mirror of https://github.com/dmarkham/enumer.git
@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
# Enumer [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer) [![cover.run go](https://cover.run/go/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer.svg?tag=golang-1.10)](https://cover.run/go/github.com/alvaroloes/enumer?tag=golang-1.10)
Enumer is a tool to generate Go code that adds useful methods to Go enums (constants with a specific type).
It started as a fork of [Rob Pike’s Stringer tool](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer).
## Generated functions and methods
When Enumer is applied to a type, it will generate:
* The following basic methods/functions:
- The following basic methods/functions:
* Method `String()`: returns the string representation of the enum value. This makes the enum conform
the `Stringer` interface, so whenever you print an enum value, you'll get the string name instead of a number.
* Function `<Type>String(s string)`: returns the enum value from its string representation. This is useful
when you need to read enum values from command line arguments, from a configuration file, or
from a REST API request... In short, from those places where using the real enum value (an integer) would
be almost meaningless or hard to trace or use by a human.
* Function `<Type>Values()`: returns a slice with all the values of the enum
* Method `IsA<Type>()`: returns true only if the current value is among the values of the enum. Useful for validations.
* When the flag `json` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalJSON()` and `UnmarshalJSON()`. These make
the enum conform to the `json.Marshaler` and `json.Unmarshaler` interfaces. Very useful to use it in JSON APIs.
* When the flag `text` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalText()` and `UnmarshalText()`. These make
the enum conform to the `encoding.TextMarshaler` and `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` interfaces.
**Note:** If you use your enum values as keys in a map and you encode the map as _JSON_, you need this flag set to true to properly
convert the map keys to json (strings). If not, the numeric values will be used instead
* When the flag `yaml` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalYAML()` and `UnmarshalYAML()`. These make
the enum conform to the `gopkg.in/yaml.v2.Marshaler` and `gopkg.in/yaml.v2.Unmarshaler` interfaces.
* When the flag `sql` is provided, the methods for implementing the Scanner and Valuer interfaces will be also generated.
Useful when storing the enum in a database.
- Method `String()`: returns the string representation of the enum value. This makes the enum conform
the `Stringer` interface, so whenever you print an enum value, you'll get the string name instead of a number.
- Function `<Type>String(s string)`: returns the enum value from its string representation. This is useful
when you need to read enum values from command line arguments, from a configuration file, or
from a REST API request... In short, from those places where using the real enum value (an integer) would
be almost meaningless or hard to trace or use by a human.
- Function `<Type>Values()`: returns a slice with all the values of the enum
- Method `IsA<Type>()`: returns true only if the current value is among the values of the enum. Useful for validations.
- When the flag `json` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalJSON()` and `UnmarshalJSON()`. These make
the enum conform to the `json.Marshaler` and `json.Unmarshaler` interfaces. Very useful to use it in JSON APIs.
- When the flag `text` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalText()` and `UnmarshalText()`. These make
the enum conform to the `encoding.TextMarshaler` and `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` interfaces.
**Note:** If you use your enum values as keys in a map and you encode the map as _JSON_, you need this flag set to true to properly
convert the map keys to json (strings). If not, the numeric values will be used instead
- When the flag `yaml` is provided, two additional methods will be generated, `MarshalYAML()` and `UnmarshalYAML()`. These make
the enum conform to the `gopkg.in/yaml.v2.Marshaler` and `gopkg.in/yaml.v2.Unmarshaler` interfaces.
- When the flag `sql` is provided, the methods for implementing the Scanner and Valuer interfaces will be also generated.
Useful when storing the enum in a database.
