Added Path and Paths for getting the original path of a Result

This commit adds a two new functions of the Result type:

- Result.Path:  Returns the original path of a `Result` that was
                returned from a simple `Get` operation.
- Result.Paths: Returns the original paths of a `Result` that was
                returned from a `Get` operation with a query.

See issue #206 for more details
This commit is contained in:
tidwall 2021-10-29 17:30:57 -07:00
parent 7cadbb5756
commit 2c9fd2476a
2 changed files with 325 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ func (t Result) ForEach(iterator func(key, value Result) bool) {
var str string
var vesc bool
var ok bool
var idx int
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
if keys {
if json[i] != '"' {
@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ func (t Result) ForEach(iterator func(key, value Result) bool) {
key.Str = str[1 : len(str)-1]
key.Raw = str
key.Index = s
key.Index = s + t.Index
for ; i < len(json); i++ {
if json[i] <= ' ' || json[i] == ',' || json[i] == ':' {
@ -278,10 +279,17 @@ func (t Result) ForEach(iterator func(key, value Result) bool) {
if !ok {
value.Index = s
if t.Indexes != nil {
if idx < len(t.Indexes) {
value.Index = t.Indexes[idx]
} else {
value.Index = s + t.Index
if !iterator(key, value) {
@ -298,7 +306,15 @@ func (t Result) Map() map[string]Result {
// Get searches result for the specified path.
// The result should be a JSON array or object.
func (t Result) Get(path string) Result {
return Get(t.Raw, path)
r := Get(t.Raw, path)
if r.Indexes != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(r.Indexes); i++ {
r.Indexes[i] += t.Index
} else {
r.Index += t.Index
return r
type arrayOrMapResult struct {
@ -389,6 +405,8 @@ func (t Result) arrayOrMap(vc byte, valueize bool) (r arrayOrMapResult) {
value.Raw, value.Str = tostr(json[i:])
value.Num = 0
value.Index = i + t.Index
i += len(value.Raw) - 1
if == '{' {
@ -415,6 +433,17 @@ func (t Result) arrayOrMap(vc byte, valueize bool) (r arrayOrMapResult) {
if t.Indexes != nil {
if len(t.Indexes) != len(r.a) {
for i := 0; i < len(r.a); i++ {
r.a[i].Index = 0
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(r.a); i++ {
r.a[i].Index = t.Indexes[i]
@ -1515,7 +1544,6 @@ func parseArray(c *parseContext, i int, path string) (int, bool) {
if idx < len(c.json) && c.json[idx] != ']' {
_, res, ok := parseAny(c.json, idx, true)
parentIndex := res.Index
if ok {
res := res.Get(rp.alogkey)
if res.Exists() {
@ -1527,8 +1555,7 @@ func parseArray(c *parseContext, i int, path string) (int, bool) {
raw = res.String()
jsons = append(jsons, []byte(raw)...)
indexes = append(indexes,
indexes = append(indexes, res.Index)
@ -2974,30 +3001,175 @@ func bytesString(b []byte) string {
return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
func GetPath(r Result, json string) (string, bool) {
if len(r.Raw) == 0 || len(json) == 0 {
return "", false
func revSquash(json string) string {
// reverse squash
// expects that the tail character is a ']' or '}' or ')' or '"'
// squash the value, ignoring all nested arrays and objects.
i := len(json) - 1
var depth int
if json[i] != '"' {
p := uintptr((*(*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&(r.Raw)))).data)
s := uintptr((*(*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&(json)))).data)
e := s + uintptr(len(json))
if p < s || p >= e {
return "", false
