mirror of https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm.git
Merge pull request #774 from jinzhu/get_model_struct
Refactor build model struct & relationships
This commit is contained in:
@ -126,14 +126,6 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) *Association {
} else {
// Relations
var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
if relationship.PolymorphicDBName != "" {
newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(relationship.PolymorphicDBName)), scope.TableName())
@ -164,8 +156,22 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) *Association {
if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.ForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
association.setErr(relationship.JoinTableHandler.Delete(relationship.JoinTableHandler, newDB, relationship))
} else if relationship.Kind == "has_one" || relationship.Kind == "has_many" {
var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
fieldValue := reflect.New(association.Field.Field.Type()).Interface()
@ -75,9 +75,7 @@ func (scope *Scope) Fields() map[string]*Field {
if modelStruct.cached {
scope.fields = fields
scope.fields = fields
return fields
return scope.fields
@ -384,6 +384,10 @@ func (s *DB) CreateTable(values ...interface{}) *DB {
func (s *DB) DropTable(values ...interface{}) *DB {
db := s.clone()
for _, value := range values {
if tableName, ok := value.(string); ok {
db = db.Table(tableName)
db = db.NewScope(value).dropTable().db
return db
@ -512,7 +516,7 @@ func (s *DB) SetJoinTableHandler(source interface{}, column string, handler Join
scope := s.NewScope(source)
for _, field := range scope.GetModelStruct().StructFields {
if field.Name == column || field.DBName == column {
if many2many := parseTagSetting(field.Tag.Get("gorm"))["MANY2MANY"]; many2many != "" {
if many2many := field.TagSettings["MANY2MANY"]; many2many != "" {
source := (&Scope{Value: source}).GetModelStruct().ModelType
destination := (&Scope{Value: reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface()}).GetModelStruct().ModelType
handler.Setup(field.Relationship, many2many, source, destination)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package gorm
import (
@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ type ModelStruct struct {
StructFields []*StructField
ModelType reflect.Type
defaultTableName string
cached bool
func (s *ModelStruct) TableName(db *DB) string {
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ type StructField struct {
IsScanner bool
HasDefaultValue bool
Tag reflect.StructTag
TagSettings map[string]string
Struct reflect.StructField
IsForeignKey bool
Relationship *Relationship
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ func (structField *StructField) clone() *StructField {
// Relationship described the relationship between models
type Relationship struct {
Kind string
PolymorphicType string
@ -95,244 +97,319 @@ type Relationship struct {
JoinTableHandler JoinTableHandlerInterface
func getForeignField(column string, fields []*StructField) *StructField {
for _, field := range fields {
if field.Name == column || field.DBName == ToDBName(column) {
return field
return nil
// GetModelStruct generate model struct & relationships based on struct and tag definition
func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {
var modelStruct ModelStruct
reflectValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value))
if !reflectValue.IsValid() {
// Scope value can't be nil
if scope.Value == nil {
return &modelStruct
if reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
reflectValue = reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(reflectValue.Type().Elem()))
reflectType := reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value).Type()
for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
reflectType = reflectType.Elem()
scopeType := reflectValue.Type()
if scopeType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
scopeType = scopeType.Elem()
// Scope value need to be a struct
if reflectType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return &modelStruct
if value := modelStructsMap.Get(scopeType); value != nil {
// Get Cached model struct
if value := modelStructsMap.Get(reflectType); value != nil {
return value
modelStruct.ModelType = scopeType
if scopeType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return &modelStruct
modelStruct.ModelType = reflectType
if tabler, ok := reflect.New(scopeType).Interface().(interface {
TableName() string
}); ok {
// Set default table name
if tabler, ok := reflect.New(reflectType).Interface().(tabler); ok {
modelStruct.defaultTableName = tabler.TableName()
} else {
name := ToDBName(scopeType.Name())
tableName := ToDBName(reflectType.Name())
if scope.db == nil || !scope.db.parent.singularTable {
name = inflection.Plural(name)
tableName = inflection.Plural(tableName)
modelStruct.defaultTableName = name
modelStruct.defaultTableName = tableName
// Get all fields
fields := []*StructField{}
for i := 0; i < scopeType.NumField(); i++ {
if fieldStruct := scopeType.Field(i); ast.IsExported(fieldStruct.Name) {
for i := 0; i < reflectType.NumField(); i++ {
if fieldStruct := reflectType.Field(i); ast.IsExported(fieldStruct.Name) {
field := &StructField{
Struct: fieldStruct,
Name: fieldStruct.Name,
Names: []string{fieldStruct.Name},
Tag: fieldStruct.Tag,
Struct: fieldStruct,
Name: fieldStruct.Name,
Names: []string{fieldStruct.Name},
Tag: fieldStruct.Tag,
TagSettings: parseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag),
// is ignored field
if fieldStruct.Tag.Get("sql") == "-" {
field.IsIgnored = true
