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`evio` is an event loop networking framework that is fast and small. It makes direct [epoll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epoll) and [kqueue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kqueue) syscalls rather than using the standard Go [net](https://golang.org/pkg/net/) package, and works in a similar manner as [libuv](https://github.com/libuv/libuv) and [libevent](https://github.com/libevent/libevent).
The goal of this project is to create a server framework for Go that performs on par with [Redis](http://redis.io) and [Haproxy](http://www.haproxy.org) for packet handling. My hope is to use this as a foundation for [Tile38](https://github.com/tidwall/tile38) and a future L7 proxy for Go... and a bunch of other stuff.
**Just to be perfectly clear**
This project is not intended to be a general purpose replacement for the standard Go net package or goroutines. It's for building specialized services such as key value stores, L7 proxies, static websites, etc.
You would not want to use this framework if you need to handle long-running requests (milliseconds or more). For example, a web api that needs to connect to a mongo database, authenticate, and respond; just use the Go net/http package instead.
There are many popular event loop based applications in the wild such as Nginx, Haproxy, Redis, and Memcached. All of these are very fast and written in C.
The reason I wrote this framework is so that I can build certain networking services that perform like the C apps above, but I also want to continue to work in Go.
## Features
- [Fast](#performance) single-threaded or [multithreaded](#multithreaded) event loop
- Built-in [load balancing](#load-balancing) options
- Simple API
- Low memory usage
- Supports tcp, [udp](#udp), and unix sockets
- Allows [multiple network binding](#multiple-addresses) on the same event loop
- Flexible [ticker](#ticker) event
- Fallback for non-epoll/kqueue operating systems by simulating events with the [net](https://golang.org/pkg/net/) package
- [SO_REUSEPORT](#so_reuseport) socket option
## Getting Started
### Installing
To start using evio, install Go and run `go get`:
$ go get -u github.com/tidwall/evio
This will retrieve the library.
### Usage
Starting a server is easy with `evio`. Just set up your events and pass them to the `Serve` function along with the binding address(es). Each connections is represented as an `evio.Conn` object that is passed to various events to differentiate the clients. At any point you can close a client or shutdown the server by return a `Close` or `Shutdown` action from an event.
Example echo server that binds to port 5000:
package main
import "github.com/tidwall/evio"
func main() {
var events evio.Events
events.Data = func(c evio.Conn, in []byte) (out []byte, action evio.Action) {
out = in
if err := evio.Serve(events, "tcp://localhost:5000"); err != nil {
Here the only event being used is `Data`, which fires when the server receives input data from a client.
The exact same input data is then passed through the output return value, which is then sent back to the client.
Connect to the echo server:
$ telnet localhost 5000
### Events
The event type has a bunch of handy events:
- `Serving` fires when the server is ready to accept new connections.
- `Opened` fires when a connection has opened.
- `Closed` fires when a connection has closed.
- `Detach` fires when a connection has been detached using the `Detach` return action.
- `Data` fires when the server receives new data from a connection.
- `Tick` fires immediately after the server starts and will fire again after a specified interval.
### Multiple addresses
A server can bind to multiple addresses and share the same event loop.
evio.Serve(events, "tcp://", "unix://socket")
### Ticker
The `Tick` event fires ticks at a specified interval.
The first tick fires immediately after the `Serving` events.
events.Tick = func() (delay time.Duration, action Action){
delay = time.Second
## UDP
The `Serve` function can bind to UDP addresses.
- All incoming and outgoing packets are not buffered and sent individually.
- The `Opened` and `Closed` events are not availble for UDP sockets, only the `Data` event.
## Multithreaded
The `events.NumLoops` options sets the number of loops to use for the server.
A value greater than 1 will effectively make the server multithreaded for multi-core machines.
Which means you must take care when synchonizing memory between event callbacks.
Setting to 0 or 1 will run the server as single-threaded.
Setting to -1 will automatically assign this value equal to `runtime.NumProcs()`.
## Load balancing
The `events.LoadBalance` options sets the load balancing method.
Load balancing is always a best effort to attempt to distribute the incoming connections between multiple loops.
This option is only available when `events.NumLoops` is set.
- `Random` requests that connections are randomly distributed.
- `RoundRobin` requests that connections are distributed to a loop in a round-robin fashion.
- `LeastConnections` assigns the next accepted connection to the loop with the least number of active connections.
Servers can utilize the [SO_REUSEPORT](https://lwn.net/Articles/542629/) option which allows multiple sockets on the same host to bind to the same port.
Just provide `reuseport=true` to an address:
evio.Serve(events, "tcp://"))
## More examples
Please check out the [examples](examples) subdirectory for a simplified [redis](examples/redis-server/main.go) clone, an [echo](examples/echo-server/main.go) server, and a very basic [http](examples/http-server/main.go) server with TLS support.
To run an example:
$ go run examples/http-server/main.go
$ go run examples/redis-server/main.go
$ go run examples/echo-server/main.go
## Performance
### Benchmarks
These benchmarks were run on an ec2 c4.xlarge instance in single-threaded mode (GOMAXPROC=1) over Ipv4 localhost.
Check out [benchmarks](benchmarks) for more info.
<img src="benchmarks/out/echo.png" width="336" height="144" border="0" alt="echo benchmark"><img src="benchmarks/out/http.png" width="336" height="144" border="0" alt="http benchmark"><img src="benchmarks/out/redis_pipeline_1.png" width="336" height="144" border="0" alt="redis 1 benchmark"><img src="benchmarks/out/redis_pipeline_8.png" width="336" height="144" border="0" alt="redis 8 benchmark">
## Contact
Josh Baker [@tidwall](http://twitter.com/tidwall)
## License
`evio` source code is available under the MIT [License](/LICENSE).