package gorm_test import ( "testing" "time" "" ) func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) { product1 := Product{Code: "product1code"} product2 := Product{Code: "product2code"} DB.Save(&product1).Save(&product2).Update("code", "product2newcode") if product2.Code != "product2newcode" { t.Errorf("Record should be updated") } DB.First(&product1, product1.Id) DB.First(&product2, product2.Id) updatedAt1 := product1.UpdatedAt updatedAt2 := product2.UpdatedAt var product3 Product DB.First(&product3, product2.Id).Update("code", "product2newcode") if updatedAt2.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product3.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updatedAt should not be updated if nothing changed") } if DB.First(&Product{}, "code = ?", product1.Code).RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product1 should not be updated") } if !DB.First(&Product{}, "code = ?", "product2code").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product2's code should be updated") } if DB.First(&Product{}, "code = ?", "product2newcode").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product2's code should be updated") } DB.Table("products").Where("code in (?)", []string{"product1code"}).Update("code", "product1newcode") var product4 Product DB.First(&product4, product1.Id) if updatedAt1.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updatedAt should be updated if something changed") } if !DB.First(&Product{}, "code = 'product1code'").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product1's code should be updated") } if DB.First(&Product{}, "code = 'product1newcode'").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product should not be changed to 789") } if DB.Model(product2).Update("CreatedAt", time.Now().Add(time.Hour)).Error != nil { t.Error("No error should raise when update with CamelCase") } if DB.Model(&product2).UpdateColumn("CreatedAt", time.Now().Add(time.Hour)).Error != nil { t.Error("No error should raise when update_column with CamelCase") } var products []Product DB.Find(&products) if count := DB.Model(Product{}).Update("CreatedAt", time.Now().Add(2*time.Hour)).RowsAffected; count != int64(len(products)) { t.Error("RowsAffected should be correct when do batch update") } DB.First(&product4, product4.Id) updatedAt4 := product4.UpdatedAt DB.Model(&product4).Update("price", gorm.Expr("price + ? - ?", 100, 50)) var product5 Product DB.First(&product5, product4.Id) if product5.Price != product4.Price+100-50 { t.Errorf("Update with expression") } if product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) == updatedAt4.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("Update with expression should update UpdatedAt") } } func TestUpdateWithNoStdPrimaryKeyAndDefaultValues(t *testing.T) { animal := Animal{Name: "Ferdinand"} DB.Save(&animal) updatedAt1 := animal.UpdatedAt DB.Save(&animal).Update("name", "Francis") if updatedAt1.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) == animal.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updatedAt should not be updated if nothing changed") } var animals []Animal DB.Find(&animals) if count := DB.Model(Animal{}).Update("CreatedAt", time.Now().Add(2*time.Hour)).RowsAffected; count != int64(len(animals)) { t.Error("RowsAffected should be correct when do batch update") } animal = Animal{From: "somewhere"} // No name fields, should be filled with the default value (galeone) DB.Save(&animal).Update("From", "a nice place") // The name field shoul be untouched DB.First(&animal, animal.Counter) if animal.Name != "galeone" { t.Errorf("Name fiels shouldn't be changed if untouched, but got %v", animal.Name) } // When changing a field with a default value, the change must occur animal.Name = "amazing horse" DB.Save(&animal) DB.First(&animal, animal.Counter) if animal.Name != "amazing horse" { t.Errorf("Update a filed with a default value should occur. But got %v\n", animal.Name) } // When changing a field with a default value with blank value animal.Name = "" DB.Save(&animal) DB.First(&animal, animal.Counter) if animal.Name != "" { t.Errorf("Update a filed to blank with a default value should occur. But got %v\n", animal.Name) } } func TestUpdates(t *testing.T) { product1 := Product{Code: "product1code", Price: 10} product2 := Product{Code: "product2code", Price: 10} DB.Save(&product1).Save(&product2) DB.Model(&product1).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"code": "product1newcode", "price": 100}) if product1.Code != "product1newcode" || product1.Price != 100 { t.Errorf("Record should be updated also with map") } DB.First(&product1, product1.Id) DB.First(&product2, product2.Id) updatedAt1 := product1.UpdatedAt updatedAt2 := product2.UpdatedAt var product3 Product DB.First(&product3, product1.Id).Updates(Product{Code: "product1newcode", Price: 100}) if product3.Code != "product1newcode" || product3.Price != 100 { t.Errorf("Record should be updated with struct") } if updatedAt1.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product3.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updatedAt should not be updated if nothing changed") } if DB.First(&Product{}, "code = ? and price = ?", product2.Code, product2.Price).RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product2 should not be updated") } if DB.First(&Product{}, "code = ?", "product1newcode").