Embed static files in Go binaries (replacement for gobuffalo/packr)
Go to file
Mark Bates 372c9371cf stat / info 2019-10-17 17:03:04 -04:00
cmd/pkger stat / info 2019-10-17 17:03:04 -04:00
examples move the testing app 2019-10-17 15:08:02 -04:00
here stat / info 2019-10-17 17:03:04 -04:00
internal stat / info 2019-10-17 17:03:04 -04:00
parser move the testing app 2019-10-17 15:08:02 -04:00
pkging move the testing app 2019-10-17 15:08:02 -04:00
.gitignore games of chance 2019-09-03 18:38:52 -04:00
.goreleaser.yml.plush init 2019-07-30 12:12:21 -04:00
LICENSE init 2019-07-30 12:12:21 -04:00
Makefile shine on me 2019-09-21 12:51:29 -04:00
README.md it's cleanup time 2019-10-16 10:11:54 -04:00
apply.go docs 2019-10-16 11:07:57 -04:00
apply_debug.go stat / info 2019-10-17 17:03:04 -04:00
apply_test.go thats what i get 2019-09-21 18:00:53 -04:00
azure-pipelines.yml camera's flash 2019-09-20 11:16:57 -04:00
azure-tests.yml init 2019-07-30 12:12:21 -04:00
go.mod more examples 2019-10-17 13:45:22 -04:00
go.sum more examples 2019-10-17 13:45:22 -04:00
pkger.go docs 2019-10-16 11:07:57 -04:00
pkger_test.go move the testing app 2019-10-17 15:08:02 -04:00



github.com/markbates/pkger is a tool for embedding static files into Go binaries. It will, hopefully, be a replacement for github.com/gobuffalo/packr/v2.

How it Works

Pkger is powered by the dark magic of Go Modules, so they're like, totally required.

With Go Modules pkger can resolve packages with accuracy. No more guessing and trying to figure out build paths, GOPATHS, etc... for this tired old lad.

With the module's path correctly resolved, it can serve as the "root" directory for that module, and all files in that module's directory are available.


  • Paths should use UNIX style paths: /cmd/pkger/main.go
  • If unspecified the path's package is assumed to be the current module.
  • Packages can specified in at the beginning of a path with a : seperator. github.com/markbates/pkger:/cmd/pkger/main.go
  • There are no relative paths. All paths are absolute to the modules root.
"github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/go.mod" => $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo@v0.14.7/go.mod


Pkger's API is modeled on that of the os package in Go's standard library. This makes Pkger usage familiar to Go developers.

type Pkger interface {
  Parse(p string) (Path, error)
  Abs(p string) (string, error)
  AbsPath(Path) (string, error)
  Current() (here.Info, error)
  Info(p string) (here.Info, error)
  Create(name string) (File, error)
  MkdirAll(p string, perm os.FileMode) error
  Open(name string) (File, error)
  Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
  Walk(p string, wf filepath.WalkFunc) error
  Remove(name string) error
  RemoveAll(path string) error

type File interface {
  Close() error
  Abs() (string, error)
  Info() here.Info
  Name() string
  Open(name string) (http.File, error)
  Path() Path
  Read(p []byte) (int, error)
  Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
  Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
  Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)
  Write(b []byte) (int, error)
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── public
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── mark-small.png
│   │   ├── mark.png
│   │   ├── mark_250px.png
│   │   └── mark_400px.png
│   └── index.html
└── templates
    ├── a.txt
    └── b
        └── b.txt
package main

import (


const host = ":3000"

func main() {
	// get the currently running application's here.Info.
	// this contains really, really, really useful information
	// about your application, check it out. :)
	// we don't need it for this example, but i thought it could
	// be good to show.
	current, err := pkger.Current()
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("Walking files for %s\n", current.ImportPath)
	// walk the files in this module. "/" is where the `go.mod` for this module is
	err = pkger.Walk("github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Println(">> ", path)
		return nil
	if err != nil {

	// find the public directory with using the full pkger path <pkg:/path> to it:
	// 	pkg - is the module/package you want to get a file from
	// 		if pkg is empty then it is assumed to be current.ImportPath
	// 	: - seperator between the module/package name, pkg, and the "file path"
	// 	path - this is the ABSOLUTE path to the file/directory you want, as relative
	// 	to the root of the module/package's go.mod file.
	dir, err := pkger.Open("github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app:/public")
	if err != nil {
	// don't forget to close the file later
	defer dir.Close()

	fmt.Printf("\nServing %q on %s\n", dir.Path(), host)

	// serve the public directory on the host (":3000")
	// just like using the os package you still need to use
	// http.FileServer to serve a directory.
	// you DON'T, however, need to use http.Dir all pkger files
	// already implement that interface.
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(host, logger(http.FileServer(dir))))

// logger will print out the requests as they come in, otherwise its a blank
// screen, and that's no fun.
func logger(h http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		log.Println(req.Method, req.URL.String())
		h.ServeHTTP(res, req)

Output Without Packing

# compile the go binary as usual and run the app:
$ go build -v; ./app

  "Dir": "$GOPATH/src/github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app",
  "ImportPath": "github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app",
  "Imports": [
  "Module": {
    "Dir": "$GOPATH/src/github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app",
    "GoMod": "$GOPATH/src/github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app/go.mod",
    "GoVersion": "1.13",
    "Main": true,
    "Path": "github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app"
  "Name": "main"
Walking files for github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/auto.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/auto_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/download.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/download_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/func.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/func_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/helpers.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/html.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/html_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/js.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/js_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/json.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/json_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/markdown_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/options.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/partials_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/plain.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/plain_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/render.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/render_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/renderer.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/sse.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string_map.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string_map_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_engine.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_helpers.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_helpers_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/xml.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/xml_test.go

Serving "github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app:/public" on :3000
2019/09/22 14:07:41 GET /
2019/09/22 14:07:41 GET /images/mark.png

Output With Packing

# run the pkger cli to generate a pkged.go file:
$ pkger

# compile the go binary as usual and run the app:
$ go build -v; ./app
  "Dir": "$GOPATH/src/github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app",
  "ImportPath": "github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app",
  "Imports": [
  "Module": {
    "Dir": "$GOPATH/src/github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app",
    "GoMod": "$GOPATH/src/github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app/go.mod",
    "GoVersion": "1.13",
    "Main": true,
    "Path": "github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app"
  "Name": "main"
Walking files for github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/auto.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/auto_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/download.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/download_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/func.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/func_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/helpers.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/html.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/html_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/js.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/js_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/json.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/json_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/markdown_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/options.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/partials_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/plain.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/plain_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/render.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/render_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/renderer.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/sse.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string_map.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string_map_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/string_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_engine.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_helpers.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_helpers_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/template_test.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/xml.go
>>  github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo:/render/xml_test.go

Serving "github.com/markbates/pkger/examples/app:/public" on :3000
2019/09/22 14:07:41 GET /
2019/09/22 14:07:41 GET /images/mark.png