sqlSettings := parseTagSetting(field.Tag.Get("sql"))
gormSettings := parseTagSetting(field.Tag.Get("gorm"))
if _, ok := gormSettings["PRIMARY_KEY"]; ok {
field.IsPrimaryKey = true
modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
if _, ok := sqlSettings["DEFAULT"]; ok {
field.HasDefaultValue = true
if value, ok := gormSettings["COLUMN"]; ok {
field.DBName = value
} else {
field.DBName = ToDBName(fieldStruct.Name)
fields = append(fields, field)
var finished = make(chan bool)
go func(finished chan bool) {
for _, field := range fields {
if !field.IsIgnored {
fieldStruct := field.Struct
indirectType := fieldStruct.Type
if indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
indirectType = indirectType.Elem()
if _, ok := field.TagSettings["PRIMARY_KEY"]; ok {
field.IsPrimaryKey = true
modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
if _, isScanner := reflect.New(indirectType).Interface().(sql.Scanner); isScanner {
if _, ok := field.TagSettings["DEFAULT"]; ok {
field.HasDefaultValue = true
fieldValue := reflect.New(fieldStruct.Type).Interface()
if _, isScanner := fieldValue.(sql.Scanner); isScanner {
// is scanner
field.IsScanner, field.IsNormal = true, true
if _, isTime := reflect.New(indirectType).Interface().(*time.Time); isTime {
} else if _, isTime := fieldValue.(*time.Time); isTime {
// is time
field.IsNormal = true
if !field.IsNormal {
gormSettings := parseTagSetting(field.Tag.Get("gorm"))
toScope := scope.New(reflect.New(fieldStruct.Type).Interface())
getForeignField := func(column string, fields []*StructField) *StructField {
for _, field := range fields {
if field.Name == column || field.DBName == ToDBName(column) {
return field
} else if _, ok := field.TagSettings["EMBEDDED"]; ok || fieldStruct.Anonymous {
// is embedded struct
for _, subField := range scope.New(fieldValue).GetStructFields() {
subField = subField.clone()
subField.Names = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, subField.Names...)
if subField.IsPrimaryKey {
modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, subField)
return nil
modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, subField)
} else {
// build relationships
indirectType := fieldStruct.Type
for indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
indirectType = indirectType.Elem()
var relationship = &Relationship{}
if polymorphic := gormSettings["POLYMORPHIC"]; polymorphic != "" {
if polymorphicField := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Id", toScope.GetStructFields()); polymorphicField != nil {
if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toScope.GetStructFields()); polymorphicType != nil {
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = []string{polymorphicField.Name}
relationship.ForeignDBNames = []string{polymorphicField.DBName}
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = []string{scope.PrimaryField().Name}
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = []string{scope.PrimaryField().DBName}
relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true
polymorphicField.IsForeignKey = true
var foreignKeys []string
if foreignKey, ok := gormSettings["FOREIGNKEY"]; ok {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, foreignKey)
switch indirectType.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
elemType := indirectType.Elem()
if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
elemType = elemType.Elem()
defer func(field *StructField) {
var (
relationship = &Relationship{}
toScope = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
foreignKeys []string
associationForeignKeys []string
elemType = field.Struct.Type
if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if many2many := gormSettings["MANY2MANY"]; many2many != "" {
relationship.Kind = "many_to_many"
if foreignKey := field.TagSettings["FOREIGNKEY"]; foreignKey != "" {
foreignKeys = strings.Split(field.TagSettings["FOREIGNKEY"], ",")
// foreign keys
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
for _, field := range scope.PrimaryFields() {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.DBName)
if foreignKey := field.TagSettings["ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"]; foreignKey != "" {
associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(field.TagSettings["ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"], ",")
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(foreignKey); ok {
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, field.DBName)
joinTableDBName := ToDBName(scopeType.Name()) + "_" + field.DBName
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)
for elemType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || elemType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
elemType = elemType.Elem()
// association foreign keys
var associationForeignKeys []string
if foreignKey := gormSettings["ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"]; foreignKey != "" {
associationForeignKeys = []string{gormSettings["ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"]}
} else {
for _, field := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.DBName)
if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if many2many := field.TagSettings["MANY2MANY"]; many2many != "" {
relationship.Kind = "many_to_many"
for _, name := range associationForeignKeys {
if field, ok := toScope.FieldByName(name); ok {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, field.DBName)
joinTableDBName := ToDBName(elemType.Name()) + "_" + field.DBName
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)
joinTableHandler := JoinTableHandler{}
