mirror of https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm.git
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382 lines
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package gorm
import (
// Statement statement
type Statement struct {
Table string
Model interface{}
Unscoped bool
Dest interface{}
ReflectValue reflect.Value
Clauses map[string]clause.Clause
Selects []string // selected columns
Omits []string // omit columns
Joins map[string][]interface{}
Preloads map[string][]interface{}
Settings sync.Map
ConnPool ConnPool
Schema *schema.Schema
Context context.Context
RaiseErrorOnNotFound bool
DisableUpdateTime bool
SQL strings.Builder
Vars []interface{}
NamedVars []sql.NamedArg
attrs []interface{}
assigns []interface{}
// StatementModifier statement modifier interface
type StatementModifier interface {
// Write write string
func (stmt *Statement) WriteString(str string) (int, error) {
return stmt.SQL.WriteString(str)
// Write write string
func (stmt *Statement) WriteByte(c byte) error {
return stmt.SQL.WriteByte(c)
// WriteQuoted write quoted value
func (stmt *Statement) WriteQuoted(value interface{}) error {
stmt.QuoteTo(&stmt.SQL, value)
return nil
// QuoteTo write quoted value to writer
func (stmt Statement) QuoteTo(writer clause.Writer, field interface{}) {
switch v := field.(type) {
case clause.Table:
if v.Name == clause.CurrentTable {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, stmt.Table)
} else if v.Raw {
} else {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, v.Name)
if v.Alias != "" {
writer.WriteString(" AS ")
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, v.Alias)
case clause.Column:
if v.Table != "" {
if v.Table == clause.CurrentTable {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, stmt.Table)
} else {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, v.Table)
if v.Name == clause.PrimaryKey {
if stmt.Schema != nil && stmt.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField != nil {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, stmt.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.DBName)
} else if v.Raw {
} else {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, v.Name)
if v.Alias != "" {
writer.WriteString(" AS ")
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, v.Alias)
case string:
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, v)
case []string:
for idx, d := range v {
if idx != 0 {
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, d)
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, fmt.Sprint(field))
// Quote returns quoted value
func (stmt Statement) Quote(field interface{}) string {
var builder strings.Builder
stmt.QuoteTo(&builder, field)
return builder.String()
// Write write string
func (stmt *Statement) AddVar(writer clause.Writer, vars ...interface{}) {
for idx, v := range vars {
if idx > 0 {
switch v := v.(type) {
case sql.NamedArg:
if len(v.Name) > 0 {
stmt.NamedVars = append(stmt.NamedVars, v)
} else {
stmt.Vars = append(stmt.Vars, v.Value)
stmt.DB.Dialector.BindVarTo(writer, stmt, v.Value)
case clause.Column, clause.Table:
stmt.QuoteTo(writer, v)
case clause.Expr:
stmt.Vars = append(stmt.Vars, v.Vars...)
case driver.Valuer:
stmt.Vars = append(stmt.Vars, v)
stmt.DB.Dialector.BindVarTo(writer, stmt, v)
case []interface{}:
if len(v) > 0 {
stmt.AddVar(writer, v...)
} else {
case *DB:
subdb := v.Session(&Session{DryRun: true, WithConditions: true}).getInstance()
subdb.Statement.Vars = append(subdb.Statement.Vars, stmt.Vars...)
stmt.Vars = subdb.Statement.Vars
switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
if rv.Len() == 0 {
} else {
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
stmt.AddVar(writer, rv.Index(i).Interface())
stmt.Vars = append(stmt.Vars, v)
stmt.DB.Dialector.BindVarTo(writer, stmt, v)
// AddClause add clause
func (stmt *Statement) AddClause(v clause.Interface) {
if optimizer, ok := v.(StatementModifier); ok {
c, ok := stmt.Clauses[v.Name()]
if !ok {
c.Name = v.Name()
stmt.Clauses[v.Name()] = c
// AddClauseIfNotExists add clause if not exists
func (stmt *Statement) AddClauseIfNotExists(v clause.Interface) {
if c, ok := stmt.Clauses[v.Name()]; !ok && c.Expression == nil {
// BuildCondtion build condition
func (stmt Statement) BuildCondtion(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) (conds []clause.Expression) {
if sql, ok := query.(string); ok {
// if it is a number, then treats it as primary key
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(sql); err != nil {
if sql == "" && len(args) == 0 {
} else if len(args) == 0 || (len(args) > 0 && strings.Contains(sql, "?")) || strings.Contains(sql, "@") {
return []clause.Expression{clause.Expr{SQL: sql, Vars: args}}
} else if len(args) == 1 {
return []clause.Expression{clause.Eq{Column: sql, Value: args[0]}}
args = append([]interface{}{query}, args...)
