
// Expect(iterProfile0["Type"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("UNION"))
// // FTProfile Aggregate
// aggQuery := redis.FTAggregateQuery("*", &redis.FTAggregateOptions{
// Load: []redis.FTAggregateLoad{{Field: "t"}},
// Apply: []redis.FTAggregateApply{{Field: "startswith(@t, 'hel')", As: "prefix"}}})
// res2, err := client.FTProfile(ctx, "idx1", false, aggQuery).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(len(res2["results"].([]interface{}))).To(BeEquivalentTo(2))
// resProfile = res2["profile"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// iterProfile0 = resProfile["Iterators profile"].([]interface{})[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Expect(iterProfile0["Counter"]).To(BeEquivalentTo(2))
// Expect(iterProfile0["Type"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("WILDCARD"))
// })
// It("should FTProfile Search Limited", Label("search", "ftprofile"), func() {
// val, err := client.FTCreate(ctx, "idx1", &redis.FTCreateOptions{}, &redis.FieldSchema{FieldName: "t", FieldType: redis.SearchFieldTypeText}).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(val).To(BeEquivalentTo("OK"))
// WaitForIndexing(client, "idx1")
// client.HSet(ctx, "1", "t", "hello")
// client.HSet(ctx, "2", "t", "hell")
// client.HSet(ctx, "3", "t", "help")
// client.HSet(ctx, "4", "t", "helowa")
// // FTProfile Search
// query := redis.FTSearchQuery("%hell% hel*", &redis.FTSearchOptions{})
// res1, err := client.FTProfile(ctx, "idx1", true, query).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// resProfile := res1["profile"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// iterProfile0 := resProfile["Iterators profile"].([]interface{})[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Expect(iterProfile0["Type"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("INTERSECT"))
// Expect(len(res1["results"].([]interface{}))).To(BeEquivalentTo(3))
// Expect(iterProfile0["Child iterators"].([]interface{})[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})["Child iterators"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("The number of iterators in the union is 3"))
// Expect(iterProfile0["Child iterators"].([]interface{})[1].(map[interface{}]interface{})["Child iterators"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("The number of iterators in the union is 4"))
// })
// It("should FTProfile Search query params", Label("search", "ftprofile"), func() {
// hnswOptions := &redis.FTHNSWOptions{Type: "FLOAT32", Dim: 2, DistanceMetric: "L2"}
// val, err := client.FTCreate(ctx, "idx1",
// &redis.FTCreateOptions{},
// &redis.FieldSchema{FieldName: "v", FieldType: redis.SearchFieldTypeVector, VectorArgs: &redis.FTVectorArgs{HNSWOptions: hnswOptions}}).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(val).To(BeEquivalentTo("OK"))
// WaitForIndexing(client, "idx1")
// client.HSet(ctx, "a", "v", "aaaaaaaa")
// client.HSet(ctx, "b", "v", "aaaabaaa")
// client.HSet(ctx, "c", "v", "aaaaabaa")
// // FTProfile Search
// searchOptions := &redis.FTSearchOptions{
// Return: []redis.FTSearchReturn{{FieldName: "__v_score"}},
// SortBy: []redis.FTSearchSortBy{{FieldName: "__v_score", Asc: true}},
// DialectVersion: 2,
// Params: map[string]interface{}{"vec": "aaaaaaaa"},
// }
// query := redis.FTSearchQuery("*=>[KNN 2 @v $vec]", searchOptions)
// res1, err := client.FTProfile(ctx, "idx1", false, query).Result()
// Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// resProfile := res1["profile"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// iterProfile0 := resProfile["Iterators profile"].([]interface{})[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Expect(iterProfile0["Counter"]).To(BeEquivalentTo(2))
// Expect(iterProfile0["Type"]).To(BeEquivalentTo(redis.SearchFieldTypeVector.String()))
// Expect(res1["total_results"]).To(BeEquivalentTo(2))
// results0 := res1["results"].([]interface{})[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Expect(results0["id"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("a"))
// Expect(results0["extra_attributes"].(map[interface{}]interface{})["__v_score"]).To(BeEquivalentTo("0"))
// })
2024-09-12 11:26:10 +03:00
var _ = Describe ( "RediSearch commands Resp 3" , Label ( "search" ) , func ( ) {
ctx := context . TODO ( )
var client * redis . Client
var client2 * redis . Client
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
client = redis . NewClient ( & redis . Options { Addr : ":6379" , Protocol : 3 , UnstableResp3 : true } )
client2 = redis . NewClient ( & redis . Options { Addr : ":6379" , Protocol : 3 } )
Expect ( client . FlushDB ( ctx ) . Err ( ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
Expect ( client . Close ( ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
It ( "should handle FTAggregate with Unstable RESP3 Search Module and without stability" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftaggregate" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "PrimaryKey" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true }