joinTableHandler.Setup(relationship, many2many, scopeType, elemType)
relationship.JoinTableHandler = &joinTableHandler
field.Relationship = relationship
} else {
relationship.Kind = "has_many"
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
for _, field := range scope.PrimaryFields() {
if foreignField := getForeignField(scopeType.Name()+field.Name, toScope.GetStructFields()); foreignField != nil {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, field.Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, field.DBName)
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
// if no foreign keys defined with tag
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.DBName)
} else {
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toScope.GetStructFields()); foreignField != nil {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scope.PrimaryField().Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, scope.PrimaryField().DBName)
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
// source foreign keys (db names)
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.DBName)
// join table foreign keys for source
joinTableDBName := ToDBName(reflectType.Name()) + "_" + foreignField.DBName
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)
if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
// if no association foreign keys defined with tag
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, field := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.DBName)
for _, name := range associationForeignKeys {
if field, ok := toScope.FieldByName(name); ok {
// association foreign keys (db names)
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, field.DBName)
// join table foreign keys for association
joinTableDBName := ToDBName(elemType.Name()) + "_" + field.DBName
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)
joinTableHandler := JoinTableHandler{}
joinTableHandler.Setup(relationship, many2many, reflectType, elemType)
relationship.JoinTableHandler = &joinTableHandler
field.Relationship = relationship
} else {
field.IsNormal = true
case reflect.Struct:
if _, ok := gormSettings["EMBEDDED"]; ok || fieldStruct.Anonymous {
for _, toField := range toScope.GetStructFields() {
toField = toField.clone()
toField.Names = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, toField.Names...)
modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, toField)
if toField.IsPrimaryKey {
modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, toField)
} else {
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
for _, f := range scope.PrimaryFields() {
if foreignField := getForeignField(modelStruct.ModelType.Name()+f.Name, toScope.GetStructFields()); foreignField != nil {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, f.Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, f.DBName)
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
} else {
// User has many comments, associationType is User, comment use UserID as foreign key
var associationType = reflectType.Name()
var toFields = toScope.GetStructFields()
relationship.Kind = "has_many"
if polymorphic := field.TagSettings["POLYMORPHIC"]; polymorphic != "" {
// Dog has many toys, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
// Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('dogs') as foreign key
if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
associationType = polymorphic
relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true
// if no foreign keys defined with tag
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
// if no association foreign keys defined with tag
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+field.Name)
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.Name)
} else {
// generate foreign keys from defined association foreign keys
for _, scopeFieldName := range associationForeignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(scopeFieldName, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
} else {
// generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType))
} else {
scope.Err(fmt.Errorf("invalid foreign keys, foreign key %v should start with %v", foreignKey, associationType))
} else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); associationField != nil {
// source foreign keys
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)
// association foreign keys
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
field.Relationship = relationship
} else {
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toScope.GetStructFields()); foreignField != nil {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scope.PrimaryField().Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, scope.PrimaryField().DBName)
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
field.IsNormal = true
case reflect.Struct:
defer func(field *StructField) {
var (
// user has one profile, associationType is User, profile use UserID as foreign key
// user belongs to profile, associationType is Profile, user use ProfileID as foreign key
associationType = reflectType.Name()
relationship = &Relationship{}
toScope = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
toFields = toScope.GetStructFields()
tagForeignKeys []string
tagAssociationForeignKeys []string
if foreignKey := field.TagSettings["FOREIGNKEY"]; foreignKey != "" {
tagForeignKeys = strings.Split(field.TagSettings["FOREIGNKEY"], ",")
if foreignKey := field.TagSettings["ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"]; foreignKey != "" {
tagAssociationForeignKeys = strings.Split(field.TagSettings["ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"], ",")
