added more comments and a couple minor optimizations

This commit is contained in:
Josh Baker 2016-08-19 13:51:52 -07:00
parent 0e6e567424
commit 3a4fec0606
1 changed files with 109 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -121,23 +121,24 @@ type frame struct {
// "c?ildren.0" >> "Sara"
func Get(json string, path string) Result {
var s int
var wild bool
var parts = make([]part, 0, 4)
var s int // starting index variable
var wild bool // wildcard indicator
var parts = make([]part, 0, 4) // parsed path parts
// do nothing when no path specified
if len(path) == 0 {
return Result{} // nothing
// do nothing when no path specified and return an empty result.
return Result{}
// parse the path. just split on the dot
// parse the path into multiple parts.
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
// be optimistic that the path mostly contains lowercase and
// underscore characters.
if path[i] <= '\\' {
if path[i] == '\\' {
// go into escape mode.
// go into escape mode. this is a slower path that
// strips off the escape character from the part.
epart := []byte(path[s:i])
if i < len(path) {
@ -164,32 +165,36 @@ func Get(json string, path string) Result {
epart = append(epart, path[i])
// append the last part
parts = append(parts, part{wild: wild, key: string(epart)})
goto end_parts
} else if path[i] == '.' {
// append a new part
parts = append(parts, part{wild: wild, key: path[s:i]})
if wild {
wild = false
wild = false // reset the wild flag
// set the starting index to one past the dot.
s = i + 1
} else if path[i] == '*' || path[i] == '?' {
// set the wild flag to indicate that the part is a wildcard.
wild = true
// append the last part
parts = append(parts, part{wild: wild, key: path[s:]})
var i int // index of current json character
var depth int // the current stack depth
var f frame // the current frame
var matched bool // flag used for key/part matching
var stack = make([]frame, 1, 4) // the frame stack
var value Result // the final value, also used for temp store
var vc byte // the current token value chacter type
var i, depth int
var f frame
var matched bool
var stack = make([]frame, 1, 4)
var value Result
var vc byte
depth = 1
// look for first delimiter
// look for first delimiter. only allow arrays and objects, other
// json types will fail. it's ok for control characters to passthrough.
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
if json[i] == '{' {
f.stype = '{'
@ -208,7 +213,10 @@ end_parts:
// read the next key
// assume that the depth is at least one
depth = 1
// read the next key from the json string
if f.stype == '[' {
// for arrays we use the index of the value as the key.
@ -217,24 +225,40 @@ read_key:
f.key = strconv.FormatInt(int64(f.count), 10)
} else {
// for objects we must parse the next string.
// for objects we must parse the next string. this string will
// become the key that is compared against the path parts.
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
// read string
// begin key string reading routine.
if json[i] == '"' {
// the first double-quote has already been read
// set the starting index. the first double-quote has already
// been read.
s = i
// loop through each character in the string looking for the
// the double-quote termination character. it's possible that
// the string contains an escape slash character. if so, we
// must do a nested loop that will look for an isolated
// double-quote terminator.
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
if json[i] == '"' {
// a simple string that contains no escape characters.
// assign this to the current frame key and we are
// done parsing the key.
f.key = json[s:i]
if json[i] == '\\' {
// escape character detected. we now look for the
// the double-quote terminator.
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
if json[i] == '"' {
// look for an escaped slash
// possibly the end of the string, but let's
// look to see if the previous character was
// an escape slash. if so then we must keep
// reading backwards to see if the slash has a
// prefixed slashed, and so forth.
if json[i-1] == '\\' {
n := 0
for j := i - 2; j > s-1; j-- {
@ -244,12 +268,19 @@ read_key:
if n%2 == 0 {
// the double-quote is not a terminator.
// keep reading the string.
// we found the correct double-quote terminator.
// stop reading the string.
// the string contains escape sequences so we must
// unescape and then assign to the current frame key.
// done parsing the key
f.key = unescape(json[s:i])
@ -257,82 +288,112 @@ read_key:
// end read string
// end of string key reading routine
// we have a brand new (possibly shiny) key.
// is it the key that we are looking for?
if parts[depth-1].wild {
// it's a wildcard path element
// the path part contains a wildcard character. we must do a wildcard
// match to determine if it truly matches.
matched = wildcardMatch(f.key, parts[depth-1].key)
} else {
// just a straight up equality check
matched = parts[depth-1].key == f.key
// read to the value token
// there's likely a colon here, but who cares. just burn past it.
// read the value
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
if json[i] < '"' { // control character
// any thing less than a double-quote is likely whitespace.
// just burn past these.
if json[i] < '"' {
if json[i] < '-' { // string
// anything less that a dash is likely a double-quote. let's
// assume that it is.
if json[i] < '-' {
// we read the val below
vc = '"'
// defer reading the string value until we know for sure
// that we want it. if we don't want it, then we will
// parse it using a quicker method than if we do want it.
goto proc_val
if json[i] < '[' { // number
// any character less than an open bracket is likely a number.
if json[i] < '[' {
// with one exception, the colon character. we do not care
// about the colon character. just burn past it.
if json[i] == ':' {
vc = '0'
s = i
// look for characters that cannot be in a number
// look for any character that might terminate a number
// break on whitespace, comma, ']', and '}'.
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
switch json[i] {
// less than dash might have valid characters
if json[i] <= '-' {
if json[i] <= ' ' || json[i] == ',' {
// break on whitespace and comma
// could be a '+' or '-'. let's assume so.
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', ',', ']', '}':
if json[i] < ']' {
// probably a valid number
if json[i] == 'e' || json[i] == 'E' {
// allow for exponential numbers
// likely a ']' or '}'
value.Raw = json[s:i]
// we have raw number. jump to the process value routine.
goto proc_val
if json[i] < ']' { // '['
// any character less than ']' is likely '['. let's assume
// it's an open-array character.
if json[i] < ']' {
vc = '['
goto proc_delim
// jump to process delimiter routine.
goto proc_nested
if json[i] < 'u' { // true, false, null
vc = json[i]
// any character less than 'u' likely means tha the value is
// 'true', 'false', or 'null'.
if json[i] < 'u' {
vc = json[i] // assign the vc token character to the actual.
s = i
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
// let's pick up any character. it doesn't matter.
// let's pick up any non-alpha lowercase character as the
// terminator. it doesn't matter.
if json[i] < 'a' || json[i] > 'z' {
value.Raw = json[s:i]
// we have raw literal. jump to the process value routine.
goto proc_val
// must be an open objet
// if we reached this far, then the value must be a nested object.
vc = '{'
goto proc_delim
// jump to process delimiter routine.
goto proc_nested
vc = 0
// sanity check before we move on
// ran out of json buffer
if i >= len(json) {
return Result{}
// process nested array or object
if (matched && depth == len(parts)) || !matched {
// begin squash
// squash the value, ignoring all nested arrays and objects.
@ -384,10 +445,10 @@ proc_val:
if matched {
// hit, that's good!
if depth == len(parts) {
value.Raw = json[s:i]
switch vc {
case '{', '[':
value.Type = JSON
value.Raw = json[s:i]
case 'n':
value.Type = Null
case 't':