mirror of https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm.git
Add more tests for parse schema relations
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field {
Updatable: true,
Tag: fieldStruct.Tag,
TagSettings: ParseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag),
Schema: schema,
for field.FieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field {
schema.err = err
for _, ef := range field.EmbeddedSchema.Fields {
ef.Schema = schema
ef.BindNames = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, ef.BindNames...)
if prefix, ok := field.TagSettings["EMBEDDEDPREFIX"]; ok {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
// Namer namer interface
type Namer interface {
TableName(table string) string
ColumnName(column string) string
ColumnName(table, column string) string
JoinTableName(table string) string
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ func (ns NamingStrategy) TableName(str string) string {
// ColumnName convert string to column name
func (ns NamingStrategy) ColumnName(str string) string {
func (ns NamingStrategy) ColumnName(table, str string) string {
return toDBName(str)
// JoinTableName convert string to join table name
func (ns NamingStrategy) JoinTableName(str string) string {
return ns.TablePrefix + toDBName(str)
return ns.TablePrefix + inflection.Plural(toDBName(str))
var (
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
// RelationshipType relationship type
@ -43,10 +45,10 @@ type Polymorphic struct {
type Reference struct {
PriamryKey *Field
PriamryValue string
PrimaryKey *Field
PrimaryValue string
ForeignKey *Field
OwnPriamryKey bool
OwnPrimaryKey bool
func (schema *Schema) parseRelation(field *Field) {
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) buildPolymorphicRelation(relation *Relationship, field *Fi
if schema.err == nil {
relation.References = append(relation.References, Reference{
PriamryValue: relation.Polymorphic.Value,
PrimaryValue: relation.Polymorphic.Value,
ForeignKey: relation.Polymorphic.PolymorphicType,
@ -147,9 +149,9 @@ func (schema *Schema) buildPolymorphicRelation(relation *Relationship, field *Fi
relation.References = append(relation.References, Reference{
PriamryKey: primaryKeyField,
ForeignKey: relation.Polymorphic.PolymorphicType,
OwnPriamryKey: true,
PrimaryKey: primaryKeyField,
ForeignKey: relation.Polymorphic.PolymorphicID,
OwnPrimaryKey: true,
@ -163,17 +165,20 @@ func (schema *Schema) buildMany2ManyRelation(relation *Relationship, field *Fiel
err error
joinTableFields []reflect.StructField
fieldsMap = map[string]*Field{}
ownFieldsMap = map[string]bool{} // fix self join many2many
for _, s := range []*Schema{schema, relation.Schema} {
for _, s := range []*Schema{schema, relation.FieldSchema} {
for _, primaryField := range s.PrimaryFields {
fieldName := s.Name + primaryField.Name
if _, ok := fieldsMap[fieldName]; ok {
if field.Name != s.Name {
fieldName = field.Name + primaryField.Name
fieldName = inflection.Singular(field.Name) + primaryField.Name
} else {
fieldName = s.Name + primaryField.Name + "Reference"
} else {
ownFieldsMap[fieldName] = true
fieldsMap[fieldName] = primaryField
@ -195,9 +200,9 @@ func (schema *Schema) buildMany2ManyRelation(relation *Relationship, field *Fiel
// build references
for _, f := range relation.JoinTable.Fields {
relation.References = append(relation.References, Reference{
PriamryKey: fieldsMap[f.Name],
PrimaryKey: fieldsMap[f.Name],
ForeignKey: f,
OwnPriamryKey: schema == fieldsMap[f.Name].Schema,
OwnPrimaryKey: schema == fieldsMap[f.Name].Schema && ownFieldsMap[f.Name],
@ -275,9 +280,9 @@ func (schema *Schema) guessRelation(relation *Relationship, field *Field, guessH
// build references
for idx, foreignField := range foreignFields {
relation.References = append(relation.References, Reference{
PriamryKey: primaryFields[idx],
PrimaryKey: primaryFields[idx],
ForeignKey: foreignField,
OwnPriamryKey: schema == primarySchema,
OwnPrimaryKey: schema == primarySchema && guessHas,
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ type Schema struct {
func (schema Schema) String() string {