if polymorphic := field.TagSettings["POLYMORPHIC"]; polymorphic != "" {
// Cat has one toy, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
// Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('cats') as foreign key
if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
associationType = polymorphic
relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true
// Has One
var foreignKeys = tagForeignKeys
var associationForeignKeys = tagAssociationForeignKeys
// if no foreign keys defined with tag
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
// if no association foreign keys defined with tag
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, primaryField := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+primaryField.Name)
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, primaryField.Name)
} else {
// generate foreign keys form association foreign keys
for _, associationForeignKey := range tagAssociationForeignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
} else {
// generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType))
} else {
scope.Err(fmt.Errorf("invalid foreign keys, foreign key %v should start with %v", foreignKey, associationType))
} else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
if scopeField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); scopeField != nil {
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
// source foreign keys
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scopeField.Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, scopeField.DBName)
// association foreign keys
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
@ -341,24 +418,53 @@ func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {
relationship.Kind = "has_one"
field.Relationship = relationship
} else {
var foreignKeys = tagForeignKeys
var associationForeignKeys = tagAssociationForeignKeys
if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
for _, f := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
if foreignField := getForeignField(field.Name+f.Name, fields); foreignField != nil {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, f.Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, f.DBName)
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
// generate foreign keys & association foreign keys
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, primaryField := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.Name+primaryField.Name)
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, primaryField.Name)
} else {
// generate foreign keys with association foreign keys
for _, associationForeignKey := range associationForeignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.Name+foreignField.Name)
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
} else {
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, fields); foreignField != nil {
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, toScope.PrimaryField().Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, toScope.PrimaryField().DBName)
// generate foreign keys & association foreign keys
if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, field.Name) {
associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, field.Name))
} else {
scope.Err(fmt.Errorf("invalid foreign keys, foreign key %v should start with %v", foreignKey, field.Name))
} else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], toFields); associationField != nil {
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
// association foreign keys
relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)
// source foreign keys
relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
@ -368,28 +474,32 @@ func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {
field.Relationship = relationship
field.IsNormal = true
if field.IsNormal {
if len(modelStruct.PrimaryFields) == 0 && field.DBName == "id" {
field.IsPrimaryKey = true
modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
// Even it is ignored, also possible to decode db value into the field
if value, ok := field.TagSettings["COLUMN"]; ok {
field.DBName = value
} else {
field.DBName = ToDBName(fieldStruct.Name)
modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, field)
finished <- true
modelStructsMap.Set(scopeType, &modelStruct)
if len(modelStruct.PrimaryFields) == 0 {
if field := getForeignField("id", modelStruct.StructFields); field != nil {
field.IsPrimaryKey = true
modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
modelStruct.cached = true
modelStructsMap.Set(reflectType, &modelStruct)
return &modelStruct
@ -405,14 +515,13 @@ func (scope *Scope) generateSqlTag(field *StructField) string {
structType = structType.Elem()
reflectValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(structType))
sqlSettings := parseTagSetting(field.Tag.Get("sql"))
if value, ok := sqlSettings["TYPE"]; ok {
if value, ok := field.TagSettings["TYPE"]; ok {
sqlType = value
additionalType := sqlSettings["NOT NULL"] + " " + sqlSettings["UNIQUE"]
if value, ok := sqlSettings["DEFAULT"]; ok {
additionalType := field.TagSettings["NOT NULL"] + " " + field.TagSettings["UNIQUE"]
if value, ok := field.TagSettings["DEFAULT"]; ok {
additionalType = additionalType + " DEFAULT " + value
@ -430,11 +539,11 @@ func (scope *Scope) generateSqlTag(field *StructField) string {
if sqlType == "" {
var size = 255
if value, ok := sqlSettings["SIZE"]; ok {
if value, ok := field.TagSettings["SIZE"]; ok {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(value)
v, autoIncrease := sqlSettings["AUTO_INCREMENT"]
