package gorm import ( "errors" "fmt" _ "" "reflect" "strconv" "testing" "time" ) type User struct { Id int64 // Id: Primary key Birthday time.Time // Time Age int64 Name string CreatedAt time.Time // CreatedAt: Time of record is created, will be insert automatically UpdatedAt time.Time // UpdatedAt: Time of record is updated, will be updated automatically DeletedAt time.Time // DeletedAt: Time of record is deleted, refer Soft Delete for more Email []Email // Embedded structs BillingAddress Address // Embedded struct BillingAddressId int64 // Embedded struct's foreign key ShippingAddress Address // Embedded struct ShippingAddressId int64 // Embedded struct's foreign key } type Email struct { Id int64 UserId int64 // Foreign key for above embedded structs Email string Subscribed bool } type Address struct { Id int64 Address1 string Address2 string Post string } type Product struct { Id int64 Code string Price int64 CreatedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time BeforeCreateCallTimes int64 AfterCreateCallTimes int64 BeforeUpdateCallTimes int64 AfterUpdateCallTimes int64 BeforeSaveCallTimes int64 AfterSaveCallTimes int64 BeforeDeleteCallTimes int64 AfterDeleteCallTimes int64 } var ( db DB t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 time.Time ) func init() { var err error db, err = Open("postgres", "user=gorm dbname=gorm sslmode=disable") if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("No error should happen when connect database, but got %+v", err)) } db.SetPool(10) // db.DebugMode = true err = db.DropTable(&User{}).Error if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Got error when try to delete table users, %+v\n", err) } db.Exec("drop table products") err = db.CreateTable(&User{}).Error if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("No error should happen when create table, but got %+v", err)) } err = db.CreateTable(&Product{}).Error if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("No error should happen when create table, but got %+v", err)) } var shortForm = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" t1, _ = time.Parse(shortForm, "2000-10-27 12:02:40") t2, _ = time.Parse(shortForm, "2002-01-01 00:00:00") t3, _ = time.Parse(shortForm, "2005-01-01 00:00:00") t4, _ = time.Parse(shortForm, "2010-01-01 00:00:00") t5, _ = time.Parse(shortForm, "2020-01-01 00:00:00") db.Save(&User{Name: "1", Age: 18, Birthday: t1}) db.Save(&User{Name: "2", Age: 20, Birthday: t2}) db.Save(&User{Name: "3", Age: 22, Birthday: t3}) db.Save(&User{Name: "3", Age: 24, Birthday: t4}) db.Save(&User{Name: "5", Age: 26, Birthday: t4}) } func TestSaveAndFind(t *testing.T) { name := "save_and_find" u := &User{Name: name, Age: 1} db.Save(u) if u.Id == 0 { t.Errorf("Should have ID after create record") } user := &User{} db.First(user, "name = ?", name) if user.Name != name { t.Errorf("User should be saved and fetched correctly") } users := []User{} db.Find(&users) } func TestSaveAndUpdate(t *testing.T) { name, name2, new_name := "update", "update2", "new_update" user := User{Name: name, Age: 1} db.Save(&user) db.Save(&User{Name: name2, Age: 1}) if user.Id == 0 { t.Errorf("User Id should exist after create") } user.Name = new_name db.Save(&user) orm := db.Where("name = ?", name).First(&User{}) if orm.Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should raise error when looking for a existing user with an outdated name") } orm = db.Where("name = ?", new_name).First(&User{}) if orm.Error != nil { t.Errorf("Shouldn't raise error when looking for a existing user with the new name") } orm = db.Where("name = ?", name2).First(&User{}) if orm.Error != nil { t.Errorf("Shouldn't update other users") } } func TestDelete(t *testing.T) { name, name2 := "delete", "delete2" user := User{Name: name, Age: 1} db.Save(&user) db.Save(&User{Name: name2, Age: 1}) orm := db.Delete(&user) orm = db.Where("name = ?", name).First(&User{}) if orm.Error == nil { t.Errorf("User should be deleted successfully") } orm = db.Where("name = ?", name2).First(&User{}) if orm.Error != nil { t.Errorf("User2 should not be deleted") } } func TestWhere(t *testing.T) { name := "where" db.Save(&User{Name: name, Age: 1}) user := &User{} db.Where("name = ?", name).First(user) if user.Name != name { t.Errorf("Should found out user with name '%v'", name) } if db.Where(user.Id).First(&User{}).Error != nil { t.Errorf("Should found out users only with id") } user = &User{} orm := db.Where("name LIKE ?", "%nonono%").First(user) if orm.Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should return error when searching for none existing record, %+v", user) } user = &User{} orm = db.Where("name LIKE ?", "%whe%").First(user) if orm.Error != nil { t.Errorf("Should not return error when searching for existing record, %+v", user) } user = &User{} orm = db.Where("name = ?", "noexisting-user").First(user) if orm.Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should return error when looking for none existing record, %+v", user) } users := []User{} orm = db.Where("name = ?", "none-noexisting").Find(&users) if orm.Error != nil { t.Errorf("Shouldn't return error when looking for none existing records, %+v", users) } if len(users) != 0 { t.Errorf("Shouldn't find anything when looking for none existing records, %+v", users) } } func TestComplexWhere(t *testing.T) { var users []User db.Where("age > ?", 20).Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users that age > 20, but have %v", len(users)) } var user_ids []int64 db.Table("users").Where("age > ?", 20).Pluck("id", &user_ids) if len(user_ids) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users that age > 20, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where(user_ids).Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users that age > 20 when search with id map, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("age >= ?", 20).Find(&users) if len(users) != 4 { t.Errorf("Should only found 4 users that age >= 20, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("age = ?", 20).Find(&users) if len(users) != 1 { t.Errorf("Should only found 1 users age == 20, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("age <> ?", 20).Find(&users) if len(users) < 3 { t.Errorf("Should have more than 3 users age != 20, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("name = ? and age >= ?", "3", 20).Find(&users) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should only found 2 users that age >= 20 with name 3, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("name = ?", "3").Where("age >= ?", 20).Find(&users) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should only found 2 users that age >= 20 with name 3, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("birthday > ?", t2).Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users's birthday >= t2", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("birthday > ?", "2002-10-10").Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users's birthday >= t2", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("birthday >= ?", t1).Where("birthday < ?", t2).Find(&users) if len(users) != 1 { t.Errorf("Should only found 1 users's birthday <= t2, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("birthday >= ? and birthday <= ?", t1, t2).Find(&users) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should only found 2 users's birthday <= t2, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("name in (?)", []string{"1", "3"}).Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users's name in (1, 3), but have %v", len(users)) } user_ids = []int64{} for _, user := range users { user_ids = append(user_ids, user.Id) } users = []User{} db.Where("id in (?)", user_ids).Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should only found 3 users's name in (1, 3) - search by id, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("name in (?)", []string{"1", "2"}).Find(&users) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should only found 2 users's name in (1, 2), but have %v", len(users)) } user_ids = []int64{} for _, user := range users { user_ids = append(user_ids, user.Id) } users = []User{} db.Where("id in (?)", user_ids).Find(&users) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should only found 2 users's name in (1, 2) - search by id, but have %v", len(users)) } users = []User{} db.Where("id in (?)", user_ids[0]).Find(&users) if len(users) != 1 { t.Errorf("Should only found 1 users's name in (1, 2) - search by the first id, but have %v", len(users)) } } func TestWhereWithStruct(t *testing.T) { var user User db.First(&user, &User{Name: "2"}) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with inline struct") } db.First(&user, User{Name: "2"}) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with inline struct") } db.Where(&User{Name: "2"}).First(&user) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with where struct") } var users []User db.Find(&users, &User{Name: "3"}) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should be able to search all record with inline struct") } db.Where(User{Name: "3"}).Find(&users) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with where struct") } } func TestWhereWithInterfaceMap(t *testing.T) { var user User db.First(&user, map[string]interface{}{"name": "2"}) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with inline interface