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# Enumer [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer) [![cover.run go](https://cover.run/go/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer.svg?tag=golang-1.10)](https://cover.run/go/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer?tag=golang-1.10)
Enumer is a tool to generate Go code that adds useful methods to Go enums (constants with a specific type).
It started as a fork of [Rob Pike’s Stringer tool](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer).
# Install
go get github.com/alvaroloes/enumer
## Generated functions and methods
When Enumer is applied to a type, it will generate:
* The following basic methods/functions:
* Method `String()`: returns the string representation of the enum value. This makes the enum conform
the `Stringer` interface, so whenever you print an enum value, you'll get the string name instead of a number.
* Function `<Type>String(s string)`: returns the enum value from its string representation. This is useful
when you need to read enum values from command line arguments, from a configuration file, or
from a REST API request... In short, from those places where using the real enum value (an integer) would
be almost meaningless or hard to trace or use by a human.
* Function `<Type>Values()`: returns a slice with all the values of the enum
* Method `IsA<Type>()`: returns true only if the current value is among the values of the enum. Useful for validations.
* When the flag `json` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalJSON()` and `UnmarshalJSON()`. These make
the enum conform to the `json.Marshaler` and `json.Unmarshaler` interfaces. Very useful to use it in JSON APIs.
* When the flag `text` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalText()` and `UnmarshalText()`. These make
the enum conform to the `encoding.TextMarshaler` and `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` interfaces.
**Note:** If you use your enum values as keys in a map and you encode the map as _JSON_, you need this flag set to true to properly
convert the map keys to json (strings). If not, the numeric values will be used instead
* When the flag `yaml` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalYAML()` and `UnmarshalYAML()`. These make
the enum conform to the `gopkg.in/yaml.v2.Marshaler` and `gopkg.in/yaml.v2.Unmarshaler` interfaces.
* When the flag `sql` is provided, the methods for implementing the Scanner and Valuer interfaces will be also generated.
Useful when storing the enum in a database.
For example, if we have an enum type called `Pill`,
type Pill int
const (
Placebo Pill = iota
Acetaminophen = Paracetamol
executing `enumer -type=Pill -json` will generate a new file with four basic methods and two extra for JSON:
func (i Pill) String() string {
func PillString(s string) (Pill, error) {
func PillValues() []Pill {
func (i Pill) IsAPill() bool {
func (i Pill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
func (i *Pill) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
From now on, we can:
// Convert any Pill value to string
var aspirinString string = Aspirin.String()
// (or use it in any place where a Stringer is accepted)
fmt.Println("I need ", Paracetamol) // Will print "I need Paracetamol"
// Convert a string with the enum name to the corresponding enum value
pill, err := PillString("Ibuprofen")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unrecognized pill: ", err)
// Now pill == Ibuprofen
// Get all the values of the string
allPills := PillValues()
fmt.Println(allPills) // Will print [Placebo Aspirin Ibuprofen Paracetamol]
// Check if a value belongs to the Pill enum values
var notAPill Pill = 42
if (notAPill.IsAPill()) {
fmt.Println(notAPill, "is not a value of the Pill enum")
// Marshal/unmarshal to/from json strings, either directly or automatically when
// the enum is a field of a struct
pillJSON := Aspirin.MarshalJSON()
// Now pillJSON == `"Aspirin"`
The generated code is exactly the same as the Stringer tool plus the mentioned additions, so you can use
**Enumer** where you are already using **Stringer** without any code change.
## Transforming the string representation of the enum value
By default, Enumer uses the same name of the enum value for generating the string representation (usually CamelCase in Go).
type MyType int
name := MyTypeValue.String() // name => "MyTypeValue"
Sometimes you need to use some other string representation format than CamelCase (i.e. in JSON).
To transform it from CamelCase to snake_case or kebab-case, you can use the `transform` flag.
For example, the command `enumer -type=MyType -json -transform=snake` would generate the following string representation:
name := MyTypeValue.String() // name => "my_type_value"
**Note**: The transformation only works form CamelCase to snake_case or kebab-case, not the other way around.
## How to use
The usage of Enumer is the same as Stringer, so you can refer to the [Stringer docs](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer)
for more information.
There are four boolean flags: `json`, `text`, `yaml` and `sql`. You can use any combination of them (i.e. `enumer -type=Pill -json -text`),
For enum string representation transformation the `transform` and `trimprefix` flags
were added (i.e. `enumer -type=MyType -json -transform=snake`).
Possible transform values are `snake` and `kebab` for transformation to snake_case and kebab-case accordingly.
The default value for `transform` flag is `noop` which means no transformation will be performed.
If a prefix is provided via the `trimprefix` flag, it will be trimmed from the start of each name (before
it is transformed). If a name doesn't have the prefix it will be passed unchanged.
## Inspiring projects
* [Stringer](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer)
* [jsonenums](https://github.com/campoy/jsonenums)