v, autoIncrease := field.TagSettings["AUTO_INCREMENT"]
if field.IsPrimaryKey {
autoIncrease = true
@ -452,16 +561,18 @@ func (scope *Scope) generateSqlTag(field *StructField) string {
func parseTagSetting(str string) map[string]string {
tags := strings.Split(str, ";")
func parseTagSetting(tags reflect.StructTag) map[string]string {
setting := map[string]string{}
for _, value := range tags {
v := strings.Split(value, ":")
k := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(v[0]))
if len(v) >= 2 {
setting[k] = strings.Join(v[1:], ":")
} else {
setting[k] = k
for _, str := range []string{tags.Get("sql"), tags.Get("gorm")} {
tags := strings.Split(str, ";")
for _, value := range tags {
v := strings.Split(value, ":")
k := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(v[0]))
if len(v) >= 2 {
setting[k] = strings.Join(v[1:], ":")
} else {
setting[k] = k
return setting
@ -8,17 +8,20 @@ import (
type Blog struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
Locale string `gorm:"primary_key"`
Subject string
Body string
Tags []Tag `gorm:"many2many:blog_tags;"`
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
Locale string `gorm:"primary_key"`
Subject string
Body string
Tags []Tag `gorm:"many2many:blog_tags;"`
SharedTags []Tag `gorm:"many2many:shared_blog_tags;ForeignKey:id;AssociationForeignKey:id"`
LocaleTags []Tag `gorm:"many2many:locale_blog_tags;ForeignKey:id,locale;AssociationForeignKey:id"`
type Tag struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
Locale string `gorm:"primary_key"`
Value string
Blogs []*Blog `gorm:"many2many:"blogs_tags`
func compareTags(tags []Tag, contents []string) bool {
@ -114,3 +117,265 @@ func TestManyToManyWithMultiPrimaryKeys(t *testing.T) {
func TestManyToManyWithCustomizedForeignKeys(t *testing.T) {
if dialect := os.Getenv("GORM_DIALECT"); dialect != "" && dialect != "sqlite" {
DB.DropTable(&Blog{}, &Tag{})
DB.CreateTable(&Blog{}, &Tag{})
blog := Blog{
Locale: "ZH",
Subject: "subject",
Body: "body",
SharedTags: []Tag{
{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag1"},
{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag2"},
blog2 := Blog{
ID: blog.ID,
Locale: "EN",
if !compareTags(blog.SharedTags, []string{"tag1", "tag2"}) {
t.Errorf("Blog should has two tags")
// Append
var tag3 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag3"}
if !compareTags(blog.SharedTags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Append")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("SharedTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Append")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("SharedTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Append")
var tags []Tag
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 3 tags with Related")
DB.Model(&blog2).Related(&tags, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 3 tags with Related")
var blog1 Blog
if !compareTags(blog1.SharedTags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Preload many2many relations")
var tag4 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag4"}
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 3 tags with Related")
DB.Model(&blog2).Related(&tags, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 3 tags with Related")
// Replace
var tag5 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag5"}
var tag6 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag6"}
DB.Model(&blog2).Association("SharedTags").Replace(tag5, tag6)
var tags2 []Tag
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags2, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags2, []string{"tag5", "tag6"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 2 tags after Replace")
DB.Model(&blog2).Related(&tags2, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags2, []string{"tag5", "tag6"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 2 tags after Replace")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("SharedTags").Count() != 2 {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Replace")
// Delete
var tags3 []Tag
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags3, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags3, []string{"tag6"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 1 tags after Delete")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("SharedTags").Count() != 1 {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Delete")
var tags4 []Tag
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags4, "SharedTags")
if !compareTags(tags4, []string{"tag6"}) {
t.Errorf("Tag should not be deleted when Delete with a unrelated tag")
// Clear
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("SharedTags").Count() != 0 {
t.Errorf("All tags should be cleared")
func TestManyToManyWithCustomizedForeignKeys2(t *testing.T) {
if dialect := os.Getenv("GORM_DIALECT"); dialect != "" && dialect != "sqlite" {
DB.DropTable(&Blog{}, &Tag{})
DB.CreateTable(&Blog{}, &Tag{})
blog := Blog{
Locale: "ZH",
Subject: "subject",
Body: "body",
LocaleTags: []Tag{
{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag1"},
{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag2"},
blog2 := Blog{
ID: blog.ID,
Locale: "EN",
// Append
var tag3 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag3"}
if !compareTags(blog.LocaleTags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Append")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("Blog should has three tags after Append")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 0 {
t.Errorf("EN Blog should has 0 tags after ZH Blog Append")
var tags []Tag