For example, if we have an enum type called `Pill`,
type Pill int
@ -38,7 +42,9 @@ const (
Acetaminophen = Paracetamol
executing `enumer -type=Pill -json` will generate a new file with four basic methods and two extra for JSON:
func (i Pill) String() string {
@ -64,7 +70,9 @@ func (i *Pill) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
From now on, we can:
// Convert any Pill value to string
var aspirinString string = Aspirin.String()
@ -119,15 +127,30 @@ For example, the command `enumer -type=MyType -json -transform=snake` would gene
name := MyTypeValue.String() // name => "my_type_value"
**Note**: The transformation only works form CamelCase to snake_case or kebab-case, not the other way around.
### Transformers
- snake
- snake-upper
- kebab
- kebab-upper
- lower (lowercase)
- upper (UPPERCASE)
- title (TitleCase)
- title-lower (titleCase)
- first (Use first character of string)
- first-lower (same as first only lower case)
- first-upper (same as first only upper case)
## How to use
The usage of Enumer is the same as Stringer, so you can refer to the [Stringer docs](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer)
for more information.
There are four boolean flags: `json`, `text`, `yaml` and `sql`. You can use any combination of them (i.e. `enumer -type=Pill -json -text`),
For enum string representation transformation the `transform` and `trimprefix` flags
were added (i.e. `enumer -type=MyType -json -transform=snake`).
Possible transform values are `snake` and `kebab` for transformation to snake_case and kebab-case accordingly.
@ -136,6 +159,9 @@ The default value for `transform` flag is `noop` which means no transformation w
If a prefix is provided via the `trimprefix` flag, it will be trimmed from the start of each name (before
it is transformed). If a name doesn't have the prefix it will be passed unchanged.
If a prefix is provided via the `addprefix` flag, it will be added to the start of each name (after trimming and after transforming).
## Inspiring projects
* [Stringer](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer)
* [jsonenums](https://github.com/campoy/jsonenums)
- [Stringer](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer)
- [jsonenums](https://github.com/campoy/jsonenums)
@ -72,13 +72,45 @@ func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("cgo is no enabled for %s", name)
// Names are known to be ASCII and long enough.
typeName := fmt.Sprintf("%c%s", name[0]+'A'-'a', name[1:len(name)-len(".go")])
transformNameMethod := "noop"
if name == "transform.go" {
typeName = "CamelCaseValue"
// Names are known to be ASCII and long enough.
var typeName string
var transformNameMethod string
switch name {
case "transform_snake.go":
typeName = "SnakeCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "snake"
case "transform_snake_upper.go":
typeName = "SnakeUpperCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "snake-upper"
case "transform_kebab.go":
typeName = "KebabCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "kebab"
case "transform_kebab_upper.go":
typeName = "KebabUpperCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "kebab-upper"
case "transform_upper.go":
typeName = "UpperCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "upper"
case "transform_lower.go":
typeName = "LowerCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "lower"
case "transform_title.go":
typeName = "TitleCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "title"
case "transform_first.go":
typeName = "FirstCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "first"
case "transform_first_upper.go":
typeName = "FirstUpperCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "first-upper"
case "transform_first_lower.go":
typeName = "FirstLowerCaseValue"
transformNameMethod = "first-lower"
typeName = fmt.Sprintf("%c%s", name[0]+'A'-'a', name[1:len(name)-len(".go")])
transformNameMethod = "noop"
stringerCompileAndRun(t, dir, stringer, typeName, name, transformNameMethod)
@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ func %[1]sValues() []%[1]s {
// Arguments to format are:
// [1]: type name
const stringsMethod = `// %[1]sStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func %[1]sStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_%[1]sNames))
copy(strs, _%[1]sNames)
return strs
// Arguments to format are:
// [1]: type name
const stringBelongsMethodLoop = `// IsA%[1]s returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