map") } db.Where(map[string]interface{}{"name": "2"}).First(&user) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with where interface map") } var users []User db.Find(&users, map[string]interface{}{"name": "3"}) if len(users) != 2 { t.Errorf("Should be able to search all record with inline interface map") } db.Where(map[string]interface{}{"name": "3"}).Find(&users) if user.Id == 0 || user.Name != "2" { t.Errorf("Should be able to search first record with where interface map") } } func TestInitlineCondition(t *testing.T) { var u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7 User db.Where("name = ?", "3").Order("age desc").First(&u1).First(&u2) db.Where("name = ?", "3").First(&u3, "age = 22").First(&u4, "age = ?", 24).First(&u5, "age = ?", 26) if !((u5.Id == 0) && (u3.Age == 22 && u3.Name == "3") && (u4.Age == 24 && u4.Name == "3")) { t.Errorf("Inline where condition for first when search") } var us1, us2, us3, us4 []User db.Find(&us1, "age = 22").Find(&us2, "name = ?", "3").Find(&us3, "age > ?", 20) if !(len(us1) == 1 && len(us2) == 2 && len(us3) == 3) { t.Errorf("Inline where condition for find when search") } db.Find(&us4, "name = ? and age > ?", "3", "22") if len(us4) != 1 { t.Errorf("More complex inline where condition for find, %v", us4) } db.First(&u6, u1.Id) if !(u6.Id == u1.Id && u6.Id != 0) { t.Errorf("Should find out user with int id") } db.First(&u7, strconv.Itoa(int(u1.Id))) if !(u6.Id == u1.Id && u6.Id != 0) { t.Errorf("Should find out user with string id") } } func TestSelect(t *testing.T) { var user User db.Where("name = ?", "3").Select("name").Find(&user) if user.Id != 0 { t.Errorf("Should not got ID because I am only looking for age, %+v", user.Id) } if user.Name != "3" { t.Errorf("Should got Name = 3 when searching it, %+v", user.Id) } query := db.Where("name = ?", "3").Select("nam;e") if query.Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should got error with invalid select string") } } func TestOrderAndPluck(t *testing.T) { var ages []int64 db.Model(&[]User{}).Order("age desc").Pluck("age", &ages) if ages[0] != 26 { t.Errorf("The first age should be 26 because of ordered by") } var ages1, ages2 []int64 db.Model([]User{}).Order("age desc").Pluck("age", &ages1).Order("age").Pluck("age", &ages2) if !reflect.DeepEqual(ages1, ages2) { t.Errorf("The first order is the primary order") } var ages3, ages4 []int64 db.Model(&User{}).Order("age desc").Pluck("age", &ages3).Order("age", true).Pluck("age", &ages4) if reflect.DeepEqual(ages3, ages4) { t.Errorf("Reorder should works well") } ages = []int64{} var names []string db.Model(User{}).Order("name").Order("age desc").Pluck("age", &ages).Pluck("name", &names) if !(names[0] == "1" && names[2] == "3" && names[3] == "3" && ages[2] == 24 && ages[3] == 22) { t.Errorf("Should be ordered correctly with multiple orders") } } func TestLimit(t *testing.T) { var users1, users2, users3 []User db.Order("age desc").Limit(3).Find(&users1).Limit(5).Find(&users2).Limit(-1).Find(&users3) if !(len(users1) == 3 && len(users2) == 5 && len(users3) > 5) { t.Errorf("Limit should works perfectly") } } func TestOffset(t *testing.T) { var users1, users2, users3, users4 []User db.Order("age desc").Find(&users1).Offset(3).Find(&users2).Offset(5).Find(&users3).Offset(-1).Find(&users4) if !((len(users1) == len(users4)) && (len(users1)-len(users2) == 3) && (len(users1)-len(users3) == 5)) { t.Errorf("Offset should works perfectly") } } func TestOr(t *testing.T) { var users []User db.Where("name = ?", "1").Or("name = ?", "3").Find(&users) if len(users) != 3 { t.Errorf("Should find three users with name 1 and 3") } } func TestCount(t *testing.T) { var count, count1, count2 int64 var users []User db.Where("name = ?", "1").Or("name = ?", "3").Find(&users).Count(&count) if count != int64(len(users)) { t.Errorf("Count() method should get same value of users count") } db.Model(&User{}).Where("name = ?", "1").Count(&count1).Or("name = ?", "3").Count(&count2) if !(count1 == 1 && count2 == 3) { t.Errorf("Multiple count should works well also") } } func TestCreatedAtAndUpdatedAt(t *testing.T) { name := "check_created_at_and_updated_at" u := User{Name: name, Age: 1} db.Save(&u) created_at := u.CreatedAt updated_at := u.UpdatedAt if created_at.IsZero() { t.Errorf("Should have created_at after create") } if updated_at.IsZero() { t.Errorf("Should have updated_at after create") } u.Name = "check_created_at_and_updated_at_2" db.Save(&u) created_at2 := u.CreatedAt updated_at2 := u.UpdatedAt if created_at != created_at2 { t.Errorf("Created At should not changed after update") } if updated_at == updated_at2 { t.Errorf("Updated At should be changed after update") } } func (s *Product) BeforeCreate() (err error) { if s.Code == "Invalid" { err = errors.New("invalid product") } s.BeforeCreateCallTimes = s.BeforeCreateCallTimes + 1 return } func (s *Product) BeforeUpdate() (err error) { if s.Code == "dont_update" { err = errors.New("Can't update") } s.BeforeUpdateCallTimes = s.BeforeUpdateCallTimes + 1 return } func (s *Product) BeforeSave() (err error) { if s.Code == "dont_save" { err = errors.New("Can't save") } s.BeforeSaveCallTimes = s.BeforeSaveCallTimes + 1 return } func (s *Product) AfterCreate() { s.AfterCreateCallTimes = s.AfterCreateCallTimes + 1 } func (s *Product) AfterUpdate() { s.AfterUpdateCallTimes = s.AfterUpdateCallTimes + 1 } func (s *Product) AfterSave() { s.AfterSaveCallTimes = s.AfterSaveCallTimes + 1 } func (s *Product) BeforeDelete() (err error) { if s.Code == "dont_delete" { err = errors.New("Can't delete") } s.BeforeDeleteCallTimes = s.BeforeDeleteCallTimes + 1 return } func (s *Product) AfterDelete() { s.AfterDeleteCallTimes = s.AfterDeleteCallTimes + 1 } func (p *Product) GetCallTimes() []int64 { return []int64{p.BeforeCreateCallTimes, p.BeforeSaveCallTimes, p.BeforeUpdateCallTimes, p.AfterCreateCallTimes, p.AfterSaveCallTimes, p.AfterUpdateCallTimes, p.BeforeDeleteCallTimes, p.AfterDeleteCallTimes} } func TestRunCallbacks(t *testing.T) { p := Product{Code: "unique_code", Price: 100} db.Save(&p) if !reflect.DeepEqual(p.GetCallTimes(), []int64{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}) { t.Errorf("Some errors happened when run create callbacks, %v", p.GetCallTimes()) } db.Where("Code = ?", "unique_code").First(&p) if !reflect.DeepEqual(p.GetCallTimes(), []int64{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}) { t.Errorf("Should be able to query about saved values in before filters, %v", p.GetCallTimes()) } p.Price = 200 db.Save(&p) if !reflect.DeepEqual(p.GetCallTimes(), []int64{1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}) { t.Errorf("Some errors happened when run update callbacks, %v", p.GetCallTimes()) } db.Where("Code = ?", "unique_code").First(&p) if !reflect.DeepEqual(p.GetCallTimes(), []int64{1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}) { t.Errorf("Some errors happened when run update callbacks, %v", p.GetCallTimes()) } db.Delete(&p) if !reflect.DeepEqual(p.GetCallTimes(), []int64{1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}) { t.Errorf("Some errors happened when run update callbacks, %v", p.GetCallTimes()) } if db.Where("Code = ?", "unique_code").First(&p).Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should get error when find an deleted record") } } func TestRunCallbacksAndGetErrors(t *testing.T) { p := Product{Code: "Invalid", Price: 100} if db.Save(&p).Error == nil { t.Errorf("An error from create callbacks expected when create") } if db.Where("code = ?", "Invalid").First(&Product{}).Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should not save records that have errors") } if db.Save(&Product{Code: "dont_save", Price: 100}).Error == nil { t.Errorf("An error from create callbacks expected when create") } p2 := Product{Code: "update_callback", Price: 100} db.Save(&p2) p2.Code = "dont_update" if db.Save(&p2).Error == nil { t.Errorf("An error from callbacks expected when update") } if db.Where("code = ?", "update_callback").First(&Product{}).Error != nil { t.Errorf("Record Should not be updated due to errors happened in callback") } if db.Where("code = ?", "dont_update").First(&Product{}).Error == nil { t.Errorf("Record Should not be updated due to errors happened in callback") } p2.Code = "dont_save" if db.Save(&p2).Error == nil { t.Errorf("An error from before save callbacks expected when update") } p3 := Product{Code: "dont_delete", Price: 100} db.Save(&p3) if db.Delete(&p3).Error == nil { t.Errorf("An error from before delete callbacks expected when delete") } if db.Where("Code = ?", "dont_delete").First(&p3).Error != nil { t.Errorf("Should not delete record due to errors happened in callback") } } func TestFillSmallerStructCorrectly(t *testing.T) { type SimpleUser struct { Name string Id int64 UpdatedAt time.Time CreatedAt time.Time } var simple_user SimpleUser db.Table("users").Find(&simple_user) if simple_user.Id == 0 || simple_user.Name == "" { t.Errorf("Should fill data correctly even some column missing") } } func TestNoUnExpectedHappenWithInvalidSql(t *testing.T) { var columns []string if db.Where("sdsd.zaaa = ?", "sd;;;aa").Pluck("aaa", &columns).Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should got error with invalid SQL") } if db.Model(&User{}).Where("sdsd.zaaa = ?", "sd;;;aa").Pluck("aaa", &columns).Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should got error with invalid SQL") } type Article struct { Name string } db.Where("sdsd.zaaa = ?", "sd;;;aa").Find(&Article{}) db.Where("name = ?", "3").Find(&[]User{}) var count1, count2 int64 db.Model(&User{}).Count(&count1) if count1 <= 0 { t.Errorf("Should find some users") } q := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu; delete * from users").First(&User{}) if q.Error == nil { t.Errorf("Can't find user") } db.Model(&User{}).Count(&count2) if count1 != count2 { t.Errorf("Users should not be deleted by invalid SQL") } db.Where("unexisting = ?", "3").Find(&[]User{}) } func TestSetTableDirectly(t *testing.T) { var ages []int64 if db.Table("users").Pluck("age", &ages).Error != nil { t.Errorf("No errors should happen if only set table") } if len(ages) == 0 { t.Errorf("Should find out some records") } var users []User if db.Table("users").Find(&users).Error != nil { t.Errorf("No errors should happen if set table to an existing table") } if db.Table("unexisting_users_table").Find(&users).Error == nil { t.Errorf("Should got some errors if set table to an unexisting table") } db.Exec("drop table deleted_users;") if db.Table("deleted_users").CreateTable(&User{}).Error != nil { t.Errorf("Should create deleted_users table") } db.Table("deleted_users").Save(&User{Name: "DeletedUser"}) var deleted_users []User db.Table("deleted_users").Find(&deleted_users) if len(deleted_users) != 1 { t.Errorf("Should query from deleted_users table") } var deleted_user User db.Table("deleted_users").Find(&deleted_user) if deleted_user.Name != "DeletedUser" { t.Errorf("Should query from deleted_users table") } var user1, user2, user3 User db.First(&user1).Table("deleted_users").First(&user2).Table("").First(&user3) if !((user1.Name != user2.Name) && (user1.Name == user3.Name)) { t.Errorf("Set Table Chain Should works well") } } func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) { product1 := Product{Code: "123"} product2 := Product{Code: "234"} db.Save(&product1).Save(&product2).Update("code", "456") if product2.Code != "456" { t.Errorf("Object should be updated also with update attributes") } db.First(&product1, product1.Id) db.First(&product2, product2.Id) updated_at1 := product1.UpdatedAt updated_at2 := product2.UpdatedAt var product3 Product db.First(&product3, product2.Id).Update("code", "456") if updated_at2.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product3.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updated_at should not be updated if nothing really new") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = '123'").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Product 123's code should not be changed!") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = '234'").Error == nil { t.Errorf("Product 234's code should be changed to 456!") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = '456'").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Product 234's code should be 456 now!") } db.Table("products").Where("code in (?)", []string{"123"}).Update("code", "789") var product4 Product db.First(&product4, product1.Id) if updated_at1.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updated_at should be updated if something updated") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = '123'").Error == nil { t.Errorf("Product 123's code should be changed to 789") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = '456'").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Product 456's code should not be changed to 789") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = '789'").Error != nil { t.Errorf("We should have Product 789") } } func TestUpdates(t *testing.T) { product1 := Product{Code: "abc", Price: 10} product2 := Product{Code: "cde", Price: 20} db.Save(&product1).Save(&product2).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"code": "edf", "price": 100}) if product2.Code != "edf" || product2.Price != 100 { t.Errorf("Object should be updated also with update attributes") } db.First(&product1, product1.Id) db.First(&product2, product2.Id) updated_at1 := product1.UpdatedAt updated_at2 := product2.UpdatedAt var product3 Product db.First(&product3, product2.Id).Updates(Product{Code: "edf", Price: 100}) if product3.Code != "edf" || product3.Price != 100 { t.Errorf("Object should be updated also with update attributes") } if updated_at2.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product3.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updated_at should not be updated if nothing really new") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = 'abc' and price = 10").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Product abc should not be updated!") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = 'cde'").Error == nil { t.Errorf("Product cde should be renamed to edf!") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = 'edf' and price = 100").Error != nil { t.Errorf("We should have product edf!") } db.Table("products").Where("code in (?)", []string{"abc"}).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"code": "fgh", "price": 200}) if db.First(&Product{}, "code = 'abc'").Error == nil { t.Errorf("Product abc's code should be changed to fgh") } var product4 Product db.First(&product4, product1.Id) if updated_at1.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updated_at should be updated if something updated") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = 'edf' and price = ?", 100).Error != nil { t.Errorf("Product cde's code should not be changed to fgh") } if db.First(&Product{}, "code = 'fgh' and price = 200").Error != nil { t.Errorf("We should have Product fgh") } } func TestSoftDelete(t *testing.T) { type Order struct { Id int64 Amount int64 DeletedAt time.Time } db.Exec("drop table orders;") db.CreateTable(&Order{}) order := Order{Amount: 1234} db.Save(&order) if db.First(&Order{}, "amount = ?", 1234).Error != nil { t.Errorf("No errors should happen when save an order") } db.Delete(&order) if db.First(&Order{}, "amount = 1234").Error == nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the user because it is soft deleted") } if db.Unscoped().First(&Order{}, "amount = 1234").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Should be able to find out the soft deleted user with unscoped") } db.Unscoped().Delete(&order) if db.Unscoped().First(&Order{}, "amount = 1234").Error == nil { t.Errorf("Can't find out permanently deleted order") } } func TestFindOrInitialize(t *testing.T) { var user1, user2, user3, user4, user5, user6 User db.Where(&User{Name: "find or init", Age: 33}).FirstOrInit(&user1) if user1.Name != "find or init" || user1.Id != 0 || user1.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be initialized with search value") } db.Where(User{Name: "find or init", Age: 33}).FirstOrInit(&user2) if user2.Name != "find or init" || user2.Id != 0 || user2.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be initialized with search value") } db.FirstOrInit(&user3, map[string]interface{}{"name": "find or init 2"}) if user3.Name != "find or init 2" || user3.Id != 0 { t.Errorf("user should be initialized with inline search value") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or init"}).Attrs(User{Age: 44}).FirstOrInit(&user4) if user4.Name != "find or init" || user4.Id != 0 || user4.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be initialized with search value and attrs") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or init"}).Assign("age", 44).FirstOrInit(&user4) if user4.Name != "find or init" || user4.Id != 0 || user4.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be initialized with search value and assigned attrs") } db.Save(&User{Name: "find or init", Age: 33}) db.Where(&User{Name: "find or init"}).Attrs("age", 44).FirstOrInit(&user5) if user5.Name != "find or init" || user5.Id == 0 || user5.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be found and not initialized by Attrs") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or init", Age: 33}).FirstOrInit(&user6) if user6.Name != "find or init" || user6.Id == 0 || user6.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be found with FirstOrInit") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or init"}).Assign(User{Age: 44}).FirstOrInit(&user6) if user6.Name != "find or init" || user6.Id == 0 || user6.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be found and updated with assigned attrs") } } func TestFindOrCreate(t *testing.T) { var user1, user2, user3, user4, user5, user6, user7 User db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create", Age: 33}).FirstOrCreate(&user1) if user1.Name != "find or create" || user1.Id == 0 || user1.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be created with search value") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create", Age: 33}).FirstOrCreate(&user2) if user2.Name != "find or create" || user2.Id == 0 || user2.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be created with search value") } db.FirstOrCreate(&user3, map[string]interface{}{"name": "find or create 2"}) if user3.Name != "find or create 2" || user3.Id == 0 { t.Errorf("user should be created with inline search value") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create 3"}).Attrs("age", 44).FirstOrCreate(&user4) if user4.Name != "find or create 3" || user4.Id == 0 || user4.