if schema.ModelType.Name() == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", schema.Name, schema.Table)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", schema.ModelType.PkgPath(), schema.ModelType.Name())
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ func Parse(dest interface{}, cacheStore *sync.Map, namer Namer) (*Schema, error)
for _, field := range schema.Fields {
if field.DBName == "" {
field.DBName = namer.ColumnName(field.Name)
field.DBName = namer.ColumnName(schema.Table, field.Name)
if field.DBName != "" {
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package schema_test
import (
@ -92,30 +94,106 @@ func checkSchemaField(t *testing.T, s *schema.Schema, f *schema.Field, fc func(*
type Relation struct {
Name string
Type schema.RelationshipType
Polymorphic schema.Polymorphic
Schema string
FieldSchema string
JoinTable string
JoinTableFields []schema.Field
Polymorphic Polymorphic
JoinTable JoinTable
References []Reference
type Polymorphic struct {
ID string
Type string
Value string
type JoinTable struct {
Name string
Table string
Fields []schema.Field
type Reference struct {
PrimaryKey string
PrimarySchema string
ForeignKey string
ForeignSchema string
OwnPriamryKey bool
PrimaryValue string
OwnPrimaryKey bool
func checkSchemaRelation(t *testing.T, s *schema.Schema, relation Relation) {
if r, ok := s.Relationships.Relations[relation.Name]; ok {
if r.Name != relation.Name {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation name expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Name, r.Name)
t.Errorf("schema %v relation name expects %v, but got %v", s, r.Name, relation.Name)
if r.Type != relation.Type {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation name expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Type, r.Type)
t.Errorf("schema %v relation name expects %v, but got %v", s, r.Type, relation.Type)
if r.Schema.Name != relation.Schema {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's schema expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Schema, r.Schema.Name)
if r.FieldSchema.Name != relation.FieldSchema {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's schema expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Schema, r.Schema.Name)
if r.Polymorphic != nil {
if r.Polymorphic.PolymorphicID.Name != relation.Polymorphic.ID {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's polymorphic id field expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Polymorphic.ID, r.Polymorphic.PolymorphicID.Name)
if r.Polymorphic.PolymorphicType.Name != relation.Polymorphic.Type {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's polymorphic type field expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Polymorphic.Type, r.Polymorphic.PolymorphicType.Name)
if r.Polymorphic.Value != relation.Polymorphic.Value {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's polymorphic value expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.Polymorphic.Value, r.Polymorphic.Value)
if r.JoinTable != nil {
if r.JoinTable.Name != relation.JoinTable.Name {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's join table name expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.JoinTable.Name, r.JoinTable.Name)
if r.JoinTable.Table != relation.JoinTable.Table {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's join table tablename expects %v, but got %v", s, relation.JoinTable.Table, r.JoinTable.Table)
for _, f := range relation.JoinTable.Fields {
checkSchemaField(t, r.JoinTable, &f, nil)
if len(relation.References) != len(r.References) {
t.Errorf("schema %v relation's reference's count doesn't match, expects %v, but got %v", s, len(relation.References), len(r.References))
for _, ref := range relation.References {
var found bool
for _, rf := range r.References {
if (rf.PrimaryKey == nil || (rf.PrimaryKey.Name == ref.PrimaryKey && rf.PrimaryKey.Schema.Name == ref.PrimarySchema)) && (rf.PrimaryValue == ref.PrimaryValue) && (rf.ForeignKey.Name == ref.ForeignKey && rf.ForeignKey.Schema.Name == ref.ForeignSchema) && (rf.OwnPrimaryKey == ref.OwnPrimaryKey) {