@ -57,8 +67,26 @@ func (g *Generator) buildBasicExtras(runs [][]Value, typeName string, runsThresh
// Print the map between name and value
g.Printf("\nvar _%sNameToValueMap = map[string]%s{\n", typeName, typeName)
g.printValueMap(runs, typeName, runsThreshold)
// Print the slice of names
g.printNamesSlice(runs, typeName, runsThreshold)
// Print the basic extra methods
g.Printf(stringNameToValueMethod, typeName)
g.Printf(stringValuesMethod, typeName)
g.Printf(stringsMethod, typeName)
if len(runs) < runsThreshold {
g.Printf(stringBelongsMethodLoop, typeName)
} else { // There is a map of values, the code is simpler then
g.Printf(stringBelongsMethodSet, typeName)
func (g *Generator) printValueMap(runs [][]Value, typeName string, runsThreshold int) {
thereAreRuns := len(runs) > 1 && len(runs) <= runsThreshold
g.Printf("\nvar _%sNameToValueMap = map[string]%s{\n", typeName, typeName)
var n int
var runID string
for i, values := range runs {
@ -75,15 +103,27 @@ func (g *Generator) buildBasicExtras(runs [][]Value, typeName string, runsThresh
func (g *Generator) printNamesSlice(runs [][]Value, typeName string, runsThreshold int) {
thereAreRuns := len(runs) > 1 && len(runs) <= runsThreshold
g.Printf("\nvar _%sNames = []string{\n", typeName)
// Print the basic extra methods
g.Printf(stringNameToValueMethod, typeName)
g.Printf(stringValuesMethod, typeName)
if len(runs) < runsThreshold {
g.Printf(stringBelongsMethodLoop, typeName)
} else { // There is a map of values, the code is simpler then
g.Printf(stringBelongsMethodSet, typeName)
var n int
var runID string
for i, values := range runs {
if thereAreRuns {
runID = "_" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
n = 0
} else {
runID = ""
for _, value := range values {
g.Printf("\t_%sName%s[%d:%d],\n", typeName, runID, n, n+len(value.name))
n += len(value.name)
// Arguments to format are:
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
github.com/pascaldekloe/name v0.0.0-20180628100202-0fd16699aae1 h1:/I3lTljEEDNYLho3/FUB7iD/oc2cEFgVmbHzV+O0PtU=
github.com/pascaldekloe/name v0.0.0-20180628100202-0fd16699aae1/go.mod h1:eD5JxqMiuNYyFNmyY9rkJ/slN8y59oEu4Ei7F8OoKWQ=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190311183353-d8887717615a/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190404132500-923d25813098 h1:MtqjsZmyGRgMmLUgxnmMJ6RYdvd2ib8ipiayHhqSxs4=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190404132500-923d25813098/go.mod h1:LCzVGOaR6xXOjkQ3onu1FJEFr0SW1gC7cKk1uF8kGRs=
@ -52,8 +52,16 @@ var goldenJSONAndSQL = []Golden{
{"prime", primeJsonAndSqlIn, primeJsonAndSqlOut},
var goldenPrefix = []Golden{
{"prefix", prefixIn, dayOut},
var goldenTrimPrefix = []Golden{
{"trim prefix", trimPrefixIn, dayOut},
var goldenWithPrefix = []Golden{
{"with prefix", dayIn, prefixedDayOut},
var goldenTrimAndAddPrefix = []Golden{
{"trim and add prefix", trimPrefixIn, trimmedPrefixedDayOut},
// Each example starts with "type XXX [u]int", with a single space separating them.
@ -95,6 +103,16 @@ var _DayNameToValueMap = map[string]Day{
_DayName[44:50]: 6,
var _DayNames = []string{
// DayString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func DayString(s string) (Day, error) {
@ -109,6 +127,145 @@ func DayValues() []Day {
return _DayValues
// DayStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func DayStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_DayNames))
copy(strs, _DayNames)
return strs
// IsADay returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Day) IsADay() bool {
for _, v := range _DayValues {
if i == v {
return true
return false
const prefixedDayOut = `
const _DayName = "DayMondayDayTuesdayDayWednesdayDayThursdayDayFridayDaySaturdayDaySunday"
var _DayIndex = [...]uint8{0, 9, 19, 31, 42, 51, 62, 71}
func (i Day) String() string {
if i < 0 || i >= Day(len(_DayIndex)-1) {
return fmt.Sprintf("Day(%d)", i)
return _DayName[_DayIndex[i]:_DayIndex[i+1]]
var _DayValues = []Day{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
var _DayNameToValueMap = map[string]Day{
_DayName[0:9]: 0,
_DayName[9:19]: 1,
_DayName[19:31]: 2,
_DayName[31:42]: 3,
_DayName[42:51]: 4,
_DayName[51:62]: 5,
_DayName[62:71]: 6,
var _DayNames = []string{
// DayString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func DayString(s string) (Day, error) {
if val, ok := _DayNameToValueMap[s]; ok {
return val, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s does not belong to Day values", s)
// DayValues returns all values of the enum
