--- BENCH ECHO START --- --- GO STDLIB --- 2017/11/03 16:37:10 echo server started on port 5001 *** 50 connections, 10 seconds, 6 byte packets Destination: []:5001 Interface lo0 address []:0 Interface lo0 address []:0 Using interface lo0 to connect to []:5001 Ramped up to 50 connections. Total data sent: 6131.1 MiB (6428962876 bytes) Total data received: 6132.4 MiB (6430294582 bytes) Bandwidth per channel: 205.668⇅ Mbps (25708.5 kBps) Aggregate bandwidth: 5142.242↓, 5141.177↑ Mbps Packet rate estimate: 472952.1↓, 446187.4↑ (6↓, 12↑ TCP MSS/op) Test duration: 10.0039 s. --- DONE --- --- EVIO --- 2017/11/03 16:37:21 echo server started on port 5002 *** 50 connections, 10 seconds, 6 byte packets Destination: []:5002 Interface lo0 address []:0 Interface lo0 address []:0 Using interface lo0 to connect to []:5002 Ramped up to 50 connections. Total data sent: 17129.1 MiB (17961204524 bytes) Total data received: 17117.6 MiB (17949094958 bytes) Bandwidth per channel: 574.050⇅ Mbps (71756.2 kBps) Aggregate bandwidth: 14346.408↓, 14356.087↑ Mbps Packet rate estimate: 1333916.3↓, 1238381.2↑ (12↓, 24↑ TCP MSS/op) Test duration: 10.009 s. --- DONE --- --- BENCH ECHO DONE ---