found = true
if !found {
var refs []string
for _, rf := range r.References {
var primaryKey, primaryKeySchema string
if rf.PrimaryKey != nil {
primaryKey, primaryKeySchema = rf.PrimaryKey.Name, rf.PrimaryKey.Schema.Name
refs = append(refs, fmt.Sprintf(
"{PrimaryKey: %v PrimaryKeySchame: %v ForeignKey: %v ForeignKeySchema: %v PrimaryValue: %v OwnPrimaryKey: %v}",
primaryKey, primaryKeySchema, rf.ForeignKey.Name, rf.ForeignKey.Schema.Name, rf.PrimaryValue, rf.OwnPrimaryKey,
t.Errorf("schema %v relation %v failed to found reference %+v, has %v", s, relation.Name, ref, strings.Join(refs, ", "))
} else {
t.Errorf("schema %v failed to find relations by name %v", s, relation.Name)
@ -41,8 +41,61 @@ func TestParseSchema(t *testing.T) {
// check relations
relations := []Relation{
{Name: "Pets", Type: schema.HasMany, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "Pet", References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "UserID", "Pet", true}}},
Name: "Account", Type: schema.HasOne, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "Account",
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "UserID", "Account", "", true}},
Name: "Pets", Type: schema.HasMany, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "Pet",
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "UserID", "Pet", "", true}},
Name: "Toys", Type: schema.HasMany, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "Toy",
Polymorphic: Polymorphic{ID: "OwnerID", Type: "OwnerType", Value: "users"},
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "OwnerID", "Toy", "", true}, {"", "", "OwnerType", "Toy", "users", false}},
Name: "Company", Type: schema.BelongsTo, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "Company",
References: []Reference{{"ID", "Company", "CompanyID", "User", "", false}},
Name: "Manager", Type: schema.BelongsTo, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "User",
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "ManagerID", "User", "", false}},
Name: "Team", Type: schema.HasMany, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "User",
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "ManagerID", "User", "", true}},
Name: "Languages", Type: schema.Many2Many, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "Language",
JoinTable: JoinTable{Name: "UserSpeak", Table: "user_speaks", Fields: []schema.Field{
Name: "UserID", DBName: "user_id", BindNames: []string{"UserID"}, DataType: schema.Uint,
Tag: `gorm:"primarykey"`, Creatable: true, Updatable: true, PrimaryKey: true,
Name: "LanguageCode", DBName: "language_code", BindNames: []string{"LanguageCode"}, DataType: schema.String,
Tag: `gorm:"primarykey"`, Creatable: true, Updatable: true, PrimaryKey: true,
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "UserID", "UserSpeak", "", true}, {"Code", "Language", "LanguageCode", "UserSpeak", "", false}},
Name: "Friends", Type: schema.Many2Many, Schema: "User", FieldSchema: "User",
JoinTable: JoinTable{Name: "user_friends", Table: "user_friends", Fields: []schema.Field{
Name: "UserID", DBName: "user_id", BindNames: []string{"UserID"}, DataType: schema.Uint,
Tag: `gorm:"primarykey"`, Creatable: true, Updatable: true, PrimaryKey: true,
Name: "FriendID", DBName: "friend_id", BindNames: []string{"FriendID"}, DataType: schema.Uint,
Tag: `gorm:"primarykey"`, Creatable: true, Updatable: true, PrimaryKey: true,
References: []Reference{{"ID", "User", "UserID", "user_friends", "", true}, {"ID", "User", "FriendID", "user_friends", "", false}},
for _, relation := range relations {
checkSchemaRelation(t, user, relation)
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ type User struct {
ManagerID uint
Manager *User
Team []User `gorm:"foreignkey:ManagerID"`
Languages []Language `gorm:"many2many:UserSpeak"`
Friends []*User `gorm:"many2many:user_friends"`
Languages []Language `gorm:"many2many:user_speaks"`
type Account struct {
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ type Company struct {
type Language struct {
Code string `gorm:primarykey`
Code string `gorm:"primarykey"`
Name string
Reference in New Issue