func DayValues() []Day {
return _DayValues
// DayStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func DayStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_DayNames))
copy(strs, _DayNames)
return strs
// IsADay returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Day) IsADay() bool {
for _, v := range _DayValues {
if i == v {
return true
return false
const trimmedPrefixedDayOut = `
const _DayName = "NightMondayNightTuesdayNightWednesdayNightThursdayNightFridayNightSaturdayNightSunday"
var _DayIndex = [...]uint8{0, 11, 23, 37, 50, 61, 74, 85}
func (i Day) String() string {
if i < 0 || i >= Day(len(_DayIndex)-1) {
return fmt.Sprintf("Day(%d)", i)
return _DayName[_DayIndex[i]:_DayIndex[i+1]]
var _DayValues = []Day{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
var _DayNameToValueMap = map[string]Day{
_DayName[0:11]: 0,
_DayName[11:23]: 1,
_DayName[23:37]: 2,
_DayName[37:50]: 3,
_DayName[50:61]: 4,
_DayName[61:74]: 5,
_DayName[74:85]: 6,
var _DayNames = []string{
// DayString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func DayString(s string) (Day, error) {
if val, ok := _DayNameToValueMap[s]; ok {
return val, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s does not belong to Day values", s)
// DayValues returns all values of the enum
func DayValues() []Day {
return _DayValues
// DayStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func DayStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_DayNames))
copy(strs, _DayNames)
return strs
// IsADay returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Day) IsADay() bool {
for _, v := range _DayValues {
@ -153,6 +310,12 @@ var _NumberNameToValueMap = map[string]Number{
_NumberName[6:11]: 3,
var _NumberNames = []string{
// NumberString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func NumberString(s string) (Number, error) {
@ -167,6 +330,13 @@ func NumberValues() []Number {
return _NumberValues
// NumberStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func NumberStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_NumberNames))
copy(strs, _NumberNames)
return strs
// IsANumber returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Number) IsANumber() bool {
for _, v := range _NumberValues {
@ -233,6 +403,17 @@ var _GapNameToValueMap = map[string]Gap{
_GapName_2[0:6]: 11,
var _GapNames = []string{
// GapString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func GapString(s string) (Gap, error) {
@ -247,6 +428,13 @@ func GapValues() []Gap {
return _GapValues
// GapStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func GapStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_GapNames))
copy(strs, _GapNames)
return strs
// IsAGap returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Gap) IsAGap() bool {
for _, v := range _GapValues {
@ -292,6 +480,14 @@ var _NumNameToValueMap = map[string]Num{
_NumName[10:12]: 2,
var _NumNames = []string{
// NumString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func NumString(s string) (Num, error) {
@ -306,6 +502,13 @@ func NumValues() []Num {
return _NumValues
// NumStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func NumStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_NumNames))
copy(strs, _NumNames)
return strs
// IsANum returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Num) IsANum() bool {
for _, v := range _NumValues {
@ -364,6 +567,14 @@ var _UnumNameToValueMap = map[string]Unum{
_UnumName_1[3:6]: 254,
var _UnumNames = []string{
// UnumString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func UnumString(s string) (Unum, error) {
@ -378,6 +589,13 @@ func UnumValues() []Unum {
return _UnumValues
// UnumStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func UnumStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_UnumNames))
copy(strs, _UnumNames)
return strs
// IsAUnum returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Unum) IsAUnum() bool {
for _, v := range _UnumValues {
@ -454,6 +672,22 @@ var _PrimeNameToValueMap = map[string]Prime{
_PrimeName[32:35]: 43,
var _PrimeNames = []string{
// PrimeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func PrimeString(s string) (Prime, error) {
@ -468,6 +702,13 @@ func PrimeValues() []Prime {
return _PrimeValues
// PrimeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func PrimeStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_PrimeNames))
copy(strs, _PrimeNames)
return strs
// IsAPrime returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Prime) IsAPrime() bool {