if json[i] == '}' || json[i] == ']' || json[i] == ')' {
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
switch json[i] {
case '"':
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if json[i] == '"' {
esc := 0
for i > 0 && json[i-1] == '\\' {
if esc%2 == 1 {
i += esc
if depth == 0 {
if i < 0 {
i = 0
return json[i:]
case '}', ']', ')':
case '{', '[', '(':
if depth == 0 {
return json[i:]
return json
i := int(p - s)
_ = i
// for ; i >= 0; i-- {
// if json[i] <= ' ' {
// } else if json[i] == ':' {
// // inside of an object, read the key string
// } else if json[i] == ',' {
// // array-value
// } else if json[i] == '[' {
// // array-value (end or array)
// } else {
// }
// }
// return "", false
return "", false
func (t Result) Paths(json string) []string {
if t.Indexes == nil {
return nil
paths := make([]string, 0, len(t.Indexes))
t.ForEach(func(_, value Result) bool {
paths = append(paths, value.Path(json))
return true
if len(paths) != len(t.Indexes) {
return nil
return paths
// Path returns the original GJSON path for Result.
// The json param must be the original JSON used when calling Get.
func (t Result) Path(json string) string {
var path []byte
var comps []string // raw components
i := t.Index - 1
if t.Index+len(t.Raw) > len(json) {
// JSON cannot safely contain Result.
goto fail
if !strings.HasPrefix(json[t.Index:], t.Raw) {
// Result is not at the JSON index as exepcted.
goto fail
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if json[i] <= ' ' {
if json[i] == ':' {
// inside of object, get the key
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if json[i] != '"' {
raw := revSquash(json[:i+1])
i = i - len(raw)
comps = append(comps, raw)
// key gotten, now squash the rest
raw = revSquash(json[:i+1])
i = i - len(raw)
i++ // increment the index for next loop step
} else if json[i] == '{' {
// Encountered an open object. The original result was probably an
// object key.
goto fail
} else if json[i] == ',' || json[i] == '[' {
// inside of an array, count the position
var arrIdx int
if json[i] == ',' {
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if json[i] == ':' {
// Encountered an unexpected colon. The original result was
// probably an object key.
goto fail
} else if json[i] == ',' {
} else if json[i] == '[' {
comps = append(comps, strconv.Itoa(arrIdx))
} else if json[i] == ']' || json[i] == '}' || json[i] == '"' {
raw := revSquash(json[:i+1])
i = i - len(raw) + 1
if len(comps) == 0 {
if DisableModifiers {
goto fail
return "@this"
for i := len(comps) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
rcomp := Parse(comps[i])
if !rcomp.Exists() {
goto fail
comp := escapeComp(rcomp.String())
path = append(path, '.')
path = append(path, comp...)
if len(path) > 0 {
path = path[1:]
return string(path)
return ""
// isSafePathKeyChar returns true if the input character is safe for not
// needing escaping.
func isSafePathKeyChar(c byte) bool {
return c <= ' ' || c > '~' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == ':' ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
// escapeComp escaped a path compontent, making it safe for generating a
// path for later use.
func escapeComp(comp string) string {
for i := 0; i < len(comp); i++ {
if !isSafePathKeyChar(comp[i]) {
ncomp := []byte(comp[:i])
for ; i < len(comp); i++ {
if !isSafePathKeyChar(comp[i]) {
ncomp = append(ncomp, '\\')
ncomp = append(ncomp, comp[i])
return string(ncomp)
return comp

