package rdb_test import ( "fmt" "os" "strings" "testing" "" . "" ) // Hook gocheck into the gotest runner. func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } type DecoderSuite struct{} var _ = Suite(&DecoderSuite{}) func (s *DecoderSuite) TestEmptyRDB(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("empty_database") c.Assert(r.started, Equals, 1) c.Assert(r.ended, Equals, 1) c.Assert(len(r.dbs), Equals, 0) } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestMultipleDatabases(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("multiple_databases") c.Assert(len(r.dbs), Equals, 2) _, ok := r.dbs[1] c.Assert(ok, Equals, false) c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["key_in_zeroth_database"], Equals, "zero") c.Assert(r.dbs[2]["key_in_second_database"], Equals, "second") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestExpiry(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("keys_with_expiry") c.Assert(r.expiries[0]["expires_ms_precision"], Equals, int64(1671963072573)) } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestMixedExpiry(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("keys_with_mixed_expiry") c.Assert(r.expiries[0]["key01"], Not(Equals), int64(0)) c.Assert(r.expiries[0]["key04"], Not(Equals), int64(0)) c.Assert(r.expiries[0]["key02"], Equals, int64(0)) c.Assert(r.expiries[0]["key03"], Equals, int64(0)) } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestIntegerKeys(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("integer_keys") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["125"], Equals, "Positive 8 bit integer") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["43947"], Equals, "Positive 16 bit integer") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["183358245"], Equals, "Positive 32 bit integer") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["-123"], Equals, "Negative 8 bit integer") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["-29477"], Equals, "Negative 16 bit integer") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["-183358245"], Equals, "Negative 32 bit integer") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestStringKeyWithCompression(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("easily_compressible_string_key") c.Assert(r.dbs[0][strings.Repeat("a", 200)], Equals, "Key that redis should compress easily") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZipmapWithCompression(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("zipmap_that_compresses_easily") zm := r.dbs[0]["zipmap_compresses_easily"].(map[string]string) c.Assert(zm["a"], Equals, "aa") c.Assert(zm["aa"], Equals, "aaaa") c.Assert(zm["aaaaa"], Equals, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZipmap(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("zipmap_that_doesnt_compress") zm := r.dbs[0]["zimap_doesnt_compress"].(map[string]string) c.Assert(zm["MKD1G6"], Equals, "2") c.Assert(zm["YNNXK"], Equals, "F7TI") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZipmapWitBigValues(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("zipmap_with_big_values") zm := r.dbs[0]["zipmap_with_big_values"].(map[string]string) c.Assert(len(zm["253bytes"]), Equals, 253) c.Assert(len(zm["254bytes"]), Equals, 254) c.Assert(len(zm["255bytes"]), Equals, 255) c.Assert(len(zm["300bytes"]), Equals, 300) c.Assert(len(zm["20kbytes"]), Equals, 20000) } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestHashZiplist(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("hash_as_ziplist") zm := r.dbs[0]["zipmap_compresses_easily"].(map[string]string) c.Assert(zm["a"], Equals, "aa") c.Assert(zm["aa"], Equals, "aaaa") c.Assert(zm["aaaaa"], Equals, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestDictionary(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("dictionary") d := r.dbs[0]["force_dictionary"].(map[string]string) c.Assert(len(d), Equals, 1000) c.Assert(d["ZMU5WEJDG7KU89AOG5LJT6K7HMNB3DEI43M6EYTJ83VRJ6XNXQ"], Equals, "T63SOS8DQJF0Q0VJEZ0D1IQFCYTIPSBOUIAI9SB0OV57MQR1FI") c.Assert(d["UHS5ESW4HLK8XOGTM39IK1SJEUGVV9WOPK6JYA5QBZSJU84491"], Equals, "6VULTCV52FXJ8MGVSFTZVAGK2JXZMGQ5F8OVJI0X6GEDDR27RZ") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZiplistWithCompression(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("ziplist_that_compresses_easily") for i, length := range []int{6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36} { c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["ziplist_compresses_easily"].([]string)[i], Equals, strings.Repeat("a", length)) } } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZiplist(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("ziplist_that_doesnt_compress") l := r.dbs[0]["ziplist_doesnt_compress"].([]string) c.Assert(l[0], Equals, "aj2410") c.Assert(l[1], Equals, "cc953a17a8e096e76a44169ad3f9ac87c5f8248a403274416179aa9fbd852344") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZiplistWithInts(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("ziplist_with_integers") expected := []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "-2", "13", "25", "-61", "63", "16380", "-16000", "65535", "-65523", "4194304", "9223372036854775807"} for i, x := range expected { c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["ziplist_with_integers"].([]string)[i], Equals, x) } } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestIntSet16(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("intset_16") for i, x := range []string{"32764", "32765", "32766"} { c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["intset_16"].([]string)[i], Equals, x) } } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestIntSet32(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("intset_32") for i, x := range []string{"2147418108", "2147418109", "2147418110"} { c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["intset_32"].([]string)[i], Equals, x) } } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestIntSet64(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("intset_64") for i, x := range []string{"9223090557583032316", "9223090557583032317", "9223090557583032318"} { c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["intset_64"].