_, ok := _PrimeMap[i]
@ -537,6 +778,22 @@ var _PrimeNameToValueMap = map[string]Prime{
_PrimeName[32:35]: 43,
var _PrimeNames = []string{
// PrimeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func PrimeString(s string) (Prime, error) {
@ -551,6 +808,13 @@ func PrimeValues() []Prime {
return _PrimeValues
// PrimeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func PrimeStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_PrimeNames))
copy(strs, _PrimeNames)
return strs
// IsAPrime returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Prime) IsAPrime() bool {
_, ok := _PrimeMap[i]
@ -638,6 +902,22 @@ var _PrimeNameToValueMap = map[string]Prime{
_PrimeName[32:35]: 43,
var _PrimeNames = []string{
// PrimeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func PrimeString(s string) (Prime, error) {
@ -652,6 +932,13 @@ func PrimeValues() []Prime {
return _PrimeValues
// PrimeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func PrimeStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_PrimeNames))
copy(strs, _PrimeNames)
return strs
// IsAPrime returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Prime) IsAPrime() bool {
_, ok := _PrimeMap[i]
@ -734,6 +1021,22 @@ var _PrimeNameToValueMap = map[string]Prime{
_PrimeName[32:35]: 43,
var _PrimeNames = []string{
// PrimeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func PrimeString(s string) (Prime, error) {
@ -748,6 +1051,13 @@ func PrimeValues() []Prime {
return _PrimeValues
// PrimeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func PrimeStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_PrimeNames))
copy(strs, _PrimeNames)
return strs
// IsAPrime returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Prime) IsAPrime() bool {
_, ok := _PrimeMap[i]
@ -835,6 +1145,22 @@ var _PrimeNameToValueMap = map[string]Prime{
_PrimeName[32:35]: 43,
var _PrimeNames = []string{
// PrimeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func PrimeString(s string) (Prime, error) {
@ -849,6 +1175,13 @@ func PrimeValues() []Prime {
return _PrimeValues
// PrimeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func PrimeStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_PrimeNames))
copy(strs, _PrimeNames)
return strs
// IsAPrime returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Prime) IsAPrime() bool {
_, ok := _PrimeMap[i]
@ -947,6 +1280,22 @@ var _PrimeNameToValueMap = map[string]Prime{
_PrimeName[32:35]: 43,
var _PrimeNames = []string{
// PrimeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
func PrimeString(s string) (Prime, error) {
@ -961,6 +1310,13 @@ func PrimeValues() []Prime {
return _PrimeValues
// PrimeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
func PrimeStrings() []string {
strs := make([]string, len(_PrimeNames))
copy(strs, _PrimeNames)
return strs
// IsAPrime returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
func (i Prime) IsAPrime() bool {
_, ok := _PrimeMap[i]
@ -1013,7 +1369,7 @@ func (i *Prime) Scan(value interface{}) error {
const prefixIn = `type Day int
const trimPrefixIn = `type Day int
const (
DayMonday Day = iota
@ -1027,29 +1383,35 @@ const (
func TestGolden(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range golden {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, false, "")
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, false, "", "")
for _, test := range goldenJSON {
runGoldenTest(t, test, true, false, false, false, "")
runGoldenTest(t, test, true, false, false, false, "", "")
for _, test := range goldenText {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, true, "")
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, true, "", "")
for _, test := range goldenYAML {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, true, false, false, "")
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, true, false, false, "", "")
for _, test := range goldenSQL {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, true, false, "")
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, true, false, "", "")
for _, test := range goldenJSONAndSQL {
runGoldenTest(t, test, true, false, true, false, "")
runGoldenTest(t, test, true, false, true, false, "", "")
for _, test := range goldenPrefix {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, false, "Day")
for _, test := range goldenTrimPrefix {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, false, "Day", "")