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product1 should be updated") } DB.Table("products").Where("code in (?)", []string{"product2code"}).Updates(Product{Code: "product2newcode"}) if !DB.First(&Product{}, "code = 'product2code'").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("Product2's code should be updated") } var product4 Product DB.First(&product4, product2.Id) if updatedAt2.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updatedAt should be updated if something changed") } if DB.First(&Product{}, "code = ?", "product2newcode").RecordNotFound() { t.Errorf("product2's code should be updated") } updatedAt4 := product4.UpdatedAt DB.Model(&product4).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"price": gorm.Expr("price + ?", 100)}) var product5 Product DB.First(&product5, product4.Id) if product5.Price != product4.Price+100 { t.Errorf("Updates with expression") } // product4's UpdatedAt will be reset when updating if product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) == updatedAt4.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("Updates with expression should update UpdatedAt") } } func TestUpdateColumn(t *testing.T) { product1 := Product{Code: "product1code", Price: 10} product2 := Product{Code: "product2code", Price: 20} DB.Save(&product1).Save(&product2).UpdateColumn(map[string]interface{}{"code": "product2newcode", "price": 100}) if product2.Code != "product2newcode" || product2.Price != 100 { t.Errorf("product 2 should be updated with update column") } var product3 Product DB.First(&product3, product1.Id) if product3.Code != "product1code" || product3.Price != 10 { t.Errorf("product 1 should not be updated") } DB.First(&product2, product2.Id) updatedAt2 := product2.UpdatedAt DB.Model(product2).UpdateColumn("code", "update_column_new") var product4 Product DB.First(&product4, product2.Id) if updatedAt2.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("updatedAt should not be updated with update column") } DB.Model(&product4).UpdateColumn("price", gorm.Expr("price + 100 - 50")) var product5 Product DB.First(&product5, product4.Id) if product5.Price != product4.Price+100-50 { t.Errorf("UpdateColumn with expression") } if product5.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) != product4.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) { t.Errorf("UpdateColumn with expression should not update UpdatedAt") } } func TestSelectWithUpdate(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("select_user", "select_with_update") DB.Create(user) var reloadUser User DB.First(&reloadUser, user.Id) reloadUser.Name = "new_name" reloadUser.Age = 50 reloadUser.BillingAddress = Address{Address1: "New Billing Address"} reloadUser.ShippingAddress = Address{Address1: "New ShippingAddress Address"} reloadUser.CreditCard = CreditCard{Number: "987654321"} reloadUser.Emails = []Email{ {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, } reloadUser.Company = Company{Name: "new company"} DB.Select("Name", "BillingAddress", "CreditCard", "Company", "Emails").Save(&reloadUser) var queryUser User DB.Preload("BillingAddress").Preload("ShippingAddress"). Preload("CreditCard").Preload("Emails").Preload("Company").First(&queryUser, user.Id) if queryUser.Name == user.Name || queryUser.Age != user.Age { t.Errorf("Should only update users with name column") } if queryUser.BillingAddressID.Int64 == user.BillingAddressID.Int64 || queryUser.ShippingAddressId != user.ShippingAddressId || queryUser.CreditCard.ID == user.CreditCard.ID || len(queryUser.Emails) == len(user.Emails) || queryUser.Company.Id == user.Company.Id { t.Errorf("Should only update selected relationships") } } func TestSelectWithUpdateWithMap(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("select_user", "select_with_update_map") DB.Create(user) updateValues := map[string]interface{}{ "Name": "new_name", "Age": 50, "BillingAddress": Address{Address1: "New Billing Address"}, "ShippingAddress": Address{Address1: "New ShippingAddress Address"}, "CreditCard": CreditCard{Number: "987654321"}, "Emails": []Email{ {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, }, "Company": Company{Name: "new company"}, } var reloadUser User DB.First(&reloadUser, user.Id) DB.Model(&reloadUser).Select("Name", "BillingAddress", "CreditCard", "Company", "Emails").Update(updateValues) var queryUser User DB.Preload("BillingAddress").Preload("ShippingAddress"). Preload("CreditCard").Preload("Emails").Preload("Company").First(&queryUser, user.Id) if queryUser.Name == user.Name || queryUser.Age != user.Age { t.Errorf("Should only update users with name column") } if queryUser.BillingAddressID.Int64 == user.BillingAddressID.Int64 || queryUser.ShippingAddressId != user.ShippingAddressId || queryUser.CreditCard.ID == user.CreditCard.ID || len(queryUser.Emails) == len(user.Emails) || queryUser.Company.Id == user.Company.Id { t.Errorf("Should only update selected relationships") } } func TestOmitWithUpdate(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("omit_user", "omit_with_update") DB.Create(user) var reloadUser User