View File

@ -141,9 +141,67 @@ var basicJSON = `{"age":100, "name":{"here":"B\\\"R"},
func TestPath(t *testing.T) {
json := basicJSON
r := Get(json, "@this")
path := r.Path(json)
if path != "@this" {
r = Parse(json)
path = r.Path(json)
if path != "@this" {
obj := Parse(json)
obj.ForEach(func(key, val Result) bool {
kp := key.Path(json)
assert(t, kp == "")
vp := val.Path(json)
if vp == "name" {
// there are two "name" keys
return true
val2 := obj.Get(vp)
assert(t, val2.Raw == val.Raw)
return true
arr := obj.Get("loggy.programmers")
arr.ForEach(func(_, val Result) bool {
vp := val.Path(json)
val2 := Get(json, vp)
assert(t, val2.Raw == val.Raw)
return true
get := func(path string) {
r1 := Get(json, path)
path2 := r1.Path(json)
r2 := Get(json, path2)
assert(t, r1.Raw == r2.Raw)
get("noop.what is a wren?")
func TestTimeResult(t *testing.T) {
assert(t, Get(basicJSON, "created").String() ==
Get(basicJSON, "created").Time().Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
@ -1288,10 +1346,10 @@ func TestArrayValues(t *testing.T) {
expect := strings.Join([]string{
`gjson.Result{Type:3, Raw:"\"PERSON1\"", Str:"PERSON1", Num:0, ` +
`Index:0, Indexes:[]int(nil)}`,
`Index:11, Indexes:[]int(nil)}`,
`gjson.Result{Type:3, Raw:"\"PERSON2\"", Str:"PERSON2", Num:0, ` +
`Index:0, Indexes:[]int(nil)}`,
`gjson.Result{Type:2, Raw:"0", Str:"", Num:0, Index:0, Indexes:[]int(nil)}`,
`Index:21, Indexes:[]int(nil)}`,
`gjson.Result{Type:2, Raw:"0", Str:"", Num:0, Index:31, Indexes:[]int(nil)}`,
}, "\n")
if output != expect {
t.Fatalf("expected '%v', got '%v'", expect, output)
@ -2292,3 +2350,63 @@ func TestParseIndex(t *testing.T) {
assert(t, Parse(` +inf`).Index == 1)
assert(t, Parse(` -inf`).Index == 1)
func TestRevSquash(t *testing.T) {
assert(t, revSquash(` {}`) == `{}`)
assert(t, revSquash(` }`) == ` }`)
assert(t, revSquash(` [123]`) == `[123]`)
assert(t, revSquash(` ,123,123]`) == ` ,123,123]`)
assert(t, revSquash(` hello,[[true,false],[0,1,2,3,5],[123]]`) == `[[true,false],[0,1,2,3,5],[123]]`)
assert(t, revSquash(` "hello"`) == `"hello"`)
assert(t, revSquash(` "hel\\lo"`) == `"hel\\lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(` "hel\\"lo"`) == `"lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(` "hel\\\"lo"`) == `"hel\\\"lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(`hel\\\"lo"`) == `hel\\\"lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(`\"hel\\\"lo"`) == `\"hel\\\"lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(`\\\"hel\\\"lo"`) == `\\\"hel\\\"lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(`\\\\"hel\\\"lo"`) == `"hel\\\"lo"`)
assert(t, revSquash(`hello"`) == `hello"`)
json := `true,[0,1,"sadf\"asdf",{"hi":["hello","t\"\"u",{"a":"b"}]},9]`
assert(t, revSquash(json) == json[5:])
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-3]) == `{"hi":["hello","t\"\"u",{"a":"b"}]}`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-4]) == `["hello","t\"\"u",{"a":"b"}]`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-5]) == `{"a":"b"}`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-6]) == `"b"`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-10]) == `"a"`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-15]) == `"t\"\"u"`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-24]) == `"hello"`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-33]) == `"hi"`)
assert(t, revSquash(json[:len(json)-39]) == `"sadf\"asdf"`)
const readmeJSON = `
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
"children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
"": "Deer Hunter",
"friends": [
{"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44, "nets": ["ig", "fb", "tw"]},
{"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68, "nets": ["fb", "tw"]},
{"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47, "nets": ["ig", "tw"]}
func TestQueryGetPath(t *testing.T) {
assert(t, strings.Join(
Get(readmeJSON, "friends.#.first").Paths(readmeJSON), " ") ==
"friends.0.first friends.1.first friends.2.first")
assert(t, strings.Join(
Get(readmeJSON, "friends.#(last=Murphy)").Paths(readmeJSON), " ") ==
assert(t, Get(readmeJSON, "friends.#(last=Murphy)").Path(readmeJSON) ==
assert(t, strings.Join(
Get(readmeJSON, "friends.#(last=Murphy)#").Paths(readmeJSON), " ") ==
"friends.0 friends.2")
arr := Get(readmeJSON, "friends.#.first").Array()
for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ {
assert(t, arr[i].Path(readmeJSON) == fmt.Sprintf("friends.%d.first", i))