for _, arg := range args {
if valuer, ok := arg.(driver.Valuer); ok {
arg, _ = valuer.Value()
switch v := arg.(type) {
case clause.Expression:
conds = append(conds, v)
case *DB:
if v.Statement != nil {
if cs, ok := v.Statement.Clauses["WHERE"]; ok {
conds = append(conds, cs.Expression)
case map[interface{}]interface{}:
for i, j := range v {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: i, Value: j})
case map[string]string:
for i, j := range v {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: i, Value: j})
case map[string]interface{}:
for i, j := range v {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: i, Value: j})
reflectValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(arg))
if s, err := schema.Parse(arg, stmt.DB.cacheStore, stmt.DB.NamingStrategy); err == nil {
switch reflectValue.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
for _, field := range s.Fields {
if v, isZero := field.ValueOf(reflectValue); !isZero {
if field.DBName == "" {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: s.Table, Name: field.Name}, Value: v})
} else {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: s.Table, Name: field.DBName}, Value: v})
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < reflectValue.Len(); i++ {
for _, field := range s.Fields {
if v, isZero := field.ValueOf(reflectValue.Index(i)); !isZero {
if field.DBName == "" {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: s.Table, Name: field.Name}, Value: v})
} else {
conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: s.Table, Name: field.DBName}, Value: v})
} else if len(conds) == 0 {
conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: clause.PrimaryColumn, Values: args})
// Build build sql with clauses names
func (stmt *Statement) Build(clauses ...string) {
var firstClauseWritten bool
for _, name := range clauses {
if c, ok := stmt.Clauses[name]; ok {
if firstClauseWritten {
stmt.WriteByte(' ')
firstClauseWritten = true
if b, ok := stmt.DB.ClauseBuilders[name]; ok {
b(c, stmt)
} else {
// TODO handle named vars
func (stmt *Statement) Parse(value interface{}) (err error) {
if stmt.Schema, err = schema.Parse(value, stmt.DB.cacheStore, stmt.DB.NamingStrategy); err == nil && stmt.Table == "" {
stmt.Table = stmt.Schema.Table
return err
func (stmt *Statement) clone() *Statement {
newStmt := &Statement{
DB: stmt.DB,
Table: stmt.Table,
Model: stmt.Model,
Dest: stmt.Dest,
ReflectValue: stmt.ReflectValue,
Clauses: map[string]clause.Clause{},
Selects: stmt.Selects,
Omits: stmt.Omits,
Joins: map[string][]interface{}{},
Preloads: map[string][]interface{}{},
ConnPool: stmt.ConnPool,
Schema: stmt.Schema,
Context: stmt.Context,
RaiseErrorOnNotFound: stmt.RaiseErrorOnNotFound,
for k, c := range stmt.Clauses {
newStmt.Clauses[k] = c
for k, p := range stmt.Preloads {
newStmt.Preloads[k] = p
for k, j := range stmt.Joins {
newStmt.Joins[k] = j
return newStmt
func (stmt *Statement) reinit() {
// stmt.Table = ""
// stmt.Model = nil
// stmt.Selects = nil
// stmt.Omits = nil
// stmt.ConnPool = stmt.DB.Config.ConnPool
// stmt.Context = context.Background()
// stmt.RaiseErrorOnNotFound = false
// for k := range stmt.Clauses {
// delete(stmt.Clauses, k)
// }
// for k := range stmt.Joins {
// delete(stmt.Joins, k)
// }
// for k := range stmt.Preloads {
// delete(stmt.Preloads, k)
// }
// stmt.Settings.Range(func(k, _ interface{}) bool {
// stmt.Settings.Delete(k)
// return true
// })
// stmt.Schema = nil
if !stmt.DB.DryRun {
stmt.Vars = nil
stmt.NamedVars = nil