DB.First(&reloadUser, user.Id) reloadUser.Name = "new_name" reloadUser.Age = 50 reloadUser.BillingAddress = Address{Address1: "New Billing Address"} reloadUser.ShippingAddress = Address{Address1: "New ShippingAddress Address"} reloadUser.CreditCard = CreditCard{Number: "987654321"} reloadUser.Emails = []Email{ {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, } reloadUser.Company = Company{Name: "new company"} DB.Omit("Name", "BillingAddress", "CreditCard", "Company", "Emails").Save(&reloadUser) var queryUser User DB.Preload("BillingAddress").Preload("ShippingAddress"). Preload("CreditCard").Preload("Emails").Preload("Company").First(&queryUser, user.Id) if queryUser.Name != user.Name || queryUser.Age == user.Age { t.Errorf("Should only update users with name column") } if queryUser.BillingAddressID.Int64 != user.BillingAddressID.Int64 || queryUser.ShippingAddressId == user.ShippingAddressId || queryUser.CreditCard.ID != user.CreditCard.ID || len(queryUser.Emails) != len(user.Emails) || queryUser.Company.Id != user.Company.Id { t.Errorf("Should only update relationships that not omited") } } func TestOmitWithUpdateWithMap(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("select_user", "select_with_update_map") DB.Create(user) updateValues := map[string]interface{}{ "Name": "new_name", "Age": 50, "BillingAddress": Address{Address1: "New Billing Address"}, "ShippingAddress": Address{Address1: "New ShippingAddress Address"}, "CreditCard": CreditCard{Number: "987654321"}, "Emails": []Email{ {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, {Email: ""}, }, "Company": Company{Name: "new company"}, } var reloadUser User DB.First(&reloadUser, user.Id) DB.Model(&reloadUser).Omit("Name", "BillingAddress", "CreditCard", "Company", "Emails").Update(updateValues) var queryUser User DB.Preload("BillingAddress").Preload("ShippingAddress"). Preload("CreditCard").Preload("Emails").Preload("Company").First(&queryUser, user.Id) if queryUser.Name != user.Name || queryUser.Age == user.Age { t.Errorf("Should only update users with name column") } if queryUser.BillingAddressID.Int64 != user.BillingAddressID.Int64 || queryUser.ShippingAddressId == user.ShippingAddressId || queryUser.CreditCard.ID != user.CreditCard.ID || len(queryUser.Emails) != len(user.Emails) || queryUser.Company.Id != user.Company.Id { t.Errorf("Should only update relationships not omited") } } func TestSelectWithUpdateColumn(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("select_user", "select_with_update_map") DB.Create(user) updateValues := map[string]interface{}{"Name": "new_name", "Age": 50} var reloadUser User DB.First(&reloadUser, user.Id) DB.Model(&reloadUser).Select("Name").UpdateColumn(updateValues) var queryUser User DB.First(&queryUser, user.Id) if queryUser.Name == user.Name || queryUser.Age != user.Age { t.Errorf("Should only update users with name column") } } func TestOmitWithUpdateColumn(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("select_user", "select_with_update_map") DB.Create(user) updateValues := map[string]interface{}{"Name": "new_name", "Age": 50} var reloadUser User DB.First(&reloadUser, user.Id) DB.Model(&reloadUser).Omit("Name").UpdateColumn(updateValues) var queryUser User DB.First(&queryUser, user.Id) if queryUser.Name != user.Name || queryUser.Age == user.Age { t.Errorf("Should omit name column when update user") } } func TestUpdateColumnsSkipsAssociations(t *testing.T) { user := getPreparedUser("update_columns_user", "special_role") user.Age = 99 address1 := "first street" user.BillingAddress = Address{Address1: address1} DB.Save(user) // Update a single field of the user and verify that the changed address is not stored. newAge := int64(100) user.BillingAddress.Address1 = "second street" db := DB.Model(user).UpdateColumns(User{Age: newAge}) if db.RowsAffected != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected RowsAffected=1 but instead RowsAffected=%v", DB.RowsAffected) } // Verify that Age now=`newAge`. freshUser := &User{Id: user.Id} DB.First(freshUser) if freshUser.Age != newAge { t.Errorf("Expected freshly queried user to have Age=%v but instead found Age=%v", newAge, freshUser.Age) } // Verify that user's BillingAddress.Address1 is not changed and is still "first street". DB.First(&freshUser.BillingAddress, freshUser.BillingAddressID) if freshUser.BillingAddress.Address1 != address1 { t.Errorf("Expected user's BillingAddress.Address1=%s to remain unchanged after UpdateColumns invocation, but BillingAddress.Address1=%s", address1, freshUser.BillingAddress.Address1) } } func TestUpdatesWithBlankValues(t *testing.T) { product := Product{Code: "product1", Price: 10} DB.Save(&product) DB.Model(&Product{Id: product.Id}).Updates(&Product{Price: 100}) var product1 Product DB.First(&product1, product.Id) if product1.Code != "product1" || product1.Price != 100 { t.Errorf("product's code should not be updated") } } func TestUpdateDecodeVirtualAttributes(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("not implemented") var user = User{ Name: "jinzhu", IgnoreMe: 88, } DB.Save(&user) DB.Model(&user).Updates(User{Name: "jinzhu2", IgnoreMe: 100}) if user.IgnoreMe != 100 { t.Errorf("should decode virtual attributes to struct, so it could be used in callbacks") } }