for _, test := range goldenWithPrefix {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, false, "", "Day")
for _, test := range goldenTrimAndAddPrefix {
runGoldenTest(t, test, false, false, false, false, "Day", "Night")
func runGoldenTest(t *testing.T, test Golden, generateJSON, generateYAML, generateSQL, generateText bool, prefix string) {
func runGoldenTest(t *testing.T, test Golden, generateJSON, generateYAML, generateSQL, generateText bool, trimPrefix string, prefix string) {
var g Generator
file := test.name + ".go"
input := "package test\n" + test.input
@ -1076,9 +1438,14 @@ func runGoldenTest(t *testing.T, test Golden, generateJSON, generateYAML, genera
if len(tokens) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("%s: need type declaration on first line", test.name)
g.generate(tokens[1], generateJSON, generateYAML, generateSQL, generateText, "noop", prefix)
g.generate(tokens[1], generateJSON, generateYAML, generateSQL, generateText, "noop", trimPrefix, prefix)
got := string(g.format())
if got != test.output {
// dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()
// diffs := dmp.DiffMain(got, test.output, false)
// t.Errorf(dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))
t.Errorf("%s: got\n====\n%s====\nexpected\n====%s", test.name, got, test.output)
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import (
@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ var (
output = flag.String("output", "", "output file name; default srcdir/<type>_string.go")
transformMethod = flag.String("transform", "noop", "enum item name transformation method. Default: noop")
trimPrefix = flag.String("trimprefix", "", "transform each item name by removing a prefix. Default: \"\"")
addPrefix = flag.String("addprefix", "", "transform each item name by adding a prefix. Default: \"\"")
var comments arrayFlags
@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ func main() {
// Run generate for each type.
for _, typeName := range typs {
g.generate(typeName, *json, *yaml, *sql, *text, *transformMethod, *trimPrefix)
g.generate(typeName, *json, *yaml, *sql, *text, *transformMethod, *trimPrefix, *addPrefix)
// Format the output.
@ -312,18 +315,63 @@ func (pkg *Package) check(fs *token.FileSet, astFiles []*ast.File) {
func (g *Generator) transformValueNames(values []Value, transformMethod string) {
var sep rune
var fn func(src string) string
switch transformMethod {
case "snake":
sep = '_'
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(name.Delimit(s, '_'))
case "snake_upper", "snake-upper":
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.ToUpper(name.Delimit(s, '_'))
case "kebab":
sep = '-'
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(name.Delimit(s, '-'))
case "kebab_upper", "kebab-upper":
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.ToUpper(name.Delimit(s, '-'))
case "upper":
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.ToUpper(s)
case "lower":
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(s)
case "title":
fn = func(s string) string {
return strings.Title(s)
case "title-lower":
fn = func(s string) string {
title := []rune(strings.Title(s))
title[0] = unicode.ToLower(title[0])
return string(title)
case "first":
fn = func(s string) string {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(r)
case "first_upper", "first-upper":
fn = func(s string) string {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return strings.ToUpper(string(r))
case "first_lower", "first-lower":
fn = func(s string) string {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return strings.ToLower(string(r))
for i := range values {
values[i].name = strings.ToLower(name.Delimit(values[i].name, sep))
values[i].name = fn(values[i].name)
@ -334,8 +382,16 @@ func (g *Generator) trimValueNames(values []Value, prefix string) {
// prefixValueNames adds a prefix to each name
func (g *Generator) prefixValueNames(values []Value, prefix string) {
for i := range values {
values[i].name = prefix + values[i].name
// generate produces the String method for the named type.
func (g *Generator) generate(typeName string, includeJSON, includeYAML, includeSQL, includeText bool, transformMethod string, trimPrefix string) {
func (g *Generator) generate(typeName string, includeJSON, includeYAML, includeSQL, includeText bool,
transformMethod string, trimPrefix string, addPrefix string) {
values := make([]Value, 0, 100)
for _, file := range g.pkg.files {
// Set the state for this run of the walker.