num1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "CreatedDateTimeUTC" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeNumeric , Sortable : true }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , num1 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "PrimaryKey" , "9::362330" , "CreatedDateTimeUTC" , "637387878524969984" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "PrimaryKey" , "9::362329" , "CreatedDateTimeUTC" , "637387875859270016" )
options := & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Apply : [ ] redis . FTAggregateApply { { Field : "@CreatedDateTimeUTC * 10" , As : "CreatedDateTimeUTC" } } }
res , err := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . RawResult ( )
results := res . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
Expect ( results [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "CreatedDateTimeUTC" ] ) .
To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878785249699840" ) , BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878758592700416" ) ) )
Expect ( results [ 1 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "extra_attributes" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "CreatedDateTimeUTC" ] ) .
To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878785249699840" ) , BeEquivalentTo ( "6373878758592700416" ) ) )
2024-09-26 13:11:59 +03:00
rawVal := client . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . RawVal ( )
rawValResults := rawVal . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( rawValResults [ 0 ] ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( results [ 0 ] ) , BeEquivalentTo ( results [ 1 ] ) ) )
Expect ( rawValResults [ 1 ] ) . To ( Or ( BeEquivalentTo ( results [ 0 ] ) , BeEquivalentTo ( results [ 1 ] ) ) )
2024-09-12 11:26:10 +03:00
// Test with UnstableResp3 false
Expect ( func ( ) {
options = & redis . FTAggregateOptions { Apply : [ ] redis . FTAggregateApply { { Field : "@CreatedDateTimeUTC * 10" , As : "CreatedDateTimeUTC" } } }
rawRes , _ := client2 . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . RawResult ( )
rawVal = client2 . FTAggregateWithArgs ( ctx , "idx1" , "*" , options ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( rawRes ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
Expect ( rawVal ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
} ) . Should ( Panic ( ) )
} )
It ( "should handle FTInfo with Unstable RESP3 Search Module and without stability" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftinfo" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText , Sortable : true , NoStem : true } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resInfo , err := client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawResult ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
attributes := resInfo . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "attributes" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
flags := attributes [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "flags" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
Expect ( flags ) . To ( ConsistOf ( "SORTABLE" , "NOSTEM" ) )
valInfo := client . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawVal ( )
attributes = valInfo . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "attributes" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
flags = attributes [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "flags" ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
Expect ( flags ) . To ( ConsistOf ( "SORTABLE" , "NOSTEM" ) )
// Test with UnstableResp3 false
Expect ( func ( ) {
rawResInfo , _ := client2 . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawResult ( )
rawValInfo := client2 . FTInfo ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( rawResInfo ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
Expect ( rawValInfo ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
} ) . Should ( Panic ( ) )
} )
It ( "should handle FTSpellCheck with Unstable RESP3 Search Module and without stability" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftspellcheck" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "f1" , "some valid content" , "f2" , "this is sample text" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "f1" , "very important" , "f2" , "lorem ipsum" )
resSpellCheck , err := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "impornant" ) . RawResult ( )
valSpellCheck := client . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "impornant" ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( valSpellCheck ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( resSpellCheck ) )
results := resSpellCheck . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "results" ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } )
Expect ( results [ "impornant" ] . ( [ ] interface { } ) [ 0 ] . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "important" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( 0.5 ) )
// Test with UnstableResp3 false
Expect ( func ( ) {
rawResSpellCheck , _ := client2 . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "impornant" ) . RawResult ( )
