# use the default golang container from Docker Hub box: golang services: - name: mariadb id: mariadb:latest env: MYSQL_DATABASE: gorm MYSQL_USER: gorm MYSQL_PASSWORD: gorm MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "yes" - name: mysql id: mysql:latest env: MYSQL_DATABASE: gorm MYSQL_USER: gorm MYSQL_PASSWORD: gorm MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "yes" - name: mysql57 id: mysql:5.7 env: MYSQL_DATABASE: gorm MYSQL_USER: gorm MYSQL_PASSWORD: gorm MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "yes" - name: mysql56 id: mysql:5.6 env: MYSQL_DATABASE: gorm MYSQL_USER: gorm MYSQL_PASSWORD: gorm MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "yes" - name: postgres id: postgres:latest env: POSTGRES_USER: gorm POSTGRES_PASSWORD: gorm POSTGRES_DB: gorm - name: postgres11 id: postgres:11 env: POSTGRES_USER: gorm POSTGRES_PASSWORD: gorm POSTGRES_DB: gorm - name: postgres10 id: postgres:10 env: POSTGRES_USER: gorm POSTGRES_PASSWORD: gorm POSTGRES_DB: gorm - name: mssql id: mcmoe/mssqldocker:latest env: ACCEPT_EULA: Y SA_PASSWORD: LoremIpsum86 MSSQL_DB: gorm MSSQL_USER: gorm MSSQL_PASSWORD: LoremIpsum86 # The steps that will be executed in the build pipeline build: # The steps that will be executed on build steps: # Sets the go workspace and places you package # at the right place in the workspace tree - setup-go-workspace # Gets the dependencies - script: name: go get code: | cd $WERCKER_SOURCE_DIR go version go get -t -v ./... # Build the project - script: name: go build code: | go build ./... # Test the project - script: name: test sqlite code: | GORM_DIALECT=sqlite GORM_VERBOSE=true ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test mariadb code: | GORM_DIALECT=mysql GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="gorm:gorm@tcp(mariadb:3306)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test mysql code: | GORM_DIALECT=mysql GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="gorm:gorm@tcp(mysql:3306)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test mysql5.7 code: | GORM_DIALECT=mysql GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="gorm:gorm@tcp(mysql57:3306)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test mysql5.6 code: | GORM_DIALECT=mysql GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="gorm:gorm@tcp(mysql56:3306)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test postgres code: | GORM_DIALECT=postgres GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="host=postgres user=gorm password=gorm DB.name=gorm port=5432 sslmode=disable" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test postgres11 code: | GORM_DIALECT=postgres GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="host=postgres96 user=gorm password=gorm DB.name=gorm port=5432 sslmode=disable" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test postgres10 code: | GORM_DIALECT=postgres GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="host=postgres95 user=gorm password=gorm DB.name=gorm port=5432 sslmode=disable" ./tests/tests_all.sh - script: name: test mssql code: | GORM_DIALECT=mssql GORM_VERBOSE=true GORM_DSN="sqlserver://gorm:LoremIpsum86@mssql:1433?database=gorm" ./tests/tests_all.sh