package gorm import ( "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" ) type JoinTableHandlerInterface interface { Setup(relationship *Relationship, tableName string, source reflect.Type, destination reflect.Type) Table(db *DB) string Add(handler JoinTableHandlerInterface, db *DB, source interface{}, destination interface{}) error Delete(handler JoinTableHandlerInterface, db *DB, sources ...interface{}) error JoinWith(handler JoinTableHandlerInterface, db *DB, source interface{}) *DB } type JoinTableForeignKey struct { DBName string AssociationDBName string } type JoinTableSource struct { ModelType reflect.Type ForeignKeys []JoinTableForeignKey } type JoinTableHandler struct { TableName string `sql:"-"` Source JoinTableSource `sql:"-"` Destination JoinTableSource `sql:"-"` } func (s *JoinTableHandler) Setup(relationship *Relationship, tableName string, source reflect.Type, destination reflect.Type) { s.TableName = tableName s.Source = JoinTableSource{ModelType: source} sourceScope := &Scope{Value: reflect.New(source).Interface()} sourcePrimaryFields := sourceScope.GetModelStruct().PrimaryFields for _, primaryField := range sourcePrimaryFields { if relationship.ForeignDBName == "" { relationship.ForeignFieldName = source.Name() + primaryField.Name relationship.ForeignDBName = ToDBName(relationship.ForeignFieldName) } var dbName string if len(sourcePrimaryFields) == 1 || primaryField.DBName == "id" { dbName = relationship.ForeignDBName } else { dbName = ToDBName(source.Name() + primaryField.Name) } s.Source.ForeignKeys = append(s.Source.ForeignKeys, JoinTableForeignKey{ DBName: dbName, AssociationDBName: primaryField.DBName, }) } s.Destination = JoinTableSource{ModelType: destination} destinationScope := &Scope{Value: reflect.New(destination).Interface()} destinationPrimaryFields := destinationScope.GetModelStruct().PrimaryFields for _, primaryField := range destinationPrimaryFields { var dbName string if len(sourcePrimaryFields) == 1 || primaryField.DBName == "id" { dbName = relationship.AssociationForeignDBName } else { dbName = ToDBName(destinationScope.GetModelStruct().ModelType.Name() + primaryField.Name) } s.Destination.ForeignKeys = append(s.Destination.ForeignKeys, JoinTableForeignKey{ DBName: dbName, AssociationDBName: primaryField.DBName, }) } } func (s JoinTableHandler) Table(db *DB) string { if draftMode, ok := db.Get("publish:draft_mode"); ok && draftMode.(bool) { return s.TableName + "_draft" } else { return s.TableName } } func (s JoinTableHandler) GetSearchMap(db *DB, sources ...interface{}) map[string]interface{} { values := map[string]interface{}{} for _, source := range sources { scope := db.NewScope(source) modelType := scope.GetModelStruct().ModelType if s.Source.ModelType == modelType { for _, foreignKey := range s.Source.ForeignKeys { values[foreignKey.DBName] = scope.Fields()[foreignKey.AssociationDBName].Field.Interface() } } else if s.Destination.ModelType == modelType { for _, foreignKey := range s.Destination.ForeignKeys { values[foreignKey.DBName] = scope.Fields()[foreignKey.AssociationDBName].Field.Interface() } } } return values } func (s JoinTableHandler) Add(handler JoinTableHandlerInterface, db *DB, source1 interface{}, source2 interface{}) error { scope := db.NewScope("") searchMap := s.GetSearchMap(db, source1, source2) var assignColumns, binVars, conditions []string var values []interface{} for key, value := range searchMap { assignColumns = append(assignColumns, key) binVars = append(binVars, `?`) conditions = append(conditions, fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(key))) values = append(values, value) } for _, value := range values { values = append(values, value) } quotedTable := handler.Table(db) sql := fmt.Sprintf( "INSERT INTO %v (%v) SELECT %v %v WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM %v WHERE %v)", quotedTable, strings.Join(assignColumns, ","), strings.Join(binVars, ","), scope.Dialect().SelectFromDummyTable(), quotedTable, strings.Join(conditions, " AND "), ) return db.Exec(sql, values...).Error } func (s JoinTableHandler) Delete(handler JoinTableHandlerInterface, db *DB, sources ...interface{}) error { var conditions []string var values []interface{} for key, value := range s.GetSearchMap(db, sources...) { conditions = append(conditions, fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", key)) values = append(values, value) } return db.Table(handler.Table(db)).Where(strings.Join(conditions, " AND "), values...).Delete("").Error } func (s JoinTableHandler) JoinWith(handler JoinTableHandlerInterface, db *DB, source interface{}) *DB { quotedTable := handler.Table(db) scope := db.NewScope(source) modelType := scope.GetModelStruct().ModelType var joinConditions []string var queryConditions []string var values []interface{} if s.Source.ModelType == modelType { for _, foreignKey := range s.Destination.ForeignKeys { destinationTableName := db.NewScope(reflect.New(s.Destination.ModelType).Interface()).QuotedTableName() joinConditions = append(joinConditions, fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v = %v.%v", quotedTable, scope.Quote(foreignKey.DBName), destinationTableName, scope.Quote(foreignKey.AssociationDBName))) } for _, foreignKey := range s.Source.ForeignKeys { queryConditions = append(queryConditions, fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v = ?", quotedTable, scope.Quote(foreignKey.DBName))) values = append(values, scope.Fields()[foreignKey.AssociationDBName].Field.Interface()) } return db.Joins(fmt.Sprintf("INNER JOIN %v ON %v", quotedTable, strings.Join(joinConditions, " AND "))). Where(strings.Join(queryConditions, " AND "), values...) } else { db.Error = errors.New("wrong source type for join table handler") return db } }