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags, "LocaleTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 3 tags with Related")
DB.Model(&blog2).Related(&tags, "LocaleTags")
if len(tags) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Should find 0 tags with Related for EN Blog")
var blog1 Blog
DB.Preload("LocaleTags").Find(&blog1, "locale = ? AND id = ?", "ZH", blog.ID)
if !compareTags(blog1.LocaleTags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Preload many2many relations")
var tag4 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag4"}
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags, "LocaleTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 3 tags with Related for EN Blog")
DB.Model(&blog2).Related(&tags, "LocaleTags")
if !compareTags(tags, []string{"tag4"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 1 tags with Related for EN Blog")
// Replace
var tag5 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag5"}
var tag6 = &Tag{Locale: "ZH", Value: "tag6"}
DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Replace(tag5, tag6)
var tags2 []Tag
DB.Model(&blog).Related(&tags2, "LocaleTags")
if !compareTags(tags2, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("CN Blog's tags should not be changed after EN Blog Replace")
var blog11 Blog
DB.Preload("LocaleTags").First(&blog11, "id = ? AND locale = ?", blog.ID, blog.Locale)
if !compareTags(blog11.LocaleTags, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}) {
t.Errorf("CN Blog's tags should not be changed after EN Blog Replace")
DB.Model(&blog2).Related(&tags2, "LocaleTags")
if !compareTags(tags2, []string{"tag5", "tag6"}) {
t.Errorf("Should find 2 tags after Replace")
var blog21 Blog
DB.Preload("LocaleTags").First(&blog21, "id = ? AND locale = ?", blog2.ID, blog2.Locale)
if !compareTags(blog21.LocaleTags, []string{"tag5", "tag6"}) {
t.Errorf("EN Blog's tags should be changed after Replace")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("ZH Blog should has three tags after Replace")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 2 {
t.Errorf("EN Blog should has two tags after Replace")
// Delete
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("ZH Blog should has three tags after Delete with EN's tag")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 2 {
t.Errorf("EN Blog should has two tags after ZH Blog Delete with EN's tag")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("ZH Blog should has three tags after EN Blog Delete with EN's tag")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 1 {
t.Errorf("EN Blog should has 1 tags after EN Blog Delete with EN's tag")
// Clear
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 3 {
t.Errorf("ZH Blog's tags should not be cleared when clear EN Blog's tags")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 0 {
t.Errorf("EN Blog's tags should be cleared when clear EN Blog's tags")
if DB.Model(&blog).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 0 {
t.Errorf("ZH Blog's tags should be cleared when clear ZH Blog's tags")
if DB.Model(&blog2).Association("LocaleTags").Count() != 0 {
t.Errorf("EN Blog's tags should be cleared")
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func equalAsString(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool {
func Preload(scope *Scope) {
if scope.Search.preload == nil {
if scope.Search.preload == nil || scope.HasError() {
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ func (scope *Scope) handleManyToManyPreload(field *Field, conditions []interface
var associationForeignStructFieldNames []string
for _, dbName := range relation.AssociationForeignFieldNames {
var foreignFieldNames []string
for _, dbName := range relation.ForeignFieldNames {
if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(dbName); ok {
associationForeignStructFieldNames = append(associationForeignStructFieldNames, field.Name)
foreignFieldNames = append(foreignFieldNames, field.Name)
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ func (scope *Scope) handleManyToManyPreload(field *Field, conditions []interface
objects := scope.IndirectValue()
for j := 0; j < objects.Len(); j++ {
object := reflect.Indirect(objects.Index(j))
source := getRealValue(object, associationForeignStructFieldNames)
source := getRealValue(object, foreignFieldNames)
field := object.FieldByName(field.Name)
for _, link := range linkHash[toString(source)] {
field.Set(reflect.Append(field, link))
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ func (scope *Scope) handleManyToManyPreload(field *Field, conditions []interface
} else {
if object := scope.IndirectValue(); object.IsValid() {
source := getRealValue(object, associationForeignStructFieldNames)
source := getRealValue(object, foreignFieldNames)
field := object.FieldByName(field.Name)
for _, link := range linkHash[toString(source)] {
field.Set(reflect.Append(field, link))
@ -630,15 +630,14 @@ func (scope *Scope) autoIndex() *Scope {
var uniqueIndexes = map[string][]string{}
for _, field := range scope.GetStructFields() {
sqlSettings := parseTagSetting(field.Tag.Get("sql"))
if name, ok := sqlSettings["INDEX"]; ok {
if name, ok := field.TagSettings["INDEX"]; ok {
if name == "INDEX" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("idx_%v_%v", scope.TableName(), field.DBName)
indexes[name] = append(indexes[name], field.DBName)
if name, ok := sqlSettings["UNIQUE_INDEX"]; ok {
if name, ok := field.TagSettings["UNIQUE_INDEX"]; ok {
if name == "UNIQUE_INDEX" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("uix_%v_%v", scope.TableName(), field.DBName)
Reference in New Issue