@ -355,6 +411,8 @@ func (g *Generator) generate(typeName string, includeJSON, includeYAML, includeS
g.transformValueNames(values, transformMethod)
g.prefixValueNames(values, addPrefix)
runs := splitIntoRuns(values)
// The decision of which pattern to use depends on the number of
// runs in the numbers. If there's only one, it's easy. For more than
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type CamelCaseValue int
const (
CamelCaseValueOne CamelCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(CamelCaseValueOne, "camel_case_value_one")
ck(CamelCaseValueTwo, "camel_case_value_two")
ck(CamelCaseValueThree, "camel_case_value_three")
ck(-127, "CamelCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "CamelCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value CamelCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type FirstCaseValue int
const (
Male FirstCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(Male, "M")
ck(Female, "F")
ck(unknown, "u")
ck(-127, "FirstCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "FirstCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value FirstCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_first.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type FirstLowerCaseValue int
const (
Male FirstLowerCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(Male, "m")
ck(Female, "f")
ck(Unknown, "u")
ck(-127, "FirstLowerCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "FirstLowerCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value FirstLowerCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_first_lower.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type FirstUpperCaseValue int
const (
male FirstUpperCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(male, "M")
ck(female, "F")
ck(unknown, "U")
ck(-127, "FirstUpperCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "FirstUpperCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value FirstUpperCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_first_upper.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type KebabCaseValue int
const (
KebabCaseValueOne KebabCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(KebabCaseValueOne, "kebab-case-value-one")
ck(KebabCaseValueTwo, "kebab-case-value-two")
ck(KebabCaseValueThree, "kebab-case-value-three")
ck(-127, "KebabCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "KebabCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value KebabCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_kebab.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type KebabUpperCaseValue int
const (
KebabUpperCaseValueOne KebabUpperCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(KebabUpperCaseValueOne, "KEBAB-UPPER-CASE-VALUE-ONE")
ck(KebabUpperCaseValueTwo, "KEBAB-UPPER-CASE-VALUE-TWO")
ck(KebabUpperCaseValueThree, "KEBAB-UPPER-CASE-VALUE-THREE")
ck(-127, "KebabUpperCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "KebabUpperCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value KebabUpperCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_kebab_upper.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type LowerCaseValue int
const (
LowerCaseValueOne LowerCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(LowerCaseValueOne, "lowercasevalueone")
ck(LowerCaseValueTwo, "lowercasevaluetwo")
ck(LowerCaseValueThree, "lowercasevaluethree")
ck(-127, "LowerCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "LowerCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value LowerCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_lower.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type SnakeCaseValue int
const (
SnakeCaseValueOne SnakeCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(SnakeCaseValueOne, "snake_case_value_one")
ck(SnakeCaseValueTwo, "snake_case_value_two")
ck(SnakeCaseValueThree, "snake_case_value_three")
ck(-127, "SnakeCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "SnakeCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value SnakeCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_snake.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type SnakeUpperCaseValue int
const (
SnakeUpperCaseValueOne SnakeUpperCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(SnakeUpperCaseValueOne, "SNAKE_UPPER_CASE_VALUE_ONE")
ck(SnakeUpperCaseValueTwo, "SNAKE_UPPER_CASE_VALUE_TWO")
ck(SnakeUpperCaseValueThree, "SNAKE_UPPER_CASE_VALUE_THREE")
ck(-127, "SnakeUpperCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "SnakeUpperCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value SnakeUpperCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_snake_upper.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type TitleCaseValue int
const (
titlecasevalueone TitleCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(titlecasevalueone, "Titlecasevalueone")
ck(titlecasevaluetwo, "Titlecasevaluetwo")
ck(titlecasevaluethree, "Titlecasevaluethree")
ck(-127, "TitleCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "TitleCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value TitleCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_title.go: " + str)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import "fmt"
type UpperCaseValue int
const (
UpperCaseValueOne UpperCaseValue = iota
func main() {
ck(UpperCaseValueOne, "UPPERCASEVALUEONE")
ck(UpperCaseValueTwo, "UPPERCASEVALUETWO")
ck(UpperCaseValueThree, "UPPERCASEVALUETHREE")
ck(-127, "UpperCaseValue(-127)")
ck(127, "UpperCaseValue(127)")
func ck(value UpperCaseValue, str string) {
if fmt.Sprint(value) != str {
panic("transform_upper.go: " + str)
Reference in New Issue