rawValSpellCheck := client2 . FTSpellCheck ( ctx , "idx1" , "impornant" ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( rawResSpellCheck ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
Expect ( rawValSpellCheck ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
} ) . Should ( Panic ( ) )
} )
It ( "should handle FTSearch with Unstable RESP3 Search Module and without stability" , Label ( "search" , "ftcreate" , "ftsearch" ) , func ( ) {
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { StopWords : [ ] interface { } { "foo" , "bar" , "baz" } } , & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "txt" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc1" , "txt" , "foo baz" )
client . HSet ( ctx , "doc2" , "txt" , "hello world" )
res1 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . RawResult ( )
val1 := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val1 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( res1 ) )
totalResults := res1 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ]
Expect ( totalResults ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
res2 , err := client . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar hello world" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . RawResult ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
totalResults2 := res2 . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "total_results" ]
Expect ( totalResults2 ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( int64 ( 1 ) ) )
// Test with UnstableResp3 false
Expect ( func ( ) {
rawRes2 , _ := client2 . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar hello world" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . RawResult ( )
rawVal2 := client2 . FTSearchWithArgs ( ctx , "txt" , "foo bar hello world" , & redis . FTSearchOptions { NoContent : true } ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( rawRes2 ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
Expect ( rawVal2 ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
} ) . Should ( Panic ( ) )
} )
It ( "should handle FTSynDump with Unstable RESP3 Search Module and without stability" , Label ( "search" , "ftsyndump" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "title" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "body" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "idx1" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { OnHash : true } , text1 , text2 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "idx1" )
resSynUpdate , err := client . FTSynUpdate ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , [ ] interface { } { "boy" , "child" , "offspring" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resSynUpdate , err = client . FTSynUpdate ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , [ ] interface { } { "baby" , "child" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resSynUpdate , err = client . FTSynUpdate ( ctx , "idx1" , "id1" , [ ] interface { } { "tree" , "wood" } ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( resSynUpdate ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
resSynDump , err := client . FTSynDump ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawResult ( )
valSynDump := client . FTSynDump ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( valSynDump ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( resSynDump ) )
Expect ( resSynDump . ( map [ interface { } ] interface { } ) [ "baby" ] ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( [ ] interface { } { "id1" } ) )
// Test with UnstableResp3 false
Expect ( func ( ) {
rawResSynDump , _ := client2 . FTSynDump ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawResult ( )
rawValSynDump := client2 . FTSynDump ( ctx , "idx1" ) . RawVal ( )
Expect ( rawResSynDump ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
Expect ( rawValSynDump ) . To ( BeNil ( ) )
} ) . Should ( Panic ( ) )
} )
It ( "should test not affected Resp 3 Search method - FTExplain" , Label ( "search" , "ftexplain" ) , func ( ) {
text1 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f1" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text2 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f2" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
text3 := & redis . FieldSchema { FieldName : "f3" , FieldType : redis . SearchFieldTypeText }
val , err := client . FTCreate ( ctx , "txt" , & redis . FTCreateOptions { } , text1 , text2 , text3 ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( val ) . To ( BeEquivalentTo ( "OK" ) )
WaitForIndexing ( client , "txt" )
res1 , err := client . FTExplain ( ctx , "txt" , "@f3:f3_val @f2:f2_val @f1:f1_val" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res1 ) . ToNot ( BeEmpty ( ) )
// Test with UnstableResp3 false
Expect ( func ( ) {
res2 , err := client2 . FTExplain ( ctx , "txt" , "@f3:f3_val @f2:f2_val @f1:f1_val" ) . Result ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( res2 ) . ToNot ( BeEmpty ( ) )
} ) . ShouldNot ( Panic ( ) )
} )
} )