([]string)[i], Equals, x) } } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestSet(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("regular_set") for i, x := range []string{"beta", "delta", "alpha", "phi", "gamma", "kappa"} { c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["regular_set"].([]string)[i], Equals, x) } } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestZSetZiplist(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("sorted_set_as_ziplist") z := r.dbs[0]["sorted_set_as_ziplist"].(map[string]float64) c.Assert(z["8b6ba6718a786daefa69438148361901"], Equals, float64(1)) c.Assert(z["cb7a24bb7528f934b841b34c3a73e0c7"], Equals, float64(2.37)) c.Assert(z["523af537946b79c4f8369ed39ba78605"], Equals, float64(3.423)) } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestRDBv5(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("rdb_version_5_with_checksum") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["abcd"], Equals, "efgh") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["foo"], Equals, "bar") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["bar"], Equals, "baz") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["abcdef"], Equals, "abcdef") c.Assert(r.dbs[0]["longerstring"], Equals, "thisisalongerstring.idontknowwhatitmeans") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestRDBv7(c *C) { r := decodeRDB("rdb_v7_list_quicklist") c.Assert(r.aux["redis-ver"], Equals, "3.2.0") c.Assert(r.dbSize[0], Equals, uint32(1)) c.Assert(r.expiresSize[0], Equals, uint32(0)) z := r.dbs[0]["foo"].([]string) c.Assert(z[0], Equals, "bar") c.Assert(z[1], Equals, "baz") c.Assert(z[2], Equals, "boo") } func (s *DecoderSuite) TestDumpDecoder(c *C) { r := &FakeRedis{} err := rdb.DecodeDump([]byte("\u0000\xC0\n\u0006\u0000\xF8r?\xC5\xFB\xFB_("), 1, []byte("test"), 123, r) if err != nil { c.Error(err) } c.Assert(r.dbs[1]["test"], Equals, "10") } func decodeRDB(name string) *FakeRedis { r := &FakeRedis{} f, err := os.Open("fixtures/" + name + ".rdb") if err != nil { panic(err) } err = rdb.Decode(f, r) if err != nil { panic(err) } return r } type FakeRedis struct { dbs map[int]map[string]interface{} lengths map[int]map[string]int expiries map[int]map[string]int64 dbSize map[int]uint32 expiresSize map[int]uint32 cdb int started int ended int aux map[string]string } func (r *FakeRedis) setExpiry(key []byte, expiry int64) { r.expiries[r.cdb][string(key)] = expiry } func (r *FakeRedis) setLength(key []byte, length int64) { r.lengths[r.cdb][string(key)] = int(length) } func (r *FakeRedis) getLength(key []byte) int { return int(r.lengths[r.cdb][string(key)]) } func (r *FakeRedis) db() map[string]interface{} { return r.dbs[r.cdb] } func (r *FakeRedis) StartRDB() { r.started++ r.dbs = make(map[int]map[string]interface{}) r.expiries = make(map[int]map[string]int64) r.lengths = make(map[int]map[string]int) r.aux = make(map[string]string) r.dbSize = make(map[int]uint32) r.expiresSize = make(map[int]uint32) } func (r *FakeRedis) StartDatabase(n int) { r.dbs[n] = make(map[string]interface{}) r.expiries[n] = make(map[string]int64) r.lengths[n] = make(map[string]int) r.cdb = n } func (r *FakeRedis) Set(key, value []byte, expiry int64) { r.setExpiry(key, expiry) r.db()[string(key)] = string(value) } func (r *FakeRedis) StartHash(key []byte, length, expiry int64) { r.setExpiry(key, expiry) r.setLength(key, length) r.db()[string(key)] = make(map[string]string) } func (r *FakeRedis) Hset(key, field, value []byte) { r.db()[string(key)].(map[string]string)[string(field)] = string(value) } func (r *FakeRedis) EndHash(key []byte) { actual := len(r.db()[string(key)].(map[string]string)) if actual != r.getLength(key) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong length for key %s got %d, expected %d", key, actual, r.getLength(key))) } } func (r *FakeRedis) StartSet(key []byte, cardinality, expiry int64) { r.setExpiry(key, expiry) r.setLength(key, cardinality) r.db()[string(key)] = make([]string, 0, cardinality) } func (r *FakeRedis) Sadd(key, member []byte) { r.db()[string(key)] = append(r.db()[string(key)].([]string), string(member)) } func (r *FakeRedis) EndSet(key []byte) { actual := len(r.db()[string(key)].([]string)) if actual != r.getLength(key) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong length for key %s got %d, expected %d", key, actual, r.getLength(key))) } } func (r *FakeRedis) StartList(key []byte, length, expiry int64) { r.setExpiry(key, expiry) r.setLength(key, length) cap := length if length < 0 { cap = 1 } r.db()[string(key)] = make([]string, 0, cap) } func (r *FakeRedis) Rpush(key, value []byte) { r.db()[string(key)] = append(r.db()[string(key)].([]string), string(value)) } func (r *FakeRedis) EndList(key []byte) { actual := len(r.db()[string(key)].([]string)) if actual != r.getLength(key) && r.getLength(key) >= 0 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong length for key %s got %d, expected %d", key, actual, r.getLength(key))) } } func (r *FakeRedis) StartZSet(key []byte, cardinality, expiry int64) { r.setExpiry(key, expiry) r.setLength(key, cardinality) r.db()[string(key)] = make(map[string]float64) } func (r *FakeRedis) Zadd(key []byte, score float64, member []byte) { r.db()[string(key)].(map[string]float64)[string(member)] = score } func (r *FakeRedis) EndZSet(key []byte) { actual := len(r.db()[string(key)].(map[string]float64)) if actual != r.getLength(key) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong length for key %s got %d, expected %d", key, actual, r.getLength(key))) } } func (r *FakeRedis) EndDatabase(n int) { if n != r.cdb { panic(fmt.Sprintf("database end called with %d, expected %d", n, r.cdb)) } } func (r *FakeRedis) EndRDB() { r.ended++ } func (r *FakeRedis) Aux(key, value []byte) { r.aux[string(key)] = string(value) } func (r *FakeRedis) ResizeDatabase(dbSize, expiresSize uint32) { r.dbSize[r.cdb] = dbSize r.expiresSize[r.cdb] = expiresSize }