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be created with search value and attrs") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create 4"}).Assign(User{Age: 44}).FirstOrCreate(&user4) if user4.Name != "find or create 4" || user4.Id == 0 || user4.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be created with search value and assigned attrs") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create"}).Attrs("age", 44).FirstOrInit(&user5) if user5.Name != "find or create" || user5.Id == 0 || user5.Age != 33 { t.Errorf("user should be found and not initialized by Attrs") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create"}).Assign(User{Age: 44}).FirstOrCreate(&user6) if user6.Name != "find or create" || user6.Id == 0 || user6.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be found and updated with assigned attrs") } db.Where(&User{Name: "find or create"}).Find(&user7) if user7.Name != "find or create" || user7.Id == 0 || user7.Age != 44 { t.Errorf("user should be found and updated with assigned attrs") } } func TestNot(t *testing.T) { var users1, users2, users3, users4, users5, users6, users7, users8 []User db.Find(&users1) db.Not(users1[0].Id).Find(&users2) if len(users1)-len(users2) != 1 { t.Errorf("Should ignore the first users with Not") } db.Not([]int{}).Find(&users3) if len(users1)-len(users3) != 0 { t.Errorf("Should find all users with a blank condition") } var name_3_count int64 db.Table("users").Where("name = ?", "3").Count(&name_3_count) db.Not("name", "3").Find(&users4) if len(users1)-len(users4) != int(name_3_count) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } users4 = []User{} db.Not("name = ?", "3").Find(&users4) if len(users1)-len(users4) != int(name_3_count) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } users4 = []User{} db.Not("name <> ?", "3").Find(&users4) if len(users4) != int(name_3_count) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } db.Not(User{Name: "3"}).Find(&users5) if len(users1)-len(users5) != int(name_3_count) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } db.Not(map[string]interface{}{"name": "3"}).Find(&users6) if len(users1)-len(users6) != int(name_3_count) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } db.Not("name", []string{"3"}).Find(&users7) if len(users1)-len(users7) != int(name_3_count) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } var name_2_count int64 db.Table("users").Where("name = ?", "2").Count(&name_2_count) db.Not("name", []string{"3", "2"}).Find(&users8) if len(users1)-len(users8) != (int(name_3_count) + int(name_2_count)) { t.Errorf("Should find all users's name not equal 3") } } type Category struct { Id int64 Name string } type Post struct { Id int64 CategoryId int64 MainCategoryId int64 Title string Body string Comments []Comment Category Category MainCategory Category } type Comment struct { Id int64 PostId int64 Content string Post Post } func TestSubStruct(t *testing.T) { db.DropTable(Category{}) db.DropTable(Post{}) db.DropTable(Comment{}) db.CreateTable(Category{}) db.CreateTable(Post{}) db.CreateTable(Comment{}) post := Post{ Title: "post 1", Body: "body 1", Comments: []Comment{{Content: "Comment 1"}, {Content: "Comment 2"}}, Category: Category{Name: "Category 1"}, MainCategory: Category{Name: "Main Category 1"}, } if err := db.Save(&post).Error; err != nil { t.Errorf("Got errors when save post", err) } if db.First(&Category{}, "name = ?", "Category 1").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Category should be saved") } var p Post db.First(&p, post.Id) if post.CategoryId == 0 || p.CategoryId == 0 || post.MainCategoryId == 0 || p.MainCategoryId == 0 { t.Errorf("Category Id should exist") } if db.First(&Comment{}, "content = ?", "Comment 1").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Comment 1 should be saved") } if post.Comments[0].PostId == 0 { t.Errorf("Comment Should have post id") } var comment Comment if db.First(&comment, "content = ?", "Comment 2").Error != nil { t.Errorf("Comment 2 should be saved") } if comment.PostId == 0 { t.Errorf("Comment 2 Should have post id") } comment3 := Comment{Content: "Comment 3", Post: Post{Title: "Title 3", Body: "Body 3"}} db.Save(&comment3) } func TestT(t *testing.T) { user := User{Name: "jinzhu", Age: 18, Birthday: time.Now()} db.Save(&user) var user2 User debug("asdsd") db.Where("name in (?)", []string{"1"}).First(&user2) debug("aaadsd") debug(user2) db.Model(&user2).Updates(User{Name: "lala", Age: 10}) debug("aals") //// UPDATE users SET name='hello' WHERE id=111; var users []User // db.Where("name = '3'").Or(User{Name: "2"}).Find(&users) db.Where("name = '3'").Or(map[string]interface{}{"name": "2"}).Find(&users) var count int64 db.Model(User{}).Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Count(&count) db.Table("users").Count(&count) debug(count) }